If you could remake one movie....


You don't want it with me.
with any lead actor and actress, what would it be?

I would remake He-Man, starring John Cena. For one, he's about the muscled up actor not covered in tats. Secondly, he's been in shit movies, but he isn't a bad actor, and certainly no worse that Dolph Lundgren, who was He-Man in the first Masters of the Universe movie. The second choice would be Gerard Butler.

His love interest, the Princess She-Ra (not some spoiled American girl) would be played by Eliza Dushku. SHe has proven, over time, to be able to handle action scenes. She is athletic and beautiful.

Skeletor, who would have to be CGI, would be a bit tougher. For some reason, I think that Channing Tatum, from GI Joe, would do well in this part.

I would also want this movie to be closer to the cartoon. The first movie put a few of the characters in a preposterous situation. I would keep this in Greyskull, with no Americans, and use more of the characters than He-Man, Skeletor, and Man-O-War.
FTS, I must say, epic choice with Eliza! Faith Lehane FTW! Anyway onto my choice:

One of my all-time favorite movies is The Great Dictator, starring Sir Charles Chaplin. Don't get me wrong, the original is fuckin' amazing, and probably should remain untouched, but I'd like to see a slightly updated version, especially with this new burst of Nazi themed movies (might not be the best way to word it, but I'm sure you get my point). Movies like Inglorious Basterds, games like CoD.

Essentially, you'd have to find somebody who is as talented as Chaplin, with both the silent and voice acting. Who, o who could this man be? Let's look at the Buffy Cast for this one. They had the Episode Hush, in season four. During conventions, and in print, everyone talked about how hard it was, except one man. I'd like to introduce you to Anthony Stewart Head. As I've already said, he's comfortable in either silent or speaking roles. He could easily pull off the Role of the Barber, as well as the Hitler inspired charachter. He's got the comedic chops, evidenced by his role of Giles, and quiet honestly, he brings name recognition. Added on top of all this, he also studied Chaplins acting skills, or so he says.

So, there ya go, that's my selection. And, I stand by it.:lol:
Hmm... I'm not really a fan of remakes, but let's see if I can come up with 1 I'd really like to see.

Sitting here thinking, I remember a couple of weeks ago I made a statement in a similar thread where I said remakes should only be made for movies that could have been better, not for classics that stand the test of time. But I think I will have to go with a "classic" for my choice, as I feel it's the most overrated sports movie of all time. I'm talking about Hoosiers.

I'm sorry, but Hoosiers was boring and terribly acted. I think a modern-day version, however, with the right people and script would turn out to be fantastic. I mean, a serious movie about a bunch of white guys trying to play basketball has success written all over it. But like I said, it should be set in modern time, and I think the setting should be in a place like New York or New Orleans or Boston or something along those lines. You know, a big city where predominately white schools exist, and their competition would be top notch.

For the coach, I'd have to go with my favorite actor of all time of course to play him in Brad Pitt. With his charisma, charm, intensity... if the script is right, he could easily pull off one of the greatest motivational speeches in sports film history. As for the players... I guess I'd go for mostly unknowns. Outside of Zac Efron, I don't know much about the young actors today.

But yeah... that's my choice. I know Hoosiers is based on a true story and supposed to be in the 50s, but fuck that shit. Remake it for the times, and let's see how it turns out.
It's a mad, mad, mad, mad,world. Nonstop action for over 2 1/2 hours, from the opening car chase were after he crashes, the driver literally "kicks the bucket" to the crazy gas station scene, to the final chase and hospital ending, it's a great movie. The only problem would be if there are enough comedy actors to fill the roles.

It is a classic, maybe it shouldn't be remade.
First thing that came to mind was I'd remake I Am Legend with exactly the same cast but not fuck up the ending.
It's difficult to say really, I don't have a great memory for films that disappoint me. Day of The Dead would be up there. I'd like to have done what Romero wanted before his budget got massacred, and obviously hire better actors.

Ok looking at my rental list.

The Day The Earth Stood Still - Great idea, awful film, terrible ending.
Terminator 3 - For so so many reasons
Dorian Gray - So no trumped up little fuckwit screenwriter, high on coke and even higher on his own ego thought he could rewrite a classic.
with any lead actor and actress, what would it be?

I would remake He-Man, starring John Cena. For one, he's about the muscled up actor not covered in tats. Secondly, he's been in shit movies, but he isn't a bad actor, and certainly no worse that Dolph Lundgren, who was He-Man in the first Masters of the Universe movie. The second choice would be Gerard Butler.

His love interest, the Princess She-Ra (not some spoiled American girl) would be played by Eliza Dushku. SHe has proven, over time, to be able to handle action scenes. She is athletic and beautiful.

Skeletor, who would have to be CGI, would be a bit tougher. For some reason, I think that Channing Tatum, from GI Joe, would do well in this part.

I would also want this movie to be closer to the cartoon. The first movie put a few of the characters in a preposterous situation. I would keep this in Greyskull, with no Americans, and use more of the characters than He-Man, Skeletor, and Man-O-War.

Just because some actors have tats doesnt mean they cant be casted for a role that requires no tats what makeup is for!! ie. The Rock in Walking Tall! Gerard Butler is the better choice his performance in 300 would be enough to be over Cena out of the two Cena just has more muscle than him, just put Gerard back on the 300 workout and get him really tan and he would look big enough to play He-Man. Dont be to critical on Dolph who else back in 1987 could have played He-Man?? Plus he just burst on the scene with his Rocky 4 performance!
Solid choice with Eliza, shes been in my top 5 since Bring it on! Would have to consider Megan Fox since shes basically the it girl right now
Skeletor should be played by none other Dick Jauron head coach of Buffalo Bills lol!!! IMO Channing Tatum way to young to play the part, I Willem Dafoe is perfect for it not much makeup needed, seriously though he would be perfect!!
Keeping it more based around the cartoon would definitely help if it ever came back to the big screen, Battle Cat has to be in this one too with cgi Battle Cat would be beast!!
With the recent passing of Patrick Swayze, I think it is time to remake Red Dawn. Instead of Russia, we would need a new nation to take America over. I think it Is time Hollywood made China look like the nation to fear.
I would remake He-Man, starring John Cena. For one, he's about the muscled up actor not covered in tats. Secondly, he's been in shit movies, but he isn't a bad actor, and certainly no worse that Dolph Lundgren, who was He-Man in the first Masters of the Universe movie. The second choice would be Gerard Butler.

His love interest, the Princess She-Ra (not some spoiled American girl) would be played by Eliza Dushku. SHe has proven, over time, to be able to handle action scenes. She is athletic and beautiful.

Skeletor, who would have to be CGI, would be a bit tougher. For some reason, I think that Channing Tatum, from GI Joe, would do well in this part.

I would also want this movie to be closer to the cartoon. The first movie put a few of the characters in a preposterous situation. I would keep this in Greyskull, with no Americans, and use more of the characters than He-Man, Skeletor, and Man-O-War.

Without a doubt, He-Man would be the number one movie I'd like to see re-made...

1. I believe Sony just picked up the rights to a new live-action He-Man movie. From what I've read, it should be a re-boot with a darker, grittier feel (ie - Batman Begins) set in Eternia.

2. He-Man's love interest would not be She-Ra. She-Ra and He-Man are brother and sister. If there's a love interest, I think it would be Teela.

3. James Carville for Skeletor?? No CGI needed! :)

4. As a HUGE He-Man fan growing up, I would honestly rather not see any major stars in this one, save for maybe one or two older actors. If people are going to see this, it's not because so-and-so are in it; it's because they love He-Man.
I've always wanted to see a remake of Porky's. An up to date version which is even more raunchier. Maybe I could have Megan Fox as Mrs. Honeywell and maybe Gina Gershon or Marisa Tomei as Cherry Forever. Add a bunch of crazy characters like Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Bruce Reynolds, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, Will Ferrell and John C Reilly.

I also think it would be cool to do a CGI remake of Heavy Metal. The original not 2000. The original had great music and voices from known actors and comedians. The new version could have voices from Ben Stiller and Chris Rock. It could have music new and old, along with tons of adult violence and nudity of course.

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