If you could legally carry a gun...


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Would you? I mean, if they passed a law where ever you live that you could legally carry a firearm, would you?

I couldn't, because I can't damn see to shoot one, but if I could use one and it was legal, damn straight I'd have one.

I think there are a lot of assholes with guns out there, but I also think you have a right to fight back when some asshole tries to assault you.

Unfortunately, places like the NRA ruin it for everyone.

I think with a thorough criminal background check, and a psychiatric test, you should be able to carry a firearm.

There's a huge debate in this country right now on the definition of "right to bear arms."

I love those shows where they show real footage, and some 15 year old punk tries to rob a store, and the clerk puts a few bullets into him.

Criminals carry guns, be it legal or not. Why shouldn't we be able to match that.

Yeah, yeah, I know, if everyone had guns there would be too much killing and shit. But, the criminals DO have them, and politicians don't seem to care, so either make it where everyone can have one, or no one but the police can have them. It can't be both ways!

This would make a good chit chat thread actually.

Personally, I hate guns. I don't think anyone should be able to carry them. I honestly see little need for them. If you have a gun, you have the option of using it. If you don't have a gun, you can't.

The problem nowadays is, everyone has a gun anyway. So, should you carry a gun for protection? It's like a never ending circle.
I'd say no in general. Similar to what Becca stated, everyone already has a gun and too many people willingly use it for the dumbest of reasons.

I understand the need to protect those you love and the feeling that a gun is the most powerful option for protection you have, but the fact is.. what happens when you do buy the gun? Your child could run the risk of getting ahold of it, then one thing leads to another and a bad accident turns into more people blaming the dumbest of things on video games. :disappointed:

The thing regarding home protection, I get it.. but if you have your gun in a safe that only you & your Wife know the combination to.. what happens if someone instantly breaks in & you're sleeping? By the time they reach you, if they're frantically searching, they'll have you dead in mid turn of the combination lock. So thats pointless.

Overall, I think owning a weapon is stupid. Violence isn't the answer to violence.

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