If you could have a Super Power


Unregistered User
For those who didn't want to waste either of their 3 wishes on a super power in the other thread, you can do so here. :p

I'd love to be able to Apparate and Disapparate - yes, Harry Potter reference there. I mean it would be awesome to just picture the place that you want to go to, and actually do! And I'd also like to make sure that there'd be no possibility of botching so that things don't end up disastrous which means the 3 D's would have to be altered, since it stands for Destination, Determination and Deliberation. It would have to be 2 D's - Destination, Determination and Deliberation since I'd want to apparate and disapparate quickly. The biggest example as to why I'd like this super power is that if I were being chased down by a rapist or a pedophile, I could just disapparate and then apparate in my home, safe and sound. :3 Or even be sneaking around a place I shouldn't be and then suddenly end up somewhere else. It's pretty much like disappearing and appearing, only that you get to determine where you go.

So, if you could have a super power - what would it be?

Any particular reason why you'd enjoy having this super power?

This superpower obviously has little flaws. It would be absolutely awesome to be able to see people face to face without them being able to see you. You could see what your friends really think of you, or learn the deepest secrets America holds in Area 51. No one can see you. Sure there's a slight chance someone could reach out their arms and grab you but why would they? When's the last time you reached your arms out just to see if someone's there? Hell, an invisible person could be standing two inches away from you right now and you wouldn't know it.

The only flaw that I can see with invisibility is abusing the power. How many horny teenagers wouldn't hesitate to walk in the girl's locker room if they possessed such a power? Or how many of you would rob a bank if you had the power to be invisible? I know I would. I'd be damn rich if I had the power to be invisible. Just to fuck with people would be worth everything.
Magnetism, no doubt about it. I would say telekinesis but magnetism just seems cooler. The amount of stuff you could do is just sick. Nearly everything nowadays is made from some type of metal, you could wreak havoc if you chose to. Awesome.
Right now, either flying or teleportation would be pretty damn convenient. Seriously, do you know how much I'd save on transportation in a week alone when I go to school? Too lazy to do the math so I'll just say a lot.

As for having a superpower just for the hell of it though, I'd pick Force powers from the Star Wars series. Particularly the power to perform mind tricks on the weak minded. I know so many people like that, it would be just absolutely hilarious to mess with them and have them do my bidding.
Mind control. Really the most valuable thing I can imagine. Don't want to go out with me? Yes, you do. Don't think it's a good idea to surrender your billion dollar fortune to me? Sure it is. Don't want to fight to the death in my name? Of course you do. It solves all the problems, really. Its weakness lies in inanimate objects, which could not be controlled, but as long as being totally isolated in the middle of nowhere were avoided, this power would be quite invaluable.
I said this in the 3 wishes thread and I will say it again:

The power to freeze and unfreeze time at my disposal.

Just about every activity on this Earth would be made possible with time freezing. Like Hamler said, visiting the area 51 without the pesky guards to stop you would be fun. Other things like discovering like doing whatever you want to other human beings, being able to halt mistakes if you are fast enough, and most of all (for me) getting to watch backstage if I ever use it during a WWE event in which I am attending. I think I should just quote myself for the duration of the rest of this post, since that one is more descriptive.

Interesting topic.3. The ability to freeze time- This is VERY corny I know but let me explain in detail. Ever since I watched the film Click (2006) I have wanted the ability to freeze and unfreeze time when I desire to. Of course I would unfreeze time and continue my life when I freeze it eventually. The possibilities could be endless, I could walk to Burger King and get a free burger while the staff is frozen and time stands still. I could also draw enter area 51 with no resistance from federal guards. I could look at the hidden scrolls in the Vatican without being arrested by guards. I could freeze time at school and... see the anatomy of adolescent females. However most of all I could expand my lifetime, though not to an endless amount. If I never died than this Earth would be my eternal prison so I would not abuse the power. The best thing of all is that when I thaw time back to motion, no one would realize anything happened since it was stopped. To me that is the ultimate ability to have in life, well besides knowledge.
I think that a better question, is what would I do when I have my super power of choice?

For me, the answer of what power would I want is too easy. I'd be Technopath who could create anything from nothing withing seconds. I could easily create a freeze ray, a heat ray, or even an invisibility shield... I would have the brain power to make a suit that could deliver and endure more pain than humanly possible. A technopath is the only path.

But when it came down to it, I don't know if I could handle the responsibilities that would come with being a super hero. Do you know how annoying it would be to have everybody coming to you and saying "Save me! Save me!"... It's like Mr. Incredible said, "I just saved this town, can't it stay saved!"
Shape Shifting

There is no doubt that this would be the ultimate ability. Basically just becoming anybody you want. I could show up as George Clooney and get all the bitches instead of just trying to get in their head. I could pretend to be somebodies boyfriend and hook up with their girlfriends if I wanted to. I could be the president of the united states and launch a nuclear bomb.
Id like the power to turn back time. You know, if I could find a way?

There are so many things in life I look back at and say "Damn, I wish I had done that differently." That's not to say that the events that took place didn't lead to the life I have today, married and with a newborn daughter. But there's many things I would have avoided had I known the end results, and the hurt they caused others and myself.

I'm sure I would have wound up with the same overall outcomes, especially if I could turn back time selectively and change some of the decisions I made, or situations I got myself into. I could have just gotten to where I am in a much easier way! There are bridges I burned in my early 20's with friends, family, and female companionship alike that took me, at best, a long time to rebuild. Part of this wish is pure selfishness as well. There are decisions I made that if I had chosen a different way, I wouldn't have had to work as hard in certain situations the way I did.

In the end, it would be cool to go back and revisit certain areas of your life, already knowing the first outcome. The free will factor would be cool in knowing the outcome of certain choices, and being able to change that outcome to new, unrealized outcomes. Having that second chance/choice would make for a heck of an unpredictable life, even moreso then now. I think I'd like that.
Im going to continue the trend here and pick time manipulation.

For me time seems like something i never really have a lot of and it's something that's stopped me posting on this forum as much as id like to. Between college, my job, studying, socializing and traveling home every weekend i don't really have a lot of spare time unless im on holidays. However if i had that power i could just fast forward through boring lectures and pause coming up to exams to give myself more time to study.

If i had the power i would probably go back through history and observe historic moments for myself. I could go see woodstock, get to see any band live, any wreslemania, the wild west, renaisance Italy and more that i will probably end up thinking of later on.

Like LSN i would like to "do over" certain decisions ive made and things i did to see how they would change events in the future. There are a few things ive regretted doing or not doing and im sure a few of them would have knock on effects had things changed. I guess i would end up constantly re-doing certain events but with radical changes each time just to see how it would change the future, almost like groundhog day i guess.

Yeah i could have a lot of fun with that power.
I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet, but flying would be my superpower of choice.

Ever since I was young, flying has always fascinated me. From airplanes to how birds could levitate just by flapping their wings. Sure, it sounds tedious now, but still, flying fascinates me so much. And, imagine what you could do with the ability. ''Hey, Rohan, can you give me a lift?'' ''To where?'' ''To Canada.'' ''Yeah, we'll be there in two minutes.''

Would I use my superpowers for good or for evil? I probably would. I'd want a job at the police department chasing after suspects and then, I'd moonlight as a bank robber who gets into vaults by flying through the roof. Yeah, that'd be the life.
Id like the power to turn back time. You know, if I could find a way?

There are so many things in life I look back at and say "Damn, I wish I had done that differently." That's not to say that the events that took place didn't lead to the life I have today, married and with a newborn daughter. But there's many things I would have avoided had I known the end results, and the hurt they caused others and myself.

I'm sure I would have wound up with the same overall outcomes, especially if I could turn back time selectively and change some of the decisions I made, or situations I got myself into. I could have just gotten to where I am in a much easier way! There are bridges I burned in my early 20's with friends, family, and female companionship alike that took me, at best, a long time to rebuild. Part of this wish is pure selfishness as well. There are decisions I made that if I had chosen a different way, I wouldn't have had to work as hard in certain situations the way I did.

In the end, it would be cool to go back and revisit certain areas of your life, already knowing the first outcome. The free will factor would be cool in knowing the outcome of certain choices, and being able to change that outcome to new, unrealized outcomes. Having that second chance/choice would make for a heck of an unpredictable life, even moreso then now. I think I'd like that.

Excellent choice, that would be my second choice but for the sake of being original my next choice would be Super Strength.
Yep, the one that every kid wanted growing up reading marvel comics. There are alot of great super powers but having super strength always seemed so cool, and for someone in my profession it could come in handy. A fighter with super strength would be pretty tough to beat, hit em with one shot and the crumble and fall to the floor gasping for breath from a body shot or grabbing their jaw and after it's been busted by a super hard hook. You could help people in need, fight evil and be a legend, what's not to like?
Either this.

Mind control.

Or this.

Id like the power to turn back time.

And a combination of the two would be just perfect for me.

Let me start with mind control. As Harthan has already illustrated, you can have a perfect life that way, if you aren't troubled too much by the morality of what you are doing. You could sleep with the girl, or girls, you want. You could be rich. You could eat whatever you want. In a nutshell you could have the perfect materialistic life.

Time travel is for those who do not really seek the perfect life but a better life. Most of us have made a few mistakes in the past and I'm sure we think that our lives would be better had we not made those mistakes. I would like to rectify them.

In the end though, if I was given this choice I would probably not be able to decide. That is so because I don't know what's better, the perfect but immoral life, or just a similar but marginally better form of existence. I'd just possibly toss a coin to decide, probably.
To be honest I'd deeply enjoy the power to Move time at my will and a Mental Sheath that protects the body in any condition

Combination of two would allow me to go back and solve the mysteries like the birth of the cosmos, the pyramids. The origin of civilizations and their ruin. I would kill to see the dinosaurs and their demise. The possibilities and the thirst for answers are endless.
Let me start with mind control. As Harthan has already illustrated, you can have a perfect life that way, if you aren't troubled too much by the morality of what you are doing. You could sleep with the girl, or girls, you want. You could be rich. You could eat whatever you want. In a nutshell you could have the perfect materialistic life.

Sounds a bit rapey to me, if I have a super power it will be a mental shield to keep people like you out of my head.
For those who selected the ability to mess with time, are you talking about just witnessing past and future events for knowledge, or actually being able to interact with the past and future?

I would like to be able to time travel as well, but I think being able to directly manipulate events to alter the timeline is VERY dangerous. I don't think I could trust myself with that much power. Whether you want to compare it to the Butterfly effect or Back to the Future, I think conceptually, fucking with the timeline is a very bad idea, even if it means doing something that you think is for the better.

Instead, I would like to be able to visit the past and future in an unobtrusive manner, to allow me to witness things, learn, without actually interfering. I think even just knowing how events played/will play out gives you enormous power, without having to actually participate. I just want to know stuff. Watch the American Revolution as it happens, look in at the Constitutional convention to learn what they really thought, see if the real Anne Boleyn was even close to being as hot as Natalie Dormer portrayed her on the Tudors, that kind of thing. My motivation for time travel would be out of curiosity, instead of any desire to directly influence things so that I have an advantage. (although, I do have to admit, what Biff does in BTTF II with the Grey's Sports Almanac would be awfully tempting)
Well I was talking about witnessing all the scenarios I mentioned. As much as I would wanna change some things in my past or make an impression on world history, I just wanna witness so many events that have us all puzzled.
The ability to travel through time would be my superpower of choice. There's plenty of others that I think would be cool to play around with, but if I can only pick one then it's definitely time travel because then I could witness all sorts of historic moments with my own eyes, and even manipulate history to benefit my future or attempt to erase negative events from the past completely. Then in the present I could use it to retreat from complicated situations such as if I am being attacked or if I just plain don't feel like being there right now. A quick sarcastic "See ya!" and I teleport out into another time period. I'd have so much fun with that. Although over time (no pun intended) it might cause me to become arrogant and I'm sure my intentions might get twisted into trying to use it only for myself rather than helping people.
I'll suggest two:

1. I'll cover the 'why' first. Despite being a bit of a moral anti-realist, I've an altruistic streak. Therefore, I'd enjoy something of a healing factor—an ability similar to what Wolverine possesses but without the feral regression—that I could also activate in others via maintained physical contact. A supercharged "laying of hands" if you will.

2. Question specific omniscience. That is to say, the ability to correctly answer any question presented to me. Why? I suppose it's a more manageable and creative way to handle infinite knowledge.

Put 'em both together? I'm practically Jesus.
I'd love a combo of telekinetic/telepathic abilites (ala jean grey/Marvel girl for those who know of the X-Men).One one hand, I'd love to move shit with my mind. It'd have both its practical uses, and fun and mischeivous ones. On the other, I'd like to know what certain people really think of me, and what they think of others. And just what goes through peoples minds generally. And again, practical uses, and mischeivous ones. It's probably for the best I don't have that actually, I doubt I'd have the willpower to control it!

Also, I'd love to be able to teleport from one spot to another. Not ridiculous distances, only short range, but it'd be another fun, useful little gimmicky power to have.

Well, dunno about you guys, but I know whats going on my list to Santa next year...
Super-Human endurance. Imagine being able to sustain all sorts of abuse and still walk out in one piece. You never been mad by that car that cuts you off just as you're about to cross the street? Man, I'd love to be able to just get in the middle of the way put my foot down and wreck the damn thing simply because I'm more durable than the car.

Jump off buildings and land without ending up like an egg on a pan and being able to outlast anyone in a fight. And of course the perks of superhuman endurance also means I won't get tired easily. Or at all. I can do anything without ever getting tired. Run, fight, screw, swim, walk, screw, did I say screw?
Intuitive Aptitude. A super-person known as Sylar uses it. It is the power to be able to absorb any power and use it yourself. Why any of you never thought of this little gem is beyond me. Fucking hell it doesn't get any better than this superpower...Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

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