If WZ Was A Wrestling Company...

I don't talk to queers, nigs, and moslems. I am a man of courage and displine and stand by my beliefs and u can live your life just dont be near me and dont try to talk to me or borrow money and just I don't like having to share the same air and catch a germ from a gay black b/c they are different species and have so many diseases.

Oh, the hilarity!
I'm no longer talking in that If WZ was wrestling thread b/c Kip/Litas revenge ... those two homo *** its making attempt to harass and bully me isn't what that thread is about.

Kip, Lita and stickstar ... reeks of fagits in here.

LitasRevenge... I think this means we won lol.

This thread will be able to drag itself out the gutter now at least

Enterkey, Kip is a guy you hopeless *** it.

Don't you feel fucking stupid? And gay.

Don't you feel like an idiot though Jenks?? All this time you keep trashing me...and then you have the nerve to ask me for a picture of my feet? Talk about creepy....:wtf: I think we have another Snitsky here folks!!!
Just a heads up, I am actually male and straight... Nice to know you feel that way about me tho lol

I'm completely fine with it, I'd go gay for Crock, Rox, and my mentor SpoodBeest too. Besides Jenks if you notice around here there are a lot of pseudo gay comments thrown around by just about everyone, I guess you never got the memo. Whether or not I made the comment you'd eventually spout out from the mouth about how my supposed "fagit-tree" was goin all over the place. Its sad that out of all of my posts you choose that one to reply to and not any of the others that call out your bullshit, I guess you're a pussy when it comes to anything that isn't about "neggers" or "*** its"
If your really a girl

Do you have nice feet?

So what was up with that private message...huh Jenks?? talk about sick fetishes...jeez...
Thanks for killing an awesome thread idea from TDigs guys, really, so glad to see a thread with promise turn into another bitchfest between Jenks and other cage newbs, LORD KNOWS we have not seen enough of that ya know.
Thanks for killing an awesome thread idea from TDigs guys, really, so glad to see a thread with promise turn into another bitchfest between Jenks and other cage newbs, LORD KNOWS we have not seen enough of that ya know.

I was testing him out to see if he was worth anything, after all the hype I was hoping for something better but yesterday proved otherwise.
Most of you saying "I'd put over" are lying. If you had the top spot, you wouldn't do nothing to jeprodize it. You'd Hogan or Cena it up. You'd do what Cena and Orton do, use each other to bury everyone else and keep the spotlight on youshelves.

If I had top spot, I'd put over someone undeserving who was only going to fail with the push like a Samoa Joe/Evan Bourne type guy b/c that way I know they can't handle the top spot and the fans are all going to want me back and/or appreciate me more seeing how bad things can get.

So I guess I would have to put over Slyfox696. He is underrated and has ton of upside.

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