If WZ Was A Wrestling Company...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
and you were its biggest star, which poster would you put over/do the honors for? You can only pick ONE poster (although it's okay to say that "I can't choose between these three of four guys").
Remix comes to mind, though there are quite a few I would do the honors for.
I wouldn't put anyone over. I'd be best friends with the most senior member of the company,marry the bosses daughter,stay in the title picture,keep any potential competition on the b-show and bury any foreign talent on the a-show while staying relevant even though everyone my age has moved on. Then after a couple of years I'd re hash an old stable, but make it kid friendly yet nostalgic of the attitude era at the same time in order capture the hearts of all the people who hated my guts from 1999-2007 because I know it's most likely my dying days in the main event picture.

Was that too specific?
I could always pull an Al Snow, and have a match with myself. Put myself threw a table, hit myself with a garbage can. Stuff like that.
I'm not sure I could pick between Scotty, INDYJon, or Crock. All three are some of my favorite. If I had to pick one though it would be INDYJon.
I'd do the job for NorCal, but I'd only let him get with a roll up. I'd beat him a couple of months later clean. Then he'd get busted for drugs and leave the forums for a lesser one.

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