If we're reviving factions....


Getting Noticed By Management
The last version of Paul E Dangerously’s the Dangerous Alliance in WCW had Rick Rude, the US Champ, Arn Anderson and Larry Zbysco who became tag champions, Stunning Steve Austin, the television champion, Bobby Eaton and Madusa (you used to have females as serious parts of a stable). They did have a bit of a run, maybe not as long as expected, but decent.

If the Dangerous Alliance was to be established in today’s WWE, who would be in it and how would you book them?
Hmm Ok Us champ slot is Caesaro
Tag Team Brodus and Damien Sandow
Lower card guy Zak Ryder
Female Natalya
Have Nattie as not just as women's champ but also Valet/Enforcer for Zak
Caesaro is being built to be a world run....
Brodus as a serious thug and make this team a Brain and Brawn type
If you have Caesaro take the world title you can have him Bestow the Us title on Zak
The last version of Paul E Dangerously’s the Dangerous Alliance in WCW had Rick Rude, the US Champ, Arn Anderson and Larry Zbysco who became tag champions, Stunning Steve Austin, the television champion, Bobby Eaton and Madusa (you used to have females as serious parts of a stable). They did have a bit of a run, maybe not as long as expected, but decent.

If the Dangerous Alliance was to be established in today’s WWE, who would be in it and how would you book them?
If we are Strictly doing a what if Paul Heyman Faction (which can be found everywhere)

Cesaro Us/IC title guy
-We already know Cesaro will be pushed to the top he will get the most chances for everything.

Kofi and Cody Rhodes for the next Tag Team champs
-Honestly these two guys move and flow very well in the ring. Yes i know Cody should be a world heavy champ and Kofi is captain mid card but besides that these two guys as a team anywhere else would be legit. This would hinder Cody from breaking out but it would help kofi in a character change...Cody as a heels is sooo good and kofi has always been Sliver Standard Shelton Benjamin. Ad Heyman on the mic gold

-Still kinda green to me she looks 17 but hey Paul could help her be a Eve Torres type Diva

And Lastly Corey Graves
He fits the model for a ECW paul Heyman Guy...he fits the look of a Mr. Phil Brooks...yes I know if heyman couldn't help Ryback or axel who fail Graves but honestly that's the risk of it all for a new guy.

I mean you throw Guys and teams into this but everyone else on the roster has a spot defined.
If we are Strictly doing a what if Paul Heyman Faction (which can be found everywhere)

Cesaro Us/IC title guy
-We already know Cesaro will be pushed to the top he will get the most chances for everything.

Kofi and Cody Rhodes for the next Tag Team champs
-Honestly these two guys move and flow very well in the ring. Yes i know Cody should be a world heavy champ and Kofi is captain mid card but besides that these two guys as a team anywhere else would be legit. This would hinder Cody from breaking out but it would help kofi in a character change...Cody as a heels is sooo good and kofi has always been Sliver Standard Shelton Benjamin. Ad Heyman on the mic gold

-Still kinda green to me she looks 17 but hey Paul could help her be a Eve Torres type Diva

And Lastly Corey Graves
He fits the model for a ECW paul Heyman Guy...he fits the look of a Mr. Phil Brooks...yes I know if heyman couldn't help Ryback or axel who fail Graves but honestly that's the risk of it all for a new guy.

I mean you throw Guys and teams into this but everyone else on the roster has a spot defined.

Corey Graves, good choice. I would throw The Usos (as heels, of course) instead of Kofi B. Ware and Rhodes into the mix. They behaive, look and feel like a real tag team.
Just create a proper "Heyman Family", Heyman Guys Crew or something. More interaction between them, like Ryback&Axel while they were Heyman guys. I know Lesnar is not there most of the time, but there is Cesaro to interact with other possible members of the crew. Paige or AJ would fit well as Heyman gals........
If they did a complete "Paul Heyman Guys/Girls" faction, I'd start it up around the first of next year or late this year so that all of the various players are there.

Brock Lesnar - It seems likely that, at some point, Lesnar will be challenging for the title. If they want Lesnar as WWE World Heavyweight Champion or challenging for the title during WrestleMania season, have him return at the Royal Rumble to either defeat the champion there or to win the Royal Rumble match itself to earn his spot.

Cesaro - By late this year to very early next year, I expect that Cesaro will be either IC champ, US champ or he'll be the one to unify both titles if WWE decides to go in that direction. If he's with Heyman by December and isn't carrying a title, then I'd say they've lost faith in him.

The Ascension - I'd bring The Ascension up from NXT and have them represent the group from the tag team perspective. They're not established, but that'd sort of be the point since they're a couple of very hungry guys looking to make names for themselves. With Heyman as their "advocate", they'd gain instant credibility in the short term and it'd be up to them to establish themselves in the eyes of the fans.

Paige - I have a feeling that WWE will put more focus on the "Anti-Diva" aspect of Paige's character as time goes by and the fans become more familiar with her. The fact that she isn't tanned, bubbly, blonde and/or doesn't work her body like a pole dancer is a big part of what got her noticed and over in NXT. It's what brought her to the dance down there, so having such a different look and mentality can definitely help establish her in the long run.

These four being in the ring with Heyman and Lesnar simultaneously would be a fun sight, in my opinion. Lesnar has the star power, Cesaro has this aura of potentially being this strong upper mid-card champion who'll make his way occasionally into the main event picture, and The Ascension & Paige would have this sense of containing a mixture of the young & hungry new faces but with a much darker image and mentality. They could all benefit from being a Heyman Guy or Girl.
If they did a complete "Paul Heyman Guys/Girls" faction, I'd start it up around the first of next year or late this year so that all of the various players are there.

Brock Lesnar - It seems likely that, at some point, Lesnar will be challenging for the title. If they want Lesnar as WWE World Heavyweight Champion or challenging for the title during WrestleMania season, have him return at the Royal Rumble to either defeat the champion there or to win the Royal Rumble match itself to earn his spot.

Cesaro - By late this year to very early next year, I expect that Cesaro will be either IC champ, US champ or he'll be the one to unify both titles if WWE decides to go in that direction. If he's with Heyman by December and isn't carrying a title, then I'd say they've lost faith in him.

The Ascension - I'd bring The Ascension up from NXT and have them represent the group from the tag team perspective. They're not established, but that'd sort of be the point since they're a couple of very hungry guys looking to make names for themselves. With Heyman as their "advocate", they'd gain instant credibility in the short term and it'd be up to them to establish themselves in the eyes of the fans.

Paige - I have a feeling that WWE will put more focus on the "Anti-Diva" aspect of Paige's character as time goes by and the fans become more familiar with her. The fact that she isn't tanned, bubbly, blonde and/or doesn't work her body like a pole dancer is a big part of what got her noticed and over in NXT. It's what brought her to the dance down there, so having such a different look and mentality can definitely help establish her in the long run.

These four being in the ring with Heyman and Lesnar simultaneously would be a fun sight, in my opinion. Lesnar has the star power, Cesaro has this aura of potentially being this strong upper mid-card champion who'll make his way occasionally into the main event picture, and The Ascension & Paige would have this sense of containing a mixture of the young & hungry new faces but with a much darker image and mentality. They could all benefit from being a Heyman Guy or Girl.

While I understand, I don't think that Cesaro gains anything by being with Paul Heyman. In fact, I think that Cesaro's stock has decreased substantially the last 3 weeks as a Heyman guy.

But, I like the idea of Paige and even Ascension being with Heyman.

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