If the titles are being Unified What does this mean for the Night Of champions PPV?


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So I was just thinking if the titles get unified then there will only be 4 titles (WWE, IC, Tag and Women's) because supposedly they are getting rid of the United States title which sucks but night of champions will only get 4 matches on the cards which would also suck. so what I'm asking you people is do you think they'll scrap the PPV or keep it thus meaning leaving the U.S. title and somewhat bringing in another belt like the European title?
They could bring back the Cruiser/Light weight title. Evan Bourne, DB, MVP, Yoshi, etc. could be feuding over it. It doesn't seem like it would last until NOC that they have all 4 titles united, it seems like by then at least 1 of the titles would split again
I can see them debuting a new Mid Card title. i hope they keep both world title's other wise we will only see HHH, orton, Cena, somtimes Edge and Undertake, and sheamus always in the would title picture, just look at the WWE title picture always crowded by the same people so say good bye to the new talents on smackdown getting title shoots oh and say goodbye to the slightest chance of Matt Hardy and Christian getting a world title shot. But NOC might be scrapped next year due to only having the 4 titles. or just 4 45 minute matches.
I see it fading away and quite frankly I am happy. It is basically an excuse to stick crappy fueds on the pay per view between wrestlers who have no reason to be on the pay per view
I mean due to the format we have seen such great matches ideas as
Women's matches between subpar wrestlers
Tag Team Titles against make shift teams like SGT Slaughter and Superfly, Hardcore Holly in a handicap match
and really crappy matches with rushed fueds.
First off, this would be a huge mistake by WWE. If you think people are tired of seeing the same people in the title pictures now, wait until theres only one title. No new stars will be made, and you'll see the same 5 or 6 top guys in the title hunt every month. Too many multi-man title matches now? This could be the reality on almost every PPV. Scary thought.

I dont understand the logic for getting rid of the US Title either. They just need to take it off the Miz. It was an afterthought when he was a Unified Tag Champ, and it's an afterthought now that he's Mr Money In the Bank. how about putting it on someone who will, I dont know, defend it more then once every 6 months? The title has served as nothing more then a prop for him, and its rich history deserves so much more.

As for the Intercontinental Title, there is a glut of Smackdown Superstars who could be in the hunt for this one.(The same could be said for the US if it was ever defended.) Kofi, Ziggler, Rhodes, Christian, Mcintyre, Del Rio, Hardy, and others all could be in the mix, and have darn good matches in the process.

as for xthe PPV, one would think they would have to do away with it As is, they only have 6 matches on the card, and eliminating 2 titles would bring them down to four. What are they going to do, have a 45 minute women's title match?

I can understand the argument that the less titles there are, it would raise the prestige o them. But it would also do away with the idea of seperate brands, as the champion, and its challenger(s) would be appearing on both shows. So not only would this affect the NOC PPV, it would affet what's left of the brand split as well. While there's valid arguments to be made for eliminating the titles, such as xincreasing prestige, adding more traditional feuds, etc., WWE is shooting themselves in the foot by eliminating the titles. Eliminate the titles, you eliminate the PPV.
Likely going the way of the dodo bird. Why? Becuase now every PPV will be Night of champions, since there will only be 4 titles to defend. Hello.
First off, this would be a huge mistake by WWE. If you think people are tired of seeing the same people in the title pictures now, wait until theres only one title. No new stars will be made, and you'll see the same 5 or 6 top guys in the title hunt every month. Too many multi-man title matches now? This could be the reality on almost every PPV. Scary thought.

I dont understand the logic for getting rid of the US Title either. They just need to take it off the Miz. It was an afterthought when he was a Unified Tag Champ, and it's an afterthought now that he's Mr Money In the Bank. how about putting it on someone who will, I dont know, defend it more then once every 6 months? The title has served as nothing more then a prop for him, and its rich history deserves so much more.

As for the Intercontinental Title, there is a glut of Smackdown Superstars who could be in the hunt for this one.(The same could be said for the US if it was ever defended.) Kofi, Ziggler, Rhodes, Christian, Mcintyre, Del Rio, Hardy, and others all could be in the mix, and have darn good matches in the process.

as for xthe PPV, one would think they would have to do away with it As is, they only have 6 matches on the card, and eliminating 2 titles would bring them down to four. What are they going to do, have a 45 minute women's title match?

I can understand the argument that the less titles there are, it would raise the prestige o them. But it would also do away with the idea of seperate brands, as the champion, and its challenger(s) would be appearing on both shows. So not only would this affect the NOC PPV, it would affet what's left of the brand split as well. While there's valid arguments to be made for eliminating the titles, such as xincreasing prestige, adding more traditional feuds, etc., WWE is shooting themselves in the foot by eliminating the titles. Eliminate the titles, you eliminate the PPV.
They could just have 3 ironman matches, and 1 normal divas match, and it would still be a 3 hour PPV that only goes over by a few minutes ;) But there would be no way that they could do a NOC since it is one of the bigger PPV's like that. It would have to run really short, or they run some sort of tourney at the PPV to decide who the #1 contender is
unfortunately the ppv by name would have to fade out. unless you add a no. 1 contenders match, maybe a 4-man tourney...but really that would be JUST to add matches. so a rename/reformat might happen.

as for unifying all titles, i'm sorta for it? but looking back: jack swagger, sheamus, kane, etc. wouldn't have their runs if that was the previous case. swagger and sheamus needed those runs to elevate them from mid to main. if this change goes through, tht mid-card might be done.
you know i have yet to read where anything possibly thinks this is the WWE's way of slowly working Raw and Smackdown back into ONE BRAND! I mean if theres only 4 or 5 titles there can only be one champion each, so i mean it makes absolute sense that this is why there unifing all the titles. With smackdowns lagging numbers and new feuds desperatly needed, this would be great. It was huge back in the day, and yes i know most will complain that some stars wont get pushes, but dont you remember when there were awesome feuds that didnt have a title involved.... one for example, was The Outlaws vs Cactus Jack and Terry Funk, or Ahmed Johnson and Farooq (though there were was a bit with the IC title involved). Hell look at some feuds now... CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio just recently was excellent... and no titles involved...The potential is there to make this a one brand show... and i for one, am ready for change!!!
I kinda like the idea of Unifying the titles.I know some people have their reasons to not agree.Well these are my reasons why they should:

When you watch RAW now, you barely see title defenses then before
EX.(I've watched RAW for 6 weeks straight now and The Miz has defended the U.S title not once nor have the tag-titles been).
Now just imagine a pay-per-view with the titles unified.
Bigger and Longer matches, more talent gets a chance at the titles due to the fact that RAW and Smackdown have to share the titles, and you dont waste money on pay per views that has 2 min matches.

Oh yeah, I don't see Night of Champions happening if they unify all titles
4 titles, 3 hours:not worth my money.
i HATE the idea of unifying all the titles and i hope WWE learns that's a DUMB idea too. First off this is WWE, not TNA. There is too much talent to not have 2 world titles and 2 midcard titles. As for The Miz not defending the US title, just wait until Daniel Bryan takes it from him. When he does the US title will be back and it will be known as it should. I dont like the idea of unifying all the titles. First off, if you unify the World and WWE title, that means CM Punk can kiss any push he wants goodbye. IF they did unify the WWE and World title though, it wont be as bad as unifying the US and IC title considering that having only 3 male championships means VERY less pushes. Daniel Bryan, Kaval, Alex Riley, guys like that are coming to the main roster hopefully soon, how are they going to win any titles when guys like Christian or Kofi will be after the IC title? WWE needs to keep both the US and IC titles and i think the WWE title and World title shouldnt be unified, BUT it wouldnt be bad if they did unify them. IT however would be bad if they unify two mid card titles. As for the Tag Titles not being defended much. Well, the titles will be defended when tag team wrestling starts being used in WWE. The Dudebusters, The Gate Crashers, the SES are top tag teams and they are rarely seen, not to mention, they dont pair up good tag teams like they did. Hopefully McGuillicutty joins the RAW roster soon and pairs with Ted Dibiase.
If a unification of the WWE title and WHC, the Intercontinental and US title, and Diva and Womens title is in store, along with the already combined Tag titles...do you think we might see sort of an end to the brand extension?

I don't see how this could work unless you do combined the brands. What about matches? Every week we are supposed to believe that the GMs agreed that talent can come and go to other brands as they please to challenge for titles? It could help push talent but I agree that you are only going to see the same people in the picture.

As far as NoC is concerned, if they combined all the titles into 4 titles, there would be no need for a Champions PPV. The titles would be more fitted in the Bragging Rights PPV.
Um, just because the PPV is named Night of Champions, doesn't mean it has to be ONLY title matches.

If you look at the PPV schedule, the WWE has 3 PPVs scheduled in a 5 week period. Night of Champions on 9/19, Hell in a Cell on 10/3, and Bragging Rights on 10/24. What they could do in the future is make Night of Champions a 2 hour special on cable TV (Maybe commercial free?) like WCW used to have and make Hell in a Cell the September PPV next year.

As far as unifying the titles goes, I don't think it would greatly affect the shows. They could do #1 contenders matches, and use the PPV to showcase matches that need extended time (like they gave HBK and Taker the past 2 Wrestlemanias)
It'll prolly be changed, though it is possible to keep the PPV, just have to do something along the lines of say Iron Man Match for the WWE/WHC title, a Scramble for the IC/US title, Women's title could be about anything since nobody really gives two fucks about it anyway, & just do something like a 4 corners elimination or Tag Team Turmoil match for the tag titles, they could also start treating the MITB title shot more like a title and possibly start having it defended at NOC as well, so it would be possible for them to keep the PPV they would just have to be a little more creative in the types of matches they use, and how they use the matches
I don't see how this could work unless you do combined the brands. What about matches? Every week we are supposed to believe that the GMs agreed that talent can come and go to other brands as they please to challenge for titles? It could help push talent but I agree that you are only going to see the same people in the picture.

They could (dare I say it) steal an idea from TNA, and set up some sort of ranking system, which WWE pretty much already does with the Power 25, but unlike TNA they could actually put a little more thought into it and a little better execution
Firstly if this was to happen (which I'm not completely convinced of) then NOC would fade out. No way are you getting just 4 45 minute matches at a ppv, even 4 30 minute matches and a load of promos. It also could spell the return of a King Of The Ring, which in many respects is a title in itself. An argument for another thread perhaps...

Anyway what this actually would mean is that the brands would no longer be split, and you'd get a lot more feuds which would just be "grudge" feuds really, which is fine by me as some of my favourite feuds ever didn't involve a title (Bret Hart and Stone Cold back in late 96 through to 97 being one of those). A title seems to be used as the fuel to fire most storylines nowadays so as a result I'm sure this potential unification will mean better and more creative stories and if anything more mic and match time for people like Evan Bourne, Swagger, Kofi Kingston, The Nexus guys such as Gabriel and Slater and anyone else on the midcard so that the fans can really buy into these people rather than just shoving them into a title match after a few wins on raw/smackdown and calling it a push.

Also this unifaction will bolster the tag division as well, with less singles titles I'm sure we'll see "jobbers" get pushed as legitimate tag teams, they've already started with Santino and Koslov and as long as it's decent tag wrestling it's fine by me.

However I DON'T think they'll go with this as much as I'd like them to, mainly because I lack faith in the current WWE writing team nowadays to be able to write so many different storylines which don't involve a title at it's core, let alone decent ones that fans can buy into.

Anyway the reason I do hope they go with this and my final point, Wrestlemania next year! This makes the possibility of an Undertaker V Cena match very very likely which to me is very exciting and though it may not make for a classic of the Shawn Michaels v Taker mould, the feud building up to it will be very interesting if they decide to run with this and could end with Cena turning heel at Wrestlemania.

Long post, sorry! Feel free to disagree :)
First of all, unifying the WWE and WHC titles is a good idea. There should only be one guy at the top. Back in the day, the IC champ was looked at as the #1 contender for the WWE title, but his championship commitments kept him often from being in the title picture.

And so, they should keep the US and IC titles. Let them be their respective show's top title. The WWE champ can defend on both shows. Let women's wrestling be featured on one program and tag team wrestling on another.

Everyone complains about the tag division being lame, but how could it possibly be good when you have to scatter the division across two programs?

So with NOC like this, you'd still have 5 title matches. Plus montages that they air before the matches. that can easily fill 3 hours.
I like the NOC concept. I also like the idea of ONE World title. I'd be just fine with both the IC and US Titles staying though.
Maybe we could get longer matches? You know, like more than 5-10 minutes. I'm not fn of short Championship matches. I feel that if you're the champ, and the other dude is the guy most deserving of the title shot it shouldn't be less than 15 minutes. And I think that's really low too.
Sorry. *steps off soapbox*
So to repeat I think keep the NOC, have longer matches. Throw a #1 contenders match on there as well. NOC never claimed to be ONLY championship matches, just the night where all titles are defended.
Didn't read all posts so if this is redundant....I didn't read all posts so...
If the titles were all unified there would really be no need for NOC as there would only be four titles. Chances are the four title will probably be defended at every PPV. Essentially that would mean every PPV is NOC.

I don't think the titles should be unified. We can all understand why the women's and divas title should be unified but there is really no excuse in unifying the other titles. The fact is titles make stars and with less title then there would be less stars.
Let me start off by apologizing if this post gets a little ranty. I'm not in a good mood today...

This is possibly one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard! WWE is going to overload us with stupid ass gimmick pay-per-views and the only one we have a reason to care about will most likely be replaced just because they want unify all the titles (I'll probably rant on how ******ed a move that is in the thread dedicated to it later)

Seriously, we have to deal with a TLC ppv where there's a chairs match. What in the bluest of fucks is a chairs match!? A submission themed ppv whose name is lost on me because of how completely forgettable it is. How in the hell are you going to have a submission ppv when up until this year you have had only one man actually winning by submission. That man of course is John Cena, who should never be on the card because we all know HE WILL NOT QUIT! He only yells it tens times a week like a drunken boxcar hobo.

Then we have to deal with a ppv themed after Hell In A Cell. So instead of what is supposed to be the most brutal match in WWE history and the culmination of a long and personal feud, it's a gotdamn throwaway gimmick match including tag teams going at it. And don't even get me started on Fatal Fourway. Really? Fatal Fourway? That's honestly the best you could come up with WWE?

Then there's Bragging Rights. A ppv so that one show can win..... wait for it... bragging rights over the other show. Oh yeah and some ugly ass trophy. Even the most unevolved of troglodytes can see that whenever RAW and Smackdown! go at it, the blue brand will always come out on top so the B show won't look so bad compared to the A show and the guys there can say "Yea we're on the B show but we beat the A show so please watch the B show."

Now we have Night of Champions. The one decent gimmick ppv in a literal shitstorm of gimmick ppvs. For one night and one night only, all the championships must be defended. This isn't even common at WrestleMania the biggest show of the year. All 7 championships
Oops, ran out of characters there. Where was I? Oh yeah...

All 7 championships are up for grabs and we're practically guaranteed a title change. Every champion needs to prove why he or she deserves their title and actually defend it which many have not been doing lately. It's the best new ppv concept they have going.

But no, let's dwindle down the championships to 4 so only less than a handful of guys can shine at one time and there aren't enough belts to fill out a whole card with title matches.

Just the consequences of a dumbass move on WWE's part. I'm sure "creative" will find 7 and a half more gimmick ppvs to replace it with. We still have yet to see Triple Threat, Lumberjack, and Boiler Room match The Pay-Per-Views!
i never really thought about the PPV but i expect it to be scapped maybe bring back an old PPV like Judgement Day, Backlash, Breaking Point, No Mercy the list goes on. It seems WWE want things to go back to the 80s-90s huh?
Really the idea of unifying the Diva titles is actually a good idea. I do not agree with unifying the Mid Card titles. They are there for a reason, to actually make the midcard matter! WWE is stacked with guys who will one day become World Champions but with only the Intercontinental Title up for grabs for them then it just doesn't make sense.

As for Night of Champions the concept was great since it's beginning. With just 4 titles it would mean that this ppv is over or they work some way around its gimmick, which I have no freaking idea how they will do so. Unless they're actually going to introduce something new to the company to make everyone stand out or they improve their booking so much that the titles don't really matter as J.R. would say, this is going to be a disaster!
You just made me realise that they may bring an old title back so they could have atleast 5 championships. I am talking about none other then the Cruiser weight championship. They could bring this title back in an epic match of Evan Bourne vs Rey mysterio in a LADDER match! This would be awesome.

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