If someone invented a time machine, what event would you go to?


Awesome! Some scientist have developed an awesome state of the art time machine! The first of it's kind. The problem is each person can only use it once! You can only use it to go to a wrestling event, and the time machine can take you back as far as 60 years, or as recent as the year 2000. This time machine is free of charge, and for a limited time only you can have the time of your life. So what event will you go to? Will it be an event during the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's or 2000?

Personally I would chose to go to AWA SuperClash III just to see Jerry Lawler vs Kerry Von Erich! I couldn't imagine getting to see the two legends go at it. Of course I've watched it. But being there, I bet I'd pass out. I'd also get to see a young Jeff Jarrett. I'd also get to see the three Guerrero's take on Mick Foley(as Cactus Jack) and two other guys I couldn't care less about. I'd also get to see Jimmy Valiant who was and is a legit bad ass. He just wrestled his retirement match a week or two ago. He would wrestle Wayne Bloom who some of you might know from the early 90's WWF as Beau Beverly from the Beverly Brothers tag team. Another huge deal for me would to be able to see a Gagne wrestle. Vern Gange of course was the owner of AWA and his son Greg wrestled Ron Garvin, the referee/wrestler in the WWF who always used to fight the wrestlers in the match. Another two of my favorites, Sgt. Slaughter and Col. DeBeers had some a army match.

Overall it was just a great card, with plenty of good wrestling, and if I had the chance to go back to see it live, I'd sure would. So, what even would you go to? Why?
Great thread! Why the limitation to the year 2000? Given the choice I would want to be in attendance to see Chris Benoit win the World Title from HBK and Triple H. However, if I'm following your rules...Wrestlemania III hands down. The obvious reason is Hogan vs. Andre, but also because of Steamboat vs. Savage, one of the greatest matches of all time. Bob Orton, King Kong Bundy, Harly Race vs. the Junkyard Dog, Pipper's retirement match, Koko B. Ware, The Hart Foundation, Jake Roberts vs. Honky Tonk Man, and the Dream Team! Such an amazing event! THe success of Wrestlemania III not only created Survivor Series by necessity, but created the highest rated shows in history with rematches of Hogan vs. Andre.

I don't often watch classic wrestling, but being in attendance Wrestlemania III would be perfection... Other choices would be to see the original HBK vs. Jericho match, or the HBK vs. Bret Hart Ironman match. The Stone Cold vs. Bret Hart match would also be a classic that I would love to see... SO MANY CHOICES!
i would go back to kansas city, may 23rd 99, over the edge, and stop owen hart from doing that stunt, so i woud change history and see the king of harts where he truly belonged - in the main event!!
I would have went back and been in attendence at Wrestlemania 17, because it is the best Wrestlemania out of all 26 so far. But since, you go past 2000, I guess I'll choose being in attendence for Wrestlemania 12. The IRON MATCH between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. I just think it would have been something very enjoyable to be in attendence for and how cool it would be to see Shawn coming down from the rafters. That would be insane and would reake of awesomeness. I have never been to a Wrestlemania but I have always wanted to so it would be a dream come true.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2781969 said:
Great thread! Why the limitation to the year 2000? Given the choice I would want to be in attendance to see Chris Benoit win the World Title from HBK and Triple H. However, if I'm following your rules...Wrestlemania III hands down. The obvious reason is Hogan vs. Andre, but also because of Steamboat vs. Savage, one of the greatest matches of all time. Bob Orton, King Kong Bundy, Harly Race vs. the Junkyard Dog, Pipper's retirement match, Koko B. Ware, The Hart Foundation, Jake Roberts vs. Honky Tonk Man, and the Dream Team! Such an amazing event! THe success of Wrestlemania III not only created Survivor Series by necessity, but created the highest rated shows in history with rematches of Hogan vs. Andre.

I don't often watch classic wrestling, but being in attendance Wrestlemania III would be perfection... Other choices would be to see the original HBK vs. Jericho match, or the HBK vs. Bret Hart Ironman match. The Stone Cold vs. Bret Hart match would also be a classic that I would love to see... SO MANY CHOICES!

Great choice. The reason I set the limit to 2000, is because I wanted this thread to be about things that you really couldn't have seen on TV, or at least not recently. I didn't want people to talk about the Pay-Per-View last week. Just keeping it with in old school limits.

i would go back to kansas city, may 23rd 99, over the edge, and stop owen hart from doing that stunt, so i woud change history and see the king of harts where he truly belonged - in the main event!!

Easy way out, but an honest answer. That was a horrible day in wrestling history, and I don't think that day get's remembered enough. It'd be great to be able to stop him from doing that stunt, but do you think he would listen?

I would have went back and been in attendence at Wrestlemania 17, because it is the best Wrestlemania out of all 26 so far. But since, you go past 2000, I guess I'll choose being in attendence for Wrestlemania 12. The IRON MATCH between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. I just think it would have been something very enjoyable to be in attendence for and how cool it would be to see Shawn coming down from the rafters. That would be insane and would reake of awesomeness. I have never been to a Wrestlemania but I have always wanted to so it would be a dream come true.

I've never been to a wrestlemania either, but like you said it would be a dream come true. Watching The Heartbreak kid and The Hitman wrestle for over an hour would be great. Then, seeing it go into over time would be that much cooler. This was the even where a young Triple H got beat by The Ultimate Warrior in like 2 minutes. Also, a younger Stone Cold wrestling at the event, although I can't quite remember who he wrestled. Stone under his Ringmaster gimmick wasn't to bad. The main event was really all that wrestlemania 12 had to offer, but it was a great main event.
Wrestlemania III would be my top choice. Honorable mention would go to WM X, WrestleWar '89, The Memphis event from 1988 when Lawler beat Curt Hennig for the AWA title, and the Great American Bash 1989.
I know you said 2000 is the limit, but I am gonna go back to 31st December 2000 and then sit and wait til the summer for WWF Invasion 2001

This event meant so much to me, I was a HUUUUUGE wrestling fan at this point, and to me this was the greatest time in the business. I didnt miss a second of any WWF programming, and also had got into WCW as that was shown on Channel 5 in England, and also ECW which had been on Bravo for a while. I used to borrow all my friends videotapes and literally watched wrestling all the time.

So I was so excited when I found out that Shane McMahon had brought WCW wrestlers into the WWF and marked out even more when RVD and Tommy Dreamer arrived and Paul Heyman announced the arrival of ECW into the feud. It was awesome.

I know alot of the BIG name WCW guys were not involved in the Invasion, but ECW had all their biggest stars, with the former ECW guys like Rave, Rhyno, Credible, Dudleys etc all defecting to the Alliance. As a huge Mike Awesome, Raven and RVD fan it was great to see these guys on WWF TV and I loved every minute of the storyline.

Looking back now I wouldnt have wanted Angle and Austin to defect, but at the time I was shocked as hell to see Stone Cold turn his back on the WWF and join WCW, it was really a shocking moment for me. Overall the PPV was great, it could have been better but as I have always been a fan of the "Invaders" storyline, with a group trying to take over the company like the nWo did, or Immortal are doing in TNA right now, to see all 3 major promotions on 1 PPV, and to see wrestlers such as DDP, RVD, Mike Awesome, Booker T etc all going up against WWF opponents was a great moment.

I miss those days
I know you said 2000 is the limit, but I am gonna go back to 31st December 2000 and then sit and wait til the summer for WWF Invasion 2001

This event meant so much to me, I was a HUUUUUGE wrestling fan at this point, and to me this was the greatest time in the business. I didnt miss a second of any WWF programming, and also had got into WCW as that was shown on Channel 5 in England, and also ECW which had been on Bravo for a while. I used to borrow all my friends videotapes and literally watched wrestling all the time.

So I was so excited when I found out that Shane McMahon had brought WCW wrestlers into the WWF and marked out even more when RVD and Tommy Dreamer arrived and Paul Heyman announced the arrival of ECW into the feud. It was awesome.

I know alot of the BIG name WCW guys were not involved in the Invasion, but ECW had all their biggest stars, with the former ECW guys like Rave, Rhyno, Credible, Dudleys etc all defecting to the Alliance. As a huge Mike Awesome, Raven and RVD fan it was great to see these guys on WWF TV and I loved every minute of the storyline.

Looking back now I wouldnt have wanted Angle and Austin to defect, but at the time I was shocked as hell to see Stone Cold turn his back on the WWF and join WCW, it was really a shocking moment for me. Overall the PPV was great, it could have been better but as I have always been a fan of the "Invaders" storyline, with a group trying to take over the company like the nWo did, or Immortal are doing in TNA right now, to see all 3 major promotions on 1 PPV, and to see wrestlers such as DDP, RVD, Mike Awesome, Booker T etc all going up against WWF opponents was a great moment.

I miss those days

1997-2002 was a great period in the WWF all together. You had like you said the invasion story line which may be the best in wrestling history. But you also have Mankind, Triple H, DX. This whole time period was filled with some of the best wrestling ever. I know that 5 year span is a bit long, but towards the end you have men like Brock Lesnar being managed by Paul Heyman, and you had The dudleys and Edge and Christan, and Kane when he was actually intimidating. Another aspect of the Invasion is the genius of Vince McMahon. He doesn't get enough credit, but the decision he made to buy out WCW and ECW turned his product into pure bad ass'ism in 2001 and into about 2004 when most of the guys from WCW and ECW started leaving the WWE. Vince really knew what he was doing. Great choice though with going back to the invasion. What was your favorite event from the Invasion ere?
I'd LOVE to go to WrestleMania X and see Owen Hart beat his older brother Bret at Madison Square Garden. The first wrestling event I ever saw was SummerSlam 1994 and I loved it so much that I backtracked and studied the feud beyond the promo that they gave during the pay-per-view. Today, Bret Hart is my favorite wrestler of all-time and if I had this time machine there is no question I'd be at the garden watching him put over his little brother and win the title on the same night
I would take that time travel machine and go back to the WHOOP ASS ERA! Id go to the Wrestlemania where it was Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Shawn Michaels with special guest referee The baddest man in the planet Mike Tyson.. this was Stone Colds First WWF World Heavy Weight Championship win ........ but of course, you all already knew that. ( just like Alberto Del Rio would say.)
The Monday Night Raw that ECW/WCW invasion angle all began. Paul Heyman, Stephanie McMahon joining forces to battle. It was very unique to see the WCW guys that came over and ECW Alumni all in one ring with Paul Heyman as their voice. I was stoked on the night it all happened and thought it was going to lead to many people what was going to happen next, unfortunately the rest of the angle was booked poorly and it lead to a disappointment... BUT on the night it began it was exciting
i would go back to kansas city, may 23rd 99, over the edge, and stop owen hart from doing that stunt, so i woud change history and see the king of harts where he truly belonged - in the main event!!

parkycjp...very well said.

As far as an event to be a mere observer of, I choose WM VI from the Skydome in Toronto. Yes the "Ultimate Challenge!" The hype surrounding this event was enough to make me choose it.

But besides the main event, this event was filled top to bottom w/legends. I was a huge Demolition fan, and it would have been a real honor to see them defeat Haku and Andre for the tag titles.

Roddy Piper (with his body painted half black) beating Bad News Brown...classic!

Mr. Perfect losing to Beefcake.
Dusty Rhodes beating the Macho Man.
The Hart Foundation beating the Bolsheviks
Million Dollar Man beating Jake Roberts.
The Big Bossman defeating Akeem.
Rick Rude Over Snuka!

Plus the Rockers, Bobby Heenan, the Barbarian, Earthquake, Jim Duggan, & Dino Bravo.

A hell of a card!
Awesome thread!

I started watching wrestling in 1997 when I was a little kid. If there was a time machine, I'd go back to 1990 most probably so that I could be the age I am now and understand more about the Monday Night Wars which I didn't really know about back then. I only really knew that WCW and WWF were rivals. I stopped watching every week in 2006 because I thought it had become extremely stale and I wasn't a fan of seeing Batista in the main event doing this routine week in and week out.

If I was to turn back time to go and see one event, it would have to be WrestleMania X-Seven. That WrestleMania had the most electric vibe that I can recall of any other event and it was just a great show from start to finish. Being able to see the Benoit/Angle match live in person would've been awesome and plus I've never been to a WrestleMania event in my life - though I'm planning on making a trip to WrestleMania 28 next year.
I don't think I'd travel back too far in time. I would probably go back to Wrestlemania 18 in Toronto, to be there live to see the Rock versus Hollywood Hulk Hogan. The atmosphere was absolutely electric, the noise was deafening, and we got to see a classic match evolve right before our eyes, where heel and face basically flip-flopped right before our eyes, at least to some degree, much to the surprise of the WWE, and even the wrestlers themselves. This match was prabably Hogan's final match of any real relevance, and it did not disappoint.
I think I would go back to 1997 and watch the Montreal screwjob in person. I'd also abuse my knowledge of what happened to place some bets.
I would go back to 1992 and witness the Bret Hart/Davey Boy Smith match LIVE!
The one and only time an IC Title match headlined a PPV, and it was well worth it.
I was 12 years old at this time and remember renting the PPV on VHS........oh what a classic match!
I would go back to 1992 and witness the Bret Hart/Davey Boy Smith match LIVE!
The one and only time an IC Title match headlined a PPV, and it was well worth it.
I was 12 years old at this time and remember renting the PPV on VHS........oh what a classic match!

That was the 1992 summerslam wasn't it! I've read about and watched some of it. I know that it had one of the largest crowds in wrestling history. Shawn Michaels wrestled Rick Martel and The Ultimate Warrior wrestled Randy Savage for the World Championship, but that wasn't even the main event. Like you said the Intercontinental Championship match with Smith and Hart headlined it. Great match I'm sure, I aught to look that up and watch it. Great choice!
I'd either go back to the screwjob to witness it in person, tell everyone it was going to happen, then gloat when it did - OR - I'd go back to the night Scott Hall crossed the line and came to WCW. I'd pretend to be as shocked as I was when I watched it at home. Great thread by the way.
how dare u come up w/ such a great topic and make me pick ONE event!!! ahaha. damn, thats a tough tough question. warrior/hogan at WM 6 would b epic to witness live, as well as wembleys SS. who wouldnt wanna see mick fly off the cell at KOR 98? Guess if i HAVE 2 pick one it would be WM 12, 2 see shawn and bret in the greatest match of alltime.
1997-2002 was a great period in the WWF all together. You had like you said the invasion story line which may be the best in wrestling history. But you also have Mankind, Triple H, DX. This whole time period was filled with some of the best wrestling ever. I know that 5 year span is a bit long, but towards the end you have men like Brock Lesnar being managed by Paul Heyman, and you had The dudleys and Edge and Christan, and Kane when he was actually intimidating. Another aspect of the Invasion is the genius of Vince McMahon. He doesn't get enough credit, but the decision he made to buy out WCW and ECW turned his product into pure bad ass'ism in 2001 and into about 2004 when most of the guys from WCW and ECW started leaving the WWE. Vince really knew what he was doing. Great choice though with going back to the invasion. What was your favorite event from the Invasion ere?

I agree, wrestling was at its best from 1997-2002, when for most of that time period Vince had to keep on his toes and actually put some effort into his product in order to compete with, and then eventually defeat WCW in the ratings war.

However, the Invasion itself only occured after Shane had bought WCW from under Vince's nose in 2001, and I believe Mike Awesome was the first WCW guy to invade, arriving unnannounced at MSG and taking the Hardcore title from Rhyno....unless DDP revealing himself as Sara's stalker was the first?? I am not 100% sure.....

If I had to pick one event, it would be the Invasion PPV itself as the show to watch in the time machine, but one individual event that made the most impact on me was the moment when Dreamer and RVD crashed the match between WCW and WWF guys, and the WWF locker room emptied to rush down to the ring and defend their brothers...however, allthe guys who came out were former ECW wrestlers, and also defected to the Extreme promotion, with Paul Heyman announcing that "This Invasion....just got taken....to the EXTREME!"

A truly mind blowing moment for me at the time, I absolutely love it
Wrestlemania 3

Just the atmosphere alone would be awesome. Also seeing one of the greatest matches of all time: Steamboat/Savage for the IC title.
I was lucky enough to be there for some pretty awesome moments(WM 13 for Bret/Austin, RAW for Jericho's debut, and a few years earlier the Nitro w/'1,004 holds' also by Jericho), and there's been some great moments listed thus far, so I'll try something else.

Summerslam 92, Bret vs. Bulldog.(With enough money to afford a great seat because Wembley is huge)

Caught this on Youtube the other day. Bret documented in his book that Davey Boy was pretty high, but the match still looked brilliant as hell. Also, that was one of the sickest pops I've ever heard.
King of the Ring 1998. I can only imagine what it was like to witness that Hell in a Cell match in person. Must of been absolutely surreal to see Mick fall 20 feet off the top and the atmosphere would of been incredible. Also, the bragging rights to being there live would be huge. I'd love to able to claim I was there in person to witness the most famous wrestling match all time (arguably).
If someone invented a Time Machine, and could only go back to a Wrestling event, well I have a few events I would love to go back to and see live in the front row, camera view. (Can I make some bets first to get some cash, like betting $100,000 on every single Superbowl, Stanley Cup Finals, NBA Finals, and World Seires?? Hello, McFly!!)

The first event I would love to go back to is WM XIX. Without going into crazy detail, this was my favorite PPV of all time.

The second event I would love to go back to is WM XV. Maybe because it was the only WM in Philly and the closest I got to a WM. Maybe because it was Austin / Rock I, the greatest rivalry in WWE History. Maybe because it was the first and last time we saw the DX Army at WM. Either way, I want to go there.

The third event I would love to go back to is Vengeance 2001. This was “Night of Champions” before there was a Night of Champions. Every Title was on the line, well almost. The European Champion, Christian, was in a Tag Team match. I’m not sure where the Cruiserweight Champion, Tajiri was at the time. The Hardy Championship (Lita) was on the line with Jeff and Matt in a match. Of course, the rest were actual Title matches. The 3 match Main Event Tournament is why I would take the trip back into time. Over time, those four Superstars turned out to becoming my Top 4 Superstars of all time.

Other events I would like (not love) to see are pretty much all of the other NWA, WWE, WCW, ECW, and TNA PPVs. Why not, it’s a time machine, right??
I would love to watch the Team WWF vs The Alliance: Winner Take All Match! Those days, I used to watch WWF/WWE just because I was addicted towards The Undertaker, Kane, The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin! I was just 6 when I watched that one! I watched it on TV though. I have that match footage and I still feel goosebumps when I see the winning moment. If someone invented the Time Machine, I would love to watch that match live!

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