If only they could have one finisher.

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
So I don't feel like making a long thread tonight because of a long day but here is something interesting. Basically some superstars have multiple finishers at once and I'm asking what you'd rather have for the superstar.

John Cena-AA or STF
Undertaker-Last Ride or Tombstone
Orton-RKO or Punt
Swagger-Gutwrench Powerbomb or Ankle Lock
Chris Jericho-Codebreaker or Walls of Jericho
Kofi Kingston- Boom Drop or Trouble in Paradise
Ziggler- Sleeper Hold or ZigZag
CM Punk-Andaconda Vice or GTS
Michael Cole(for fun)- Ankle Lock or hin on the Mic.

My Picks
John Cena-AA or STF
Undertaker-Last Ride or Tombstone
Orton-RKO or Punt
Swagger-Gutwrench Powerbomb or Ankle Lock
Chris Jericho-Codebreaker or Walls of Jericho
Kofi Kingston- Boom Drop or Trouble in Paradise
Ziggler- Sleeper Hold or ZigZag
CM Punk-Andaconda Vice or GTS
Michael Cole(for fun)- Ankle Lock or hin on the Mic.
John Cena-STF
Orton- Punt
Swagger-Gutwrench Powerbomb
Chris Jericho-Walls of Jericho
Kofi Kingston- Boom Drop
Ziggler- Sleeper Hold
CM Punk- GTS
Michael Cole(for fun)- JR.
Thanks for replying. If you have any other finishers you'd like to add please do.

I was thinking

Rock-People's Elbow or Rock Bottom
Rock - Rock Bottom

Edge- Spear or Edgecution(not even sure if that's his back up, guy has to many fucking moves)
Big Show- KO Punch or Chokeslam
AJ Styles - Styles Clash or Spiral Tap
Jeff Hardy - Twist of Hate or Swanton Bomb
Sheamus - Brough Kick or Celtic Cross

Edge- Edgecution (OR anything, but the spear and the sharpshooter)
Big Show- Chokeslam
AJ Styles - Spiral Tap
Jeff Hardy - Swanton Bomb
Sheamus - Celtic Cross

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