If Kurt Angle Would've Stayed In 2006...

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What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
...would the wrestling landscape be the same as it turned out to be?

The Chairman speaks on Kurt Angle

August 28, 2006

On Friday afternoon, WWE and Kurt Angle came to a mutual agreement on an early release from Angle's contract. Several WWE Superstars have given WWE.com their reactions to Angle's release, and on Monday afternoon, WWE.com spoke with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon about it as well.

"It's unfortunate that Kurt was released, and it's really unfortunate for the WWE fans who, for a while at least, won't see Angle in action," the Chairman told WWE.com. "(Angle) is a consummate professional; obviously he's a great athlete, and he's the only Olympic Gold Medalist in WWE history. Not to have Kurt with us is really unfortunate all the way around...but circumstances were such that Kurt should have been, and was, granted his release."

However, McMahon also said that Angle's success has come at a price, and that price is part of what led to his situation.

"Kurt has a history of being one of the greatest athletes that America has ever seen. It's no secret that even when Kurt won the Olympic Gold Medal, he did so with a broken neck," he said. "Kurt has been dealing with that pain, and the advancement of that pain, as well as other injuries. He had been dealing with that injury since he won the gold medal; he had been masking it in many ways just so he could go out and compete. Kurt only knows 100-percent; he is not one of those guys who can go out and compete at an 85-percent level. He just cannot do that; he's a thoroughbred. He has to go as fast, and as great, and as strong as he possibly can; that's the only way Kurt Angle knows."

The Chairman also confirmed that the door is always open for Angle to return if and when he is able.

"WWE would certainly welcome Kurt back with open arms," the Chairman affirmed. "I think Kurt has some issues he has to face, as we all do from time to time. We all have our demons, and as human beings, it is important for us to overcome them and become better human beings, athletes and business people."

Now clearly, all this is, is a hypotheses thread. But please keep it as close to reality as possible. When Angle was released back in 2006 most of us were in a state of semi-bewilderment as noone even had a clue this was coming. He was still one of the top dogs performing at his best in the then ECW. He was the back bone on which that brand was supposed to be built. His promos were intense and the big match feel that he brought to ECW was all but necessary for any kind of success. I still remember JR confirming his release on Raw and even then it felt like an...angle.

Superstars shocked at Angle's release
BY MICHAEL COLE August 27, 2006

One word describes what WWE superstars and officials are feeling over Kurt Angle's release late last week from World Wrestling Entertainment: SHOCK.

"I was shocked, I just couldn't believe it," said former World Champion Rey Mysterio. "I go back a long way with Kurt, and this has really affected me. I hope he can get his issues straightened out. We all have issues with this lifestyle because it's not easy. I hope he keeps plugging away because I'd love to see him in the ring again someday."

ECW representative Paul Heyman, who has known Angle for years says, "This is the best thing for both parties. Kurt has spent his entire life driven to be the best at what he does. Kurt's body, however, could no longer preform to the level that he envisioned for himself. (Kurt) was prepared to drive himself into an early grave simply to live with himself striving to be No. 1. This is a recipe for catastrophe, and taking time off to get his mind and body in sync is the only way to deal with these issues."

Former World Heavyweight Champion Batista says he's shocked as well. "I know Kurt is passionate about wrestling, so for this to happen, something must be going on. I am worried about him; I hope he's ok."

Longtime friend and ECW producer Dean Malenko says, "This is a big loss. Kurt is irreplaceable. He goes 130-percent every night; he's one of the best wrestlers I've ever seen. People have to worry about their life first, and Kurt needs to get his head straight and get himself happy."

Chavo Guerrero says he still can't believe Kurt and WWE have agreed to part ways. "He's a machine; there has to be something else going on."

When told Angle was so banged up that he admitted he couldn't enter a wrestling ring without using prescription pain killers, Chavo said, "This isn't ballet. We all get banged up, but Kurt's a different animal; he doesn't know how to downshift into a lower gear. I wish him the best, I respect him and Kurt always has the Guerreros in his corner."

Ken Kennedy says, "I'm shocked, but I'm happy Kurt's doing what's right. He's been in a lot of pain, and hopefully this decision saved his life. It sucks because Kurt is good for this company. He's the most intense wrestler I have ever seen."

Will Kurt Angle ever return to a WWE ring? Only time will tell if the six-time champion can get his head and body back to where it needs to be. If and when that time comes, WWE Vice-President of talent relations John Laurinaitis says the door will always be open.

"We look forward to doing business with him again. Kurt is a great athlete and an even better person. He will be missed."

Kurt however then did go on to voice negative words towards his ex-employers. I recall him saying when he asked for a break, Vince said " You can rest on the road." Or something of that effect. Reading up on this, it was clear, that Kurt was hurt. Physically, because of the injuries and mentally shook-up coza all that substance abuse was catching up to him. He always seemed like the perfect specimen who could do no wrong and have no fault. I think Chavo puts it best when he says 'Kurt doesn't know how to shift to a lower gear'. A man who prides himself on being the absolute best was not slowing down, but he wanted to. But if Kurt had taken VKM's advice, worked out a lighter schedule till he healed, where would the following years lead upto?

Would Kurt have gone to rival Cena or Batista as THE guy at some point?

Would Angle have ended the streak? (I implore you all to read about this speculation as well, but not draw concrete conclusions)

But biggest of all,

Would he even be alive and well?
I see it 1 of 2 ways.

1.) After the Benoit situation he'd go on to fail drug test after drug test, and either strike out 3 times and be released, or eventually leave like Hardy.


2.) End up dead.

His addictions at the time had the best of him, Kurt's confirmed that on many occasions. I do wish Kurt had never left WWE, and wish he was still there today. But unless WWE was willing to give him all the time off he needed, which Kurt also confirmed that they weren't, then the release was the only way to save his life, and at the time, his marriage. I'd like to think Kurt will return to WWE one day, maybe on a Shawn Michaels, TV and PPV only, type schedule. But as time goes on.. that seems less and less likely.
There is already a thread in another section asking us do we fear for Kurt Angle today, and the general consensus is yes, and that is WITH him leaving the vicious WWE schedule.

Now, to answer your questions...

No, I don't think that Angle would have gone on to rival Batista and Cena as THE guys in WWE. He would have been the obvious choice had he been in his early 20s and fit and healthy, but by 2006 Angle was so banged up and addicted to painkillers that he ended up getting released for his own good. If Vince McMahon was willing to release one of his TOP guys, he must have been very worried for him. There is no way he would have been willing to get behind Angle as he did with Cena and Batista.

Would he be alive? Questionable. Plenty of wrestlers have died in the last few years from their drug problems, and Angle was unable to compete without painkillers, so he had (maybe still has?) serious issues. With a lighter TNA schedule and less travelling he has been able to continue to perform to a high standard but if he had remained in WWE, I could only see his injuries and personal issues getting worse.

I would not have been surprised at all to see Kurt Angle end up dead, and that is something I really do not want to have occur. Kurt is a legend, and leaving with full-time gruelling WWE schedule was best for him and his health.

I would love to see him return for a final, short run before retiring with his health intact. However, I could see him being a Ric Flair, never properly retiring and badly injuring his already wrecked neck in a match.
The best case scenario would have been to have given Kurt the time he needed to properly recover from his many injuries at the time. It could have also been used as a time for him to drop his dependancy on pain killers as he would have had the time for the pain to heal naturally.

With that being said, he could have easily been written off tv at or around SummerSlam back in 2006. Then he could have had the rest of that year and the beginning part of 2007 to recover. I could then envision him being ready for WM23. It would have been a boost as Trips missed that show due to injury. A fully healthy and recharged Kurt could have been in just about any match on that card. As much as I would like to put him in one of the title matches, those were two great matches and should be left alone. He would have come in handy in the McMahon/Trump storyline as he could have been used as Vince's guy instead of Umaga. A match between Lashley and Angle would have been fantastic and Kurt could have pushed Lashley like he should have been. Then following the event you can have McMahon blame Kurt for making him bald, have some comical moments with Jurt trying to convince Vince that bald is cool. This would ultimatly lead to Kurt becoming a face after coming back as a heel. As a face once more he could be involoved in either title picture moving forward.
He would be in the exact same spot he is now in. Top guy of whatever wrestling brand he chooses.

Kurt Angle hasnt slowed down at all(Wrestling and drug wise). Hes still a machine and has done some crazy stuff in TNA over the years since. The only difference is he has less travelling. Which is great, but worst case scenario is if he stayed on with WWE is he wouldve had to take time off from injuries and quit using drugs as much(or hide them much better).

And then he would of got the same kinda deals shawn, taker and triple h got. Its kurts fault he didnt stay longer. WWE wouldve budged more if he pushed them. Instead he said "Screw it", ill just go to TNA.
If Kurt Angle had stayed in WWE at the rate he was going, he would have been dead by the end of 2006. The way I always heard it was that WWE granted his release with the expectation that he would take some time off, relax, heal and then come back to work for them.
I had read Angle's pain killer problem was real bad at that time. I imagine he wouldn't have made it too much longer. If he would have stayed alive, I am sure the drug testing would have caught up with him. Kurt is a local hero of mine, and always wished he would have retired, and taken care of himself. At least with Tna he doesn't have all the travel. If he stayed in WWE I don' think it would have been good at all.

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