If Jeff Hardy Was At Wrestlemania 24


Dark Match Jobber
Now That Jeff Hardy is in TNA, after leaving WWE last year i started wondering if he would have been at Wrestlemania 24 would he be there today. We all kno back at the beginning of 2008 he got suspended, and wasn't able to be at Wrestlemania.

I Think that if he was at 'Mania 24 he would have won the Money In The Bank Match (that he was scheduled for until he got suspended) and later cashed it in on Randy Orton after he won the Triple Threat match. So then he would have re-started his feud with Orton, or maybe started a feud with John Cena.

Soo I Wanna know what you guys think would have happened with Jeff's career if he was at Wrestlemania 24 and what would have happened with him at that Wrestlemania.
LMAO man I was just about to make a thread like this, but you beat me to it. To answer your question I would have to say yes he would still be in the WWE because he would have won the MITB. I say this because he would have had a longer time in the main event and would have been the WWE champion instead of the World Champion, which is in my opinion the higher ranked title in WWE. Hardy would have never left because he would have grown into a solid main eventer on WWE' s A show RAW. He would have had more people watching him because we all know most people watch RAW over SD! anyway, so he would have grown accustomed to all the stardom and fame and the fans cheering Hardy. Most importantly he would have been a bigger star than he was and would have had top feuds with Orton, HBK, Cena, Batista, Etc. Although this could have been it was not, but at least we got the greatest heel in awhile thanks to Hardy. CM Punk
You should be asking, "What if Jeff Hardy wasn't a dopefiend" man. I mean the red carpet was all ready laided out for Jeff Hardy for him to win that years money in the bank match at Wrestlemania. But Jeff Hardy got supended yet again for the same thing as he always gets supended for besides showing up "tardy" for work, DRUGS in his system.

I think if Jeff Hardy wasn't supended for two months and miss Wrestlemania 24, I feel the road for Jeff Hardy would have been alot shorter if he was indeed scripted to win the Money in the Bank match in Orlando. Then Jeff wouldn't had to wait unti'l December to win his first world championship. Don't you think?
I have to agree with Savion83. This is my first post, but I have read a lot of posts on here talking up Hardy, but the fact is he did have a push and threw it away. It is a matter of maturity: What is more important, your "habits" or your career? I think he would have been a main eventer had he been there, but he wasted the oppurtunity.
You gotta remember WHY he left in the first place. He wanted more "Jeff time". He would have been gone regardless.

And personally I don't think he was going to win MITB that year. People always say stuff like "So and so HAS to win this year". If Christian were to somehow miss this past MITB the whole IWC would have been like "ya he would have won". So you can't say he was going to win.

And honestly, he isn't that great. He just jumps around and falls off ladders. Can't give a good promo. Matt's a better wrestler.
I don't think Jeff would've won that year. That would've been the most obvious outcome because he had the most momentum going into the match. With Jack Swagger winning it this year, it seems that the WWE goes with the superstar the fans least suspect of winning. But even if he didn't win, his stock definitely would've went up following the match.
that would have been an interesting fued....cena and hardy...hardy could win cash it in and become heel just like punk did....i think the only reason punk won is because hardy wasnt in it.
You gotta remember WHY he left in the first place. He wanted more "Jeff time". He would have been gone regardless.

Not necessarily. While that is true, it's been reported that another reason was that he didn't like his personal life being used in storylines (ie. his last suspension/house fire).

That in mind, the reason Jeff missed WM 24 was because of his suspension. At the time, it had been reported that he was to win that MITB and go on to have a WWE title reign that Spring. Now if Jeff hadn't gotten himself in trouble, the WWE wouldn't have had that to use in an angle, which could've caused him to stay a bit longer at the least.

Still, knowing Jeff, he probably still would've left regardless. Mainly because he tends to get "burned out" often and always has to take a break; you'd think he was made by Microsoft or something.

So even if everything went as planned and he was never suspended, I'm sure Jeff would've left regardless.
If he hadn't been suspended he probably would have gone to WM24 and walked out Mr. Money in the Bank. He would have cashed in for a world title and had a nice run with it. He then would have taken time off as he did last year except it probably would have been sooner.

Jeff came back from that suspension with one goal and that was to win a world title. He felt like he needed to do it, he needed to complete that one goal that had eluded him. I think he still would have taken time off afterwards anyways. Regardless Jeff would still have taken time off.

Hé'll be back though, I hope.
And honestly, he isn't that great. He just jumps around and falls off ladders. Can't give a good promo. Matt's a better wrestler.

Thank You!!!

Although Matt has been a little lackluster with his ring work just recently I really did prefer him. And I don't think Jeff would've won MiTB if he was supposed to they could've held it off until after WM 24 like they did with Rey so he could drop the IC title. If n ot once he came back they could of gave him the title right away but they waited to December. Also If he was I'm happy he didn't, CM Punk career might have never been started up like that.
I don't think his suspension had anything to do with his choice of leaving. Here's how I will explain why. Let's just say for the record Jeff Hardy never got caught with the drugs in his system and got suspended for ninety days. Therefore he would have been able to compete in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 24. He would have went on to win the match, and probably would have cashed in around June/July like most winners do and would have won his first world title. His spot in the main event scene would have been longer than by a few months but really when he wasn't champion he was still in a top spot challenging Triple H for the title throughout the fall and winter.

By the time he left he was burnt out apparently. He left the same reason why guy like Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam left. They couldn't handle the schedule after awhile. If he still felt the same way he still would have left at the end of August of last year anyway. He was a main-eventer when he left and I'm sure that even if he had an extra 4-5 months as a main event calibre wrestler it still wouldn't have had an affect on his ultimate choice of leaving the company. Had he have actually stuck around after SummerSlam I'm sure he would have been canned anyway due to all of the legal problems that struck him about a month afterwards. So in all honesty he was going to be gone because he was either going to be to burnt out to go on and seek his own release or was going to get released legitimately because he would have hit his third strike with the drugs.
I remember Jeff qualified for mitb that year before he got suspended.And i honestly think if jeff would not have gotten suspended he would have won and he would be in the same position cm punk is in right now and be a solid main eventer.Punk would be the one in tna right now.imo
Jeff was a main eventer when he left, so I don't buy the whole he would still be in the WWE argument.

Had he won MITB he probably would have taken CM Punk's role of winning the WHC from Edge that year after NoC. Personally I'd like to think he would have been chosen to be Randy Orton's foil and HHH wouldn't have won the WWE Title at Backlash, rather the Backlash main event would have been Orton vs Hardy.

But it played out for the best. CM Punk failing as a face WHC, then getting his second MITB, and cashing in on Hardy led to one of the best feuds I have ever watched. And his entire run on SmackDown was just surreal to me. I am glad it worked out like it did for my viewing pleasure, it's just unfortunate that it was because he had personal problems.
If Jeff was at Wrestlemania, then he would win Money in the Bank, not Punk. He would go on to become WWE champion probably around the same time Punk became World Heavyweight Champion, and he would reach the main event much sooner than he did. But then where would Punk be? Would he be just another good midcarder over on Raw, would he be in ECW's main event, would he be face or heel, would he ever become a world champion? I think these questions are the ones that matter most, because we all know damn well Jeff would've won that match. But would Punk be as good as he is today? Eventually, yeah, but it wouldn't have been as soon as it was. Jeff would have probably still jumped ship to TNA eventually, because he's stupid. Jeff was making more money in WWE than he ever will in TNA, and he was a household name for wrestling fans, and while he still is, he would've been much more successful in the WWE today. I think if Jeff would have been at Mania 24, he would have reached the Main Event sooner, but he would have also jumped ship later on, and it would all be at Punk's expense.
We all know before he got suspended, he was already set to be in the MitB match..so thats where he would have been!!

Maybe he would have won it! who knows..but that would have been his role at Mania! If he had won the match, then I think he would have succesfully cashed it in and not waited il Armageddon for his first world title run!
I have no clue, he could have won the Money in The Bank, and then would've won the title, and then he may have held it for a while, put on some classic matches, and become a real credible champion. But that would've happened if he didn't need drugs to have a good time. If he was at WM 24, he would probably rolling in a lot more money then he is now in the WWE.
Fact is, Jeff was, still is, and forever will be, a drug addict. But he couldn't go and do his drugs in the WWE because of their strict(er) drug testing system, so he waited it out and didn't resign, then a few days later gets caught with drugs. Surprised? Shouldn't be. The man was having one of his craving for drugs, and he chose to do them rather then try to please his fans. Which makes me think that he wouldn't have left even if he won the MITB at WM 24. He wanted drugs, but the WWE would suspend him if he tried to use them. So he went to TNA where their drug testing was pathetic.

No, he wouldn't still be here.

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