If Jeff Hardy stayed with WWE


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first off if this is on he wrong section then sorry. someone can move it if they want. but anyway back to my question. If Jeff Hardy stayed with WWE AND none of the court things happened in the past 2 years then where do you think he would be now?
IMO He would've been fired still. He was a loose cannon b4 all the shit hit the fan, he didn't just suddenly become one because he was given the world title and moved to TNA.

He was already on 2 strikes when he fled to TNA the first time and he was on 2 strikes when he fled there the 2nd time.

WWE tried there darndest to get him on the straight and narrow or atleast tried to give him a reason to not be a dropkick.

Having his house burn down and his dog killed certainly didn't help the situation

If all of that hadn't happened i don't think he woulda been given a world title run at all. He's not that marketable as a main eventer.
he would have been fired by now, especially with the pg era thing going on, and Linda's run again for Senate. He is such a liability right now, he just needs to head home and stay that way
Actually, the WWE machine was the one thing keeping him clean. It was only after he left WWE that his drug use ramped up because he no longer had anyone leaning over him making sure he kept his shit straight. Ultimately I think thats why he left WWE in the first place, to get out from under their umbrella and gain the freedom to do what he wants, in more ways than one.

If he had stayed with the WWE, he wouldve remained a top face on Smackdown at least. That much is certain. But for how long? How long would his body hold up at that pace? How fresh would he be able to keep his character in the long run? I think eventually his real flaws as a performer would still end up shining through. The only enigmatic thing about him is how anyone ever thought he was charismatic.
Actually, the WWE machine was the one thing keeping him clean. It was only after he left WWE that his drug use ramped up because he no longer had anyone leaning over him making sure he kept his shit straight. Ultimately I think thats why he left WWE in the first place, to get out from under their umbrella and gain the freedom to do what he wants, in more ways than one.

If he had stayed with the WWE, he wouldve remained a top face on Smackdown at least. That much is certain. But for how long? How long would his body hold up at that pace? How fresh would he be able to keep his character in the long run? I think eventually his real flaws as a performer would still end up shining through. The only enigmatic thing about him is how anyone ever thought he was charismatic.
Sorry to bust your bubble man ..but WRONG
This man was on his second strike and right when he left he got pulled over for trafficking drugs so if you think about it ..if he was still with them and that happened that would have been his 3rd strike and he would have been gone. This guy was a top guy and was wrapped up in drugs big time.
But I have no doubt that he would have had a 3rd strike.
The wwe was not the one thing keeping him clean because he was never clean in the company to begin with.
All you need to do is look back at 2009 and you'll know the answer to that question. All these stupid Hardy haters are gonna say dumb shit like "he was still on drugs" "he was still a loose cannon" and stuff like that but the fact of the matter is that he had 2 strikes (the last one being in Jan. 08) and since the question says none of the court things happened I don't see him being stupid enough to pick up third.

That being said, Jeff Hardy would probably be the face of the company, he definitely would've been in the main event of WrestleMania 26 and probably WrestleMania 27 as well. He was so over, his first title reign in 08 was huge but they took the belt off him so that they could put it "on someone they trust" aka Edge so they could have that stupid Triple Threat match at WM 25. They put him in a feud with his useless fat brother and he still outpopped Triple H, who was supposed to be the face of the show. They had no choice but to put him in the main event, which he was from May-the end of his run. It wasn't politics (he was hated), it wasn't tenure (fuck you Mark Henry), it was only the crowd reaction that put him in the main event. He was over. He still would be over today. Why wouldn't he be? He'd still be the same guy, battling with the best for titles, a feud with Cena would've been money, same with Del Rio or maybe he could've put over Sin Cara. Jeff Hardy would be the #2 (because the WWE machine would shove Cena down our throats as #1) guy in the company in 2011 if he stayed, but he was dumb enough to leave.
If Hardy had stayed with WWE, if he hadn't had all the drugs in his home and if his home hadn't been raided, then Hardy would probably still be one of the top guys in the world instead of the pale shadow that he is now and the biggest joke in wrestling right now.

It's easy to say that Hardy would still have been fired due to drugs. I can see that avenue of thought when you look at all that's happened in TNA. However, the simple fact is that WWE isn't TNA and WWE has taken a much stronger stance against drug use and erratic behavior. Hardy ran wild in TNA and got away with things that he'd NEVER have gotten away with in WWE. That's not hating on TNA or trying to put WWE over, it's just the cold hard truth. Bitch about WWE & Vince McMahon all you want but you can't deny that WWE is much tougher on drug use than TNA is. Well, I guess you could deny it but your stance would have ZERO credibility behind it.

So, hypothetically speaking, if Hardy's head had been in a much healthier spot in 2009 than it has been and all these problems hadn't taken place; he'd still be one of the top guys in WWE I think. Hardy was massively over with the fans and I don't think that would have changed. I don't know that he'd be a full time main event guy but I think he'd at least be someone in the upper mid-card picture who made frequent trips into the main event picture like Chris Jericho.
Actually, the WWE machine was the one thing keeping him clean. It was only after he left WWE that his drug use ramped up because he no longer had anyone leaning over him making sure he kept his shit straight. Ultimately I think thats why he left WWE in the first place, to get out from under their umbrella and gain the freedom to do what he wants, in more ways than one.

If he had stayed with WWE, he wouldve remained a top face on Smackdown at least. That much is certain. But for how long?

Right on the money. The thing with heavy drug users is how they can convince themselves of just about anything. After all, Jeff was headlining a PPV with Sting and obviously managed to tell himself that he could perform adequately even after using drugs. He was wrong; but surely this would have happened in WWE sooner or later. The guy changed employers because he didn't like anyone interfering with his lifestyle.

But yes, having Vince McMahon riding herd on Jeff Hardy probably kept Jeff functional for a longer time than TNA did. If WWE hadn't been clamping down on him, he most likely wouldn't have left the company in the first place.
In my opinion Jeff Hardy would be the face of the company right along side Cena and Punk. He already had 8 of the top 10 selling merchandise items at the time of his departure. My guess is he would be battling for the WHC on Smackdown, or maybe one of the other 10 belts they have. Cena has his good share of haters because he can't wrestle worth shit, but Hardy got extreme love from the audience because he put his body on the line in every match and gave us what we paid to see. Stop acting like other wrestlers don't do the same crap as Hardy did...hell, most of in our personal lives aren't close to perfect so I don't judge. Hardy was the man!!
If Jeff Hardy stayed with WWE AND none of the court things happened in the past 2 years then where do you think he would be now?

I like Jeff Hardy, but this is my personal opinion. Jeff Hardy is seeming obliged to his drugs, he can't stop doing it. WWE would not fire a top star, but they would try and try again to stop his drug addiction. But I don't think this will ever help the poor man, and TNA sure isn't doing anything to help, despite bull shit recent reports. Jeff Hardy would have left WWE on his own terms if he forced himself to another contract that lasted two years. I don't think WWE is a place for someone like him to stay.
Lets be fair here. At Victory Road 2011, Jeff Hardy proved that he was still using drugs. TNA fucked up by allowing him to go out there and compete, but at the end of the day, he fucked up again, and he just proved that he was in fact NOT over his drug addiction. So to say that he'd never use drugs again is far-fetched.

I have zero doubt in my mind that what happened at Victory Road wouldn't happen in WWE, if only because Vince McMahon would never allow a superstar to perform while not in his right mind. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean he was going to never use drugs again while employed by WWE. Therefore, I would see him still being a top guy for a while, but ultimately he'd get his third strike and WWE would terminate him (not before offering to get him in rehab on their dime).

Jeff never did anything to actually try and cease his addiction, so to me he'd still be a ticking time bomb, and he'd ultimately screw up. It's too bad, because he was immensely popular, but he did it to himself.
All you need to do is look back at 2009 and you'll know the answer to that question. All these stupid Hardy haters are gonna say dumb shit like "he was still on drugs" "he was still a loose cannon" and stuff like that but the fact of the matter is that he had 2 strikes (the last one being in Jan. 08) and since the question says none of the court things happened I don't see him being stupid enough to pick up third.

That being said, Jeff Hardy would probably be the face of the company, he definitely would've been in the main event of WrestleMania 26 and probably WrestleMania 27 as well. He was so over, his first title reign in 08 was huge but they took the belt off him so that they could put it "on someone they trust" aka Edge so they could have that stupid Triple Threat match at WM 25. They put him in a feud with his useless fat brother and he still outpopped Triple H, who was supposed to be the face of the show. They had no choice but to put him in the main event, which he was from May-the end of his run. It wasn't politics (he was hated), it wasn't tenure (fuck you Mark Henry), it was only the crowd reaction that put him in the main event. He was over. He still would be over today. Why wouldn't he be? He'd still be the same guy, battling with the best for titles, a feud with Cena would've been money, same with Del Rio or maybe he could've put over Sin Cara. Jeff Hardy would be the #2 (because the WWE machine would shove Cena down our throats as #1) guy in the company in 2011 if he stayed, but he was dumb enough to leave.

This has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read. One, this is saying that if the court case never happened, however you state he wouldnt be stupid enough to get his third strike, well he was dumb enough to get the first two, and he was dumb enough to have a FAN fed ex his drugs, so I am going to go out on a limb and say yes he is f*cking stupid enough to get the third strike. And in continuing on how dumb Jeff is, you really think he wouldnt have gotten a third strike, when he had so little care for TNA when he showed up at a PPV drugged up in no shape to wrestle in the main event. Jeff Hardy sucks always has and always will, the only thing hes good for is jumping off ladders, hes a skinny, drug addicted, cheap version of Mic Foley, a stuntamn for wrestling.
And seriously your gonna hate on Mark Henry? Why because he finally doesnt suck? Becaus people are taking notice to him? Because he could very well be one of the most dominant men in the WWE and currently is? Mark Henry would kill Jeff hardy in the ring, and you as well.
If Jeff Hardy stayed with the WWE, I would like to think that Matt Hardy would have stayed as well. At either WM XXVI or XXVII, we would have probably seen a Fatal Four Way match between Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Christian and Edge for the WWE / World Title. Their popularity was on the rise and no one can deny their epic rivalry was one of the best in WWE history. I could also see a possible Heel turn for Jeff between then and now.

As far as the Jeff outside the ring, I don’t care about it in reality, so I don’t care about it hypothetically either.
If he had stayed with WWE then he still would have been future endeavoured once his issues were found out. Had that not happened, then he would have continued his feud with Punk a few more matches before likely winning the title back and the three could have feuded with Taker that fall instead of just Punk. A Wrestlemania match for the World Championship could have been cool. Jericho and Edge might have gotten turned into a non-title match and Hardy could have defended against a number of different potential people. Or it could have been a Fatal Fourway between Edge, Jericho, and the two Hardy's. Jericho would still have won.

Then after that I'm not sure. He'd probably move on to become one of the faces of Smackdown with Edge and get some more world title reigns. Christian and Del Rio might not have seen pushes to the main event nearly as soon with Hardy still around. Unfortunately we will never know due to his issues getting found out, it's a shame since he made such bad decisions when he was at the best point his career will ever see. Today he would be a main eventer alongside Orton, Christian, and Sheamus on Smackdown.
Jeff Hardy was at the top,if he stayed he could be one of the TOP Main-Eventers along with Cena,Punk,Orton,Henry,Christian,Sheamus,etc. Hardy would be on Smackdown feuding with Orton & Henry going into Hell In A Cell wanting the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist with his fans wrapped around his finger. If he stayed in WWE,he would of NEVER turned heel he would of been too valuable to the company like Cena. His merch would still be selling GREAT & he would be a top star,but he chose another road & screwed himself out of GOOD WRESTLING
This has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read. One, this is saying that if the court case never happened, however you state he wouldnt be stupid enough to get his third strike, well he was dumb enough to get the first two, and he was dumb enough to have a FAN fed ex his drugs, so I am going to go out on a limb and say yes he is f*cking stupid enough to get the third strike. And in continuing on how dumb Jeff is, you really think he wouldnt have gotten a third strike, when he had so little care for TNA when he showed up at a PPV drugged up in no shape to wrestle in the main event. Jeff Hardy sucks always has and always will, the only thing hes good for is jumping off ladders, hes a skinny, drug addicted, cheap version of Mic Foley, a stuntamn for wrestling.
And seriously your gonna hate on Mark Henry? Why because he finally doesnt suck? Becaus people are taking notice to him? Because he could very well be one of the most dominant men in the WWE and currently is? Mark Henry would kill Jeff hardy in the ring, and you as well.

Mark Henry "finally doesn't suck"? Why, because he's been winning matches and beat Orton clean for the belt? Wrestling is scripted and wins don't mean anything. You can't paint dog shit green but it's still dog shit. Give Mark Henry the title but he's still Mark Henry. I'm dumb yet you say something like 'Mark Henry would kill Jeff hardy in the ring'. What in the blue hell does that have to do with anything?! Yeah he would kill me as well but I'm pretty sure 95% if not more of the WWE roster would fuck us all up in the ring so I'm not too sure where you're trying to go with that. If you're trying to compare their careers, it's simple: Jeff has been extremely popular since 99 and Henry has been irrelevant from 97-10 but Henry now has a title reign compared to Jeff's 3 WWE ones and 2 TNA ones. Just in case you're as stupid as you seem I'll help you add and tell you that's 5 world title reigns.

You may think Jeff sucks and you're entitled to your own opinion but the fact is he sells merchandise. I know it, a lot of these posters know it, Dixie Carter knows it, and Vince McMahon knows it. He is a cash cow, and any company would be lucky to have a clean Jeff Hardy on their roster. Under the strict WWE rules he wouldn't have been able to show up to a ppv 'intoxicated', he was under control which is why he left WWE in the first place. If he was still under their control, he'd be clean but he didn't want to be clean so he left their control. Simple as that buddy.
i knw jeff is a definate main eventer. but he definatly been fired by now. the pg era of wwe is definatly the most retarted thing ive ever heard . nice job WWE u lost a bunch of fans since childhood right there. now o the question he wouldve been long gone but really could u blame him for the overdose of drug use. u can to some extent but what about all the dives he took on wwe way about all the pain he indured. ive been a jeff fan since i started watching wrestleing and his legacy WILL live forever as the most daring and charasmatic superstar of all time
I would like to think that WWE would've kept a close enough eye on the guy so that they wouldn't have to worry about Hardy pulling a Victory Road. Assuming that Jeff didn't have the problems he's currently facing, I think Hardy would've taken time off and stayed off television until Wrestlemania season during which he'd somehow make his triumphant return and re-ignite his feud with CM Punk. After that, he'd stay as a consistent top face for the Smackdown brand. To this day, I still wish he didn't leave for TNA because I so dearly wanted to see Jeff and Punk settle their score once and for all at Wrestlemania. Sigh. I guess I can dream.

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