If Everyone Has Superpowers, Are you truly Super?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
So the thread title is not exactly what this thread is about just throwing it out there. This thread is more or less if everyone were to have something deemed speical does it take away from the overall specialness of having that special item/ability?

My answer is no, however I know a lot of people would disagree with me.

The example in the thread title came right out of the movie Incredibles, in that the antagonist wants to allow everyone to have super powers to eliminate people having super powers. So he meddles with this idea. The answer to his question I think is no. "Special" things will remain special to the specific beholder and people will use their special things in various ways. For example if there is a new technology that comes out, not every person will be doing the same thing with it so clearly each person feels some specialty in what they have. Going back to the title if everyone were to have a super power or even the same super power would it take away the "Super." I truly believe that it would not because each person uses what they are given it its own unique way so clearly there is still some super aspect in it.

Your thoughts?
If everyone had superpowers, that would be rather intresting. It's kind of a vague question, Do we get what we want, do we have a list to choose from, how long do we have to make up out minds on the power.

Basically what I was saying was this. I want to fucking pick my power. I don't want to be born with some random ass power. I want something fun, but Can I have a list of what I'm allowed to get? Knowing me I'd pick some stupid ass power like have iron skin, when I could have a way cooler power. The final thing would be how long do I get to pick, I would want to think it over and weigh out the good and bad things. I don't want to be asked on the spot and get stuck with something that was cool for 2 days for the rest of my life.

If everyone had powers, we would all need a check and ballence. No one needs to be more powerfull than the rest of us. We would have an endless system of checks and ballences. Thus in reality it would be no fun.
Well wasn't everyone in Kripton as strong and stuff as Superman? Sounds like those knid of things would seem too common to call "super" from the Kriptonian's point of view. I guess you'd seen something extra to stand out properly and be called "super" among the super.
If everyone had superpowers, that would be rather intresting. It's kind of a vague question, Do we get what we want, do we have a list to choose from, how long do we have to make up out minds on the power.

Basically what I was saying was this. I want to fucking pick my power. I don't want to be born with some random ass power. I want something fun, but Can I have a list of what I'm allowed to get? Knowing me I'd pick some stupid ass power like have iron skin, when I could have a way cooler power. The final thing would be how long do I get to pick, I would want to think it over and weigh out the good and bad things. I don't want to be asked on the spot and get stuck with something that was cool for 2 days for the rest of my life.

Agreed.I know I'd pick some fucking stupid power like X-Ray Vision which sole purpose will be to look underneath chicks clothes when I could have better powers like controlling Fire or some shit.

It depends however on the powers.People with X-Ray Vision will probally have to bow to the ones with Super Strength or Speed.So to those people the others would be Super compared to them.

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