If Dynamite Kid came along today where would he be??


Pre-Show Stalwart
So as the title says how far up the WWE totem pole do you think Dynamite Kid would be if he was wrestling today in his prime??

Now forget the fact that he built himself up on steroids lets just "pretend" he was naturally built that way do you think he could of been a main event star or only in the mid card level?

I like to think myself that with the success that Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle had in their WWE runs that Dynamite could of had a few world title runs. The guy is my all time fave wrestler so maybe i am being biased here but even on a bad day he could of out performed 80% of the current roster.
I think he may have done ok in that limbo period between the Attitude Era and the so-called PG era. The WWE made main eventers out of guys who were work horses but not really huge draws. Now days I think he'd be in that Tyson Kidd category. Let's face it, Matilda had the most charisma in that team.
Again, I'm a bit biased here as well, but I'll try to be a bit realistic here.

In terms of size, he is bigger than the majority of guys currently in the WWE, so the size argument doesn't seem to be a factor, especially given the recent decades' run of smaller guys as main event talent.

Personally, I see him as the work-horse of the upper-midcard and main event. While he doesn't have the interview skills to be the top guy, his in-ring ability makes him an unstoppable force. I see a few World Title runs, and maybe one decent WWE title run. He'd pretty-much float around the show helping build new stars and be just like Chris Benoit was, or Chris Jericho is in that sense.

Anywho, that's just my opinion. Cool topic.
I'm not a huge Dynamite Kid fan, but from what I read about him in Bret Hart's autobiography, his demons would have caught up to him like they did back then.
Lets Assume he didn't do steroids or have seizures or was bitter about the business. Put that all aside Tom Billington AKA Dynamite Kid i liked him. He was a technical savvy scrapper. Yes he lacked mic skills but so what so do a lot of the stars today. He is actually bigger than some of the guys on the roster so that really wouldnt holdl him back.

I say he would do just fine in the current WWE. He be at least a credible IC Champion or United States Champion. I dont think he would be Main event material but Upper Midcard status he could be there. I just wish his Demons didnt catch up with him its too bad
Davey Richards reminds me so much for Dynamite Kid and he may get a really good shot in WWE pretty soon. I think Dynamite would have been a Dolph Ziggler type, working fantastic undercard matches for a few years before getting a main event push. A talent like that these days has very little limitiations.
If the Dynamite Kid came along today, I would pair him up with D.H. Smith. They could call their team the "British Bulldogs", and make a run for the WWE tag team championships. They could even bring a bulldog out to the ring with them,........until the Uso's come along and steal it, starting a brutal fued.
If he was in the WWE, he'd be on his, at least, 2nd Wellness Policy violation. More likely, he'd probably be in Ring of Honor.
If Dynamite Kid only came along now, then nobody would have revolutionized the way WWE performers wrestle so therefore you'd probably have a ton of large burly men on the screen using slow headlocks and large impact moves in six minute matches, as opposed to some of the fast pace action you get from guys like Bryan, Del Rio, Rollins and others.

DK is the one who broke through the mold that a smaller guy shouldn't be able to have as much talent as a large guy. Sure, he was juicing a lot but during the 1980's few weren't, Kid just went overboard because he was hell bent on making as much money as possible and he knew that his weight and look without steroids wouldn't get him anywhere, so he took a shortcut. Does he regret it? Hes even said it himself, had he the chance to do it all over again, he probably would, because what he did worked and he inspired some of the best names going in the last decade. It's just the obvious ones are Chris Benoit, Daniel Bryan and Davey Richards.

Remove Dynamite from his time period and pop him into a more modern one and you will never be able to accurately gauge whether he'd "fit in" or not considering he didn't really fit in during his actual time there and forced people to take notice of him with his talent. Many credit Shawn and Bret for opening the door for smaller men, which is untrue, Dynamite had already broken down the door he just never had the chance to walk through it because his addiction and self-esteem issues became too much.
He did in a sense - Benoit got the push Kid never did cos Kid went nuts and was out of the business - if he was in his prime today he'd be a freak of nature as he'd be over 50!...

On the current roster Tyson Kidd is pretty much the same as Dynamite in the ring and build... that sums up where he would be. The other closest would be Daniel Bryan - but Kid never had the charisma that Bryan has so he wouldn't have gotten that push.

Paul Burchill was also very similar and never got close to the push despite being as.innovative in the ring as Kid was at times and having better charisma. If he couldn't make it then no way a Dynamite Kid would today.

Where would Dynamite have gone had he not wrecked his back (his demons stemmed from that, he self medicated to a dangerous degree after that)? He could have gotten to the IC title - perhaps going heel and having the reign that Honky Tonk Man did or one of Mr. Perfect's but that would have been it - it wouldn't have been long - he'd have been just another "foreign heel" dropping the belt to the next "American hero" like Warrior.

At the end of the day Kid was a flawed character first and foremost, a working class guy from Manchester, used to fighting to get his way and he became a bully when he had some stroke/guys behind him. The irony is that Jacques Rougeau, the guy he bullied and whose revenge set about the end of Dynamite's career and Davey Boy both directly benefitted by becoming IC champion... I can see why he is a little bitter, even if he brought it on himself.

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