If Daniel Bryan Retired TODAY, Would He Be Worthy of the WWE Hall of Fame?

Would Daniel Bryan be worthy of the WWE Hall of Fame today?

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Another Forums question that I'll be featuring on the Wrestlezone main page this Friday. Make sure your answers are extra good!

The question is: If Daniel Bryan retired, after learning his surgeries were unsuccessful in repairing the nerve damage to his arm, and being told by doctors that it was unsafe to return to the ring, would he be worthy of the WWE Hall of Fame? This would be a similar situation to Edge, who was forced to retire at 37 and was put into the Hall of Fame in 2011.

Here are his career accomplishments:
  • 15+ years in the wrestling business
  • Considered the "Founding Father" of Ring of Honor
  • 5+ years in the WWE
  • Former World Heavyweight Champion
  • 3-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion
  • WWE Tag Team Champion
  • Money in the Bank (2011)
  • WWE United States Champion
  • Awarded the "Best Technical Wrestler" from 2005-2013 by the Wrestling Observer
  • 10 Slammy Awards
  • Ring of Honor World Champion
  • Ring of Honor Pure Champion
  • 2-time PWG World Champion
  • IWGP Junior Tag Team Champion
  • Numerous other independent wrestling championships including NWA Mid-South, Memphis Championship, All Pro, Pro Wrestling Noah, IWA, Evolve, etc.
  • Trained over a dozen wrestlers including Dara Del Rey, Rhett Titus, Cheerleaders Melissa, and more.
I think he certainly would. He's a 3-time Champ. Name another 3-time champ that's not in the HOF. I could make a ridiculously long argument supporting this... but I feel one statement should do it.

If Koko B. Ware is in the HOF, Daniel Bryan certainly would be there too.
  • 5+ years in the WWE
  • Former World Heavyweight Champion
  • 3-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion
  • WWE Tag Team Champion
  • Money in the Bank (2011)
  • WWE United States Champion
  • Awarded the "Best Technical Wrestler" from 2005-2013 by the Wrestling Observer
  • 10 Slammy Awards

These are the only accomplishments that will matter in regards to getting inducted in the WWE Hall Of Fame. I would like to add to the list, what I believe is the most important achievement of his career- winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the Main Event of the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. That is the biggest accomplishment in his record book and the feat that alone is big enough to earn him a place in the WWE Hall Of Fame. Apart from this, the rest are not as much important. For instance, they will acknowledge that he is considered the best wrestler of his generation. They might make a quick list of his other titles and awards too, but that will pretty much be it. The doubt that I have is not whether he will get inducted, but whether he will be the main attraction of that year's Hall Of Fame ceremony or not...
I just mentioned this in a post earlier this week. He's a future hall of famer for sure, he's undoubtably one of the most popular wrestlers of this generation, up there with Cena, Punk and Orton. He's the best technician of this generation and his accolades these past two years alone put him right up there.

However, this being said, I hope that he won't have to be inducted so early before his time. I'd love to see him around for atleast another 5 years taking Ambrose and Wyatt to the limit. Imagine all the WM moments he could have left.
He won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of WrestleMania 30. I think that alone gets him in the HOF.

Only a small amount of people can say they won the World Title in the main event of WrestleMania - Benoit would obviously be the only one to do so that won't get in the HOF.
Daniel Bryan will go into the WWE HoF, just not right away. I see Trips making Bryan a trainer in NXT, a Manager on the Main Roster, Or, which is what I think is a very real possibility, replacing Lawler at the announce table. He is going to build more of a WWE cred before he gets a HoF nod.
With all due respect to Bryan's accomplishments, I don't think he's worthy of being in the WWE Hall of Fame. He hasn't reached memorable and praiseworthy milestones with the WWE. He's won the World titles but honestly speaking, his title runs were very inconsequential. They were not memorable. Guys like Stone Cold, Rock, etc. worked with the company for years and gave us fans so many golden memories. Bryan just is not on their level. To be in the WWE HOF, you have to make a huge name for yourself in the WWE. Bryan's injury is a huge setback. If he can overcome it, great. If he can't, then that's unfortunate.
I think he certainly would. He's a 3-time Champ. Name another 3-time champ that's not in the HOF. I could make a ridiculously long argument supporting this... but I feel one statement should do it.

If Koko B. Ware is in the HOF, Daniel Bryan certainly would be there too.

Not only is he a three time champion but he never legitimately lost it. He was stripped twice and the other time was the Triple H screw job at Summer Slam.
I would be willing to bet he would be a hall of famer. When you look in retrospect, he won money in the bank, a world championship, 2 Wwe championships, and a WWE WHC. Combine that with a tag title reign, and a U.S. title ran, I think Daniel would be in with that alone. Then, don't forget about the fact he MAIN EVENTED WM30, and won. But in today's Wwe, the main reason he would go in, is the fact he created the big trend of the yes chant, which has been used numerous times outside of wwe. Considering the fact Bryan could be used in a commentary or training role, and the fact that some borderline names are in the Hof, Daniel Bryan could get in easily.
Frankly, there are more legitimate pro wrestling hall of games out there than the WWE's, which ultimately serves as a marketing tool. While I don't know the criteria of those other Halls, I assume Bryan Danielson's accomplishments before WWE would help him qualify, with his work in WWE further establishing that legacy.

As for the WWE Hall of Fame, so far it seems as if it wasn't WCW or NWA, you never worked in wrestling and your accomplishments and body of work mean nothing. Sure, were they to induct Bryan, I'm sure they'd footnote his independent work at induction, but I doubt they'd mention his handful of indy level world championships.

But, like I said, it's a marketing tool. We all openly know this while suspending our disbelief in pretending it's not. So why not? Put DB in the Hall of Fame for the feel good moment. No objection.
He is a very obvious candidate for all the other HOF's. The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame, the WON HOF, ect... But I think another run would do wonders in cementing him for the WWE HOF. With all his championships and other accomplishments, he obviously has a better argument than many current HOFers. But he's only really been a big name for a year. If he retires now, he would probably go in, but he would be one of he extra names after the headliners like Rocky Johnson or Jim Duggan. But another big run could make him a headliner.
Another Forums question that I'll be featuring on the Wrestlezone main page this Friday. Make sure your answers are extra good!

The question is: If Daniel Bryan retired, after learning his surgeries were unsuccessful in repairing the nerve damage to his arm, and being told by doctors that it was unsafe to return to the ring, would he be worthy of the WWE Hall of Fame? This would be a similar situation to Edge, who was forced to retire at 37 and was put into the Hall of Fame in 2011.

Here are his career accomplishments:
  • 15+ years in the wrestling business
  • Considered the "Founding Father" of Ring of Honor
  • 5+ years in the WWE
  • Former World Heavyweight Champion
  • 3-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion
  • WWE Tag Team Champion
  • Money in the Bank (2011)
  • WWE United States Champion
  • Awarded the "Best Technical Wrestler" from 2005-2013 by the Wrestling Observer
  • 10 Slammy Awards
  • Ring of Honor World Champion
  • Ring of Honor Pure Champion
  • 2-time PWG World Champion
  • IWGP Junior Tag Team Champion
  • Numerous other independent wrestling championships including NWA Mid-South, Memphis Championship, All Pro, Pro Wrestling Noah, IWA, Evolve, etc.
  • Trained over a dozen wrestlers including Dara Del Rey, Rhett Titus, Cheerleaders Melissa, and more.

That is one impressive list for a guy who quite honestly doesn't look like he is capable of doing half of it.

Of course he should be considered for the Hall of Fame. Even without his Ring of Honor or any of the other indy championships he's won, what he accomplished in his short time in the WWE has been nothing short of amazing. And you have to remember what he learned and did there, he brought to the WWE and made him the wrestler and the success he became.

I'm not a Daniel Bryan fan so to speak, but I will always remember the latter part of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 up to Wrestlemania 30, the year of Daniel Bryan. There is no doubt he was white hot, and the most over guy on the roster, and to a certain extent still is.

He took all of us on one hell of a ride with him, and we enjoyed every minute of it. He truly went on the hero's journey and came out victorious. One I wish to God John Cena had taken years ago, but I digress.

It's sad we're all talking about him like he's never going to return to the ring, and I hope that isn't the case. The WWE can't afford to lose people like him, there aren't that any left right now. So fingers crossed we'll see him back sooner rather than later.
DB is in no way shape or form....hall of fame caliber. I'm sorry but 2 short lived heavyweight title runs does not equal HOF. The lesser titles mean nothing. Who cares what he did in the indies....that's not what WWE HOF is about.

The fact that folks think DB is HOF material scares me. I'm sorry I just don't get the hype in him....he's nothing special IMO.
He won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of WrestleMania 30. I think that alone gets him in the HOF.

Only a small amount of people can say they won the World Title in the main event of WrestleMania - Benoit would obviously be the only one to do so that won't get in the HOF.

Are you saying that Miz gets into the HOF as well? He retained his WWE title at WM. I doubt strongly that Punk ever gets in either, even though I'd say he's moe deserving than DB or Miz.

Daniel Bryan has nice stats on paper...but a pretty lackluster WWE career overall. He had an awsome 8-10 months with some cool stuff mixed in. Yes! > DB.
Hopefully it won't be happening for a good while yet but when he does retire, Daniel Bryan will definitely be inducted into the Hall of Fame, he is certainly deserving of it.

He's connected with WWE fans better than almost anyone else in his generation, won 4 Heavyweight Titles with the company, including winning the title in a Wrestlemania main event, when the whole show was built around his quest to win the belt. Bryan has had US title success, Tag Team Title success and is well known as being an incredible technical wrestler.

He's got so much love from the masses and respect from his peers for what he has achieved, he's a shoe-in for the HOF one day, and is more than deserving of the accolade.
Are you saying that Miz gets into the HOF as well? He retained his WWE title at WM. I doubt strongly that Punk ever gets in either, even though I'd say he's moe deserving than DB or Miz.

Daniel Bryan has nice stats on paper...but a pretty lackluster WWE career overall. He had an awsome 8-10 months with some cool stuff mixed in. Yes! > DB.
So you are saying Punk and Miz who are triple crown champions will not go in HOF.
Actually apart you know who every world champion ( either wwe or heavyweight) will end up in Hof sooner or later.
The fact is that the wwe loves to induct guys that we're forced to retire even if they don't deserve to be in the hall of fame right away. Just take for example Edge. Sure the guys was a future hall of famer even throught most of his title reigns lasted less then 2 months but he didn't deserve to be in the hof the year he got inducted just because he was forced to be retired. Same thing goes for bryan, the guys deserve to be in the HOF but not directly after being forced to retired, but since wwe is marketing machine and will want to strike while the iron is hot, they probably will inducted him if right away if he's force to retired.
He will get hall of fame for the accomplishments, but i thought mainia 30 was average and he only really got a push when wwe realised the whole yes thing was money money money. t
this is a guy who dropped the world title at mainia in 18 seconds (which tainted that strap in my opinion) and has had one good storyline, backed up by better superstars.

I am biased as im not a fan of DB at all but for all he has done he should get hall of fame, bearing in mind people like tyson and junkyard dog are in there i think i may even get inducted, wwe HOF is as phoney as kofi kingstons rasta accent
DB is in no way shape or form....hall of fame caliber. I'm sorry but 2 short lived heavyweight title runs does not equal HOF. The lesser titles mean nothing. Who cares what he did in the indies....that's not what WWE HOF is about.

The fact that folks think DB is HOF material scares me. I'm sorry I just don't get the hype in him....he's nothing special IMO.

Finally someone on this forum who shares my disdain for DB :worship: I SMELL WHAT THE MOCK IS COOKIN!!!
It's an interesting one and something you have to look at from two perspectives. As this is a "What If" scenario, I am going that he shows up on RAW this Monday and retires ala Edge.

First off you look at it from the WWE/Vince perspective. Here is a guy who you didn't particularly want to begin with, signed and not given a prominent/winning role on NXT, fired after the first night but who, starting with his shock return with Summerslam connected with the fans better than anyone you have tried to "create" in the last 30 years. It wasn't an "epiphany" thing like Austin 3:16 or a "throw whatever it takes till they cheer" like Cena... this was just a guy the fans could relate to, cos in essence he was one of them... he looked "dorky", acted a bit goofy/nerdy and could wrestle rings around everyone else in the company...but most importantly despite his fearsome "wrestler" reputation, he turned out to be a A+ Sports Entertainer.

Everything Bryan has been given he has made work, AJ his girlfriend? It worked cos sometimes the dorkiest guy gets the hot girl, no one can "explain" why, it just happens and those guys are the first to blame the girl when something goes wrong like losing your title in 18 seconds but the fans weren't having it. They knew this was not D-Bry or even AJ's fault but "Evil Vince" holding their guy down. He did the "Goatface" stuff with Charlie Sheen, that it could have even led to a match was a big responsibility for Bryan and he made it work, sure it didn't happen but he got mainstream exposure with arguably the most visible star of the time. Team Hell No was the most relevant the tag titles had been for years and it all built to a crescendo with the Mania push last year. WWE made the BBC NEWS!!! TWICE IN ONE WEEK...why? cos Daniel Bryan wasn't used in the Rumble. Again valuable mainstream coverage for WWE and I am sure that is why they eventually relented and put him not only in the main event but over in it.

Look at some of the HOF guys in there already, few have had "stellar" careers, many are known for one great period or connecting with the fans. Someone like a Snuka or Tito Santana never got a World title at all but had several years of middling success where as some like Edge were consistant main eventers... Warrior is in there and only really had three years in the WWF with sporadic appearances of a few months after, but he deserved it just the same. From WWE's perspective, there is enough there in Bryan's WWF career, completely ignoring everything he did before to justify a HOF nomination, that he did it so quickly, so well and in spite of them carries a lot of weight with a guy like McMahon, he doesn't like being wrong, but if he is he's man enough to not sulk about it and remember the Warrior tragedy of last year will have changed a lot. It really did show life is too short for "wrasslin' politics" to get in the way of friendships, true potential and proper respect.

From the fans perspective, it would be an absolute insult if D-Bry didn't go into the HOF if he had to retire. It would genuinely be a tragedy to them to lose him, if not to the WWE as their avatar in the world of WWE was now gone. How many "scrawny, beardy, goatfaced" fans dream of one day being able to get to WWE? Bryan showed it was possible, whether you knew his history or not and if they aren't that guy now, how many younger fans look at their dads and see someone like Bryan rather than someone like Cena?

Some above have criticised WWE for putting guys in so soon after they retire but it is right they do so.

Someone like Edge had, as he said in his farewell "been on borrowed time", which means he had sacrificed his body over a number of years, knowing eventually this would come to him. Indeed when it did he had the small issue of a Mania main event to worry about, how many would say "I can't take the risk" and walk away? Edge didn't and took a massive risk to make sure the company and the fans weren't short changed. The HOF nod was WWE's acknowledgement of that, that he had gone above and beyond his whole career and left "the right way for business and the fans" and the HOF ceremony was the "right way for him".

Would they do this for Bryan? I think so though for different reasons, some a little more cynical. It's not Bryan's fault that he can't compete, if he can't pass a strength test then he has no business "sucking it up" and making dates, it's dangerous so WWE can't hold too much against him. It's unfortunate timing that it deflated all his heat post Mania but it was better him being taken out by a doctor than hurting himself or someone else by "gutting it out". So it'd be harsh to penalise him and not give him the same as Edge... the fans would backlash in a second. More cynically though they have gone so much into the Conor's Cure stuff now that if Bryan had to retire on Monday, not putting him in the HOF would be tantamount to destroying that charity and undermining all the work they are putting into it.

I don't think he would headline the class of 2015, I still think that is Rock and Savage's joint honor but I could see him going in as the 3rd co headliner, deflecting from Randy's absence and perhaps even hokey as it may sound inducting Conor as well (he did get a pin over HHH after all) to help raise some awareness. By putting him in a class with those 2 legends, it would help a forcibly retired Bryan appear to be HOF worthy and eliminate doubt. If there were lesser headliners then it might not work as well.

Of course I hope none of this comes to pass, that he is able to return but each week that passes and the seeming flip-flopping of needs more surgery/doesn't need it means either WWE is working this and planning a shock, or it really is looking like it might not be a happy ending...so then WWE has to create one through the HOF - he has the other part in that he has his wife now...

As to what he would do after a HOF induction... I am sure they would try to keep him on the payroll as much as possible, either a trainer in NXT or a colour commentator which I think with time he would be excellent at, in the same way Punk was... it's one thing when a guy who has been out of the ring a few years calls your match... when it's been called by someone the guys in the ring have fought recently... it adds something.
Considering that WWE doesnt recognize any other company other than companies that they bought out ( outside of the RARE occasion... Thanks CM Punk ). I can't see them inducting Bryan yet. As of right now his career achievement level in WWE is on par with wrestlers like Sid. And he isnt in the HOF yet either.

But then again someone is gonna say "But they inducted Koko B. Ware"

In that case... INDUCT EVERYONE!!! lol

Btw I just realized something... Did Koko B. Ware's name start off as a racist rib? Like being afraid of the police in the 80's... Popo Beware? If it did then I guess it was awkward seeing him team up with Big Boss Man lol.
I go back to what I consider the true criteria for Hall of Fame induction (I'm not saying there shouldn't be stricter standards, I'm just saying if there's any existing criteria, this is it):

1) Are you on Vince McMahon's good side? - In Bryan's case, the guy has been a good company man the entire time and has eaten plenty of shit sandwiches and come back for more. No problem on this one.

2) Did he make a connection with the fans during his time? - Pssh....duh. He's probably the most over star of the past 5 years. He made the most of every angle that he's been put in, and has gotten the fans to truly care about his character: either loving him or loathing him. We went from wanting to see this little twerp get absolutely crushed by someone to wanting to see this underdog finally stick to the Authority who had been keeping him down and making it impossible to achieve his dream.

So yes, this is a no-brainer...
Considering that WWE doesnt recognize any other company other than companies that they bought out ( outside of the RARE occasion... Thanks CM Punk ). I can't see them inducting Bryan yet. As of right now his career achievement level in WWE is on par with wrestlers like Sid. And he isnt in the HOF yet either.

But then again someone is gonna say "But they inducted Koko B. Ware"

In that case... INDUCT EVERYONE!!! lol

Btw I just realized something... Did Koko B. Ware's name start off as a racist rib? Like being afraid of the police in the 80's... Popo Beware? If it did then I guess it was awkward seeing him team up with Big Boss Man lol.

No but there was an issue several years ago between Koko and Vince's then #2 which was of a racial nature, quite similar to the recent ADR issue. Koko was fired, rather unjustly so his HOF nod is probably more a "sorry" for that than based on his actual career/success. It's not a case of "induct everyone" or only champs should go in. If you contributed something memorable in your career then you should be able to go in, remember Koko was a big part of that early "Rock 'N Wrestling" era, he was on the album and stuff so he DID play a role bigger than what we saw in the ring sometimes.
Generally speaking, as I've said in other HOF threads, the word "deserve" is something of a loaded one as various people may have different personal views on what qualifies someone as 'deserving" of a spot in the HOF. For instance, some criticize WWE for its inclusion of celebrities, though the inclusion of non-participants in various sports HOFs outside of wrestling isn't at all uncommon. Sylvester Stallone, for instance, is in the pro boxing HOF despite never having boxed in his life.

In Daniel Bryan's case, I think it's important to look at his career as a whole coupled with his time in WWE. Bryan's a passionate wrestling fan who genuinely loves the business and has been a significant star in Japan and on the American independent scene. As has been mentioned, Bryan is thought of as a "founding father" of Ring of Honor and a lot of fans view him as the greatest ROH World Champion in history. Upon coming to the WWE, Bryan immediately got people talking, though debate already began as to how far he'd go in WWE. Bryan had a roughly 6 month run as United States Champion and seemed to be firmly planted in WWE's mid-card by the summer of 2011. Out of nowhere, Bryan wins the World Heavyweight Championship MITB ladder match and eventually cashed in the briefcase to win the World Heavyweight Championship. During this time, Bryan engaged in feuds with Big Show & Mark Henry while slowly turning heel. Bryan dropped the title at WrestleMania 28 to Sheamus in a moment that's still debated to this day as he dropped it in only about 18 seconds. People were worried that it'd hurt Bryan, which was certainly possible. He engaged in a feud with Sheamus for a few months before feuding with CM Punk over the WWE Championship. So, Daniel Bryan spent the first 7 or 8 months of 2012 wrestling as a World Champion or trying to become World Champion. After his program with Punk ended, he was put into a tag team with Kane of all people, something that I don't think a lot of people expected to catch on. However, surprisingly, Bryan & Kane had great chemistry and their "anger management" sessions with "Dr. Shelby" are among the funniest segments in WWE history. While dysfunctional, Bryan & Kane became the first tag team in quite a while who fans really got behind and brought some relevance to the tag team championship, something was missing since the early to mid 2000s. After Team Hell No went their separate ways, or really while they were still active, Bryan's popularity was really going up. By the time he returned to his singles career, his popularity was starting to rival Cena's & Punk's. By the time he faced Cena at SummerSlam last year, fans wanted to see the scrappy underdog come out on top, which he did, by beating Cena fairly. It was a great moment, only for Bryan to be "screwed" by Triple H & Randy Orton, allowing Orton to win MITB. Over the next 4 or 5 months, while there were some bumps in the road in the booking, which I think had more to do with Vince not being sure about Bryan as a top guy, fans still rallied around Bryan on such a level that even Vince was convinced. WrestleMania XXX ultimately culminated with Bryan overcoming the odds, wrestling two matches against 3 wrestlers who had a combined total of 30+ World Championship wins, and becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

When you look at all the various members of the HOF who're included, some of them spent years in the WWF without generating anything close to the sort of memorable moments, angles or matches Bryan has over the course of the past 3 years. Would Bryan's contributions be enough to rank him as an "all time great?" Probably not in the eyes of some fans, probably not in the eyes of a lot of fans to be honest. IF Bryan were to be forced to retire, I think he'd rank among the great "what if" stories in WWE history in that people would debate and discuss how they think Bryan's career would have gone, what direction, would he continue to be in the main event, etc.? Regardless, Bryan's generated a lot of memorable moments in WWE the past few years, had some great, marquee matches against top stars, captured and held the interest of fans, got about as close to being universally popular with fans from all walks as anyone can be and worked his ass off tirelessly for the WWE. So, yeah, I think Bryan would be worthy of induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.
Yes he would be for all the stuff he has done for the Business but in my opinion he should turn them down because they would just be putting in the Hall of Fame cause they would fill sorry for him that he had to retire before is time.

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