If Brock loses to Carwin..


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If Brock loses to Carwin, and FRANK wins his next fight, you think Brock and Frank may be chosen as coaches of TUF13 where they'd fight after the season ends?

Don't get me wrong I DON'T want Brock to lose to Carwin, and I don't think Brock NEEDS to fight Mir again, but I think Dana might try it. It would bring ratings and so forth. And if he promises a title shot for Brock/Mir for the winner of Carwin/Cain (Since that's probably what will be matched up) then he might go for it.

if brock is back to his best then i dont see him losing.However if it meant having a full season of brock and Mir on TUF.Man that would be some classic tv gold right there,imagine the needle involved.5 star tv GUARENTEED!
In theory, it's not a bad idea.

Thing is, Brock would probably never agree to it. He doesn't seem like the type of guy who would really want to associate himself with TUF. We all know about the lifestyle he leads. He mainly likes living in solitude in Minnesota with his family. He probably hasn't even watched an episode of TUF. I remember an interview Joe Rogan did where he was talking about Brock and how he only has cable so he can watch hunting shows.

Considering the amount of power Brock has, I'm sure if Dana proposed it to him, he'd respectfully decline and that would be the end of the conversation. He's not going to press his top guy into something he would never want to do.
That is something that I could see happening but I don't think that I would be completely happy about it.

For me, half of the fun with the Ultimate Fighter is the match at the end of the season and who is going to win that. In my opinion, the coaches need to be great competitors and be on the same level. Look at Liddell and Ortiz right now, both of those men have had almighty fights and both men could defeat the other. Then you have Koscheck and GSP in the next season. Koscheck is now being regarded as a good competitor and challenger for GSP and it make sense to have both of those men on the show. I don't think that this would be the same if Lesnar and Mir are put on the show. Personally, I think that those who compete on the Ultimate Fighter in their teams need to be able to line up behind their coach and be utterly convinced that they can beat the other man.

The problem arises when you look at the last fight that Mir and Lesnar had. Mir was touted as the favourite beforehand and had promised to shut Brock up. Brock went in there though and tore him apart, piece by piece. Whilst I am sure that the competitors would have the utmost respect for Mir, I don't think you could get behind him as being a better coach than Lesnar if he was routinely torn apart the last time they met. However, this is just a small aspect of the show and I would like to see it happen. Both of these men fucking hate each other and I would love to see how their dynamic changes when they are forced to face off.

Who knows, it could be fun.
In theory, it's not a bad idea.

Thing is, Brock would probably never agree to it. He doesn't seem like the type of guy who would really want to associate himself with TUF. We all know about the lifestyle he leads. He mainly likes living in solitude in Minnesota with his family. He probably hasn't even watched an episode of TUF. I remember an interview Joe Rogan did where he was talking about Brock and how he only has cable so he can watch hunting shows.

Considering the amount of power Brock has, I'm sure if Dana proposed it to him, he'd respectfully decline and that would be the end of the conversation. He's not going to press his top guy into something he would never want to do.

actually brock would be all for it, he has said before that he'd love to do TUF. he told dana instead of buying him a car or whatever he buys for the coaches he wants a silo (sp?) for his farm. so yeah i think we'll see him coaching down the line hopefully against Mir because that would make some awesome tv
Might be a good idea but if Brock loses, him and Mir shouldn't face each other for the #1 contender spot for the Heavyweight title. There are a few guys ahead of both of them for that shot. Dos Santos and Carwin come to mind and if Roy Nelson is able to pull off a few more wins he might get a shot too.

Plus Brock hasen't been fighting all that long I'm not sure how much advice he can provide to young fighters.
Might be a good idea but if Brock loses, him and Mir shouldn't face each other for the #1 contender spot for the Heavyweight title. There are a few guys ahead of both of them for that shot. Dos Santos and Carwin come to mind and if Roy Nelson is able to pull off a few more wins he might get a shot too.

Plus Brock hasen't been fighting all that long I'm not sure how much advice he can provide to young fighters.

Yeah your right he has no advice to provide to the young fighters oh wait isn't he a national championship wrestler and if i'm not mistaken the UFC Heavyweight Champion. So i think that he has a lot to teach young fighters especially about work ethic he would be a great coach.
Hopefully not. Nothing really against Mir or Carwin, but I have no desire to see Mir and Lesnar go at it again. They both have far more interesting matchups available. I would much rather see Lesnar/JDS or Lesnar/Velasquez than see him fight Mir again. Same goes for Frank; he has so many interesting options right now. He has two possible contenders in Cain and Junior and even a cool fight with Nelson that could potentially happen. The only time this fight seemed interesting was right after Mir beat Kongo. He seemed to have really added a lot of strength and boxing to his skill set and if he would have beaten Carwin it could have happened. Now though he's going to have to earn his way back up the ladder. If Lesnar loses to Carwin than I can see a Lesnar/Dos Santos fight happening since I think Dana said that Cain will get the first title shot after Lesnar/Carwin goes down.

As far as Lesnar coaching TUF at all, I don't see it happening. Like people have been saying, he's a private guy. It just doesn't seem like something he would be interested in doing. I would like to see two heavyweights coach the next seasona fter Koscheck/GSP though.

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