If you could, how would you change it? For me, Mania I served its purpose, I probably would have built a Hogan-Piper WWF Title match for II with Mr T as the ref ( keep him involved throughout the year which would have been huge on tv ). As for III I would have had Andre go over, leading to IV where Hogan goes over Andre, then you work the Hogan/Savage against Andre/$$Man angle. Mania V would have been "face" Savage vs "face" Hogan (much like Hogan/Warrior, and Savage goes over) After V give Hogan time off and let Savage have the year long reign while slowly but surely becoming a heel, VI would be Savage v Warrior ( and if you needed another draw to sell out the Sky Dome just have Hogan return vs Slaughter using the war as a reason for him to return, yada yada yada). Warrior goes over at VI, hold the title until VII where he faces Hogan, Hogan goes over, leads to VIII where Hogan takes on Flair and Flair goes over. It gets a little tricky after that. All I'm saying is I don't think they had the wrong ideas, I just think they mixed and matched poorly, of course most of that is beyond all control, I'm sure Vince did the best he could considering all circumstances. Regardless though, I think Andre should have went over at III.