Ideas for Edges return


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i realize we are still fairly far away from seeing the rated r superstar back in action but....

what should he do when he get back??

i would have batista and rey win the UTTC and feud with the hart dynasty. hart dynasty wins the titles and gets moved to raw in the draft. they turn face and begin a feud with legacy for the titles. by this point im guessing orton will be champion again. have edge come back as the leader of a new canadian stable with the dynasty. edge v orton and hart dynasty v legacy.

are there any second generation divas besides natalya?? because if there is then she could join legacy and we could have a battle over the divas championship as well. now you can have a stable with most of the raw gold no matter who wins the fued.
I'd, y'know, have him feud with Jericho. Eliminating him from the Royal Rumble is a bit lame. I'd actually have him cost him a win in the Elimination Chamber, that'd be more intresting. When they do that flashing lights thing when each wrestlers is about to enter, somebody shit can be replaced with Edge. I don't know how they'd do that, trap doors and stuff I suppose. But it'd work well.
I would say keep the titles on Jerishow until Edge is healed as Jerishow are actually doing something for the tag team divison in a way as they are not only putting on good matches as a team but they put over their opponents in a one on one match. When WWE gets words that Edge is cleared, they shouldnt tell us about it and have Jerishow feud and pick on Christian and have Christian have a partner set up that gets taken out by Jerishow before the title defense at a the pay per view. Christian comes out alone and out comes Edge. Im sure that would put Edge over better than other plus it gets Christian over. You restart the feud btw Edge and Jericho on a Singles level and you put a better spark on the Tag Team Division and thats whats happening now with Jerishow. They put over singles and tag team matches. Jerishow are main eventers and upper mid card eventers. Edge and Christian will shoot up to that status in a Hart beat and it works will with Bret possibly returning to help the hart dynasty
I have to agree here and since Jericho was talk junk about Edge when he left, him being injury prone. They should have Edge and Christian vs Jerishow. An Edge, Jericho storyline would be great. Jericho is good at making fans hate him and it would be a good way to bring Edge in as a face, since he has been heel for like 5 years now.
odd that you bring this up again, because there are already serveral threads about this.

He should come back and fued with Jericho, anyone else would be a waste of his time. He'll come back as a face, because the people will go ape shit for him (which they were already doing when he got injured) Jericho will still be a mega heel, he could cost Jericho the Royal Rumble, or be the 27th entry in the Royal Rumble, beating Jericho to win the Rumble, or just cost Jericho the match to build up for Jericho vs Edge at WM26
Have just randomly show up durring a Jericho promo on Smackdown then give Edge a mic let him cut a promo on Jericho then all hell breaks loose then we get a no hold barred match between them. The feud builds up until WM and concludes finaly at WM possibly for the title
I would have edge return at a PPV and spear taker (if heel) or Punk (if face) then have a 3 way feud so i would keep edge heel but thats just me.
I honestly would like to see Edge return, not necessarily wanting to fight Jericho. Jericho (with Big Show's assistance) could eliminate Edge at his Royal Rumble return. Jericho wins the Royal Rumble and is Mania bound. Edge gets pissed and is now looking for blood (in face fashion of course). Edge gets a partner and loses to JeriShow at No Way Out. By this point Jericho could cut some serious promos on how weak and pathetic Edge is. It's a mini fued considering Jericho is focused mainly on Mania. Its the big day and who wins MITB? Edge. this time using the briefcase as a face, during Jericho's title match: making it a Triple Threat. Edge then gets put over huge with the win and it sparks a fiery rivalry that could host some great matches. While Jericho is chasing Edge for months to follow he loses focus on the gold he already has, and Jerishow drops the UTTC to some other tag team. This drives Jericho nuts and he's now even more intent on getting that title. This could lead to Jericho screwing other #1 contenders in their title matches by DQ'ing Edge saying "I will be the only one to defeat this weak minded excuse for a champion" this could lead to soo much more and bring major heat to Jericho and give Edge a title reign thats longer then 3 PPV's
My idea is this: Edge comes back and WINS the Royal Rumble. Challenging Punk for the World Title at WM. Leaving Jericho (who drops the titles to roid-tista and Rey) free to take on 'Taker. Think about it, that kills 3 birds with one stone. Keeps Batista out of the title picture. and at WM we get Taker vs. Jericho which has never happened at Mania, and who you know would cut awesome promos. and then you get Edge and Punk for the title. Rated R vs. Straight Edge.
I dont thihnk edge should come back at Royal Rumble because then Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton, or Batista wont be able to win it. At survivor Series Chris Jerico should give an open invitation to anyone in the locker room and then edge comes out.
"My idea is this: Edge comes back and WINS the Royal Rumble. Challenging Punk for the World Title at WM. Leaving Jericho (who drops the titles to roid-tista and Rey) free to take on 'Taker. Think about it, that kills 3 birds with one stone. Keeps Batista out of the title picture. and at WM we get Taker vs. Jericho which has never happened at Mania, and who you know would cut awesome promos. and then you get Edge and Punk for the title. Rated R vs. Straight Edge."

Actually a very good idea.... I was thinking possibly after that u have Christian come over as a heel and challenge Edge. Leaving Punk to fued with Cena and pro-longing the Jericho-Taker saga.
I have a feeling its gonna be him returning at the royal rumble and winning it, then go on to feud with jericho through no way out and others... and at WM 26 its Edge vs. Jericho vs. Batista or something for WHC, the best would be Edge vs. Jericho for WHC,thats what i think atleast
I believe this how the storylines will work in the coming months.

Jericho and Big Show will lose the titles to Batista and Mysterio. Then Batista and Mysterio will feud with the Hart Dynasty. Big Show will go back to Raw and Jericho will be alone on Smackdown. Being the heel that he is he will feud with Cm Punk while maintaining both would maintain their heel personalities. Eventually Jericho would win and Edge will come back at Royal Rumble similiar to John Cena. Except hopefully it will be like when Cena returned at Royal Rumble in 08 or when Edge returned at Survivor Series 2008 except he would be a face. He would win that match. The same night though Jericho would have just defeated Punk in his rematch and Edge will just run out and spear him . He will then go on to say " Jericho you are the hypocrite and I will face you and beat you at Wrestlemania. " I believe Jericho deserves a top spot at Mania if he has never had one or hasn't in a while. I think he could do it. Then of course after Edge wins Punk will insert himself back in the feud by winning the MiTB again if they don't give it someone they want to build say JoMo or someone else. Anyway if Punk got the MiTB he would taunt Edge and Jericho for the weeks leading up to the pay per view maybe for the next couple of months. He would never touch them. Then suddenly when Jericho is about to win the title back from Edge is when Punk would strike. He would get the pin and set up the real three way feud.

Anyway those are my thoughts. Edge will return at the Royal Rumble and win. He will then beat Jericho at Wrestlemania for the WH Championship.
odd that you bring this up again, because there are already serveral threads about this.

He should come back and fued with Jericho, anyone else would be a waste of his time. He'll come back as a face, because the people will go ape shit for him (which they were already doing when he got injured) Jericho will still be a mega heel, he could cost Jericho the Royal Rumble, or be the 27th entry in the Royal Rumble, beating Jericho to win the Rumble, or just cost Jericho the match to build up for Jericho vs Edge at WM26

Too true, anything other than a feud with Jericho would be an utter waste of a return.

I'm all for the Cena, pop up at the end of the rumble and win it, return myself. But that would require Punk to drop the belt to Jericho...maybe give a youngin, a transitional run with the strap so the WWE doesnt have to do a heel heel match or something like that.

Just My Opinion

P.S funny though, have Jericho as champ IN the rumble, saying that he is the greatest or something like that and he will beat out 30 other men to ensure that he does not have to defend his title at WM. Then have edge beat him.

P.P.S. The above was a joke but I still think its funny.
royal rumble this royal rumble that. my boss hurt herself the same (like they broke the same thing) way edge did and she has had a boot on for at least 10 months, so i doubt he will be back that soon i figured people would have realized that by now. ok its jericho(c) vs undertaker at wm 26 for the title in a no dq match. jericho is beating the hell out of taker to the point the fans think he is going to lose his streak. then edges music hits and that distracts jericho (edge doesnt actually come out) taker wins. then for weeks after as jericho iis chasing for the title and every time he gets close edges music hits and that give something jericho to say that (edge is to scared to come out and fight him). i dont think edge should have a surprise return cause you never know how the crowd would react. i am kinda disappointed that edge couldn't be at the 10th anniversary cause they could of started teasing for an edge jericho fued. plus he carried sd for months.
heres my thoughts. whos the best TLC wrestler in WWE? Edge... have a whole big thing that a random member of the smackdown roster will be selected as the 4th man (Y2J bieng 3rd) in the TLC match. have it go around and stop at Edge. every one going nutz as Edge is back, as a face. he wins title KILLING Punk in the process, which will get him a huge pop. then he holds the title till the rumble, loses it 2 jericho after bieng screwed by punk, then taker wins Rumble. taker Y2J and Punk Egde Mania matches wud b NUTS!!!!
I think edge should come back and kick y2j's a- ! Then he should go for the gold and maybe they can even bring back lita !
....Are you people serious? You want someone to win the rumble that already has a prominent main event status?

The 'E needs to start pushing a few midcarders. I could honestly see someone like MVP winning the RR. Someone who needs that one last push. Edge, Taker, Orton... They don't need it.
All quite good ideas, but I think what NEEDS to happen is when Edge come back he needs to team back up with Christian and take on Jericho/Show for the UTC. This would make the audience flip it's shit, because anyone who watched these two back in the day knew how awesome in ring and on the mic they were. Plus this would be a great way to finish off that face push they seem to be giving Edge. I also remember reading an article on the main page after Christian rejoined the WWE saying a reunification was in the pipeline but not happening soon.
Edge will hopefully return at the Royal Rumble and win it. Face Jericho at No Way Out then face the WHC at Wrestle Mania, whether it be Batista, Jericho or Punk and walk out the new WHC.
"ok its jericho(c) vs undertaker at wm 26 for the title in a no dq match. jericho is beating the hell out of taker to the point the fans think he is going to lose his streak. then edges music hits and that distracts jericho (edge doesnt actually come out) taker wins."

They would never let that happen. You know that Mark Calaway (undetaker) will insist on going over clean.
The whole Edge and Jericho fued is a great idea. But reformin E&C is stupid. Christain is finally rising on his own and teaming him back up with Edge will only hurt him. Jerishow needs to lose the titles. Have them blame each other and each form their own team. Jericho & Punk. Have the HD and Legacy dominate the tag team division. But have Jericho and Punk get a title shot and Edge show up and cost them the match and let it all blow up. Have Edge turn to Hardy for help keep Punk out.
Some of these ideas are pretty good but I think the idea of a Jericho Edge feud is out of the question. Would it be a great feud? Yes. But I think there is a more appropriate way to do it.

Forget the upset at a Pay Per View, or Surprise Royal Rumble entry, or any other surprise or stunt. It needs to be subtle.

I would give the fans forewarning of his return a couple of weeks in advance so that there is no big surprise. The point to this is that if you announce his return a few weeks ahead you create a buzz and you create anticipation. I think Edge's return should be similar to Triple H's return from that last quad injury and the first one. Remember those videos they kept showing prior to his arrival where they were like "We've made him faster, stronger, so on and so on" That's what they should do with Edge only instead of having him come back at a pay per view have him come back on Smack Down or Raw like they did with Triple H and his first quad injury.. Get some hype going behind his return. That's going to get more people to watch for his arrival.

You do it that way so that you can cash in on it instead of wasting it with a surprise return at a pay per view that only those viewers will see. So build it up, give it the hype, and give him a big welcome home on Smack Down and launch him as a face.

Have him come out and talk about how hard it was to come back from such a serious injury, and how much he missed wrestling and the fans. He could go on talking about how great it is to be back and tell everyone how he intends to get his world title back. That's when things get interesting. From there you would have C.M. Punk come out cut a promo on him so on and so on. Then if you want some interference, punk could have a match later that night where Edge costs him the win setting him as the face and C.M. Punk as the heel.
Heres what I think is going to happen:

Chris Jericho should enter the Royal Rumble match at the later stages. Just as the clock ticks down till the 30th wrestler makes his entrance, Jericho should be the only guy on his feet as the rest have recieved a serious beat down. Edge would then come out as the 30th entrant, Jericho should have a look of pure shock on his face and the pair of them have a massive stare down, that could last roughly 20/30 seconds before it's broken up by someone attacking Edge. Edge and Jericho should be the final two in the ring, with Edge eliminating Jericho to win the Royal Rumble match and go on to WrestleMania.

Then it's No Way Out (or whatever the hell their going to call it), a World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber match should be the main event with Jericho winning the title, therefore Jericho and Edge main event WrestleMania XXVI together. Because Jericho bad-mouthed Edge after he got injuried and Edge made those remarks back on a PPV (might of been Night of Champions), that's already a basic set-up for a heated feud that could be strong enough to main event a WrestleMania. With Jericho being the heel and Edge the babyface going into the match, Edge should win the World Heavyweight Championship on the grandest stage of them all, and the image of him holding the title should be the final thing you see before they role the highlight footage.

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