Idea: Lesnar vs Wyatts - Gauntlet match

It seems like Lesnar vs Bray is a lock for Wrestlemania after what went down at the Royal Rumble. However there's a small problem.

If it's one-on-one, there's no way WWE will let Bray win and it's a shame to see Bray go 0-3 at Wrestlemania.

Also there have been talks as to what to do with Braun Strowman, who Vince regards as a top priority for Wrestlemania (lol).

So, instead of having a one-on-one match between Brock and Bray, which will likely make the result too obvious and will likely see a lot of intereference by the Wyatt, with no really big payoff, I say let's have a 1-on-4 gauntlet match. First ever gauntlet match if I'm not mistaken, Beast vs Wyatt Family.

First entrant is Harper. Harper stands in there for a good five minutes, gets some offense, but gets pinned then by Brock.
Second comes Rowan, who should have the quickest elimination, as he's there only to injure Brock, which causes a DQ elimination.
Then comes the black sheep, Strowman. Brock vs Strowman lasts a while, since he's huge and the company wants to see him succeed. Strowman gets eliminated by Brock after a hard battle.
Out comes then Bray Wyatt. Brock puts up his best fight as Bray does as well. However in the end, it's not enough and Bray pins Lesnar, 1-2-3 for the victory.

The reason behind this is that I don't want to see Bray losing yet another Wrestlemania and then suffer at the post-Wrestlemania season, like he did last year.
It also showcases Strowman, as he stood tall against Lesnar.

Of course this gauntlet victory also makes it look realistic and really, it doesn't make the Wyatts look weak IMO. I think it's the best possible rub they can get out of Brock Lesnar and look strong coming out of it.

Bray can then enter a hot streak, claiming that he did what all his previous rivals (meaning Roman, Cena, Undertaker) couldn't do: Slay the Beast.

Someone has to pin Lesnar cleanly eventually in order for the breaking of the streak not go to waste and I think this WM is the perfect and final opportunity to do that. Thoughts?
Funny enough, I had a similar thought earlier this week. My own variation of the booking has Rowan come out first, only to be quickly squashed. Harper follows and has the quick DQ, but with a beatdown that lasts uncomfortably long before Strowmam comes out.

I do have concerns though, as I'm not sure Bray comes out of this, win or loss, looking great. I mean, a pin over Brock means a lot, but does it when the odds are literally four on one? Perhaps there is merit to it, especially when you consider the biblical wordplay of the four horsemen of the apocalypse slaying the Beast, and to OP's point of Bray doing what his rivals couldn't.

I like it, and I think it's a great idea, but the creative would need to tread lightly.
Funny enough, I had a similar thought earlier this week. My own variation of the booking has Rowan come out first, only to be quickly squashed. Harper follows and has the quick DQ, but with a beatdown that lasts uncomfortably long before Strowmam comes out.

I do have concerns though, as I'm not sure Bray comes out of this, win or loss, looking great. I mean, a pin over Brock means a lot, but does it when the odds are literally four on one? Perhaps there is merit to it, especially when you consider the biblical wordplay of the four horsemen of the apocalypse slaying the Beast, and to OP's point of Bray doing what his rivals couldn't.

I like it, and I think it's a great idea, but the creative would need to tread lightly.

Given the fact that Lesnar ended the streak, squashed John Cena, defeated Cena and Rollins with broken ribs and made Undertaler his bitch, I'm sure even with the Wyatts being 4-on-1 I'm no sure that the odds are completely in their favor. And to even sell that point, Lesnar would have to make them his bitches leading up to Wrestlemania. They would be the hunted, for once and would really seem like the underdogs.

Also your biblical reference is something that I haven't thought of and it really gives the match a big-match feel and helps it draw.
Also to make it draw even more, WWE needs to give a reason as to why Wyatts targeted Lesnar. The reason? Simple: Surpass The Undertaker and do what the Deadman couldn't do.

This feud has so much potential to produce some great TV. I doubt the creative team is that creative though.
The only issue I have with this match, well there are two. First, if Wyatt beats Lesnar with help from his family, and he's going to need a lot of help, what does that really say about Wyatt? Does it elevate him? If the guy needs the help of 3 other huge men to put down one man, then really now fearsome is he? Even if that man is Brock Lesnar.

The second issue is if Lesnar manages to beat the Wyatt's which he can if he takes them on one by one, that will almost certainly be the end of Bray Wyatt's credibility as "The New Face of Fear".

The WWE is running what I can see as a huge risk here. Brock Lesnar has been set up to be unstoppable. He's the guy who gave Cena an ass whopping he won't soon forget. Took on Cena and Rollins at the same time, and beat Undertaker's 21 year streak of Mania wins. Yes losing to 4 gigantic guys might be the way to finally show Lesnar has a weak side, but the big loser here is Wyatt, even if he does win. Lesnar still comes out looking stronger.
First, if Wyatt beats Lesnar with help from his family, and he's going to need a lot of help, what does that really say about Wyatt?

A good question, but isn't it the same one Bray answers repeatedly? When WWE Creative developed the character of Bray Wyatt, I wonder if they had an idea of how durable and elastic Windham Rotunda's portrayal would make him. The guy suffers every type of punishment and humiliation imaginable......and comes up laughing. It was a creative mistake to separate him from his country they fixed the mistake. Whatever happens in each feud, Bray endures and still comes off as a dangerous opponent for whomever he's being matched against next.

Depending on how long WWE wants to keep Brock Lesnar as a monster, this suggested gauntlet match could work very well because even if all four swamp rats wind up being defeated by one man, they're still good to go for whatever is planned next for them.

However, I do like the idea of Brock being defeated by the fourth guy to get in the ring with them......with just one switch: I'd let Harper & Rowan go first and get their clocks cleaned after doing damage, but I'd follow with Bray, who would knock the hell out of Brock before being beaten himself ......which wouldn't upset Bray because nothing upsets him, plus the fact he'll know that he's left a bruised & beaten Brock Lesnar for a fresh Braun Strowman.......leaving the final slot open for Strowman to pin an exhausted Brock after a valiant battle......which will undoubtedly be augmented by interference.

If done effectively, not only will the fans buy the idea of Brock being pinned, yet emerging more of a hero than ever, but a whole program between Brock & Strowman could ensue after WM32......hopefully with fans taking Braun a little more seriously as an opponent.
The idea of Bray Wyatt going 0-3 at WrestleMania is something that the WWE can use as a storyline, Brays leads a cult/following and this losing streak can fit with his paranoia.
A good question, but isn't it the same one Bray answers repeatedly? When WWE Creative developed the character of Bray Wyatt, I wonder if they had an idea of how durable and elastic Windham Rotunda's portrayal would make him. The guy suffers every type of punishment and humiliation imaginable......and comes up laughing. It was a creative mistake to separate him from his country they fixed the mistake. Whatever happens in each feud, Bray endures and still comes off as a dangerous opponent for whomever he's being matched against next.

Depending on how long WWE wants to keep Brock Lesnar as a monster, this suggested gauntlet match could work very well because even if all four swamp rats wind up being defeated by one man, they're still good to go for whatever is planned next for them.

However, I do like the idea of Brock being defeated by the fourth guy to get in the ring with them......with just one switch: I'd let Harper & Rowan go first and get their clocks cleaned after doing damage, but I'd follow with Bray, who would knock the hell out of Brock before being beaten himself ......which wouldn't upset Bray because nothing upsets him, plus the fact he'll know that he's left a bruised & beaten Brock Lesnar for a fresh Braun Strowman.......leaving the final slot open for Strowman to pin an exhausted Brock after a valiant battle......which will undoubtedly be augmented by interference.

If done effectively, not only will the fans buy the idea of Brock being pinned, yet emerging more of a hero than ever, but a whole program between Brock & Strowman could ensue after WM32......hopefully with fans taking Braun a little more seriously as an opponent.

Strowman as the final entrant could help Strowman in his future career if he's the one maiking the final pin. And Bray getting pinned after putting up a good fight won't really hurt him, since no loss really hurts him..
Isn't Bray the leader? Wouldn't it make sense for the leader to go on last and do the easy job? How could they explain Bray not going last?

Maybe some BS about Bray looking the bigger picture and it was all about the Family beating Brock together or something like "The Giant (Strowman) was destined to slay the Beast" or some BS like that that the WWE could easily think of, but still, it doesn't make much sense not to have the leader go on last..
....but still, it doesn't make much sense not to have the leader go on last..

That's a logical statement, yet the unique make-up of Bray and his pack create the possibility he could enter the match next to last and still be at his most effective.

Yes, Bray is the leader, and he moves his chess pieces in whatever manner will be of most use to him. In his non-PPV televised matches, he often lets his country cousins do the work; sometimes he never enters the match at all. Remember the days he sat in a rocking chair 20 feet away from the ring, looking for an edge over his team's opponents......even while allowing Rowan & Harper to take the physical beatings for him?

I can see this match turning with Bray Wyatt being the third guy in and beating the hell out of Brock, even while being battered himself. Then, he gets F-5'd and eliminated by Brock. You would think he'd feel bad about that, right?

No. Instead, he sits on the ring apron, laughing as he views an exhausted Brock who is still in the match......but now with a fresh & rested Braun Strowman directly in his path. You can bet your buns Bray would find that amusing.

In this manner, the leader wouldn't be the clean-up hitter, yet still comes off as a master manipulator.

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