Idea For Heyman Storyline When He Returns


Getting Noticed By Management
Okay, so we all (or all should) know that Heyman is off TV until January. And since Ryback was "fired" from Heyman's stable and Axel quit the stable, keep them together and turn them face. On the night after the Rumble, have Heyman return to cut a promo at the top of the show. Then have Axel and Ryback come out and the typical argument promo happens. Heyman then gets the mic and says that before he was so rudely interrupted, he was just about to announce the newest Heyman guy. Have it be Corey Graves, Leo Kruger or someone like that. Then Axel challenges him to a match. An authority figure comes out and announces it as the main event. When it looks like the new person is going to win, Ryback interferes and the ref calls for the bell. They then beat the new client down, And when they drag Heyman into the ring and try to attack him, HERE COMES THE PAIN! Out comes Lesnar to the shock of Axel and Ryback (that means have them make "Oh shit" faces), the fans, commentators and Heyman himself. Lesnar gets in the ring and they try to go after him, but Lesnar proves to be too powerful. They can make it like when Lesnar mauled 3MB back in April. The next week. Have them do the same routine and Lesnar comes out, has a mic in hand. goes to the end of the ramp right in front of the ring, where Heyman will hold him off. Heyman then announces that he hired another client. Brock seems upset at first, but Heyman tells him that him and the client know each other very well and that they have been friends for years. It turns out to be Goldberg, Ryback and Axel flip out in the ring when his music hits. Lesnar has a big shocked look and smile on his face and they go exterminate Axel and Ryback. What we get out of this is Axel and Ryback vs Lesnar and Goldberg at Elimination Chamber. The good thing about this is that it doesn't interfere with plans for them at WrestleMania. Besides, Elimination Chamber is in Brock's hometown. So I say go for this. Undertaker usually shows up at the beginning of March anyway and Lesnar is set to come back in January. So this here makes perfect sense.
Sounds okay but there's a problem; it sounds as if Ryback and Axel are the heels whilst Heyman and Brock (and later on Goldberg) are the faces. Plus I can't see Axel vs the new Heyman guy as the main event of Raw nor Goldberg being a heel. It's a nice idea to keep Axel and Ryback together though. Maybe have Ryback and Axel vs Brock at EC.
If WWE is able to work out some sort of deal in which Goldberg makes a return, I don't see it happening against Brock Lesnar, though it might. Goldberg would be brought back for the purpose of being special attraction for WestleMania, so putting him up against Brock Lesnar is a possibility. However, the last match either one f them worked was at WrestleMana almost a decade ago and it'd leaked out that both were leaving the company. The live crowd heckled the shit out of both guys and the problem with having a rematch is that fans will know exactly what it is: a couple of expensive mercenaries who don't care about WWE or the fans in any real way as they're only there to collect a big paycheck.

From what various reports have said, it looks like it'll be Lesnar up against The Undertaker for WM XXX. It'll be a MUCH bigger draw than Goldberg vs. Lesnar because of how over the streak has become & how important a role it's played at WrestleMania. Fans like & respect Taker for his work ethic and passion to do the very best he can with what he's given. Lesnar would have no problem being built as the biggest threat to Taker's streak, partially because of Lesnar's legitimacy and because that Taker's never beaten Lesnar.

I think that what WWE ultimately wants to see happen is a match between Goldberg & Ryback, if Goldberg does return. Ryback has been labeled a Goldberg clone by wrestling fans, and WWE officials themselves have allegedly stated that it was intentionally done that way. Personally, I think Ryback is a much better talker and in-ring guy than Goldberg ever was and WWE could easily go the route of having the storyline be that Ryback is tired of being compared to Goldberg and this is his opportunity to shut people up once and for all.

If Paul Heyman winds up bringing in another client, or clients, I'd rather it be some younger guy, or even girl for that matter, who could benefit from an association with him rather than a big name mercenary who ultimately gains nothing from being with Heyman.
Lesnar and Goldberg can't stand each other in real life, and hate each other in kayfabe too. That doesn't make any sense. Plus your idea literally shits on the debut of an up-and-coming potential star just so you can promote Goldberg.

I'm totally for Heyman introducing a new stable, and for Goldberg to return. But neither should be done like this.
Brock and Goldberg are practically best friends in real life. Kayfabe, yes, they probably have some issues. Well I get that Axel and Ryback would look like the heels and Brock and Goldberg would look like the faces, but in the Punk-Heyman clients feud, Punk was the one that was playing the part of the heel. And here are prime examples.

-Dragging Heyman into the ring during Punk vs Axel, which made Lesnar look like the face since he came out

-All the attacks on Heyman, even the most recent one on Raw.

-Every promo Punk made in that feud.

And I'll think of more later
The Heyman/Lesnar relationship seems solid for now. However, Lesnar is only around before, during and briefly after major PPVs. So to practically keep Lesnar on tv regularly (which they should do because he is still one of the top mic workers) he needs a secondary Heyman guy to do the week to week stuff. Its out of the box, but why not Sheamus when he returns? Sheamus was floundering a bit before he hit the shelf so it could fit in storyline that he is looking for someone to help guide him to the title. It also wouldn't immediately conflict with Lesnar who doesn't seem interested in championships for now. And it gives Heyman someone who would be a real threat in a Heyman/Ryback feud were it to drag on.

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