Icon's WWE


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Christian’s music hits as RAW opens with the 2011 Royal Rumble winner. He gets the mic.

Christian: Hey! It’s great to see the RAW Peeps again. And it’s good to see the Peeps love to see me. And why not? This time they have a reason to be happy. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am the 2011 Royal Rumble winner. I can either challenge the WWE or World Heavyweight champion at WrestleMania.
-The Miz’s music hits-
The Miz: Christian, o, Christian. It’s so good to see you win something in your boring career. But you will be wasting it if you choose to face me at WrestleMania. You see, I can beat you anytime YOU choose. And you must know, I’m the most must-see WWE champion in history!!
Christian: Actually Miz, you’re the most avoidable champion there was, is and ever will be.
*The crowd cheers at the catchphrase*
Miz: You’re saying this because you’re jealous because I did what you couldn’t and will never do, win the WWE championship.
Christian: Yeah, I have never won a world title in my career and I dislike to, but am not afraid of saying it because this draught will end at WrestleMania when I lift the championship high above my head after winning it…
Miz: …that’s a dream and not all dreams become reality.
Christian: You know what Miz; I hate to wait until WrestleMania, because if given a chance, I’ll finish you off tonight!
Miz: As I said earlier, I can beat you anytime YOU want, just like I did to Randy Orton.
-Randy Orton’s music hits-
Orton: Miz, that’s right, you only know to cheat to beat. Because everybody present here knows, that I was cheated last night.
Miz: So you’re here to remind me of my master plan, huh?
Orton: You’re master plan backfired Miz, because the GM has granted me a direct entry into the RAW Elimination Chamber match without any qualification matches.
Miz: You are a liar Orton!
-The GM chimes in-
Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the general manager. And I Quote “Miz, Orton is right, he is going to the chamber without any qualification process. Also, congratulations to Christian on winning the Royal Rumble and putting up a stellar performance. But you must know, I won’t let Christian’s appearance on RAW be a waste. So tonight, Christian teams up with Randy Orton to take on the team of Alex Riley and the WWE champion, The Miz”.
*All 4 men stare at each other as we go to commercial*

Elimination Chamber qualification match: Triple H vs R-Truth
Back from the break and Triple H makes his entry. Truth is out next with his What’s Up routine as Hunter stares at him in disgust. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Hunter pushes Truth in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him followed by a High Knee after 2 missed clotheslines. He picks him up and whips him but Truth reverses and goes for a backdrop but Hunter counters with a face-buster and a clothesline. He picks Truth up and nails the spinebuster. He calls for the Pedigree. He kicks Truth in the gut but Truth pushes him off and does a hip-toss. He goes for a cover. 1…2… kick out. Truth picks him up and whips him followed by a spinning heel kick. He goes on the top and hits an elbow. 1…2… another kick out by The Game. Truth picks Hunter up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks Hunter up and throws him out. He goes out and smashes Hunter’s skull on the barricade. He tries whipping him into the steps but Hunter reverses and Truth crash-lands into the steps. Hunter picks him up and pushes him into the announce. He picks Truth up and throws him in. He gets in and nails him with a spinebuster and calls for the Pedigree. He connects and goes for a cover but Truth kicks out at 2!!! Triple H can’t believe it. He argues with the ref for sometime before he sees Truth getting up. He kicks him in the gut again but this time Truth counters with the backdrop. Both men are down as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Truth has Hunter locked in an arm-bar. Hunter struggles but makes it to the ropes. Truth breaks the hold and stomps away at Hunter. He picks Hunter up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He goes on the top and hits a missile drop-kick. 1…2… kick out. Truth waits for him to get up. Hunter is up after 8 seconds and Truth nails him with the Lie Detector. He goes for a cover and 1…2… kick out!! Truth can’t believe it. He calls for another Lie Detector. He nails Hunter with the second Lie Detector but injures his shoulder. He gets up holding his shoulder but Sheamus comes out of the audience out of nowhere and pulls Hunter out. He nails him with the Irish Hammer giving Triple H the win by disqualification.
Winner: Triple H
After the match, Sheamus taunts Truth as Truth looks on in disgust and Hunter is out cold on the floor as we go backstage.

Scott Stanford is up with Nexus and CM Punk.
Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time, The Nexus. So Punk, how do you look forward to your match with a long time nemesis, Daniel Bryan?
Punk: Scott, you must know, that I have stepped up and now am the leader of the Nexus. While Daniel Bryan, he’s just a flash in the pan. He is the dumbest United States champion ever! And tonight, I am going to show him why, I was always better than him. But it really isn’t about me and Bryan, is it? You see, it’s all about The Nexus dominating Monday Night RAW and me winning the WWE championship come Elimination Chamber.
Scott: Punk, we also know that tonight, Cena has a chance to enter that chamber with you. So does that make any difference to your chances of winning?
Punk: Ha-ha. Cena hasn’t even won his qualification match. And if he does, Elimination Chamber will be his last night in the WWE and my first, as WWE champion!


Elimination Chamber qualification match: CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
Punk is out first with The Nexus but sends them back when they reach the end of the ramp. He gets in the ring and does his Nexus pose as Bryan enters. The bell sounds and both men go at it exchanging kicks. Bryan gets hold of a solid kick to the back of Punk’s head and Punk is down. He picks Punk and lashes at him with some more kicks. He picks Punk up and whips him in the corner followed by a bulldog. He goes on the top and hits a missile drop-kick. 1…2… kick out. He picks Punk up and whips him but Punk reverses and goes for a backdrop but Bryan kicks him across the chest. He comes off the ropes and hits a crossbody. 1…2… kick out. Bryan picks Punk up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a small package but Punk kicks out at 2. Bryan lands a hard punch to the jaw and goes on the top. He hits a Frog Splash. 1…2…kick out. Bryan shakes his head and goes in the corner and nails a clothesline. He picks Punk up and hits a backbreaker. 1..kick out. He picks Punk up and whips him but Punk reverses and lands a spinning heel kick. Both men are down as we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk has Bryan in the sleeper. Bryan starts fainting but slowly manages to get up and gets to the ropes. Punk breaks the hold and whips Bryan into the corner followed by a knee-to-the face and a bulldog. 1…2…kick out! Punk calls for the GTS. He picks Bryan up but Bryan elbows his way out and goes for an enzugiri but Punk ducks and nails an enzugiri of his own. 1…2…kick out. He picks Bryan up and whips him in the corner followed by a splash. He picks Bryan up and slams him down in the center of the ring. He goes on the top and dives off. 1…2…kick out. He picks Bryan up and throws him out. He goes out and picks Bryan up. He throws him into the ring-post back-first. He picks him up and smashes his head on the announce. Punk clears the mess on the announce and places Bryan on it. Punk gets in the ring to break the ref’s count. He stands on the apron but the ref starts the count again. Punk starts arguing with the ref. Bryan gets up and hits Punk from behind. Punk suffers a crash on the outside. He picks Punk up and throws him in. He gets in but Punk catches him with a DDT. 1…2…kick out as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Punk is still in control nailing Bryan with fists. He picks Bryan up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and whips him but Bryan reverses and nails a drop-kick. Both men are down. Bryan gets up and goes on the top and hits a missile drop-kick. 1…2…kick out. He picks Punk up and whips him followed by a drop-toe hold and locks in the LeBelle out of nowhere. Punk yells in pain and struggles but finally makes it to the ropes. Bryan releases the hold and calls for an enzugiri. He charges towards Punk but Punk ducks and hits a boot. He signals the end and picks Bryan up and nails him with the GTS. He turns him around and locks in the Anaconda Vice. Bryan taps out almost immediately as Punk stands celebrating in the ring.
Winner: CM Punk

We move backstage where Orton is taping up. Christian comes in.
Christian: Hey dude, are you ready?
Orton: Yes. Tonight, I’m going to give Miz a taste of what’s going to come at Elimination Chamber and you’re going to help do that. Plus, you also have to take out Alex Riley.
Christian: Don’t you worry about that dude. A-Ri is going to take a Hi-Fly jump to the hospital.
*Christian is about to leave the locker when he turns around*
Christian: Hey, and let me tell you this, if you win at Elimination Chamber, you’re mine at WrestleMania.
*Christian leaves as we go to commercial*

The Great Khali and Mark Henry vs The Usos (No.1 contender’s match to the WWE Tag Team championships)
Khali is out first followed by Mark Henry and then The Usos. Santino and Kozlov are sitting at ringside. The winners will face them at Elimination Chamber in 3 weeks. Henry and Jey start the match. The bell sounds and Henry nails Jey with a boot. He picks him up and whips him in the corner followed by a splash. He tags in Khali. Khali comes in and hits Jey with multiple chops on the chest. He picks Jey up and whips him followed by a chop to the skull. He calls for the Khali Vice. He grabs hold of Jey but Jey places his foot on the ropes. Khali releases the hold and headbutts Jey straight out of the ring. Khali goes out and throws Jey in. He gets in and goes for a boot but Jey ducks and hits a springboard crossbody but Khali catches him in mid-air and hits a 360º sidewalk slam. 1…2…kick out. Khali picks Jey up and tags in Henry. Henry gets in and clotheslines Jey down. He picks Jey up and stares down at Jimmy. Jey escapes the “World’s Strongest Grasp” and nails Henry with multiple kicks to the back of the head. Finally, Henry goes down at Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy comes in off a clothesline of the top and knocks Henry down. He goes on the top once again and hits the Superfly Splash. 1…2…kick out by Henry! Jimmy can’t believe it. Henry is wriggling in pain as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Jimmy has a sleeper hold locked in on Henry. Henry goes down on his knees but makes it to a vertical base after some time and pulls Jimmy down by the hand. Both men are down. They tag in their respective partners. Jey comes in running but Khali knocks him off with a shoulder block. He picks Jey up and throws him into the corner and slaps him in the chest. He picks Jey up and tries for the Choke Bomb but Jimmy hits a chop-block to the knee of Khali. Khali goes down. Jimmy turns around and Henry clotheslines him over the top. Jey lands a hard kick to the back of Henry’s head and Henry falls on the outside. Khali nails Jey with the Choke Bomb. 1…2…3! Khali gains the pinfall and a shot at the tag team titles for his team as Santino and Kozlov look on with their mouths wide open.
Winners: The Great Khali and Mark Henry

Backstage, we see Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim arguing about how Bryan lost. The camera then focuses on Scott Stanford.
Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Sheamus.
Sheamus: It’s King Sheamus for you.
Scott: Sorry, King. Now for my question, why did you attack Triple H when you knew he would enter the chamber even if he won without disqualification.
Sheamus: Because I wanted him to. You see, I want Triple H to enter that chamber with me, so that I can destroy him and take him out. And this time, forever. Come Elimination Chamber, it’s Game Over for Triple H. All hail the king (doing his signature taunt)


Natalya, Bellas, Eve and Tamina vs Melina, Maryse, Alicia Fox and LayCoolThe face divas are out first followed by the heel ones. Melina and Eve start the match. They lock up as Melina throws Eve off guard and nails her with a knee to the face. She tags in Maryse who comes in and delivers a boot. She picks Eve up and throws her in the corner and kicks away at her. She picks her up whips her followed by a spinning heel kick. Maryse tags in Fox. Fox goes on the top and hits a crossbody and goes for a cover but the lights go out. The lights are back and all the Divas except for LayCool and Natalya are left standing. Everyone is surprised about this and the arena is dead silent. The lights go out once again and this time, all the divas are down. A laughing voice can be heard from somewhere in the arena.
Result: No contest


Elimination Chamber qualification match: King Sheamus vs Ted DiBiase vs Evan Bourne vs Zack Ryder vs Yoshi TatsuThe entry is in the reverse of the order listed above. All men are in the ring as the bell sounds. Sheamus nails Bourne with an elbow and Ted knocks Tatsu off with a clothesline. All the 3 heels square off and Ted and Ryder go after Sheamus. They beat him down till he gets down on his knees. Ryder nails him with a drop-kick. Ted goes on the top and hits an elbow. He picks Sheamus up and throws him out. He turns around and Ryder nails him with the Rough Ryder. 1…2…kick out by Ted. Ryder calls for the Zack Attack but Bourne hits him with a missile drop-kick off the top. 1…2…kick out by Ryder. Bourne picks him up and whips him in the corner followed by a spinning heel kick. He goes on the top and hits a moonsault. 1…2… Tatsu breaks the cover. Both he and Bourne get up at the same time. Bourne charges towards him but Tatsu ducks and hits a springboard crossbody. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Bourne up and throws him out where Sheamus nails him with an Irish Hammer. He picks Bourne up and throws him in. He gets in but Tatsu greets him with a Roundhouse Kick. 1…2… Ted breaks it up. He picks Tatsu up and hits a backbreaker. 1…2… kick out by Tatsu. He picks Tatsu up and hits a body slam. 1…2.. but Ryder breaks it up. He picks Ted up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him this time followed by a backdrop. He locks in the cross-face. Ted struggles. Bourne quickly gets up and nails Ryder with a kick. He picks Ted up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a schoolboy but Ted kicks out. Bourne goes on the top and tries for the Air Bourne but Sheamus pulls Ted out of the way as we go to a commercial.
Back from the break and Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker on Tatsu. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230; but Tatsu kicks out. He picks Tatsu up and hits a sit-out gut-buster. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230; another kick out by Tatsu. Sheamus screams in agony as he picks Tatsu up and throws him into the corner. He charges towards him but Tatsu lifts his leg up in time. Sheamus is stunned for a moment. Tatsu goes on the second rope and dives but Sheamus catches him with a Brogue kick! 1&#8230;2&#8230; Ted breaks it up. Sheamus is frustrated. He grabs Ted by the neck and throws him into the corner and beats him down with punches. He picks Ted up and hits a body slam in the center of the ring. He calls for the Brogue kick. He charges but Ted falls down avoiding the kick and Sheamus runs into a Rough Ryder off the top by Zack Ryder. 1&#8230;2&#8230; Bourne breaks it up. He picks Ryder up and hits a spinning heel kick. He goes on the top and hits the Air Bourne!! 1&#8230;2&#8230; Sheamus breaks it up. He picks Bourne up and hits him with the Irish Curse backbreaker. He turns around and Tatsu goes for a roundhouse kick but Sheamus ducks and hits an Irish Hammer. He calls for the Brogue kick on Ted and connects. He turns his attention to Ryder who is struggling to make it to his feet. Sheamus kicks him in the gut and hits him with the High/Celtic Cross and goes for the cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3!! Sheamus is going to Elimination Chamber!!
Winner: King Sheamus
After the match, Sheamus is celebrating in the ring as Triple H comes from behind and blasts him off with the sledgehammer. He hits him with numerous shots and throws him out. He goes out and rams him into the barricade. He picks him up and hits him with Pedigree on the ramp. He gets a mic.
Hunter: You know what Sheamus, at Elimination Chamber, it&#8217;s gonna be Game Over for you, because It&#8217;s Time to Play The Game, and I love TO PLAY!!!

Backstage, we see Scott Stanford
Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, John Cena.
*Cheers can be heard from the arena as the camera turns to Cena*
Cena: Hey Scott. How are you?
Scott: I&#8217;m fine John, thank you. You see, earlier tonight, Punk said that if you enter that chamber with him, he&#8217;ll make sure that it will be your last night in the WWE. Are you intimidated by that?
Cena: Intimidated? Are you serious? I&#8217;m looking forward to it. You see, I&#8217;ve only seen CM Sucks talk, but this time I&#8217;d like to see what Punk can do.
Scott: And what do you think YOU can do inside that demonic structure?
Cena: What am I going to do? I&#8217;m going to enter that chamber with two things in mind, one, to become a 8-time WWE champion and the second, to destroy CM Sucks. You know, I don&#8217;t just talk like Sucks but I also do what I say I&#8217;ll do. And when I say Punk will be destroyed at Elimination Chamber, I&#8217;ll make sure he doesn&#8217;t leave on his own legs. And Punk will be the luckiest man alive, if he comes out in one piece!
*Cena walks off with a stern look on his face as his match is next and we go to commercial*

Elimination Chamber qualification match: John Cena vs John Morrison
Mo is out first. Cena is out next and he does a stern salute. He gets in the ring and throws off his cap without doing the bounce-bounce thing. He throws off his t-shirt with authority and hands the ref his ornaments. The bell sounds and Mo stretches out his hand. Cena goes to shake it but spears him instead and punches him repeatedly until the ref pulls him off. He picks Mo up and whips him followed by the shoulder blocks, press slam and 5 knuckle shuffle. He picks him up for the AA but Mo slips out and nails Cena with a kick to the back of his head. Cena goes down. Mo goes on the top and hits a moonsault. He waits for Cena to get up and hits a clothesline. Cena falls on the outside. Mo baseball slides but Cena sidesteps and pulls him down. He hits Mo with a huge blow in the jaw. Mo is down and out. He picks Mo up and whips him into the steps. He picks Mo up and throws him in. He gets in and whips Mo into the corner followed by a bulldog. He goes on the top and hits a legdrop. 1&#8230;2&#8230; Mo kicks out. He picks Mo up and rams him into the post shoulder-first. He pulls him out and jerks his shoulder. Mo goes down holding his arm in pain. He picks Mo up and twists his arm. He places it on the top rope and jerk-pulls it down. Mo is out holding his arm. Cena stomps repeatedly at the injured arm. He goes out and pulls Mo to the corner. He grabs his arm and locks it around the post. Mo is screaming. Cena releases before the 5 count and gets in. He hits a knee-drop on his arm as we go to a commercial.

We are back and Mo has Cena locked in a sleeper. Replay from the break is shown where Mo nails Cena with an uppercut to gain the upper hand in the match. Back live, Cena makes it to a vertical base and pulls Mo down. Both men are down center of the ring. They get up at 8. Mo charges towards Cena but Cena pulls the ropes down and Mo crashes outside. Cena goes out and smashes Mo&#8217;s head on the steps. He picks Mo up and throws him in. He gets in but Mo nails him with a DDT out of nowhere. 1..2..kick out by Cena. He picks Cena up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He hits the flash kick and goes for the knee but Cena sidesteps and Mo lands hard into the corner. Cena charges towards him but Mo sidesteps and Cena runs shoulder-first into the post and falls down in the corner. Mo calls for the Starship Pain with one hand. He grabs the ropes favoring his injured arm and does the splash but Cena sidesteps and Mo lands hard. Both men get up at the same time. Cena grabs Mo by the hair and yanks him down. He picks Mo up and hits a drop-kick. He picks him up again and this time hits a DDT. 1&#8230;2..kick out. Cena calls for the AA. He lifts Mo but Mo slips out and hits another flash kick and this time also hits the knee. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out by Cena!! Mo can&#8217;t believe it. He picks Cena up and hits the Moonlight Drive. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;another kick out! Mo gets frustrated and kicks away at Cena. Cena sits up but Mo lands a knee to the face. Another cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;another kick out. Mo stands up and hits a standing moonsault. He goes on the top and hits a missile drop-kick. He picks Cena up and twists his arm. He climbs the ropes Undertaker style but Cena chop-blocks his leg and Mo falls with the ropes between his legs. Mo cries in pain and falls inside the ring. Cena goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Cena lies down in fatigue as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Cena has Mo in a cross-face. Mo struggles at first but finally makes it to the ropes. Cena releases the hold and waits for Mo to get up. Mo gets up. Cena goes for a clothesline but Mo ducks and hits a flash kick out of nowhere. He goes for the knee but Cena grabs it and does a drop-toe hold. He locks in the STF. Mo is surprised and struggling before making it to the ropes. Cena releases the hold and looks at the ref in agony. Mo makes it to a vertical base. Cena whips him followed by shoulder blocks, press slam and 5 knuckles shuffle. He picks Mo up for the AA but Nexus&#8217;s music hits and they come out minus Punk. They charge to the ring but stop near the apron. They tell Cena (who has released Mo off his shoulders) to look around. Cena turns around and Mo nails him with a Super Kick! Cover by Mo. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3!! Mo with the biggest win of his career.
Winner: John Morrison
After the match and celebration, Mo fixes his eyes on Nexus who are still at ringside and adopts a karate pose. Punk&#8217;s music hits and he comes out with a mic in hand.
Punk: Morrison, calm down, we are not here for you.
*Morrison goes back to normal*
Punk: I, I want all my Elimination Chamber opponents to be fit and fine for the mega day so I can beat all of you when you&#8217;re all at hundred percent. So, you may leave.
*Morrison hesitates a bit before leaving because now the Nexus stand on the apron surrounding the ring*
*They watch Morrison go and then focus on Cena who is down and staggering in the ring*
Punk: Cena, o, Cena. All that you said in your interview, is waste! Ha-ha. You lost to John Morrison. Can you believe it, you lost to John Morrison. But, it ain&#8217;t your fault, is it? No. It isn&#8217;t. It isn&#8217;t even my fault. It&#8217;s the Nexus&#8217;s fault. You see, some member of the Nexus, wanted you so bad in a one-one-one match at Elimination Chamber, that I, no we, had to use this mean. Sorry, from the bottom of my heart.
*He says this rather sarcastically*
Punk: Get in.
*He motions to the Nexus*
*Cena looks on at all members of the Nexus*
*Finally, Mason Ryan gets in the ring*
Punk: Do you accept Cena?
*Cena gets a mic*
Cena: Well, Sucks, I have no other option, I have to accept and I do. But, on my terms.
Punk: Name it.
Cena: Me vs him, John Cena vs Mason Ryan in a&#8230;
*Cena thinks a bit*
Cena: &#8230;. In an Extreme Rules match.
*Punk calls for a Nexus meeting on the arena floor*
Punk: We accept. You&#8217;re on.
*Cena is all smiles*
Cena: This ensures that at Elimination Chamber, Ryan, is gonna get hurt!!
*Cena&#8217;s music plays as we go to commercial*

The Miz and Alex Riley vs Randy Orton and Christian
Miz and Ri are out first followed by Orton and then the 2011 Royal Rumble winner. Ri and Orton start the match as the bell sounds. They lock up and Orton turns into a headlock. Ri pushes him off but Orton hits a shoulder block off the ropes. He comes off the ropes and hits multiple clothesline followed by a scoop slam. He hits the backbreaker and starts pounding on the mat. He grabs Ri by the neck but Ri pushes him off. He goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks and hits a drop-kick. Ri rolls onto the apron and gets up slowly. Orton drapes him over the second rope and hits his signature DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Orton tags in Christian who comes in with a moonsault off the top. He goes for a cover but Ri kicks out. Christian goes on the second rope and hits a flying uppercut. He picks Ri up and slaps him. Ri falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his legs and then goes on the out to slap Ri. Christian gets back in the ring and grabs Ri by the neck. He goes on the second rope and hits a tornado DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230; Ri kicks out. Christian calls for the Killswitch. He grabs Ri but Ri manages to wriggle free and goes out of the ring as Christian celebrates with the fans and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Miz has Orton in a headlock. Orton gets back to a vertical base and pushes The Miz off. Miz hits a shoulder block off the rope. He picks Orton up and whips him hard into the corner followed by his signature clothesline. He calls for the Skull Crushing Finale. He grabs Orton but Orton gets loose and goes for the RKO but Miz pushes him off. Orton runs right into an uppercut by Ri in the corner. Miz nails Orton with the backbreaker-neckbreaker combo. 1..2&#8230;Orton kicks out! Miz can&#8217;t believe it. He tags in Ri. Ri comes in and stomps away at Orton. He hits a legdrop and goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;another kick out. He picks Orton up and whips him followed by a vicious clothesline. He calls for the &#8220;You&#8217;re Dismissed!&#8221;. He tries but Orton somehow counters and nails Ri in the groin when the ref is busy dealing with Christian. Orton hits Ri with a DDT and both men are down. They tag in their respective partners. Miz comes in and tries for a clothesline but Christian ducks and hits a springboard moonsault. He goes on the top and hits another moonsault. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Miz kicks out. He picks Miz up and throws him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Miz kicks out at 2. He picks Miz up and kicks him in the gut followed by the impeller DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;another kick out by The Miz. Christian goes on the second rope and hits a tornado DDT. Miz falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his feet and goes on the out. He slaps him and gets back in. He nails Miz with a backbreaker. He calls for the Killswitch but Ri nails him in the back of his head. Orton comes in. Ri goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks and hits an RKO! He turns around and pounds on the mat waiting for Miz to get up. He grabs him by the throat but Miz pushes him off and Orton falls on the outside. Christian quickly nails Miz with the Killswitch and goes for the cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3! Orton and Christian win.
Winners: Randy Orton and Christian
Orton and Christian celebrate in the ring as the GM chimes in.
Cole: May I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the general manager. And I Quote &#8220;Orton, Christian, we have seen what you can do as a pair, as a team. Now, we would like to see what you can do as opponents.&#8221;
*The crowd cheers at this announcement*
Cole:As per orders from the SmackDown! general manager, Theodore Long, Randy Orton will face Christian, this week, on Friday Night SmackDown!&#8221;
*Orton and Christian stare down each other as the arena is filled with the cheers*

*End of show*
WWE Superstars

William Regal def. Tyson Kidd w/ Jackson Andrews
William Regal managed to beat Tyson Kidd in 9 minutes app. after nailing him with the knee-to-the head finisher. Good match with decent spots and Andrews got involved in numerous times.

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov def. The Usos
Decent match with Usos being in control for most of the match. Typical tag-team match style. Hells dominate -> Faces counter -> Victory. Finish came when Santino nailed Jey with the Cobra.

Tyler Reks def. Jack Swagger to win a spot in one of the Elimination Chamber qualifiers
Bad match that lasted for 10 good minutes and spoilt an exciting show. There wasn&#8217;t even a little quality in the match. The crowd was dead silent. Finish came when Reks hit Swagger with the X-Factor after controlling most of the match.

Main-event: Kofi Kingston (champion) def. &#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes
Intercontinental title was on the line. Awesome match with too many good spots. Best match of the night by far. Finish came when Kofi ducked the Beautiful Disaster and hit the Trouble In Paradise. Both men controlled the match equally.

*End of show*

WWE Divas

Natalya and Beth Pheonix def. Maryse and Melina
Regular divas tag team match with no spots whatsoever. Finish came when Natalya locked in the Sharpshooter on Melina and made her tap out.

Alicia Fox def. The Bella Twins (2-on-1 Handicap match)
Good match that lasted about fifteen minutes (can you believe it!!!??). Few good spots here and there by the Bellas. Finish came after Alicia hit both the Bellas with a drop-kick.

Vickie Guerrero and Layla def. Kelly Kelly and Rosa Mendes
Same old divas tag match but a little bit better than the first one. Vickie had hardly anything to do. Kelly made a total mess of her move. Finish came when Layla nailed Rosa with her finisher.

Michelle McCool def. Eve Torres (No. 1 contender&#8217;s match to the Divas title)
Best match of the night. Huge spots by both the divas. Finish came after Michelle nailed Eve with the Faith-breaker. She know will face Natalya at Elimination Chamber for the Divas title. After the match, Layla, Beth and Natalya all came out to the ring and were looking as if they were going to brawl but the lights went off just like on RAW and when we came back to normal, all the Divas were down. The laughing sound could be heard again to close the show.

*End of show*
Edge comes out as the show opens.
Edge: Hmm, last night, I retained my World Heavyweight championship against Dolph Ziggler.
*The crowd cheers*
Edge: But that was expected and I&#8217;m here to talk about a victory no one, and I mean no one, ever expected and anticipated. I&#8217;m here to talk about Christian&#8217;s victory. Christian just made it to the main-event of WrestleMania and I find no reason why he should waste it on any other champion when his ex-buddy, his ex-best friend, is the World Heavyweight champion. You see, Christian, is destined to face me for the World Heavyweight title at WrestleMania, and believe it or not, he knows he is going to.
-Christian&#8217;s music hits-
Christian: Hey dude. Thanks for putting up my victory. But you know what, I thought you knew the rules of cashing in the opportunity because you have already been in this position before. You see, I would want to face you at WrestleMania and end the &#8220;cold-war&#8221; forever but it&#8217;s only possible my friend, if you come out of the Elimination Chamber still holding that title.
Edge: What do you mean buddy? I am going to walk out of Elimination Chamber as the World Heavyweight champion no matter who my challengers are.
Christian: That depends on you. What I am going to do is sit back, watch both the Elimination Chambers carefully and then, make the right decision.
-Teddy Long&#8217;s music hits-
Teddy: Hey playas. How are you guys? Now, I know that this decision ain&#8217;t stopping right here and the show must go on. So, tonight, Edge, you have a match with Christian.
*The crowd looks confused as Orton vs Christian is organized for tonight*
Teddy: I know, I know, it&#8217;s supposed to be Christian vs Orton, but, I&#8217;m adding Edge to the mix and making it a triple threat match! Now it will be, Christian vs Randy Orton vs Edge. Good luck playas.
*Teddy leaves as we go to a commercial*

Elimination chamber qualification match: Alberto Del Rio and &#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes vs Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyreThe stipulations are, the winning team qualifies and fills two spots in the chamber. Alberto is out first followed by Cody and then Drew and Kofi. Cody and Kofi start the match. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Cody puts Kofi in a headlock and takes him down. Kofi struggles but makes it to the vertical base. He pushes Cody off. Cody ducks a clothesline and hits the Beautiful Disaster. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Kofi up and tags in Alberto. Alberto comes in and punches Kofi multiple times in the gut. He picks Kofi up and whips him followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. He picks Kofi up and slaps him in the face. He talks crap in Drew&#8217;s face. He turns his attention to Kofi who is staggering to his feet. He kicks Kofi in the gut and hits a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Kofi up and slams him down. He tags in Cody. Cody comes in admires his face. Kofi is up by the time. Cody turns his attention to Kofi but Kofi nails him with a drop-kick and both men are down. They tag in their partners. Alberto comes in and goes for a clothesline but Drew ducks and hits a boot. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Alberto up and locks in a chin-lock as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Drew kicks away at Alberto in the corner. He picks Alberto up and tags in Kofi. Kofi comes in and nails a drop-kick. He hits the Boom Drop and calls for the Trouble In Paradise. He spins around but Alberto ducks and goes for a clothesline but Kofi catches him and nails the S.O.S. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2..kick out by Del Rio. He picks Alberto up and whips him in the corner. He climbs on the second rope and punches him multiple times. He gets down and nails a splash in the corner. He goes on the top and hits a Frog Splash. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Alberto up and whips him but Alberto ducks a clothesline and hits the flash kick. Both men are down. They get up at 7. Kofi charges towards Alberto in the corner but Alberto sidesteps and hits an enzugiri. He tags in Cody. Cody comes in and stomps away at Kofi. He picks Kofi up and whips him followed by a backbreaker. He picks Kofi up and tries for the Cross Rhodes but Kofi slips out. He goes for a springboard spinning kick but Cody ducks and hits the Beautiful Disaster. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out! Cody can&#8217;t believe it as we go to another commercial.

We&#8217;re back and Kofi lands a hard kick to the back of Cody&#8217;s head. He picks Cody up and whips him and hits a drop-kick. He hits the Boom Drop and calls for the T.I.P. He spins but Cody ducks and nails him with an uppercut. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Drew comes in for a clothesline but Alberto ducks and hits an enzugiri. He picks Drew up and rams him into the post arm-first. Alberto tries removing the turnbuckle padding but the ref pushes him away. Ricardo Rodriguez takes advantage and blasts Drew&#8217;s arm with a chair. Drew holds his arm in pain as Alberto quickly locks in the cross arm-breaker. Drew taps out giving Alberto and Cody the victory as we go to a break.
Winners: Alberto Del Rio and &#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes

Elimination Chamber qualification match: Big Show vs Kane
Back from the break and Show is out first followed by Kane. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Kane pushes Show off but Show retaliates with a clothesline. He picks Kane up and throws him into the corner and hits him with some chest slaps. He calls for the K.O blow. He swings but Kane ducks and hits a boot off the ropes. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Show up and whips him but Show reverses. Kane ducks a clothesline and hits a clothesline of his own. He goes on the top and hits a flying clothesline. He calls for the chokeslam. He grabs Show by the neck but Show pushes his arm off and hits a chokeslam of his own. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out! Show can&#8217;t believe it. He goes for another cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;another kick out. He picks Kane up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a bodyslam. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Kane up and whips him in the corner. He charges towards him but Kane sidesteps and hits a boot sending Show out. He waits for Show to get in. Show gets in at 9. Kane immediately goes for a chokeslam but Show pushes him off and hits a backdrop followed by a legdrop. Show goes on the second rope and tries for a elbow but Kane sidesteps and Show crashes to the mat. Kane quickly gets up and locks in the sleeper hold on Show. Show starts fainting but manages to get back on his feet and pulls Kane down. He stomps repeatedly and then stands on Kane&#8217;s chest. Kane is gasping for air as Show steps down and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Show is punching Kane in the corner. He picks Kane up and rams him into the post. He pulls Kane out and hits a chokeslam out of nowhere. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out! Show can&#8217;t believe it. He picks Kane up and whips him but Kane ducks a clothesline and hits a clothesline of his own. He goes on the top and hits a flying clothesline. This time, he calls for the Tombstone. He tries lifting Show but he can&#8217;t. Show lifts him instead and hits a powerbomb. He calls for the chokeslam. He grabs Kane by the neck but Kane too grabs Show. Both men take their chances at overpowering each other still holding each other&#8217;s necks. Show finally overpowers Kane pushing him into the corner. He releases his hold and punches him in the gut. He waits for Kane to get up and then grabs him by the throat again. The Corre&#8217;s music hits and Wade Barrett comes out. He distracts the ref by standing on the apron and arguing. Show focuses his attention and lifts Kane up for the chokeslam but Gabriel hits him with a chopblock to the knee and Show goes down. Slater comes in and nails Show with his finisher. Wade stops arguing and the three of them escape ringside. The ref turns his attention back to the match. Kane goes for the cover on Show. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3! That&#8217;s it. Kane wins and qualifies.
Winner: Kane

We see Santino and Kozlov walking to the ring as we go to a commercial.

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs Chavo Guerrero and Jack Swagger
Back from the break and Swagger is out first followed by Chavo and then &#8220;Koztino&#8221; for this non-title bout. Chavo and Santino start things off. The bell sounds and Santino drop-kicks Chavo. He picks Chavo up and whips him followed by belly-to-belly slam. He hits a splash. He calls for the Cobra. He goes to strike but Chavo ducks and nails Santino with a drop-kick. Santino falls in the corner. Chavo tags in Swagger. Swagger comes in and unloads on Santino. He picks Santino up and whips him followed by a sidewalk slam. He picks Santino up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Santino falls in the corner. Swagger hits the second-rope splash twice before calling for the Gutwrench powerbomb. He kicks Santino in the gut and lifts him up but Santino slips out. Swagger quickly retaliates and nails Santino with a boot. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out He picks Santino up and rams him into the post and tags in Chavo. Chavo comes in and does a school boy on Santino but Santino kicks out at 2. He picks Santino up and nails him with the 3 suplexes. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Santino up and whips him followed by a backdrop. He goes on the top and hits the Frog Splash. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out! Chavo can&#8217;t believe it as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Chavo has Santino in the arm-bar. Santino struggles but makes it to the ropes. He picks Santino up and whips him followed by a boot. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Chavo tags in Swagger who comes in off a clothesline. He picks Santino up and whips him followed by a scoop slam. He stomps on Santino and then goes on the top. He dives and squashes Santino. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Santino up and whips him but Santino ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard cross-body. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Chavo goes for a clothesline but Kozlov grabs both his arms and hits him with multiple headbutts. He let&#8217;s go and nails a &#8216;big, fat&#8217; clothesline. He calls for the boot and connects. He picks Chavo up and goes for his finisher but Swagger comes in and grabs his ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock. Santino comes in and nails Swagger with the Cobra. The crowd cheers. Chavo nails Santino with an enzugiri. He turns around and Kozlov hits him with his finisher and gets the win for his team.
Winners: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov

We head backstage where Todd Grisham is with Rey Mysterio.
Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Rey Mysterio.
*Rey pats Todd on the back*
Todd: Rey, what do you think are your chances against Ezekiel Jackson here tonight?
Rey: Todd, I don&#8217;t know what my chances are. All I know is I&#8217;m going to give it my best shot, and if I qualify, well and good. If I don&#8217;t, it will be a disappointment of course.
*Rey leaves as we go to a commercial*

Elimination Chamber qualification match: Rey Mysterio vs Ezekiel Jackson
Jackson is out first without the Corre. Rey is out next to a huge pop. The bell sounds and the match gets underway. Jackson hits Rey with a boot. He picks Rey up and places him on the top. He goes on the top and nails Rey with the superplex without any trouble. He crawls to the cover. 1..2..kick out by Rey! Jackson gets frustrated and kicks away at Rey. He picks Rey up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He calls for another clothesline and delivers. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Rey up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a sit-out gut-buster. He picks him up and hits a powerbomb. 1&#8230;2&#8230; kick out. Jackson kicks away at Rey. He picks him up and whips him but Rey ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody out of nowhere. Both men are down. They get up at 7. Jackson charges towards Rey but Rey holds the ropes down and Jackson tumbles to the outside. Rey goes on the top and hits him with a crossbody. Both men are down outside. They get in at 9. Rey kicks Jackson in the back of his knee and dropkicks his ankle. Jackson falls on the second rope. Rey goes for the 619 but Jackson escapes and nails Rey with a clothesline. He picks Rey up and hits a sit-out powerbomb. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Rey up and whips him followed by a sidewalk slam. He picks Rey up but Rey gets loose and hits him in the back of his head. Jackson is down in the corner. Rey hits him with a baseball slide. He pulls him in the center of the ring and goes for a cover. 1..2&#8230;kick out. Rey goes on the top and hits a Frog Splash. 1&#8230;2&#8230;another kick out. Rey gets frustrated. He goes on the middle rope and hits a missile drop-kick. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;third kick out in a row. Rey gets angry and kicks away at Jackson as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Jackson has Rey in a hold. Replay from the break, where Jackson boots Rey in mid-air to gain control is shown. Back live, Rey gets to the ropes. Jackson releases the hold and calls for a clothesline. He charges but Rey ducks and hits an enzugiri. Jackson falls on the second rope. Rey calls for the 619 and connects. He goes on the top and dives but Jackson moves out of the way! Rey lands hard on the mat. Both men are down. They get up at 8. Rey charges towards Jackson but Jackson throws him on the top. Rey lands on his feet and hits a moonsault. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Rey picks him up and whips him but Jackson reverses. Rey avoids a boot and goes for a springboard cross-body but Jackson catches him in mid-air and rams him into the turnbuckle. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He calls for a boot. He charges but Rey ducks and hits another enzugiri. Jackson is down in the corner. Rey tries for something but can&#8217;t complete because Slater and Gabriel distract him by standing on the apron. The ref starts arguing with them. Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield look to take advantage as they come in running. But Big Show follows them and clears the house. He hits everyone with a chokeslam except Barrett who leaves ringside and Jackson who is staggering in the ring. Rey signals to Show and starts kicking Slater. The ref tries to break it up. By the time, Show lands Jackson with the K.O blow. Jackson lands on the second rope. Rey hits him with the 619. He goes on the top and hits the splash. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3!! Rey is going to Elimination Chamber!
Winner: Rey Mysterio

Backstage we see Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero.
Vickie: Baby, you need to win tonight. I want you to win the World Heavyweight championship.
Dolph: Vickie, you needn&#8217;t tell me that. I will win tonight and also at Elimination Chamber.
Vickie: That&#8217;s good Dolph. But I want you to prove that you&#8217;re a better man than Edge.
Dolph: Just wait and watch. After Elimination Chamber, I, will be the World Heavyweight champ!

Rey is walking backstage as Alberto and Cody attack him from behind. They pound him and throw him like a toy. Cody nails him with the Cross Rhodes on the floor and Alberto locks in a chair re-enforced cross arm-breaker. He releases the hold after Rey has passed out. Cody then kicks him and they leave as Rey is left prone.

We move to LayCool&#8217;s locker.
Layla: Michelle, who do you think is turning the lights off?
Michelle: Turning the lights off?
Layla: Yes, on RAW, Divas. The lights? Remember?
Michelle: Yeah I remember. But how do I know who&#8217;s turning the lights off?
*Beth and Kelly come in*
Beth: I think you two should concentrate on the match now.
Michelle: Listen, you don&#8217;t need to tell us that. Because we&#8217;re Flawless.


LayCool vs Beth Pheonix and Kelly Kelly
Beth and Kelly are out first followed by LayCool. Natalya is sitting at commentary. Beth and Layla start things off. The bell sounds and both divas lock up. Beth pushes Layla in the corner and kicks her in the gut. She whips her followed by a boot!! She picks her up and throws her into the post. She pulls her out doing a roll-up. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. She picks Layla up and tags in Kelly. Kelly comes in and hits a backbreaker. She goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. She picks Layla up and whips her but Layla reverses and hits a spinning heel kick. Both divas are down. Layla quickly tags in Michelle. Michelle nails Kelly with a boot. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. She picks Kelly up and whips her in the corner followed by a splash. She hits a spinning heel kick. She goes on the top and nails a Frog Splash. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. She chokes Kelly down in the corner. The ref breaks it up. She calls for the Faith Breaker. She picks Kelly up but Natalya gets in the ring and smashes her with the Divas championship belt. Beth comes in and knocks off Layla with a clothesline. Kelly hits Layla with the K2. The 3 standing Divas stare at each other as&#8230; the lights go out again. Back to normal and all Divas are down. The laughing sound can be heard again.
Winners by D.Q: LayCool

Backstage, Wade Barrett is walking up and down as Todd Grisham approaches him.
Todd: Excuse me Wade.
*Barrett turns around*
Todd: How do you feel know that you have to take on the Ziggler and Tyler Reks all by yourself?
Barrett: It&#8217;s a very bad feeling Todd. You see, I was hoping the Corre to be in my corner during my match. But now that&#8217;s not possible. But let me assure you this, Big Show is going to pay for his sins. Big Show is going to get hurt! And if I don&#8217;t live up to what I say, you can just request Teddy Long to fire me. And I mean it!
*Todd looks confused as Barrett heads to the ring for his match*

Elimination Chamber qualification match: Wade Barrett vs Dolph Ziggler vs Tyler Reks
Dolph is out first with Vickie. He gets into the ring and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and all 3 men are in the ring. The bell sounds and they stare at each other. Dolph quickly nails Reks with an enzugiri. Barrett kicks away at Reks. Dolph tells him to stop and hits Reks with a knee-drop. He picks Reks up and both men whip him followed by a double clothesline. Barrett goes on the top and hits the elbow. Dolph calls for the Zig-Zag and connects. Reks rolls out. Dolph and Barrett lock up and Barrett pushes Dolph into the corner followed by a kick to the gut and a DDT. He picks Dolph up and hits a neckbreaker. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He goes on the second rope and hits a leg-drop. He picks Dolph up and throws him out. He goes out and takes out a steel chair. He goes to smash Dolph with it but Dolph ducks and locks in the sleeper. Barrett starts going down. He goes down on his knees but gets back up and pushes Dolph into the post. Dolph releases the hold and Barrett nails him with a boot. Dolph crashes into the steps. Barrett picks him up and throws him into the barricade. Barrett clears the mess on the announce table. He turns around and Reks nails him with a clothesline. He picks Barrett up and whips him into the apron. He picks Barrett up and throws him into the dasher-boards. Dolph runs in at him but Reks knocks him off with a boot. He picks Dolph up and throws him in the ring. He gets in and nails Dolph with a clothesline. He picks Dolph up and hits the sit-out gut-buster. He picks Dolph up and places him on the top rope. He goes on the top and tries for a superplex but Barrett knocks him off the top. Reks falls down in the ring. Barrett goes on the top and goes to superplex Dolph but Dolph pushes him off. Both Barrett and Reks get up at the same time and Dolph knocks them off with a crossbody. He goes for a cover on Barrett. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Vickie hands Dolph some brass knuckles. Dolph wears them and swings at Reks but Reks ducks and clotheslines Dolph out as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett nails Reks with a clothesline but it has no effect on Reks. Barrett goes for another clothesline but Reks nails him with a shoulder block instead. He goes for a head-butt but Barrett sidesteps and Reks hits Dolph who crashes into the barricade. Reks turns around and Barrett nails him with an enzugiri. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Reks up and whips him but Reks reverses. Barrett ducks a boot and hits a springboard moonsault!! He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;but Dolph breaks it up. Both men get up at the same time. Barrett goes for a clothesline but Dolph ducks and hits a drop-kick. Dolph goes on the top and hits a missile drop-kick. He picks Barrett up and rams him into the post. He does a roll-up but Barrett kicks out at 2. He picks Barrett up and whips him into the corner. He hits a splash and goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Barrett up and hits the Zig-Zag! He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Reks breaks it up. Dolph can&#8217;t believe it. He kicks Reks in the groin and hits a legdrop. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Reks up and whips him but Reks hangs on to the ropes. Dolph does a baseball slide but Reks sidesteps and Dolph just misses Vickie. Vickie screams at him and Dolph tries to apologize but Reks nails him with a boot. He picks him up and goes for the X-Factor on the outside but Dolph slips out and we go to a commercial. He throws Dolph in and gets in. He hits Dolph with a clothesline. He picks him up for the X-Factor but Barrett nails him with a boot. He picks Dolph up and goes for a Wasteland. Big Show&#8217;s music hits. Barrett is distracted as Dolph slips out and nails Barrett with the Zig-Zag for the victory. But there is no Big Show.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Backstage, The Corre is looking frustrated at what just happened.
Jackson: Guys, we need to go out there and teach the Big Show a good lesson.
*Christian comes in*
Christian: Hey Corre, C-o-r-r-e, if I&#8217;m not mistaken. What are you doing in here.
Jackson: It&#8217;s none of your business.
Christian: Well, you, you&#8217;re the one who lost to Rey earlier right? Poor guy aren&#8217;t you? Ha-ha.
Slater: Why are you here?
Christian: I&#8217;m just here to tell you to watch out. The Big Show might strike from anywhere. Plus, don&#8217;t forget to respect me. I&#8217;m the new golden boy in here. So if I wish, you all could be going down to&#8230; well.. FCW.
*Christian leaves with a smile on his face as The Corre looks angry and we go to commercial*

Edge vs Christian vs Randy Orton
Orton is out first followed by Christian and then the champ. The bell sounds and they circle the ring. Orton grabs Edge and throws him out. He and Christian lock up and Orton turns it into a headlock. Christian pushes him off but Orton nails him with a shoulder block off the ropes. He picks Christian up and whips him followed by 2 clotheslines and a scoop slam. Christian goes on the apron. Orton drapes him over the second rope and hits his signature DDT. He pounds on the mat. He grabs Christian but Christian pushes him off. He goes for a flash kick but Orton ducks and hits a drop-kick. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks Christian up and hits a sit-out powerbomb. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Edge breaks it up. He picks Orton up and rams him into the post. He goes out and pulls Orton out. He rams Orton into the barricade. He picks him up and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the apron and hits a suplex on the outside. Orton is wriggling in pain as Christian goes out. He picks Orton up and rams him back-first into the post. He picks Orton up and whips him. Orton runs right into a boot from Edge. They pick him up and place him on the announce. They stand on the barricade and both of them hit a legdrop sending Orton through the table! They get up and get in the ring. Both men exchange blows. Christian gets the better and nails Edge with a DDT. He goes on the top and hits an uppercut. Edge falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his feet. He goes on the out and slaps Edge. He gets in and does a roll-up but Edge kicks out at 2. Christian nails him with a clothesline. He grabs him by the head and goes on the second rope and hits a tornado DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Edge up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and whips him but Edge ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Both men are down. They get up. Christian charges at Edge but Edge pulls the ropes down and Christian falls on the outside. Edge slides out and kicks Christian into the barricade. He picks Christian up and throws him in. He gets in and calls for the Spear but Orton pulls him by the legs and Edge&#8217;s groin crashes with the post as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Edge hits Orton with a boot. He picks Orton up and whips him followed by a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.kick out. He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the impeller DDT. He goes in the corner and calls for the Spear. He charges towards him but Christian cuts him off with a drop-kick to the jaw. Edge falls outside. Christian turns around and Orton nails him with the RKO!! He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out by Christian!! Orton can&#8217;t believe it. He picks Christian up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He goes out and takes out a kendo stick. He gets in the ring and smashes Christian with it. He goes out again but this time, Edge greets him with a Spear! Edge picks him up a chair and hits Orton multiple times with it. He throws Orton in the ring and gets in. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.Christian breaks it up. Edge yells at himself. He picks Christian up and hits an uppercut followed by a boot. He goes on the top and hits an elbow. He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the Edgomatic. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. Both men are down. Christian crawls to the cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Orton breaks it up. All the 3 men get up together. Edge and Christian go after Orton. They punch him down. Edge picks Orton up and whips him followed a backdrop but Orton lands on his feet and nails Edge with a kick to the groin. Edge goes down in pain. Christian charges towards Orton but Orton ducks and hits a drop-kick. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits an uppercut. Orton falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his legs. He goes out and slaps Orton. He gets in the ring and grabs Orton by the neck. He climbs on the second rope and hits the tornado DDT. He calls for the Killswitch but Edge does a roll-up from behind. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Christian kicks out. Edge goes for a Spear but Christian sidesteps and Edge accidentally nails Orton. Edge turns around and goes for another Spear on Christian but Christian sidesteps and Edge rams into the turnbuckle. Christian takes advantage and nails Edge with the Killswitch. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.3! Christian takes the victory.
Winner: Christian
After the match, as Christian is celebrating, The Corre come out to the ring and circle Christian. They are about to pound him when Big Show&#8217;s music hits and he comes out with Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre and Michael Tarver. They get into the ring and with Christian, chase the Corre off. Show gets a mic.
Show: You escaped now Corre. But you won&#8217;t be able to escape at Elimination Chamber. Because it&#8217;s official. At Elimination Chamber, The Corre will take on, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre, Michael Tarver, 2011 Royal Rumble winner Christian and Big Show in a 5-on-5 Elimination match.
*Big Show&#8217;s music hits*

*End of show*
OK I'll give you some advice, center your work. Looks better when you do it. Allows for easier reading, and written doesn't look so block like. Another tip, spread the matches out. I don't want to read a huge block of text, spread it out. Also when writing a promo, leave a line everytime someone speaks. Makes it look ten times better, and not squashed together. Doing this will allow for a better show, and a better time for the reader. Finally, don't post shows up every two days or even three. Give me some time to read, because I willl not read 3 shows to catch up. I want to follow, not struggle to keep up. Just some tips, use them, or don't.

Overall, both shows were decent. I think using my tips, it will help you. Reading the promo's were hard, having the text so close together. And the huge blocks of text, lost track multiple times. Keep going, you'll get better.
I've not got time for a full review but I'd echo what Da Prophet said about the layout. Space it out, centralise it, consider the use of pictures in your work. I like the fact that you're writing detailed matches without going over the top with more detailed main events. I hope you're going to use more detail in PPV's as well.

Promos were definitely in need of some work. You've rushed them a tad to get the main idea across quickly but there's nothing much about the characters and building the emotions ... you've just thrown in a catchphrase and made the point and moved on. Have some reaction from people and slow down with the promos. Your weakest area by far.

Also thought there were a couple of questionable decisions: Drew McIntyre teaming with Kofi Kingston? Why? Is Drew now face? A backstory explaining the Rumble win of Christian and the main talking points from the Rumble would have been useful. Instead we had Drew as a face, Triple H back, Christian back and the Rumble winner etc ...

Bit critical I know but I hope you find it constructive. You've got potential (your matches are good) and I am looking forward to seeing more from you!

Thanx for the advice guys.

Da Prophet, I respect your opinion and will use it but, I couldn't understand when you said "spread it out" and "center your work". Hope you explain that in detail.

GCB, respect your opinion and the first promo was just bland, I know that. I didn't have practice and that was my first show after 3-4 months. Plus, the latest news like why Drew turned face is posted in the Book This! Lounge in the name of "Icon'sWWE.wz". Hope you get a fair idea of things.

Thanx to both again and pls keep reading.
Edge vs Christian vs Randy Orton
Orton is out first followed by Christian and then the champ. The bell sounds and they circle the ring. Orton grabs Edge and throws him out. He and Christian lock up and Orton turns it into a headlock. Christian pushes him off but Orton nails him with a shoulder block off the ropes. He picks Christian up and whips him followed by 2 clotheslines and a scoop slam. Christian goes on the apron. Orton drapes him over the second rope and hits his signature DDT. He pounds on the mat. He grabs Christian but Christian pushes him off. He goes for a flash kick but Orton ducks and hits a drop-kick. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks Christian up and hits a sit-out powerbomb. He goes for a cover. 1…2…Edge breaks it up. He picks Orton up and rams him into the post. He goes out and pulls Orton out. He rams Orton into the barricade. He picks him up and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the apron and hits a suplex on the outside. Orton is wriggling in pain as Christian goes out. He picks Orton up and rams him back-first into the post. He picks Orton up and whips him. Orton runs right into a boot from Edge. They pick him up and place him on the announce. They stand on the barricade and both of them hit a legdrop sending Orton through the table! They get up and get in the ring. Both men exchange blows. Christian gets the better and nails Edge with a DDT. He goes on the top and hits an uppercut. Edge falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his feet. He goes on the out and slaps Edge. He gets in and does a roll-up but Edge kicks out at 2. Christian nails him with a clothesline. He grabs him by the head and goes on the second rope and hits a tornado DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Edge up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and whips him but Edge ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Both men are down. They get up. Christian charges at Edge but Edge pulls the ropes down and Christian falls on the outside. Edge slides out and kicks Christian into the barricade. He picks Christian up and throws him in. He gets in and calls for the Spear but Orton pulls him by the legs and Edge’s groin crashes with the post as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Edge hits Orton with a boot. He picks Orton up and whips him followed by a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2….kick out. He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the impeller DDT. He goes in the corner and calls for the Spear. He charges towards him but Christian cuts him off with a drop-kick to the jaw. Edge falls outside. Christian turns around and Orton nails him with the RKO!! He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out by Christian!! Orton can’t believe it. He picks Christian up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He goes out and takes out a kendo stick. He gets in the ring and smashes Christian with it. He goes out again but this time, Edge greets him with a Spear! Edge picks him up a chair and hits Orton multiple times with it. He throws Orton in the ring and gets in. He goes for a cover. 1…2….Christian breaks it up. Edge yells at himself. He picks Christian up and hits an uppercut followed by a boot. He goes on the top and hits an elbow. He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the Edgomatic. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. Both men are down. Christian crawls to the cover. 1…2…Orton breaks it up. All the 3 men get up together. Edge and Christian go after Orton. They punch him down. Edge picks Orton up and whips him followed a backdrop but Orton lands on his feet and nails Edge with a kick to the groin. Edge goes down in pain. Christian charges towards Orton but Orton ducks and hits a drop-kick. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits an uppercut. Orton falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his legs. He goes out and slaps Orton. He gets in the ring and grabs Orton by the neck. He climbs on the second rope and hits the tornado DDT. He calls for the Killswitch but Edge does a roll-up from behind. 1…2…Christian kicks out. Edge goes for a Spear but Christian sidesteps and Edge accidentally nails Orton. Edge turns around and goes for another Spear on Christian but Christian sidesteps and Edge rams into the turnbuckle. Christian takes advantage and nails Edge with the Killswitch. 1…2….3! Christian takes the victory.
Winner: Christian

I'll show you what I mean, by spreading it out. So when you write a match, don't just have it in a block of text. See what you have done in the example above. It's two big blocks, makes it easy for me to lose track. Try leaving a line when you can. So I would write it like this:

I changed the format, as in spreaing it out, and centering it.

Edge vs Christian vs Randy Orton

Orton is out first followed by Christian and then the champ. The bell sounds and they circle the ring. Orton grabs Edge and throws him out. He and Christian lock up and Orton turns it into a headlock. Christian pushes him off but Orton nails him with a shoulder block off the ropes. He picks Christian up and whips him followed by 2 clotheslines and a scoop slam. Christian goes on the apron. Orton drapes him over the second rope and hits his signature DDT.

He pounds on the mat. He grabs Christian but Christian pushes him off. He goes for a flash kick but Orton ducks and hits a drop-kick. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks Christian up and hits a sit-out powerbomb. He goes for a cover. 1…2…Edge breaks it up.

He picks Orton up and rams him into the post. He goes out and pulls Orton out. He rams Orton into the barricade. He picks him up and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the apron and hits a suplex on the outside. Orton is wriggling in pain as Christian goes out. He picks Orton up and rams him back-first into the post. He picks Orton up and whips him. Orton runs right into a boot from Edge. They pick him up and place him on the announce.

They stand on the barricade and both of them hit a legdrop sending Orton through the table! They get up and get in the ring. Both men exchange blows. Christian gets the better and nails Edge with a DDT. He goes on the top and hits an uppercut. Edge falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his feet. He goes on the out and slaps Edge. He gets in and does a roll-up but Edge kicks out at 2.

Christian nails him with a clothesline. He grabs him by the head and goes on the second rope and hits a tornado DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks Edge up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and whips him but Edge ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. Both men are down. They get up. Christian charges at Edge but Edge pulls the ropes down and Christian falls on the outside. Edge slides out and kicks Christian into the barricade. He picks Christian up and throws him in. He gets in and calls for the Spear but Orton pulls him by the legs and Edge’s groin crashes with the post as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Edge hits Orton with a boot. He picks Orton up and whips him followed by a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2….kick out. He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the impeller DDT. He goes in the corner and calls for the Spear.

He charges towards him but Christian cuts him off with a drop-kick to the jaw. Edge falls outside. Christian turns around and Orton nails him with the RKO!! He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out by Christian!!

Orton can’t believe it. He picks Christian up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He goes out and takes out a kendo stick. He gets in the ring and smashes Christian with it. He goes out again but this time, Edge greets him with a Spear! Edge picks him up a chair and hits Orton multiple times with it. He throws Orton in the ring and gets in. He goes for a cover. 1…2….Christian breaks it up.

Edge yells at himself. He picks Christian up and hits an uppercut followed by a boot. He goes on the top and hits an elbow. He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the Edgomatic. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. Both men are down. Christian crawls to the cover. 1…2…Orton breaks it up.

All the 3 men get up together. Edge and Christian go after Orton. They punch him down. Edge picks Orton up and whips him followed a backdrop but Orton lands on his feet and nails Edge with a kick to the groin. Edge goes down in pain. Christian charges towards Orton but Orton ducks and hits a drop-kick. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits an uppercut. Orton falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him with his legs. He goes out and slaps Orton. He gets in the ring and grabs Orton by the neck. He climbs on the second rope and hits the tornado DDT. He calls for the Killswitch but Edge does a roll-up from behind. 1…2…Christian kicks out.

Edge goes for a Spear but Christian sidesteps and Edge accidentally nails Orton. Edge turns around and goes for another Spear on Christian but Christian sidesteps and Edge rams into the turnbuckle. Christian takes advantage and nails Edge with the Killswitch. 1…2….3! Christian takes the victory.

Winner: Christian

Thanx for the advice guys.

Da Prophet, I respect your opinion and will use it but, I couldn't understand when you said "spread it out" and "center your work". Hope you explain that in detail.

GCB, respect your opinion and the first promo was just bland, I know that. I didn't have practice and that was my first show after 3-4 months. Plus, the latest news like why Drew turned face is posted in the Book This! Lounge in the name of "Icon'sWWE.wz". Hope you get a fair idea of things.

Thanx to both again and pls keep reading.

Like I showed you, by using my tips and GCB you will get better. And if you still don't understand, center your work means to put it in the middle of the page. You can do this by clicking the button above with the lines. Hold the mouse over it, and it wil say center. Then click. Hope the example helped you understand.
First and foremost (like Prophet said) try and space out paragraphs with gaps and what not. Plus centering the text would be another plus as it would be a hell of a lot easier to read. With that said I'll get the review on the actually shows and what not. Not gonna go with a full fledge review as I'm a bit tired, but I will give out some pointers and what not.

-Was there any mention at all of Triple H's return? I mean we come back from break and Triple H is making his way to the ring with no mention of a return by the announcers. Definitely something that should have been mentioned (maybe it was mentioned in a lounge thread, but I haven't checked in on that one). Also when did McIntyre become a face? Again this may have been mentioned in your lounge thread, but some acknowledgement from the announcers would be helpful here.

-Listen to GCB when it comes to promos. They seem a bit lackluster and are void of character development. Some useful tips here are simple mannerisms that superstars use. Try and watch some promos on the internet and pick up on things they say or do. Try that along with adding your own mix of uniqueness for the character.

-Please try and avoid taking a break in the middle of the match. What I mean by this is when you went to the second post you did so in the middle of the contest. Try and put the whole match up on the first post or just start the second post from the beginning of said match.

-Your match writing is pretty solid, which is surprising for a newer BT (only assuming this as I can't recall seeing you around here much). Usually this is a writer's weak spot, but it seems to be your strong point. Always room for improvement and you can get that by reading other BT's and watching (and noting) certain moves that often repeat themselves in said superstar's matches.

-Just stick with it, take all advice (good and bad) equally. Don't get too fret up about it, because at one point or another we all had to start somewhere. Keep with it and continue to better yourself in all areas and you'll be a-ok.
Guys, thanx again. Da Prophet, now I understand. Thank you very much.

Plus Theo, respect your opinion as well. I will of course work on the format and promos. Problem is that I concentrate more on the matches rather on the promos. Plus, thanks for saying "your matches are solid". Really appriciate that. And, I would like you to know that this my first BT! and you're right when you say that you havn't seen me here before.

Thank you both.

Plus, I want to know: Does the Divas thing interest or attract you? You know, the lights out thing? I worked hard to get that idea so I want to know whether it has impressed my readers.

Triple H&#8217;s music hits and RAW goes on-air.
Hunter: Sheamus got his ass kicked last week didn&#8217;t he?

*The crowd cheers*

Hunter: But, but, I am not here to give details about why and how I attacked Sheamus. Because everyone knows it. I&#8217;m here to tell everyone that at Elimination Chamber, not only am I going to hurt Sheamus, but I am also walking out, the WWE champion and then I will be back to where I belong, to the top. Now, I am also looking forward to take each and every opponent that I have, and for a reason. The Miz, I want to shut him up. John Morrison, I would like to see how parkour will come into effect in the chamber. Sheamus, well, you all know why. Punk, I am looking to end Nexus at the chamber completely after Cena destroys Ryan and Orton, well&#8230;

*The crowd cheers and does not allow him to speak*

Hunter: I would love to&#8230;.

-John Cena&#8217;s music hits-

Cena: Hey Hunter, you&#8217;re wondering why I&#8217;m here, aren&#8217;t you? I&#8217;ll tell you why. You just mentioned the Nexus. So, I have to be here. Because wherever they go, I have to be there. Wherever I go, they are there to attack me, unfortunately. Wherever&#8230; well forget it. Enough of the Nexus. The whole world knows about the Nexus, you know about the Nexus and frankly speaking, I made the Nexus what it is today. So, I&#8217;ll stop talking about Nexus. But the other reason why I&#8217;m here is that you also mentioned that you were going to walk out of Elimination Chamber as the WWE champion. Honestly speaking, I&#8217;m looking forward to it. Not only do I want the title off Miz, but I want to face you, you know, one-on-one at WrestleMania for the WWE championship. Okay, I know that we&#8217;ve done it before at WrestleMania 22, but that&#8217;s so 2006. So, what say, let&#8217;s do it again?

Hunter: John, if that&#8217;s the case, for one second, or for one night, I can stop thinking about destroying Sheamus for these fans, to give them some excitement. So Cena, you&#8217;re on!

*The crowd cheers very loud*

*Cena and Hunter go to shake hands but&#8230;*

-The GM chimes in-

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please, I have just received an e-mail from the general manager. And I Quote&#8230;

Hunter: Do you do this every week?

*Everyone in the arena laughs except for Michael Cole*

Cole: And I Quote&#8230; &#8220;John Cena, sorry to be a party pooper, but, you are not facing Triple H at WrestleMania regardless if he wins the title or not. Because, I have a stipulation in mind for your match against Mason Ryan at Elimination Chamber and it goes as follows: If you win, you can face any member of The Nexus at WrestleMania but if you lose, you won&#8217;t be competing at all at the grandest stage of them all&#8221;.

Cena: Hey anonymous, that ain&#8217;t happening dude. Because even if I lose, well, if Ryan decides to cheat and I lose, Vince McMahon is&#8230; going to give me a match at WrestleMania. Even if it&#8217;s against Hornswoggle because I&#8217;m the FACE of the WWE, I am&#8230;

Hunter: Actually Cena&#8230;

-The Miz&#8217;s music hits-

Miz: Really? John? Really? Really? You are the face of the WWE? Really? No. You WERE the face of the WWE, you WERE doing interviews on T.V, you WERE doing lackluster movies. You WERE all those things. But now I have taken over. I am the &#8220;FACE&#8221; of the WWE, I am doing interviews, I, am on MTV, TMZ. I will be starring in blockbuster movies and most important of them all, I am the WWE CHAMPION!!!

Hunter: Really Miz? I am ashamed that my company, a company my father-in-law built, is being carried by a jackass.

Miz: You&#8217;re just jealous. And by the way, who told you you were walking out of Elimination Chamber the champ?

Hunter: My experience and your big fat tummy!!

Miz: Ha-ha. Good joke. But that won&#8217;t make me laugh because I have integrity, sense and class.

Cena: Hey, hey. This ain&#8217;t about sense and class, this about how tough you are. So if you can just come down&#8230; ah, this is getting old, You want some, COME GET SOME!!!

Miz: Spare me the catchphrases Cena, because yours, are totally awful. So here&#8217;s a real catchphrase, &#8220;I&#8217;m The Miz, and I&#8217;m&#8230;.&#8221;

-CM Punk&#8217;s music hits-

Punk: Really Cena. That catchphrase was stupid. But I am not here to tell you how bad your catchphrase was. I&#8217;m just here to describe in detail what the stipulation for your match means. If you win, you can face either Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, David Otunga, Mason Ryan or me, CM Punk. But if you lose, you will be where you were at WrestleMania 18, nowhere!! And then, we can&#8217;t see you (Punk mocks the hand thing).

-The GM chimes in-

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, I have received another e-mail from the general manager. And I Quote&#8230;

Hunter: How many times do you do it?

*The crowd laughs again*

Cole: And I Quote: &#8220;Good thing Punk, you came out yourself or I was going to call you out. Because I have made a blockbuster tag-team main-event for tonight. It&#8217;s going to be you, the Nexus leader CM Punk and the WWE champion The Miz vs Triple H and John Cena&#8221;.

*The arena is filled with cheers as all 4 men stare at each other and we go to commercial*

King Sheamus vs R-Truth
Truth is out first doing his &#8220;What&#8217;s Up?&#8221; routine. Sheamus comes out next. Both men are in the ring and the bell sounds. Truth pounds on Sheamus and punches him down. He picks Sheamus up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Sheamus is staggering. Truth comes off the ropes and hits a boot. He goes for the Lie Detector but Sheamus sidesteps.

He nails Truth with the Irish Hammer. He picks Truth up and whips him. He goes for a clothesline but Truth ducks a clothesline. Sheamus retaliates and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. He calls for the Brogue kick and connects. He picks Truth up and hits the Celtic/High Cross. He goes for the cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3! Sheamus wins.
Winner: King Sheamus

Sheamus: Hey, Triple H. Thanks for the warm up last week. But I am not here to thank you. All I want to tell you, is you stop concentrating on coming out of the Elimination Chamber as the WWE champion and concentrate on coming out in one. Because this man right here fella, plans on tearing you in half! All Hail The King!


Ted DiBiase vs Evan Bourne vs Yoshi Tatsu (No.1 contender&#8217;s match to the U.S title)
The winner faces Bryan for the title at WWE Superstars. Ted is out first with Maryse followed by Tatsu and then Bourne. The bell sounds and Bourne and Tatsu face-off. They turn their attention to Ted and kick him in the gut. They whip him followed by a double-dropkick. Bourne picks him up and whips him but Ted reverses. Bourne ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. Tatsu goes on the top and hits a Frog Splash. Bourne picks Ted up and throws him on the outside. He turns around and Tatsu nails him with the Round House kick. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Bourne kicks out. Tatsu can&#8217;t believe it.

He picks Bourne up and whips him but Bourne reverses and hits a backdrop but Tatsu lands on his feet. He turns around and Bourne nails him with a knee. Bourne goes on the top and hits a crossbody. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Tatsu up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a schoolboy but Tatsu kicks out at 2. Bourne gets up and nails Tatsu with a kick to the chest. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.kick out!

Bourne gets frustrated and kicks away at Tatsu. He picks him up and whips him but Tatsu reverses. Bourne ducks a Round House kick and hits a springboard crossbody but Tatsu reverses it and goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Both men get up. Bourne charges at Tatsu but Tatsu ducks and hits a flying chuck. He hooks the leg. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.Ted breaks it up. He picks Tatsu up and throws him out. He hits a knee-drop on Bourne. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Bourne up and throws him outside on top of a struggling Tatsu. Both men are down as Ted celebrates in the ring and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Ted has Bourne locked in the Million Dollar Dream. Bourne struggles at first but makes it to a vertical base and pushes Ted in the corner to release the hold. Bourne turns around and goes for a spinning heel kick but Ted ducks and Bourne knocks out Tatsu. He turns around and Ted nails him with a boot. He picks Bourne up and whips him in the corner.

He charges towards him but Bourne sidesteps and hits a pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Ted up and whips but Ted reverses and goes for a backdrop but Bourne nails him with a kick. He comes off the ropes but Ted follows him and nails him with a clothesline instead. He turns around and Tatsu nails him with a dropkick.

Ted falls outside. Tatsu picks Bourne up and whips him. He hits him with a clothesline. He goes on the top and hits a moonsault. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Bourne kicks out. Tatsu picks Bourne up and rams him into the post. He does a roll-up. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Bourne up and whips him but Bourne reverses and hits a spinning heel kick. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out.

He picks Tatsu up and whips him but Tatsu reverses him in the corner. He charges towards him but Bourne counters with an enzugiri. Bourne goes on the top and hits the Air Bourne! He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;.2&#8230;Ted breaks it up. He picks Bourne up and hits the Dream Street sending him on top of Tatsu. Bourne rolls out of the ring. Ted covers Tatsu. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3! Ted wins.
Winner: Ted DiBiase

Backstage, we see CM Punk with The Nexus.

Punk: Guys, you need to help me win the tag team match tonight. Because that victory, will cement my victory at Elimination Chamber. And if you fail to do that, you, will suffer consequences. Do I make myself clear?

*The Nexus nod their heads*

Punk: Alright, now listen. Ryan, I know you can do this but me telling you, will motivate you more. I want you, to finish the chapter called &#8220;John Cena&#8221; once and for all from the book of WWE history at Elimination Chamber. You, need to tear him apart and ensure that he doesn&#8217;t compete at any WrestleMania after this.

Ryan: Punk, just have &#8220;Faith&#8221; in me. After Elimination Chamber, nobody can and will see John Cena.

*The crowd boos as we go to commercial*

Vladimir Kozlov w/ Santino Marella vs Mark Henry w/ The Great Khali
Back from the break and Henry is out first followed by Kozlov. Henry receives a lot of heat for going against Kozlov. A big &#8220;Santino!&#8221; chant breaks out before the match.

The bell sounds and both men lock-up. They take turns at overpowering each other into a corner. Finally, Kozlov kicks Henry in the gut and hits a shoulder block but Henry is standing. Kozlov hits another shoulder block but Henry is still not down. Kozlov goes for a third shoulder block but Henry catches him and nails him with a headbutt. More anti-Henry chants break out in the arena. Henry ignores them and picks Kozlov up.

He whips him in the corner followed by a splash. He picks Kozlov up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a sidewalk slam. He picks Kozlov up and throws him out. He goes out and mocks the anti-Henry crowd. He picks Kozlov up and whips him into the post. Santino claps his hands and starts another &#8220;Kozlov!&#8221; chant in the crowd.

Henry throws Kozlov back in. He gets in and nails Kozlov with a boot. He picks Kozlov up and hits another huge headbutt. He calls for the World&#8217;s Strongest Slam which leads to another anti-Henry chant. Henry picks Kozlov up but Santino gets in the ring to rescue his partner. Henry drops Kozlov down and stands staring at Santino.

Santino brings out the Cobra and strikes. The ref calls for the bell. Henry is still standing. No official announcement is made as to what is the result of the match. Kozlov goes to nail Henry from behind but Khali gets in the ring and knocks him out with a boot. He grabs Santino and nails him with the Choke Bomb. Henry picks Kozlov up and hits the World&#8217;s Strongest Slam. A huge &#8220;You Can&#8217;t Talk&#8221; chant breaks out for Khali as they pose and leave.
Winner: N.A

Backstage, we see Daniel Bryan walking towards the ring as we go to a commercial.

Daniel Bryan and DH Smith vs Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews
Back from the break and Kidd and Andrews are out first followed by Smith and then, the United States champion, Daniel Bryan. Smith and Kidd start things off. The bell sounds and both men stare down each other. The commentators mention their history together.

Both men lock up and Kidd turns it into a headlock but Smith pushes him off. Kidd goes for a shoulder block but Smith counters with a boot. He picks Kidd up and hits a pump-handle slam. He picks Kidd up and nails him with the delayed vertical suplex. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.kick out.

He picks Kidd up and tags in Bryan. Bryan goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. He picks Kidd up and lashes him with kicks. Kidd finally goes down. Bryan picks him up and whips him into the corner and goes for an enzugiri but Kidd ducks. Bryan crashes into the turnbuckle. Both men are down. They tag in their partners.

Smith comes in off the top but Andrews catches him with a boot. He picks Smith up and whips him followed by a backdrop. He picks Smith up and hits a clothesline. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Smith up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a sit-out powerbomb. He picks Smith up and nails him with the sit-out gut-buster. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Smith up and rams him into the post.

He pulls him out and throws him outside. He goes out and hits a boot. Smith is down and out. He picks Smith up and whips him into the steps. He picks Smith up and throws him in. He gets in and hits a DDT. He tags in Kidd who comes in off the top. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. We go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Andrews has Smith locked in a cross-face. Smith struggles but manages to get the ropes. Andrews releases the hold and chokes down on Smith on the ropes. He picks Smith up and whips him followed by a sideslam. He picks Smith up and tags in Kidd. Kidd comes in and dropkicks Smith but Smith is still on his feet. Kidd nails Smith with a flash kick. 1&#8230;.2&#8230;.kick out. He picks Smith up and whips him but Smith reverses and hits a backdrop but Kidd lands on his feet. He turns around and goes for a spinning heel kick but Smith ducks and hits a boot out of nowhere. Both men are down.

They get up and tag in their respective partners. Andrews comes in charging but Bryan ducks a boot and hits a springboard dropkick but Andrews is on his feet. Bryan hits a flash kick and his opponent goes down. He picks Andrews up and whips him but Andrews reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Bryan ducks a boot and hits an enzugiri. He goes on the second rope and hits a missile dropkick. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.kick out. He goes on the top and hits a crossbody. Another cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;another kick out.

Bryan gets up and calls for the enzugiri but Maryse comes running to ringside. She talks crap about Bryan. Smith gets in her face and chases her on the ramp. The ref is distracted. Ted DiBiase takes advantage and hits Bryan with the U.S title belt. Bryan goes down. Ted quickly escapes ringside. Maryse also goes backstage. Bryan gets up and Andrews nails him with a boot. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3. That&#8217;s it.
Winners: Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews
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Backstage, Josh Matthews is with Divas champion, Natalya.

Josh: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Natalya.

*The crowd cheers as the camera moves to Natalya*

Josh: Natalya, what do you think about the lights turning out every time you Divas are out there and will it affect you tonight, or at Elimination Chamber?

Natalya: To tell you the truth Josh, it sucks. And, the worst part of them all is that we don&#8217;t know who&#8217;s doing it. But, I won&#8217;t let that come into play tonight, and at Elimination Chamber.

*LayCool enter the locker and the crowd boo*

Michelle: You know what Natty, it&#8217;s a good thing you aren&#8217;t affected by that thing because neither am I. And I don&#8217;t need to be. Because Elimination Chamber, I am going to be the Divas champion, by hook or by crook.

*LayCool leave as we go to a commercial*

Natalya vs Melina vs Layla
Back from the break and Melina is out first followed by Layla with Michelle and then Natalya. The bell sounds and the Divas square off but Beth Phoenix&#8217;s music hits and she comes out to support Natalya. Layla and Melina kick Natalya in the gut and throw her into the post. Layla pulls her out and whips her right into an elbow from Melina. Melina picks her up and whips her into Layla&#8217;s boot. They pick her up and kick her in the face. Natalya is down and out. Michelle throws in a chair to Layla. Layla grabs it and smashes Melina in the head. She goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3! She wins.
Winner: Layla
After the match, Michelle gets in the ring to celebrate with Layla. Beth gets in the ring and picks Natalya up. The 4 Divas square off but Melina gets up and joins the catfight. The divas brawl and hit each other with numerous moves. Finally, Michelle takes out both Beth and Melina with a boot each and Natalya hits Layla with the spike piledriver. Natalya grabs Michelle by the leg and locks in the Sharpshooter. Michelle is tapping as the lights go out. Back to normal and Natalya is down along with the other divas. The laughing sound can be heard again as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and we go backstage where Triple H is taping up. Cena comes in.

*Huge cheers from the crowd*

Cena: Hey Hunter. Ready? No sorry, Are You Ready?

*The crowd cheers even more*

Hunter: Yes I am. But what&#8217;s up with you and the catchphrases?

Cena: Um, um, nothing.

*Randy Orton walks in and the crowd cheers louder than ever*

Orton: Dream team back again huh? But don&#8217;t worry, I&#8217;m here to wish you luck.

Hunter: We&#8217;ve worked together for so many years. You should know by now, that, I don&#8217;t need luck, you do.

Cena: Yeah, especially against that guy Morrison. He nearly knocked my teeth out.

Orton: He won&#8217;t be able to do that to me.

Cena: Why, you use dentures?

Orton: Hmm, because I plan to hit him with the RKO.

*Orton leaves*

Cena: Does RKO stand for Rapidly Kind-of Over-used??


Randy Orton vs John Morrison
Back from the break and Mo is out first followed by Orton. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Orton pushes Mo into the corner and whips him followed by a shoulder block and hits a clothesline. He picks Mo up and whips him followed by another clothesline and a scoop slam. He picks Mo up and hits his signature backbreaker. He starts pounding on the mat. He grabs Mo by the neck but Mo pushes him off and hits a flash kick. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Orton up and rams him into a post.

He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Orton kicks out. Both men get up. Mo charges towards him and hits a clothesline. Mo goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. He picks Orton up and throws him out. He dives on top of him but Orton sidesteps and Mo crashes into the barricade. Both men are down on the outside. The ref starts the count. They get in at 8. Mo charges towards Orton but Orton ducks and hits a dropkick.

He stomps Mo followed by a legdrop. Mo goes on the apron. Orton catches him and drapes him on the second rope and hits his signature DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Mo up and whips him in the corner followed by a clothesline. He drags Mo to the centre of the ring. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.another kick out. He picks Mo up and rams him into the post. He goes out and slaps him. Mo falls on the outside. Orton picks him up and whips him into the steps. Orton gets in the ring to break the ref&#8217;s 10 count. Orton nails Mo with a clothesline. Mo is wriggling in pain as Orton smirks wickedly and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Orton nails Mo with an uppercut. He picks Mo up and whips him followed by a dropkick. He picks Mo up and whips him but Mo reverses and goes for a backdrop but Orton grabs him and nails an impeller DDT. He picks Mo up and whips him followed by 2 clotheslines, a scoop slam and a backbreaker. Mo rolls to the apron. Orton grabs him and drapes him on the second rope but Mo gets in the ring and backdrops Orton to the outside.

He goes on the top and hits a crossbody. Both men are down. Mo throws Orton in at 8. He tries to get in but Orton catches him, drapes him over the second rope and hits with the signature DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Mo up and whips him in the corner followed by a clothesline and an uppercut. He pounds on the mat but suddenly stops. He goes to the corner and calls for the punt.

He runs at Mo but Mo sidesteps and hits a spinning heel kick. He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton reverses. Mo ducks a clothesline and hits a flash kick and nails a knee to the face. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton ducks a clothesline and hits a backbreaker. He pounds on the mat. He grabs Mo by the neck but Mo pushes him off. Orton runs into the corner. He turns around and Mo nails him with the Super Kick that Michael Cole says Mo calls the &#8220;Shining Wizard&#8221;. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.3!! Mo wins another huge one as we go to a commercial.
Winner: John Morrison

John Cena and Triple H vs CM Punk and The Miz
Miz is out first with A-Ri followed by Punk w/ The Nexus, Triple H and then, John Cena. Cena and Miz start things off. They lock up. Cena pushes Miz in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him and hits a bulldog. He goes on the top and hits a legdrop. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.kick out. He picks Miz up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and tags in Hunter. Hunter comes in and hits a chopblock to the back of Miz&#8217;s knee.

He picks Miz up and whips him but Miz reverses. He goes for a backdrop but Hunter counters with a face-buster and a clothesline. He hits a knee-drop after doing the DX taunt. He picks Miz up and whips him and hits the high knee after 2 missed clotheslines. He picks Miz up and hits the spinebuster. He calls for the Pedigree. He kicks Miz in the gut but Miz hits a backdrop. Hunter lands on his feet. He turns around and goes for a clothesline but Miz ducks and Hunter runs into a kick from Punk. Hunter is staggering as Miz nails him with the backbreaker-neckbreaker combo. Both men are down. Miz quickly tags in Punk who comes in and knocks Cena off the apron.

He picks Hunter up and whips him in the corner followed by a thigh to the face and a bulldog. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He calls for the GTS. He picks Hunter up and lifts him in the fireman&#8217;s carry but Hunter slips out. Punk retaliates and nails Hunter with an enzugiri. Hunter goes down in the corner. Punk nails him with a baseball slide and tags in Miz. Miz comes in and punches down on Hunter. He pulls him to the centre of the ring. He goes on the top and hits an elbow and mocks the DX taunt. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.kick out. He picks Hunter up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll up but Hunter kicks out at 2. We go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Punk has Hunter locked in the sleeper hold. Hunter goes down at first but makes it back to a vertical base and pushes Punk in the corner. Punk releases the hold. Hunter whips Punk into the corner. He charges towards him but Punk ducks and nails an enzugiri. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.kick out. He picks Hunter up and tags in Miz. Miz gets in and nails Hunter with the backbreaker-neckbreaker combo. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Miz gets frustrated and kicks away at Hunter.

He picks him up and whips him but Hunter reverses. Miz ducks a clothesline and hits a boot. He picks Hunter up and whips him in the corner. He nails him with his signature clothesline. He picks Hunter up and whips him in the corner again and goes for the signature clothesline but Hunter sidesteps and Miz crashes into the turnbuckle. Hunter nails him with the backbreaker. Both men are down centre of the ring. They tag in their partners.

Punk comes in off the top but Cena kicks him in the gut. He whips him and hits the shoulder blocks. He turns around and Miz comes in going for a clothesline but Cena ducks and hits the press slam. He hits one on Punk as well. He does the 5 knuckle shuffle on Punk. He lifts Punk up for the AA. He is about to deliver but Miz comes in and nails Cena with a clothesline. He turns around and Hunter nails him with the Pedigree. Punk kicks Hunter in the back of the head. He turns around and lifts Cena up for the GTS but Cena slides out and nails Punk with the AA instead. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.3! Cena and Hunter win.
Winners: John Cena and Triple H
After the match, Cena and Hunter celebrate. Hunter leaves. The Nexus get in the ring and surround Cena. Cena manages to slip out somehow and grabs a chair. He gets in the ring and chases the Nexus away but grabs hold of Michael McGillicutty. He grabs him by the tights and pushes him into the corner. He nails him with 10 chair shots all over the body. He picks Michael up and rams him into all 4 posts as The Nexus looks on helplessly from the stage. Cena picks Michael up and hits a sit-out powerbomb. He picks Michael up and AAs him onto a chair. He locks in the STF. Michael taps out but Cena doesn&#8217;t release. Michael fades out. Cena then releases and celebrates.

**End of show**​
Hey man.

Layout and presentation is 500% better! A very easy read and you've listened to Da Prophet's advice perfectly. More solid matches and better promos although I still think you can improve these over time. Keep watching them on RAW/SMACKDOWN and on old YouTube videos and really get a feel for them - the 'My experience and your big fat tummy!!' quote from Triple H didn't seem believable to me!

I think you've made a solid start and I hope you keep listening and improving because you've got an interesting show here. I think you need to move it away from current WWE a little bit more but that takes time to do.

As for the Divas and the lights thing: I'm not sure many folks are that bothered about the Divas so it'll need something big to interest people. Not saying it's not but it'll need a huge build - as it would in real life!

Man-o-man. Thanx for the good things. Of course I will pay heed to more and more suggestions and "my experience and your big fat tummy" came to mind when I noticed Miz's paunch or ponch (however you spell it) during the Falls Count Anywhere match against Morrison on RAW and I thought I could use it as a comic element. To wind it all up in 2 words: THANK YOU.

Edit: I also wanted to know whether you find the stipulation for the Cena-Ryan match good.
Man-o-man. Thanx for the good things. Of course I will pay heed to more and more suggestions and "my experience and your big fat tummy" came to mind when I noticed Miz's paunch or ponch (however you spell it) during the Falls Count Anywhere match against Morrison on RAW and I thought I could use it as a comic element. To wind it all up in 2 words: THANK YOU.

Edit: I also wanted to know whether you find the stipulation for the Cena-Ryan match good.

Hmm. I think there is no way Cena would be left out of WrestleMania BUT I can sense a swerve coming from you. People often use Cena in a different way in BT because they find his WWE persona boring. I have a feeling that Mason Ryan will win and something more will come out of it ...

As for the constructive criticism, don't ever take it to heart. I think you can improve your promos more but they're fine already. It takes time to get into the promo groove - I know I've improved but they're still not right all the time.
WWE Superstars

William Regal def. Tyson Kidd w/ Jackson Andrews
Regal managed to win the re-match from last week. This match lasted a good 15-20 minutes. Best match of the night with both of them controlling equally. Finish came after Regal nailed him with the knee.

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov def. The Usos
The tag-team champs controlled most of the match with the finish coming after Santino hit Jey with the Cobra. Khali and Henry interfered but the ref sent them back.

Ezekiel Jackson def. Tyler Reks
Corre was not at ringside. Good back and forth match that lasted for 15 minutes. Finish came when Jackson nailed Reks with the clothesline. Typical big guy match-up.

Ted DiBiase def. Daniel Bryan (champion) via D.Q
Awesome match that lasted for 15 minutes. Back and forth. DiBiase was going for the Dream Street but Maryse came in and slapped him resulting in the D.Q. The GM chimed in.
Cole: And I Quote “I do not want my brand’s title match to end this way. And therefore, I am giving Ted DiBiase one last shot at the United States championship at Elimination Chamber. And it will be, a 2 out of 3 falls match”.

*End of show*

WWE Divas

Alicia Fox and Maryse def. Eve Torres and Gail Kim
Typical Divas tag-team match with zero charisma. Match lasted for about 10 minutes. Alicia pinned Gail Kim after nailing her with an impeller DDT.

Kelly Kelly def. Vickie Guerrero w/ Dolph Ziggler
Good one for a Vickie match. Kelly dominated most of the match. Vickie took control wherever Dolph interfered or tried to interfere. Finish came after Kelly drop-kicked Dolph off the apron and then nailed Vickie with the K2.

Kaitlyn def. Tamina
Good match with few great spots that lasted for 15 minutes. Finish came when Kaitlyn rolled up Tamina for the victory.

Natalya and Beth Pheonix def. LayCool w/ Melina
Best match of the night with some breath-taking spots. Melina tried to interfere on more than one occasions. Finish came when Layla tapped out to the Sharpshooter. All the Divas got in the ring to brawl and started but the lights went out. Back to normal, and everyone was down. The laughing sound could be heard again.

*End of show*​

Alberto Del Rio&#8217;s music hits and he comes out to open SmackDown!.
Alberto: My name, is Alberto Del Rio but you, you already know that. Ha-ha. What a night it was last week for me, and my buddy &#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes. We are now, in the Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight championship. And mark my words, either one of us, is walking out, the champion. But, the question that was left unanswered last week, is why I and my buddy took out that little Chihuahua, Rey Mysterio. Well, there are 2 reasons. But first, I need to call out, &#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes.

-&#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes&#8217;s music hits-

Cody: Alberto, these people want to know why we attacked the Chihuahua? I&#8217;ll tell them why. You see people, as Alberto mentioned earlier, there are 2 reasons why. Number 1&#8230;

*A video package of Rey eliminating Alberto and Cody at the Royal Rumble is shown*

Cody: Rey eliminated us, by cheating, and we, did what any human being would do, take revenge.

Alberto: The second reason, Rey qualified for the Elimination Chamber when he wasn&#8217;t supposed to.

Cody: Yeah. Its high time Rey left the WWE and gave a chance to young guys like me and Alberto. So when e won his qualification match, we decided to take him out even before he entered the Satan&#8217;s structure and that&#8217;s because Mysterio, doesn&#8217;t deserve to win the World Heavyweight title, we do! Now, that&#8217;s going to become true, because in the end, its coming down to the Essence of Excellence, Alberto Del Rio and The Dashing One, Cody Rhodes.

-Edge&#8217;s music hits-

Edge: Well, I thought you two know Rey very well. But looks like you don&#8217;t. You go on a rant about how you took out Rey Mysterio without knowing his nature, which is to stand up at every fall. You see, Rey is a fighter with a motto of &#8220;I will not die&#8221;. In fact, he&#8217;s not only ready to go at it for the World Heavyweight title at Elimination Chamber, but he&#8217;s ready to fight, tonight! So, our general manager Theodore Long made a blockbuster tag-team main-event for tonight. Its gonna be Alberto Del Rio and &#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes versus Rey Mysterio and the World Heavyweight champion, Edge.

Alberto: Oh really? Blockbuster tag-team main-event? Good hype Edge, but you know what, it&#8217;s going to disappoint the fans. Because it will be totally one-sided as me and Cody, can crush you two in exact halves. And to tell you the truth, we have enough money to pay your hospital bills and guess what, we won&#8217;t hesitate one second, to do it.

Edge: Try Alberto, Cody, try hard. But the truth is, you won&#8217;t succeed. Because the two of us, we&#8217;re two vampires, ready and poised for blood.

*Edge leaves the ring as we go to a commercial*

Chavo Guerrero vs Tyler Reks vs Jack Swagger
Back from the break and Chavo is out first followed by Swagger and then Reks. The bell sounds and Swagger and Reks nail Chavo with a boot each. Swagger picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Chavo runs right into a clothesline from Reks. He picks Chavo up and throws him out. He turns around and Swagger nails him with a drop-kick. He picks Reks up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Reks kicks out at 2.

Swagger picks him up and whips him followed by a scoop slam. He picks Reks up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Reks goes down in the corner. Swagger nails him with 2 springboard splashes. He calls for the Gutwrench powerbomb. He lifts Reks up but Chavo nails a chair shot to the back of Swagger&#8217;s knee. Swagger goes down. Chavo then nails a huge shot to Reks. Reks is down and out.

Chavo picks Swagger up and whips him but Swagger reverses. Chavo baseball slides through Swagger&#8217;s legs and hits an enzugiri. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Chavo pulls Swagger to the apron and goes out. He places Swagger&#8217;s knee on the apron and yanks it. Swagger wriggles in pain. Chavo goes on the top and hits a legdrop right on the knee. He turns Swagger around and locks in the Figure 4 leg lock. Swagger is about to tap out when Reks breaks the hold and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Reks suplexes Chavo. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Chavo up and whips him followed by a boot. He picks Chavo up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a sidewalk slam. He picks Chavo up and whips him but Chavo ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody but Reks catches him in the air and hits a backbreaker. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Chavo up and throws him out.

He goes out and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He picks him up and throws him in the ring where Swagger greets him with a boot. Reks gets inside but Swagger catches him with a DDT. He locks in the Ankle Lock on Reks. Reks struggles but manages to make it to the ropes. Swagger releases the hold and turns around and Chavo nails him in the head. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Swagger up and whips him but Swagger reverses and Chavo runs right into a boot from Reks.

Swagger and Reks lock up and Swagger turns it into a headlock. Reks pushes him off. Swagger ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Reks up and whips him into the corner followed by a boot. Reks goes down in the corner. Swagger hits him with 3 springboard splashes and calls for the Gutwrench powerbomb, only this time, he connects. Chavo quickly takes advantage and throws Swagger out of the ring. He goes for a cover on Reks. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3! Chavo has done it.
Winner: Chavo Guerrero

Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre vs Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel
The commentators mention how Drew turned face by helping Kofi and Show fend off an attack by the Corre. They also mention the 5-on-5 Elimination match for Elimination Chamber. Slater and Gabriel are out first followed by Drew and Kofi. Kofi and Slater start things off. They lock up and Kofi pushes Slater into a corner and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. He goes on the top and hits a Frog Splash. He goes for a cover. 1..2&#8230;kick out. He picks Slater up and tags in Drew.

Drew comes in and kicks Slater in the gut followed by a DDT. He picks Slater up and whips him followed by a scoop slam. He stomps down on Slater. He picks Slater up and whips him but Slater ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Kofi comes off the top but Gabriel kicks him in mid-air and hits a dropkick. He picks Kofi up and whips him in the corner followed by a bulldog. He goes on the top and hits a moonsault. He goes for a cover. 1..2..kick out.

He picks Kofi up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Kofi kicks out at 2. He picks Kofi up and whips him followed by a standing dropkick. He tags in Slater. Slater goes on the top and hits a crossbody. He picks Kofi up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He locks in the sleeper. Kofi struggles at first but makes it to the vertical base and pushes Slater in the corner. Slater releases the hold. Kofi charges at him but Slater counters with a boot. He goes on the top and hits a Frog Splash. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Kofi up and throws him outside. Kofi is down in pain as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Gabriel has Kofi locked in a reverse chin lock but Kofi manages to get to the ropes. Gabriel releases the hold and pulls Kofi by his hair to his (Gabriel&#8217;s) corner. He tags in Slater. Slater comes in and kicks away at Kofi and then pushes his hair back. He picks Kofi up and whips him followed by a spinning heel-kick. He picks Slater up and hits a backbreaker. He stomps followed by a legdrop. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out.

He picks Kofi up and twists his arm and tags in Gabriel. Gabriel goes on the top and elbows onto Kofi&#8217;s twisted arm. Kofi goes down in pain. Gabriel quickly locks in an arm-bar. Kofi struggles but makes it to the ropes. Gabriel releases the hold and kicks away at Kofi&#8217;s arm and then tags in Slater. Slater does the same. He picks Kofi up and rams him into the post arm-first. He pulls him out and whips him into the corner. He charges but Kofi sidesteps and hits a pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. Both men are down. They tag in their partners.

Gabriel comes off the top but Drew catches him in mid-air and hits a sideslam. He picks Gabriel up and whips him followed by a scoop slam. He picks Gabriel up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks Gabriel up by the arm and tweaks it. Gabriel goes down. Drew turns around and Slater nails him with a face-buster. Kofi comes in and throws him outside. He turns around and Gabriel charges at him but he ducks and hits a drop-kick and does the Boom Drop. Gabriel gets up. Drew turns him around and nails him with the Future Shock DDT for the victory.
Winners: Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre

Backstage, we see Rey Mysterio as the doctors are checking in on him.

*Edge comes in as the crowd cheers*

Edge: Are you fine?

Rey: Healing. By the way, thanks for the kind words earlier.

Edge: Ah, that&#8217;s nothing. I just wanted to show those guys that they are not championship material. By the way, tonight, we show them that either you or me are walking out of the chamber as champ, don&#8217;t we?

Rey: Yes of course.

*Dolph Ziggler comes in with Vickie Guerrero*

Dolph: Do not strain your stupid brain on whose is walking out the champ at Elimination Chamber. Because the answer is simple and I know it. It&#8217;s gonna be ME who will walk out as the World Heavyweight champion.

*Dolph and Vickie leave as his match with Kane is next and we go to commercial*

Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero vs Kane
Back from the break and Dolph is out first with Vickie followed by Kane. The bell sounds and Kane hits Dolph with a boot. He picks Dolph up and throws him into the corner followed by some hard punches to the gut and chin. He picks Dolph up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He waits for Dolph to get up and uppercuts him out of the ring. He goes out and glares at Vickie who looks scared. He picks Dolph up and whips him into the steps. He picks Dolph up and body-slams him onto the steps. He picks Dolph up and throws him in.

He gets in but Dolph baseball slides between his legs and hits an enzugiri. Kane is still standing. Dolph hits a flashkick and Kane is down this time. Dolph hooks the leg. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Kane up and whips him but Kane reverses. Dolph ducks a clothesline and hits a heel-kick off the ropes. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. He picks Kane up and throws him out. Vickie stares down at Kane. Kane hisses at Vickie and she runs to the other side of the ring. Dolph takes advantage and nails Kane with a baseball slide sending him crashing into the barricade.

He picks Kane up and whips him but Kane reverses sending him into the steps. Kane picks him up and goes to smash him onto the post but Dolph slips out and pushes Kane into the post. Kane is down and out. Dolph enters the ring as the ref is on 6. Dolph is desperate to win via count-out but Kane makes it back at 9. Dolph looks frustrated. He kicks away at his opponent. He picks Kane up and whips him but Kane reveres and hits a boot. Both men are down as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Kane pushes himself into Dolph. He picks Dolph up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Dolph up and lifts him up for a sit-out powerbomb but Dolph slips out and goes for a schoolboy but can&#8217;t pull Kane down. Kane frees himself and boots Dolph in the temple. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Dolph up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a boot. He picks him up and hits numerous uppercuts. Dolph quickly runs outside. Kane follows him but Dolph brings Vickie in between. Vickie screams at first as Kane goes into the ring to break the ref&#8217;s count.

Vickie turns around and slaps Dolph for putting her in danger. Dolph looks stunned as Kane hits him with a clothesline. He picks Dolph up and throws him in. He gets in and hits a DDT. He goes on the top and hits a clothesline. He calls for the chokeslam but Vickie gets in the ring and Kane turns his attention to her. He hisses at her again and Vickie is now screaming at full volume. Kane looks pissed off. He turns around and grabs Dolph by the throat. He lifts him up but Kaitlyn&#8217;s music hits and she comes out.

Kane is distracted and Dolph slips out and goes out of the ring. Kaitlyn gets in the ring. Kane stares down at both the Divas in the ring. Dolph gets in with the chair and hits Kane in the back of the knee. The ref calls for the bell. Dolph takes advantage and pulls Kaitlyn out of the ring and they kiss on the ramp. Vickie stares at them in disbelief as Kane knocks her out with a boot. The camera focuses on Dolph and Kaitlyn who are now standing hand-in-hand as we go to a commercial.
Winner by D.Q: Kane
Backstage, we see Teddy Long in his office.

*LayCool come in*

Michelle: Hi Teddy. We just wanted to tell you, that we want no lights-off tonight, alright?

Layla: Yeah. We are tired of getting bashed up by someone.

Michelle: And the worst part is, we don’t know who’s doing it.

*LayCool blabber something together*

Teddy: Ladies, ladies. Calm down. I’ve ensured no such thing happens tonight. Tonight, I’ve ordered every security guard to take care that no one puts off the lights and to nab anyone, who tries doing it, alright.

*Teddy leaves as LayCool look happy*

Layla: ‘chelle, that decision was just like us…

LayCool (together): FLAWLESS!!!


Michelle McCool w/ Layla vs Beth Pheonix w/ Natalya
Back from the break and Beth is out first with Natalya followed by LayCool. The bell sounds and both Divas square-off but Melina’s music hits and she comes out to join commentary. Both Divas lock up and Beth pushes Michelle in the corner. She kicks her in the gut and whips her followed by a boot. She picks her up and hits a clothesline. She calls for the boot but Michelle ducks and pulls the ropes down to send Beth over the top.

Michelle distracts the ref and Layla takes advantage by nailing Beth with an enzugiri. Michelle goes out and throws Beth in. She gets in and clotheslines Beth. She goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. She gets up and calls for the Faith-Breaker. She picks Beth up but Natalya stands on the apron and distracts her. Layla comes to hit her but she kicks her away. Beth charges at Michelle but she ducks and Beth runs into Natalya knocking her off. She turns around and Michelle nails her with a boot. She goes for a cover. 1…2…3. Michelle wins.
Winner: Michelle McCool w/ Layla
After the match, the lights go off. Back to normal and all Divas are in the ring but none are down. The camera goes backstage where all the security guards are down. All the Divas are surprised. The laughing sound can be heard again as we go to a commercial.

Christian vs Ezekiel Jackson
Back from the break and Jackson is out first with The Corre followed by Christian who is alone. He stands on the apron and then calls out for someone. His entire team for Elimination Chamber comes out. Christian gets in and the bell sounds. Both men lock up to start the last episode of ECW rematch. Zeke pushes Christian in the corner and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a powerbomb. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and whips him followed by a sideslam. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline and a backbreaker. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Christian up and throws him out. The Corre step in towards him but Team SmackDown! stop them. Zeke goes out and picks Christian up. He throws him into the barricade. He gets in the ring to break the ref’s count. He picks Christian up and whips him into the steps. He picks Christian up and throws him in. He gets in but Christian catches him with an impeller DDT! Both men are down.

They get up. Zeke whips Christian in the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and nails a pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a spinning uppercut. Zeke falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him down. He goes on the outside and slaps him. He gets in the ring and grabs Zeke by the neck. He goes on the middle rope and goes for a tornado DDT but Zeke pushes him off and Christian lands hard. Zeke boots Christian out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Zeke runs right into Christian. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. He goes for a cover. 1..2…kick out. He picks Zeke up and grabs him by the neck. He goes on the top and hits a tornado DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Zeke up and whips him but Zeke reverses and hits a clothesline. Both men are down. They get up. Christian charges towards Zeke but Zeke sidesteps and hits a corkscrew neckbreaker.

He picks Christian up and hits a powerslam. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Christian up and body-slams him. He goes on the top and hits a clothesline!! He picks Christian up and goes for a choke-bomb but Christian slips out and nails an enzugiri. Both men are down. They get up. Zeke squashes Christian. He picks Christian up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Christian kicks out at 2. He picks Christian up and whips him but Christian slides from between his legs and hits a backbreaker. He calls for the Killswitch. He grabs Zeke but Zeke pushes him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and Zeke runs into the turnbuckle. Christian takes advantage and nails him with the Killswitch for the 1…2….3!!!
Winner: Christian
After the match, Slater runs in at Christian but Kofi catches him with the Trouble In Paradise. Gabriel jumps at him but Drew kicks him in mid air and nails him with the Future Shock DDT. Skip comes in at him but Drew ducks and Skip runs into a boot from Tarver. Barrett picks Tarver up for the Wasteland but Show nails him with the K.O blow. Team SmackDown! celebrate and we go to commercial.

Backstage, we see Dolph Ziggler with Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn: Thank you baby. Now, Vickie will know that you used her to get to the top, just like her ex-husband, Edge.

Dolph: Yeah. And now, I am this close (shows with fingers), this close to winning the World Heavyweight championship. And you know why I left Vickie at the last stage of my rise to the top?

Kaitlyn: Well, no.

Dolph: Because in the Elimination Chamber, I need a lucky charm like you to win the championship.

*They kiss and we go to another locker where Vickie is being nursed by a physio and Chavo is by her side*

Chavo: What happened? Why did he leave you right there and saved Kaitlyn?

Vickie: Don’t mention that bitch. She took away everything that was important to me. She’s going to pay!!

Chavo: And what about Dolph?

Vickie: I’m going to ensure, he doesn’t leave Elimination Chamber as the World Heavyweight champion. He’s going to suffer for using me. He is going to suffer. Just like Edge did. He is going to suffer!! Suffer!!

*We see Edge and Rey walking towards the ring in split-screen as we go to a commercial.*

Edge and Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio and “Dashing” Cody Rhodes
Alberto is out to the ring first followed by Cody and then Edge followed by Rey. Edge starts things off with Alberto. The bell sounds and Edge kicks Alberto in the gut followed by a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Alberto up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Alberto kicks out at 2. He picks Alberto up and whips him into the corner followed by a spinning uppercut. He picks Alberto up and tags in Rey. Rey goes on the top and hits a missile drop-kick. He picks Alberto up and whips him but Alberto reverses.

Rey ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. He picks Alberto up and smashes his head on the turnbuckle. He whips him but Alberto reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Rey sidesteps and hits a spinning heel-kick. He picks Alberto up and hits the spinning body scissors. Alberto falls on the second rope. He goes for the 619 but Alberto gets up and stops him with a clothesline. He picks Rey up and whips him but Rey baseball slides through his legs and hits an enzugiri. He tags in Edge. Edge comes in and stomps away at Alberto. He picks Alberto up and whips him but Edge ducks and hits the Edgomatic.

He goes for a cover but Alberto kicks out at 2. He picks Alberto up and whips him followed by a dropkick. He picks Alberto up and throws him out. He goes out and whips Alberto into the steps. He picks him up and throws him in. Cody distracts the ref. Ricardo grabs Edge by the leg but Edge kicks him off. He gets in the ring but Alberto nails him with an enzugiri. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Rey comes in off the top but Cody kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. He goes for a clothesline. 1…2…kick out as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Cody has Rey locked in the sleeper. Rey struggles but makes it to the ropes. Cody releases the hold and nails a reverse DDT. He tags in Alberto. Alberto comes in and kicks away at Rey’s arm. He picks Rey up and whips him followed by a dropkick on the arm. He picks Rey up and rams him arm-first into the post. He pulls him out and kicks away at the arm and tags in Cody. Cody comes in and tweaks his arm on the ropes followed by a kick to the gut and a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He twists his arm behind his back and Rey is struggling. He makes it back to the vertical base and elbows his way out of the hold.

He comes off the ropes but Cody ducks and hits the Beautiful Disaster. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. Cody can’t believe it. He picks Rey up and rams him arm-first into the post. Rey falls outside the ring. Cody goes out and tweaks his arm on the steps. He picks him up and whips him into the post arm-first. Rey is down holding his arm. He throws him in and gets in. He kicks Rey in the gut and tags in Alberto. Alberto comes in and twists his arm and sends him crashing arm-first into the turnbuckle. Rey is down and out.

Alberto goes for a cover. 1…2…Rey kicks out! Alberto is frustrated and kicks away at Rey’s arm. He picks Rey up and whips him into the corner. He charges towards him but Rey sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a Frog Splash but injures his arm in the process. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Cody comes in going for a clothesline but Edge ducks and hits a clothesline of his own. He picks Cody up and throws him out as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Edge nails Alberto with a boot. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He whips him into the corner and hits a bulldog. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Alberto up and whips him but Alberto reverses and goes for a clothesline. Edge ducks and hits the impeller DDT. He tags in Rey. Rey goes on the top and hits a crossbody. He goes for a cover favoring his arm. 1…2…kick out. He picks Alberto up and whips him but Alberto reverses and Rey ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. He kicks away at Alberto. He comes off the ropes and hits a knee to the face.

He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out by Alberto. He picks Alberto up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Alberto kicks out. He picks Alberto up and whips him but Alberto reverses and hits a boot. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Edge comes in going for a Spear but Cody sidesteps and hits the Beautiful Disaster. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. Cody picks Edge up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Edge kicks out at 2.

He picks Edge up and whips him but Edge ducks a clothesline and hits an impeller DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2…Alberto breaks it up. Rey comes in and nails Alberto with a drop-kick. Alberto falls to the outside. He dives at him. Cody gets up and turns around. Edge goes for a Spear but Cody sidesteps and Edge runs right into the turnbuckle. Cody takes advantage and nails him with the Cross Rhodes. He goes for a cover. 1…2…3! Alberto and Cody win.
Winners: Alberto Del Rio and “Dashing” Cody Rhodes

The Miz is out to open Monday Night RAW w/o Alex Riley.

Miz: For the past two weeks, people have been interrupting and pretty much starting MY SHOW! But tonight, I ensured that won’t happen by coming out here. You see, I’m the most must-see WWE champion in history and I’m going to prove it at Elimination Chamber when I retain the WWE championship. I will silence the critics come Elimination Chamber and I’ll prove to the world and all of you termites why I, am the better than all other former WWE champions including Stone Cold Steve Austin, “HBK” Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton et cetera, et cetera.

*The crowd boos at him*

Miz: At the Elimination Chamber, you will be forced to here Justin Roberts say “and still the WWE champion, THE MIZ”. At Elimination Chamber, inside Elimination Chamber, I am going to prove why “I’m The Miz and I’m….”

-Randy Orton’s music hits-

Orton: Hey, hey, Miz. You, who need outside interference from your valet, you call Alex Riley and a stupid “broadcast journalist” in Michael Cole and illegal means to retain your championship every time you defend it and you say you are the most must-see and best WWE champion in history? This doesn’t prove anything but the fact that you are crazy. You can never walk-out out of an Elimination Chamber holding a championship because it is a closed structure, where only six hungry superstars battle it out for one championship and there are no Riley’s and Cole’s in there and you have no chance in hell… to come out on top. At Elimination Chamber, it is all about me. It is about how I am going to become 7-time WWE champion and about how; you are going to be defeated. It is about how the Age of Orton will begin one more time.

Miz: Orton…Orton…Orton. You are all about fiction. You just think that you can win the WWE championship but the truth is, you can’t. You think you can overthrow Cena as the face of the WWE but you can’t and won’t. Ever. And get it over your thick head Randy, I am better than you and you can never beat ME!! At Elimination Chamber, nothing, is about you, everything, is about ME! ME and only ME! “Because I’m The Miz and I’m….”

-CM Punk’s music hits and he comes out w/o The Nexus-

Punk: Miz, Orton, WWE Universe. How many times have I tell you all that it’s not about anything else at Elimination Chamber but me winning the WWE championship and Nexus dominating Monday Night RAW. You see, after I win the WWE title, no one can stop RAW from being ruled by Nexus and nobody can stop it from becoming bigger than the Four Horsemen, bigger than Evolution. Nobody can stop it from becoming the biggest group in the history of the WWE. So, nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to stop me from winning the WWE championship. Not your big mouth Miz, and not even the RKO! Not parkour, not hardcore, nothing. I, will be in a class of my own at Elimination Chamber, and after everything is set and done, I will be standing as the WWE champion, dominating, this squared circle. And all of you, will be kissing my feet and licking the Nexus’s ass. Ha-ha.

-The GM chimes in-

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the General Manager. And I Quote “Miz, Orton, Punk. I request you all to clear the ring right now because I know that this decision ain’t stopping right here. And you see, the show must go on. But don’t worry, you will have a chance to prove yourselves tonight, as I am now setting up an Elimination Chamber showdown. There will be 3 one-on-one matches between the 6 superstars in the Elimination Chamber. It will be John Morrison vs King Sheamus, The WWE champion, The Miz vs The Leader of The Nexus, CM Punk. And in the main-event, it will be, Randy Orton vs Triple H one-on-one! Good luck”.

*The 3 men stand staring at each other as we go to a commercial*

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs Daniel Bryan and DH Smith
The tag champs are out first followed by Smith and then Bryan. DiBiase is sitting at commentary. Santino and Bryan square-off as Khali’s music hits and he comes out with Henry. They are standing at ringside. The bell sounds and Santino and Bryan lock-up. Bryan pushes Santino in the corner and kicks him in the gut followed by a bulldog. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Santino up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a drop-kick and tags in Smith. Smith comes in and boots Santino. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. He picks him up and hits the delayed vertical suplex.

He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Santino up and whips him but Santino ducks and slaps him. He whips him but Smith reverses. Santino ducks a clothesline. Smith charges towards him but Santino counters with a hip-toss. He splashes onto him and tags in Kozlov. Kozlov comes in and boots Smith. He picks Smith up and throws him into the corner followed by headbutts. He whips Smith in the corner followed by a splash. He picks Smith up and whips him but Smith reverses and hits a boot.

Both men are down. Smith tags in Bryan. Bryan goes on the top and hits a missile drop-kick. He picks Kozlov up and whips him but Kozlov reverses. Bryan ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Kozlov up and throws him out as DiBiase looks on in frustration and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Bryan has Kozlov in a headlock. Kozlov starts fainting but gets back to the vertical base eventually and elbows his way out of the hold. He goes for a shoulder block but Bryan counters with a dropkick. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Kozlov up and tags in Smith. Smith comes in and kicks away at Kozlov. He picks Kozlov up and whips him followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. He picks Kozlov up and hits the delayed vertical suplex. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks Kozlov up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a rollup but Kozlov kicks out at 2. Smith hits him with a clothesline and tags in Bryan. Bryan comes in and kicks Kozlov multiple times on the back of the knee. Kozlov goes down on his knees. Bryan nails him with a dropkick. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. He calls for the enzugiri and connects. He tags in Smith. Smith comes in and goes for a suplex but Kozlov slips out and hits a boot out of nowhere.. Both men are down. They get up. Smith charges at Kozlov but he ducks and hits a spear! Both men are down again. They tag in their partners.

Bryan comes off the top but Santino sidesteps and hits a kick to the gut followed by a DDT. He picks Bryan up and whips him followed by 2 hip-tosses. He does a soldier splash and calls for the Cobra. He strikes but Bryan ducks and hits an enzugiri out of nowhere. He calls another one. He charges but Santino ducks and hits a dropkick. He calls for the Cobra. Henry gets on the apron to distract the ref and Santino. Ted takes advantage and nails Bryan with the U.S title belt. Bryan is down. The ref shoos Henry off the apron. Both the ref and Santino turn their attention to the match. Santino nails Bryan with the Cobra. 1…2…3! Santino and Kozlov win as Henry and Khali look on surprised.
Winners: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov
Backstage, we have Josh Matthews interviewing John Morrison.

Josh: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, John Morrison.

*Mo pats Josh on the back*

Josh: Morrison, how do you feel coming out on top against Cena and Orton in straight weeks?

Mo: Josh, it’s a great feeling. I just can’t express it in words. Cena and Orton, they are the top 2 guys in the WWE currently, and two beat them in straight matches, well it’s unbelievable. You see, I have a great respect for both these men and that makes it that much more special.

Josh: What do you think about your match with King Sheamus tonight?

Mo: Well, um, I have beaten that guy before and I’m confident I can do it again. And those two victories, puts me ahead in momentum. Tonight, as it has been for the past two weeks, is gonna be my night.

Josh: And what are your thoughts and your chances at the Elimination Chamber come Sunday?

Mo: All I know is that that structure, is career-altering. So, all I have to do is save my career from getting over, and try to win the WWE championship. I have nothing to lose inside the chamber, everything to gain. And mark my words, I’m going to just that.

Josh: Thanks, Morrison.

*Morrison leaves as his match with Sheamus is up next*

Elimination Chamber showdown: King Sheamus vs John Morrison
Mo is out first followed by Sheamus. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Sheamus converts it into a headlock but Mo pushes him away. He counters a shoulder-block by nailing Sheamus with a spinning heel kick. He picks Sheamus up and rams him into the post. He hits a flash kick followed by a knee to the face. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Sheamus reverses. Mo ducks a clothesline and hits the Moonlight Drive followed by a standing moonsault. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Sheamus up and whips him followed by another spinning heel kick.

He picks him up and whips him into the corner. He tries for a splash but Sheamus sidesteps and Mo lands hard on the turnbuckle. Mo is reeling as Sheamus nails him with the Irish Hammer. He picks him up and whips him but Mo ducks a clothesline. He comes off the ropes but Sheamus catches him with the Irish Curse backbreaker. He calls for the Brogue kick. He charges but Mo sidesteps and goes for the flash kick but Sheamus ducks and hits a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him followed by a boot.

He picks him up and locks in a headlock. Mo struggles but makes it to the ropes. Sheamus releases the hold. He picks Mo by the hair and slams him down. He hits a legdrop. He picks him up and hits a spinebuster. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Mo up and whips him into the corner followed by a boot. He goes for another cover. 1…2…kick out by Mo again. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and throws him over-the-top. Morrison lands hard. Sheamus goes out and picks Mo up. He throws him into the barricade. He picks him up and whips him into the steps. Mo is down and out as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Sheamus kicks Mo repeatedly in the ribs. He picks Mo up and throws him into the corner. He kicks away at his ribs followed by an elbow to the injured part. Mo goes down. Sheamus picks him up and places him in the corner again and this time hits multiple standing spears. Mo goes down holding his ribs. Sheamus kicks away at the ribs followed by a knee-drop. Mo is out of breath.

Sheamus picks him up and locks in a bear-hug. Mo goes down on his knees. He eventually manages to get back to a vertical base and elbows his way out of the hold. He comes off the ropes but Sheamus catches him with a knee to the ribs. He picks him up and throws him rib-first into the corner. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Mo ducks a clothesline and hits a flying chuck. Both men are down. They get up at 8. Sheamus charges towards him but Mo ducks and Sheamus runs into the turnbuckle.

Mo hits him with the flash kick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He gets up holding his ribs and hits the running springboard moonsault. He goes for a cover still holding his ribs. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. Sheamus falls in the corner. Mo goes for the Starship Pain but Sheamus sidesteps and Mo lands hard on his ribs. Sheamus gets up and charges at him but Mo ducks and pulls the ropes down. Sheamus falls on the outside. Mo catapults himself onto Sheamus. Both men are down on the outside as we go to another mid-match commercial.

Back from the break and Mo nails Sheamus with a boot. He picks Sheamus up and whips him but Sheamus reverses. Mo ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. He picks him up and rams him into the post followed by an enzugiri. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Sheamus up and whips him but Sheamus reverses. Mo slides from between his legs and pulls him down by the tights for a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. Both men get up at the same time. Sheamus charges at him but he grabs hold of his arm and hits the C4.

He calls for the Shining Wizard. He charges but Sheamus ducks and hits the Irish Hammer. He picks Mo up and whips him but Mo ducks. He comes off the ropes but Sheamus catches him and nails the Irish Curse. He calls for the Brogue kick and connects. 1…2…kick out! Sheamus can’t believe it. He picks Mo up for the High/Celtic Cross but Triple H’s music hits. He comes out holding a sledgehammer. He walks till the end of the ramp and then asks Sheamus to turn around. He looks around and Mo nails him with the Shining Wizard. 1…2…3! Mo picks up another sizzling victory.
Winner: John Morrison
After the match, Mo celebrates and moves out of the ring. He and Hunter have a stare down on the ramp. Mo walks off backstage while Hunter gets into the ring. He nails Sheamus in the gut with the sledgehammer followed by a shot to the back. Sheamus is down and out. Hunter grabs a mic.

Hunter: Sheamus, last week, you issued me a warning. Tonight, I’m telling you the truth. If you, decide to think that you can win the WWE championship and for one moment, just one moment, you take your focus off me inside the Elimination Chamber, I’ll make sure that that will be your last match in the WWE. You must understand, that I am the master of the Elimination Chamber not only because I have the capability to win, but also because I can eliminate anyone and everyone from my company. And Sheamus, before I go, I’ll tell you one last thing. I know I’ve said this before but I’m saying it again. “It’s time to PLAY THE GAME, and I LOVE TO PLAY!!”

*The crowd cheers loudly as Hunter’s music hits and we go to a commercial*

Backstage we see Josh Matthews interviewing John Cena.

Josh: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, John Cena.

*The arena is filled with cheers as the camera focuses on Cena*

Cena: Hi Josh.

Josh: Hey Cena. John, my question to you is, how are you going to avoid being banned from WrestleMania?

*Cena gives him a “that was horrible” look*

Cena: Of course, by beating Mason Ryan.

Josh: Huh, my first question indirectly meant how do you think you can beat Mason Ryan when you don’t know what his weaknesses are. And plus, with the Nexus at ringside, you will be at a disadvantage won’t you?

Cena: Well yes of course. But you know what Josh. I have made a career out of beating the odds time and time again. This, is another chapter in the story of John Cena. And like always, this too, will have a very happy ending. And that is, The Nexus done and me, left standing. But as far Elimination Chamber goes, I’m good enough to ensure Nexus will not cause any damage to the match.

*The Nexus walks in*

Ryan: Hey Cena. You needn’t worry. You needn’t get scared. You needn’t ensure that Nexus will not “damage” the match in any way. Because me, I am planning to end your WrestleMania run, alone. And if you still didn’t understand like those morons out there, that means that Nexus won’t be at ringside at the Elimination Chamber.

*The Nexus walk off as the crowd boos at them*

Cena (to Josh): I don’t believe those guys. What if they show up?

*R-Truth comes in*

Truth: If they show up, I’ll show up and whoop their asses. And that’s the truth.

*Truth leaves as Cena looks confused. The 6-man elimination tag-team match is next and we go to a commercial*

John Cena, R-Truth and Evan Bourne vs Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris and David Otunga
Nexus is out first with Mason Ryan followed by Truth, Bourne and Cena (together on Cena’s music). Bourne starts things off with Michael. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Michael kicks Bourne in the gut and whips him followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks Bourne up and nails him with a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Bourne up and tags in Otunga. He comes in and pounds away at Bourne. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Bourne kicks out. Otunga tags in Michael. Michael comes in and nails Bourne with a backbreaker. He calls for the McGillicutter and connects. 1…2…3. Bourne is gone.

Truth quickly gets in the ring and goes for a clothesline but Michael pulls the ropes down at Truth crashes to the outside. Michael tags in Harris. Harris goes on the outside and boots Truth. He picks him up and rams him into the barricade. He throws him in and gets in quite slowly. Truth takes advantage and nails him with a DDT. 1…2…kick out. He picks Harris up and whips him but Harris reverses. Truth ducks a clothesline and hits a spinning heel kick. He picks Harris up and slams his head on the turnbuckle. He whips him but Harris reverses him into the corner followed by a splash and a clothesline. He does the bodysplash and goes for a cover. 1…2…3. Truth is out. Cena looks at Harris in disbelief and Harris mocks him saying “3 on 1” as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Harris has Cena in a sleeper. Cena goes down and starts fainting but eventually gets up and slams Harris into the corner. He whips him into the corner followed by a bulldog. He goes on the top and hits the legdrop. 1…2…kick out. He picks Harris up and whips him followed by a belly-to-back suplex. Harris gets back up quickly and charges at Cena. Cena counters with the fisherman’s suplex. He calls for the Attitude Adjustment. He lifts Harris in the fireman’s carry but Harris slips out and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He picks Cena up for a suplex but Cena slips out and does a roll-up. 1…2…3.

Harris is eliminated. Michael quickly rushes into the ring but Cena cuts him off with a dropkick. He picks him up and whips him followed by the shoulder blocks and press slam. He does the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He picks him up for the AA and spins him around thus knocking Otunga off the apron. He hits Michael with the AA. Cover. 1…2…3! Michael is done. It’s one-on-one.

Ryan helps Otunga get up on the outside. Otunga gets in the ring only to be caught by Cena’s fisherman suplex. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Otunga up and whips him into the corner followed by a bulldog. He goes on the top for the legdrop but Otunga sidesteps and Cena lands hard. Otunga nails him with a boot. He picks him up and goes for his finisher but Cena slips out and kicks Otunga in the gut followed by the Boston Blockbuster! He calls for the AA. He lifts Otunga up but Otunga elbows his way out. Cena quickly retaliates and grabs hold of Otunga’s leg. He locks in the STF. Otunga taps out. Cena wins.
Winners: John Cena, R-Truth and Evan Bourne
Sole Survivor: John Cena
After the match, as Cena is celebrating, Mason Ryan gets a mic.

Ryan: Hey Cena. Congratulations. Celebrate all you want because after Elimination Chamber, you won’t be able to celebrate ever in your life again. Because I, I am going to rip you apart and send you in the highest state of depression!!

*Cena gets a mic*

Cena: Highest state of depression huh? Looks like you’re getting some vocabulary lessons from CM Sucks. And trust me, you need it. But all I need to do, is to ask you to get in this damn ring with me and just show you, who I really am and what I am capable of doing. You see dude, I have been very light on The Nexus since it began, but at Elimination Chamber, everything changes. At Elimination Chamber, it’s the beginning of the end for Nexus.

Ryan: Keep that confidence going. It’ll give you and all these morons a distinct, near impossible view of you beating me. But perhaps, that ain’t happening. So sad isn’t it?

*The crowd boos at him loudly as he begins to leave*

Cena: Hey Ryan. Before you go, I want to tell you one last thing. I’m the REAL DEAL and I am made for WrestleMania. So if someone’s going to be absent at the big event, I’ll make sure it is CM Sucks and his band of black and gold cowards.

*Cena’s music plays and Ryan retreats as we go to a commercial*​
Elimination Chamber showdown: The Miz vs CM Punk
Back from the break and Punk is out first. He gets a mic.

Punk: Cena just said, that he&#8217;ll make sure I don&#8217;t compete at WrestleMania. Ha-ha. Perhaps he needs to rethink what he said because I am not in a stipulation where if I lose, I will be banned from WrestleMania 27, he is. But then, if it was on me, it wouldn&#8217;t have made sense would it? Because I ain&#8217;t losing. I am your next WWE champion and there is no way, I can&#8217;t be at WrestleMania. And Cena must know, that &#8220;Nexus, means we&#8217;re BETTER than you!!&#8221;.

Out comes The Miz. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Punk converts it into a bear-hug. Miz elbows his way out and locks in the bear-hug instead. Punk swings but Miz ducks in time to avoid it. Punk smiles in disgust. Both men circle again and lock up once more. This time Miz converts it into a headlock. Punk pushes him off but Miz nails him with a shoulder block. He comes off the ropes and jumps to the other side. He comes off the ropes again but this time Punk catches him with a roll-up but Miz kicks out at 2. Both men get up. Miz swings wildly but Punk ducks and hits a kick to the back of the head.

He picks Miz up and whips him followed by a scoop slam. Punk checks his nose and goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Miz up and kicks him repeatedly on the back and the knee. Miz goes down on his knees and Punk nails him with a dropkick. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Punk goes on the top and hits a crossbody.

1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Miz up and whips him but Miz ducks a clothesline and pounces on Punk. He punches away at him. The ref pulls them apart. Miz pushes the ref off and kicks Punk in the gut followed by a DDT. He picks Punk up and body-slams him down. He says &#8220;I&#8217;m the champ&#8221; in his face which is clearly audible. He picks Punk up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Punk kicks out. Both men get up. Miz charges at him but Punk ducks and clotheslines Miz onto the floor. Miz is reeling as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Punk has Miz in a sleeper with Miz nearly down. Miz gets back to a vertical base and pushes Punk in the corner followed by a face-buster. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Punk up and whips him into the corner followed by his signature clothesline. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up whips him and goes for a backdrop but Punk kicks him across the chest followed by a roundhouse kick. He picks Miz up and whips him into the corner followed by a thigh to the face.

He goes for a bulldog but Miz pushes him off. Punk lands hard. Both men are down. Punk gets back up and charges at Miz but Miz cuts him off with a boot. He picks Punk up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Punk kicks out at 2. Both men get up. Miz charges at him but he ducks. Miz retaliates with the backbreaker-neckbreaker combo. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out.

Michael Cole is screaming at the announce table. Miz calls for the Skull Crushing Finale. He grabs hold of Punk but Punk manages to counter with a face-buster followed by an enzugiri. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a thigh to the face and a bulldog. He calls for the GTS. He picks Miz up and connects. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3. Punk wins.
Winner: CM Punk

Backstage, Randy Orton is adjusting his knee pad as Triple H walks in.

*The crowd cheers loudly as Orton takes up a defensive position*

Hunter: Don&#8217;t worry. I&#8217;m just here to warn you, that Sheamus in not the only person who should take notice of me at Elimination Chamber. It&#8217;s all of you as well. You see, me, I have won the most Elimination Chambers till date and I plan to do it again, come Sunday. But Orton, you must know, that if you get in my way, you&#8217;ll pay for your sins. Because &#8220;It&#8217;s Time to Play THE GAME&#8230;&#8221;

Orton: Triple H, I will ensure you don&#8217;t enter the Elimination Chamber at all. Because tonight, after hitting you with the RKO, I plan on crushing your skull.

*Orton leaves as we go to a commercial*

Natalya and Beth Pheonix vs LayCool and Melina (2-on-3 Handicap match)
Back from the break and the heels are out first followed by Natalya and Beth. The match begins with Layla and Natalya in the ring. The GM chimes in.

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the general manager. And I Quote, &#8220; Girls. You all look so tensed. And I know the reason why. So avoid what&#8217;s happening for the past 2 weeks, that is, to avoid the ambush, I have requested all my security guards to guard the light controllers. So, you needn&#8217;t worry. Just give it your best. Thank you.&#8221;

The bell sounds and both Divas lock-up. Layla kicks Natalya in the gut and throws her in the corner. She kicks her in the gut and tags in Melina. Melina comes in and chokes Natalya with her foot. She picks her up and whips her but she reverses and hits a clothesline. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. She picks Melina up and tags in Beth. Beth comes in and hits Melina with a clothesline. She picks her up and whips her followed by a belly-to-belly. She picks her up and hits the delayed vertical suplex. Cover. 1&#8230;2..kick out. She picks her up and rams her into the post. She pulls her out and goes for the Glam Slam but the lights go out. Back to normal and all the security guards are down. The lights go out again. Back to normal and no one is injured. The laughing sound can be heard again as the Divas look confused.
Winners: N.A

*We see Triple H and Randy Orton walking towards the ring in split-screen as their match is next and we go to a commercial*

Elimination Chamber showdown: Randy Orton vs Triple H
Back from the break and Orton is out first followed by Hunter. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Hunter pushes Orton in the corner. The ref pulls them apart. Hunter taunts Orton with the DX chop. Both men circle around and lock up again. This time Orton pushes Hunter in the corner and does his taunt. Hunter pounces on Orton and punches him down. The ref pulls him back. Hunter pushes off the ref and hits Orton with a knee-drop. He picks him up and whips him followed by a high knee after 2 missed clotheslines.

He picks him up and whips him but Orton reverses and goes for the backdrop but Hunter counters with a face-buster followed by a clothesline. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by the spinebuster. He calls for the Pedigree. He kicks him in the gut but Orton counters with a backdrop. Both men are down. They get up at 7. Hunter charges at Orton but Orton ducks and hits 2 clotheslines. He picks him up and whips him followed by a scoop slam. He does the Viper Stomps. Hunter rolls to the apron. He gets up but

Orton catches him and hits the second-rope scraping DDT. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He waits for Hunter to get up and hits the backbreaker. He starts pounding on the mat. He grabs Hunter by the neck but Hunter pushes him off. Orton lands hard on the turnbuckle. Hunter counters with a clothesline. He picks Orton up and whips him in the corner followed by a spear. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and throws him out as we take a final break.

Back from the break and Hunter has Orton in an arm-bar. Orton gets to the ropes pretty quickly. Hunter releases the hold and waits for him to get up and then hits a clothesline sending him outside. He goes out and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and rams him into the barricade. He gets back in. The ref starts the count. Orton is reeling but gets back in at 9. Hunter looks confused. He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton reverses. Hunter ducks a clothesline and goes for one of his own but Orton counters with a knee to the gut followed by an uppercut and a dropkick. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out

He picks Hunter up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Hunter kicks out at 2. Both men get up at the same time. Hunter charges towards him but Orton ducks and hits the RKO!! He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out! Orton can&#8217;t believe it. He gets back up and calls for the Punt. He charges at him but Hunter sidesteps and counters with a spinebuster. He calls for the Pedigree. He picks Orton up and kicks him in the gut followed by the Pedigree. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out! Hunter is frustrated. He punches away at Orton. He picks him up and whips him but Orton ducks and hits a standing dropkick. Both men are down. The Miz comes out from the audience and pounds away at Orton. The ref calls for the bell.
Winner by D.Q: Randy Orton
After the match, Miz continues to beat down on Orton. Hunter gets up and tries pulling Miz away but Miz is determined. Hunter finally starts succeeding. Sheamus comes running in at nails Hunter with the Irish Hammer. He too starts pounding down on Hunter. Miz continues his assault on Orton. Morrison comes in. He attacks Sheamus from behind and throws him into Miz. Orton and Hunter get up. All 5 men start brawling until Punk&#8217;s music hits and he comes out with The Nexus. They get in the ring but the other 5 overpower them. Orton throws out Otunga, Hunter nails Michael with the spinebuster. Mo takes out Ryan while Sheamus grabs hold of Husky and nails him with the Irish Curse backbreaker. All of them surround Punk but Mo hits Miz with the Shining Wizard. Orton hits Mo with the RKO. He turns around and Sheamus nails him with the Brogue kick. Hunter hits him with the Pedigree. Punk nails Hunter with the GTS.

He goes down on one knee and poses. Cena comes from the audience. He grabs a chair and gets in the ring. He hits Punk in the back of the head with the chair. He throws the chair down as takes a look at the Nexus outside the ring. He goes out and picks up Otunga. He points at Ryan and Punk and AAs Otunga through the announce table. He gets in the ring and his music hits as he celebrates.

**End of show**​
WWE Superstars

Chavo Guerrero def. Jack Swagger
Pretty decent match with high spots from Chavo. Match lasted about 10-12 minutes. Finish came when Chavo hit Swagger with the Frog Splash for the victory.

Daniel Bryan and R-Truth def. Ted DiBiase and Tyson Kidd
Great match. Best of the night. Not a normal tag-team match at all. Finish came when Bryan made Kidd tap out to the LeBelle hold.

Curt Hawkins and Trent Barreta def. Tyler Reks
Boring handicap match with no good spots except for some high-flying from Hawkins. Finish came when Barreta took advantage of a distraction caused by Hawkins and hit Reks with multiple chair shots followed by his finisher. That was the best spot of the match.

Evan Bourne def. Yoshi Tatsu
Great match up. Awesome spots. Pretty good for a Superstars main-event. Could have worked as first match of RAW. Finish came when Bourne hit Tatsu with the Air Bourne for the win. Match lasted for 15 minutes.

**End of show**

WWE Divas

Alicia Fox def. Tamina
A typical 5-minute diva match with good spots from Tamina. Fox got the pin after hitting Tamina with a move somewhat like the C4 that John Morrison uses.

Kaitlyn def. Kelly Kelly
Great match. Best of the night by far. Great spots from both divas. Match lasted for more than 15 minutes. Finish came when Kaitlyn hit Kelly with the leg-drop that Kelly uses.

The Bella Twins def. Eve Torres and Gail Kim
Pretty bad match for the 3rd of the night. Typical tag-team match. Finish came when the twins did the Twin Magic and Nikki hit Eve with a boot for the win.

LayCool and Melina def. Natalya and Beth Pheonix
The RAW rematch was better than the original match. Second best match of the night. Finish came when Michelle hit Beth with the Faith Breaker. After the match, the lights-off thing occurred again and this time all the Divas were down. The laughing sound could be heard again to close the show.

**End of show**​
Hey, this is my first read of your shows and im impressed. Some good matches on offer and i respect the effort you put into your shows, especially writing for Superstars and Divas.

Loving the build-up to elimination chamber with the individual matches.

i look forward to reading more, keep up the good work
First off all, thank you to D-Squared for the kind words.


Teddy Long&#8217;s music hits and he comes out to open Friday Night SmackDown! as the cheers for him are deafening.

Teddy: Hello ladies. Welcome gentlemen. Hope you enjoyed SmackDown! last week and I hope, you enjoy Elimination Chamber, especially the World Heavyweight championship match. On RAW this past Monday, the anonymous general manager, through Michael Cole, made an Elimination Chamber showdown. 6 men, 3 one-on-one matches. And just like you, even I, was watching the show. To tell you the truth, I liked the GM&#8217;s idea. It was unique. So, tonight, I am going to do the same thing.

*More cheers from the crowd*

Teddy: Tonight, it is going to be, Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio, Kane vs Dolph Ziggler in a rematch from last week and in the main-event, it will be Edge vs &#8220;Dashing&#8221; Cody Rhodes! Also tonight, Wade Barrett will face Christian in an Extreme Rules match with The Corre and Team SmackDown! banned from ringside. Thank you guys for the warm welcome and hope you all, enjoy. And before I leave, let me announce this. The first Elimination Chamber showdown match, is next. Holla Holla!

*Teddy leaves as the crowd cheers loudly and we go to a commercial*

Elimination Chamber showdown: Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio
Back from the break and Rey is out to the ring first followed by ADR. The bell sounds as Alberto taunts Rey. Both men lock up. Alberto pushes Rey in the corner and kicks him in the gut followed by an elbow to the back. He starts taunting the crowd. Huge &#8220;You suck!!&#8221; chants break out from the audience. Alberto picks Rey up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He twists his left arm and picks him up and sends him arm-first into the turnbuckle followed by an enzugiri. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Rey up and whips him but Rey ducks from under his legs and hits a dropkick. Both men are down.

They get up. Alberto charges towards Rey but Rey ducks and hits a springboard moonsault. He goes on the top and hits the West Coast Pop. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2..kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and whips him but Alberto reverses. Rey retaliates and hits a 360º body DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Alberto up and whips him but Alberto reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Rey sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick.

He goes on the top and tries for the Eddie Guerrero Frog Splash but Alberto sidesteps and Rey crashes into the mat. Both men are down. They get up. Rey charges towards Alberto but Alberto sidesteps and Rey runs right into the turnbuckle. He turns around and Alberto hits him with a boot. He picks Rey up and throws him out. He goes out and picks Rey up. He whips him into the steps. Rey is reeling as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Alberto hits Rey with a missile dropkick off the second rope. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Rey up and whips him into the turnbuckle followed by a clothesline. He picks Rey up and throws him out. He goes out and whips Rey into the steps. He picks him up and rams him into the barricade. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the ring apron. The ref begins the count. Alberto picks Rey up and goes to slam him on the post but Rey slips out and pushes Alberto into the steps and gets in the ring when the ref&#8217;s on 5. Alberto gets up slowly but manages to get back in at 9.

He gets up and Rey hits a baseball slide. He goes on the top for the Eddie Guerrero Frog Splash and this time he connects. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He waits for Alberto to get up and then hits him with a dropkick. Alberto lands on the second rope. Rey calls for the 619. He charges but Alberto cuts him off with a boot. He picks Rey up and places him on the top rope. He climbs up. He tries for the superplex but Rey fights back and pushes him off. Alberto luckily lands on his feet. Rey dives onto him but Alberto&#8217;s elbow hits Rey in the chin. Both men are down. They get up and trade blows. Alberto kicks Rey in the gut and hits a DDT. He picks him up and rams him arm-first into the post. He pulls him out and locks in the cross arm-breaker. Rey taps out.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio

We move backstage where Todd Grisham is with Vickie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Assistant General Manager of SmackDown!, Vickie Guerrero.

*The crowd boos the hell out of Vickie. The noise is deafening*

Todd: Um&#8230; Vickie, last week you said that Dolph Ziggler is going to pay for cheating on you and walking off with your rookie Diva from NXT season 3 Kaitlyn. So what people, and I, want to know is that what are you going to do that will make Ziggler realize his, err, mistake?

Vickie: What am I going to do? You would have never expected this Todd. Teddy Long, earlier, made this announcement that tonight, Dolph will be facing Kane. And being the Assistant General Manager, I am allowed to make some decisions. And this one, is a huge one. If Dolph loses tonight against Kane, he will be fired and my nephew Chavo Guerrero, he will take Dolph&#8217;s spot, in the Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight championship.

Todd: And what about Kaitlyn?

Chavo: Dolph likes to associate Kaitlyn with him, doesn&#8217;t he? So tonight, according to my aunt Vickie, if Dolph loses tonight, not only he will be fired, but he will be forced to take Kaitlyn away with him. That means, if Dolph loses tonight, Kaitlyn&#8217;s done. Hahahaha!!

*Vickie and Chavo leave as we go to a commercial*

Big Show vs Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel (1-on-2 handicap match)
Slater and Gabriel are out first w/o The Corre followed by the big man. Both men will be in the ring at the same time against Show. The bell sounds and the men circle around. Slater goes after Show&#8217;s knee and brings him down. They pound him down. They pick him up and whip him but Show counters with a double-clothesline. He picks Slater up and throws him into the corner and slaps him on the chest. Gabriel jumps at him but Show catches him in mid-air and throws him into another corner and slaps him on the chest as well. He whips Gabriel into Slater and then splashes on them. Slater rolls out of the ring. Show covers Gabriel. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out.

He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and whips him followed by an elbow. He goes on the top rope and hits another elbow. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Gabriel up and throws him out. He goes out and boots him. He turns around and Slater hits him with a dropkick but Show is still on his feet. He hits another dropkick and this time Slater crashes into the steps. He pulls Show by the legs and waits for Gabriel to get up.

They together throw him in. They get in and pound him down with elbows and stomps. Slater goes on the top and hits a moonsault. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Show pushes him off so hard he crashes into the ropes. Gabriel retaliates and kicks him in the stomach. He hits a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. We go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Slater is wearing down Show with the sleeper hold. Show goes down on his knees but gets back to a vertical base and pushes Slater into the corner followed by an elbow to the gut. Gabriel quickly hits Show with a flash kick but Show isn&#8217;t down. Gabriel goes for another one but Show sidesteps and nails him with a boot. He turns around and Slater goes for a dropkick but Show sidesteps and Slater crashes into the mat. Show clotheslines him outside. He turns his attention to Gabriel. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He picks him up and hits the chokeslam.

He calls for the K.O blow but The Corre run in. Zeke stands on the apron but Show boots him on top of Barrett. Sheffield tries to get in but Show throws Gabriel into him. Sheffield crashes into the barricade. Slater takes advantage and goes on the top rope and dives but Show catches him by the neck. He lifts him high but Gabriel hits him with a chopblock to he back of the knee. Show goes down. Slater nails him with his finisher. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Slater can&#8217;t believe it. He asks Gabriel to go on top. He goes there and hits the 450 splash. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out!!! Both men are frustrated. They pick him up and whip him but Show reverses. Both men duck. Slater goes for a springboard crossbody but Show catches him by the neck and hits a chokeslam. He nails Gabriel with the K.O blow. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3. Show wins.
Winner: Big Show
Backstage, we see Edge taping up.

*Christian walks in the crowd cheers loudly*

Edge: What&#8217;s up dude?

Christian: Nothing. I&#8217;m just here to wish you luck for tonight, and for Elimination Chamber. So&#8230;

*Christian stretches out his hand. Edge hesitates first but then accepts*

Christian: And by the way, I&#8217;ll be looking forward to your Elimination Chamber match.

*Christian starts walking out of the locker as Edge stops him*

Edge: Dude! You know what, even I will be looking forward to your match at Elimination Chamber. So good luck to you too.

*Christian smiles and leaves as Edge checks out the World title on his shoulders and we go to a commercial*

Tyler Reks vs Jack Swagger vs Chris Masters
Back from the break and Swagger is out first followed by Reks and then Masters. The crowd starts a big &#8220;You suck!&#8221; chant for Masters. Masters ignores it as the bell sounds. Reks and Swagger circle around Masters. Masters ducks a clothesline from Swagger and pushes him into Reks. Reks goes down. Swagger turns around and Masters hits him with a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him in the corner followed by another clothesline and a spinebuster. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out.

He picks him up and whips him but Swagger reverses and goes for a backdrop but Masters hits him with a face-buster followed by a boot. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. The people start their chant again. Masters shoos at the crowd and picks Swagger up. He throws him in the corner, pulls his straps down and hits the big slap to the chest. Swagger goes down on his knees. Masters nails him with a dropkick to the jaw. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out.

He turns around and Reks blasts him with a boot. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a powerslam. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and hits the gut-buster. He goes on the middle-rope and hits a flying clothesline. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks Masters up and throws him out. He goes out and whips Masters into the steps. Masters is wriggling in pain as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Swagger has Reks in the bear-hug. A replay from &#8220;during the break&#8221; is shown where Swagger nails Reks with a dropkick to capitalize. Back live, Reks pushes Swagger in the corner. He charges towards him but Swagger sidesteps and Reks runs into the turnbuckle and falls in the corner. Swagger hits him 2 second-rope splashes. He calls for the Gutwrench powerbomb. He picks Reks up on his shoulders but Reks slips out. Swagger retaliates and locks him in the Ankle Lock. Reks cries in pain.

He is about to tap out but Masters breaks the hold. Swagger looks frustrated. He picks Masters up and whips him but Masters reverses and hits a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him into the post followed by a splash. Swagger runs right into a spinebuster from Reks. Reks and Masters lock up. Reks pushes Masters in the corner and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. He goes on the top and goes for a flying clothesline but Masters ducks and locks in the Master Lock. Reks begins to faint but gets back up and counters by hitting a face-buster. Masters goes down. Reks gets up and goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;Swagger breaks it up. He picks Reks up and throws him out. He picks Masters up and hits the Gutwrench powerbomb. 1&#8230;2&#8230;3. Swagger wins.
Winner: Jack Swagger

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Dolph Ziggler. Dolph, how do you feel going into a high stipulation match against the Devil&#8217;s Favorite Demon, Kane?

Dolph: Todd, you know what I feel? I feel that Kane&#8217;s doomsday is here. And at the end of it all, I&#8217;ll still be in the WWE along with Kaitlyn and the best part of it, is, I&#8217;ll be the World Heavyweight champion.

*Dolph and Kaitlyn kiss and leave as we go to a commercial. His match is next*

Elimination Chamber showdown: Kane vs Dolph Ziggler
Tony Chimel names the stipulation that if Dolph loses, he and Kaitlyn will be fired and Chavo will take his place in the SmackDown! Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight championship. Dolph is out first with Kaitlyn followed by Kane. The bell sounds and both men circle around when Chavo Guerrero&#8217;s music hits and he comes out with Vickie. Kane and Dolph lock up. Kane pushes Dolph in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him in the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him followed by a sideslam. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and rams his skull into the turnbuckle.

He whips him followed by a boot. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. He picks him up and throws him out. He goes out and rams him into the barricade. He picks him up and rams him into the post followed by a whip into the steps. He picks him up and throws him in. He tries to get in but Kaitlyn distracts him. He hisses back at her and gets into the ring where Dolph greets him with a dropkick to the knee. Kane goes down. Dolph goes on the top and hits an elbow. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out.

He picks him up and whips him but Kane reverses. Dolph ducks a clothesline and hits an enzugiri followed by an elbow-drop. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and kicks him in the gut followed by a chopblock to the back of the knee and the legdrop that Michael Cole calls the &#8220;Zig-Zag&#8221;. Cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Vickie gives a sigh of relief outside the ring. He picks him up and whips him but Kane reverses and hits a boot. Both men are down as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Dolph has Kane in the sleeper hold. Kane goes down on his knees but eventually makes it back to a vertical base and pushes Dolph in the corner. He whips him into the corner. He runs at him but Dolph sidesteps and hits a splash of his own. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and goes for a roll-up but can&#8217;t. Kane counters and nails him with a boot. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a European uppercut. He picks him up and throws him into the turnbuckle and punches him down. He pulls him in the centre of the ring and goes for a cover.

1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a sideslam. He goes on the top rope and hits the flying clothesline. He calls for the chokeslam. He grabs Dolph by the neck but Dolph elbows his way out and locks in the sleeper hold again. Kane separates Dolph&#8217;s arms from his face and hits a Samoan drop. He goes for a cover. 1&#8230;2&#8230;kick out. Kane can&#8217;t believe it. He goes on the top and hits another clothesline. He calls for the chokeslam but Kaitlyn stands on the apron to distract him but Vickie pulls her down. Both the divas brawl on the floor. The ref gets distracted. Chavo takes advantage and tries hitting Dolph with the chair but Dolph sidesteps and Chavo accidentally hits Kane. Dolph hits Chavo with the ZigZag. The ref turns his attention back to the match. Dolph goes for a cover on Kane. 1&#8230;2&#8230;.3. That&#8217;s it. Dolph saves his career.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Backstage, we see LayCool.

Layla: ‘chelle. Who do you think will be your opponent tonight?

Michelle: God knows who. But one thing is clear. Whoever my opponent is, will be losing.

Layla: And that will prove why we are…

LayCool (together): FLAWLESS!!

*They head towards the ring as we go to a commercial*

Michelle McCool vs ???
LayCool are out to the ring first followed by Natalya, Beth and Melina. They are out here so that Teddy Long selects who has to face Michelle. Teddy’s music hits.

Teddy: Hi girls. How are ya? Tonight, I choose, or I handpick Michelle’s opponent. And it is going to be…

*Beth gears up as she thinks she’s the one*

Teddy: No Beth. It isn’t you. It’s… Layla!!

*Michelle looks confused and frustrated as Layla makes her way into the ring slowly*

She gets in the ring and the bell sounds. They hesitate but lock up. Michelle pushes Layla in the corner. She kicks her in the gut and hits a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. She picks Layla up and whips her in the corner followed by a boot. She goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. She gets up and hesitates but calls for the Faith Breaker. She picks her up but Layla elbows her way out and hits a spear!! 1…2…kick out. She can’t believe it. She stares at Natalya as she looks happy. Layla goes for another spear but Michelle sidesteps and hits a boot. Cover. 1…2…3. Michelle wins.
Winner: Michelle McCool
Michelle picks Layla up and both of them celebrate. Melina gets in the ring and she too celebrates. Natalya and Beth get in and the divas are ready to brawl but the lights go out… again. The lights are back and all the divas are down. The laughing sound can be heard again as we go to a commercial.

Christian vs Wade Barrett
Back from the break and Barrett is out first. He gets a mic.

Barrett: Ladies and gentlemen, The Corre may be a on a losing streak. And not any losing streak, but one against Team SmackDown!

*Cheers erupt from the crowd*

Barrett: Quiet! Now, I promise, no, I VOW that at Elimination Chamber, The Corre will stand up and emerge victorious. Not only that, but at Elimination Chamber, we also prove why, we are the biggest, baddest and meanest group the WWE has ever seen.

*The crowd boos at him ferociously*

Barrett: Hahahaha. And I also hope, that you saw Big Show celebrate to the fullest because after tonight, you won’t get a chance to. You know what, there’s another funny thing in store for you. That is, Christian will be the first Royal Rumble winner to not compete at the following WrestleMania.

*More boos come from the crowd*

Barret: Now, because Punk debuted a new catchphrase this past Monday on RAW, I’m going to use my original one. That means, “You’re Either The Corre or You’re Against Us!!!”.

*We go to a commercial as the match is next*

Back from the break and both men are in the ring. The bell sounds and they lock up. Barrett turns it into a headlock. Christian pushes him off but Barrett counters with a shoulder block. He picks him up and whips him followed by a boot. He hits a knee-drop. He picks him up and hits a dropkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Christian kicks out. Both men get up. Barrett charges at him but Christian ducks and hits an enzugiri.

He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Barrett up and whips him in the corner followed by a splash. He whips him but Barrett reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a spinning uppercut. Barrett lands on the second rope. Christian chokes him down with his feet. He goes out and slaps him. He gets back in and grabs hold of his neck. He climbs on the second turnbuckle and hits a tornado DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He gets up and calls for the Killswitch.

He grabs Barrett and turns around but Barrett pushes him off. Christian hangs on the ropes. Barrett charges at him but Christian pulls the ropes down. Barrett crashes to the outside. Christian hits a springboard crossbody on the outside. Both men are down as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Christian has Barrett in the Ankle Lock. Barrett struggles but eventually makes it back to the ropes. Christian releases the hold and chokes him down with his foot followed by a legdrop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Barrett up and whips him followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. He picks him up and whips him but Barrett reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian counters with the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and tries for the spinning uppercut but Barrett sidesteps and Christian lands hard on the mat.

Both men are down. They get up. Christian charges at him but Barrett ducks and hits a scoop slam followed by a knee-drop. He picks him up and whips him followed by a boot. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. Both men get up. Barrett nails him with a boot. He goes on the top and hits the elbow-drop. He calls for the Wasteland. He lifts Christian up on his shoulders but Christian slips out and hits an enzugiri. Both men are down. They get up. Barrett hits a dropkick. He picks him up and throws him out. He goes out and picks him up. He whips him but Christian reverses and Barrett crashes into the steps. Christian picks him up and rams him into the barricade. Barrett is out as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Christian hits Barrett with a Frog Splash. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Barrett reverses. Christian ducks a boot and hits a springboard crossbody. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits a moonsault. He picks him up and grabs his neck and goes on the second turnbuckle and hits a tornado DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and locks in a sleeper. Barrett starts fainting. He gets back to his feet eventually and counters with a face-buster. Both men are down.

They get up. Barrett charges towards him but Christian counters with a drop-toe-hold and locks in the cross-face. Barrett struggles but makes it back to the ropes. He releases the hold and picks him up and whips him but Barrett reverses into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and dives but Barrett kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. He goes on the top and hits the elbow-drop. He picks him up and lifts him on his shoulders and hits the Wasteland. Cover. 1…2…3!! Barrett wins!!!!
Winner: Wade Barrett

Backstage, we see “Dashing” Cody Rhodes taping up as Alberto Del Rio enters the scene.

Cody: Hey buddy.

Alberto: Cody. Tonight, I took out Rey Mysterio. You, you need to take out Edge.

Cody: Buddy, I already know that. Tonight, I’ll hurt Edge so bad, he will be scared to walk inside the Elimination Chamber.

*Cody make his way to the ring as the main-event is up next*

Elimination Chamber showdown: Edge vs “Dashing” Cody Rhodes
Cody is out first followed by Edge. Both men stare down at each other. The bell sounds as both men lock up. He pushes him in the corner followed by a kick to the gut and a DDT. He picks him up and whips him but Cody ducks and goes for the Beautiful Disaster but Edge sidesteps and hits the Edgomatic. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by the impeller DDT. He calls for the Spear. He charges at him but Cody sidesteps and does a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. Both men get up at the same time.

Edge goes for a boot but Cody sidesteps and hits a dropkick. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. Cover. 1…2….kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits an enzugiri. He picks him up and whips him but Edge reverses. He goes for a clothesline but Cody ducks and hits the Beautiful Disaster. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Cody can’t believe it. He picks him up and slams his head on the turnbuckle and whips him into the corner.

He pulls him in the center of the ring and locks in the Figure 4 leg lock. Edge struggles but manages to turn around forcing Cody to release the hold. Cody gets up and stomps away at Edge. He picks him up and whips him but Edge reverses and hits a boot. Both men are down as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Edge has Cody in a inverted headlock. Cody is down on his knees but eventually gets back to his feet and pushes Edge away. Edge hits a shoulder block off the ropes. He comes off the ropes, goes over Cody and goes for a clothesline but Cody ducks and goes for an enzugiri but Edge sidesteps and Cody crashes into the mat. He picks him up and whips him but Cody reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits a clothesline of his own. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner. He charges towards him but Cody sidesteps and hits a pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a crossbody.

Both men are down. They get up. Edge charges at him but Cody counters with a backdrop. Edge holds on to the ropes. Cody quickly retaliates and hits the Alabama Slam. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Edge up and whips him but Edge reverses. Cody ducks a clothesline and hits the Beautiful Disaster. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Cody can’t believe it. He asks the ref again and again. He gets frustrated and kicks away at Edge followed by a knee-drop. He goes on the top and goes for a crossbody but Edge kicks him and hits a DDT out of nowhere! Both men are down.

They get up. Cody charges towards him but Edge ducks and hits the Edgomatic. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Cody reverses. Edge grabs hold of his arm and hits the impeller DDT. He goes in the corner and goes for the Spear but Alberto Del Rio runs to ringside. Rey Mysterio follows him. Dolph Ziggler comes out to ringside who is followed by Kane. Edge turns his attention back to the match. He goes for a Spear but Cody sidesteps and hits the Cross Rhodes for the 1…2….3!!
Winner: “Dashing” Cody Rhodes
After the match Kane get in the ring and hits him with a boot. He picks him up and hits a chokeslam. He turns around and Alberto Del Rio hits him with a running enzugiri. He turns around and Rey gets in the ring. He charges at him but Rey counters with the drop-toe hold. He falls on the second rope. Rey hits him with the 619. He goes for the West Coast Pop but Dolph kicks him in mid-air and hits the ZigZag. He turns around and Edge nails him with the Spear. He raises his hands in celebration as The Corre’s music hits and they rush to ringside.

They get in the ring and beat down on Edge. They throw him everywhere in the ring. Barrett picks him up and hits him with the Wasteland. Gabriel goes on the top and hits a 450 splash. They celebrate as Big Show’s music hits and Team SmackDown! come to the ring. The Corre escapes but Tarver gets hold of Gabriel. Tarver throws him into Show who hits him with a chokeslam. Christian picks him up and hits the Killswitch. Show picks him up and hits the K.O blow. Team SmackDown! celebrate as Big Show’s music hits.

**End of show**​

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