IC25's Film Throwdown #3 - Apollo Creed vs Clubber Lang


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Ah yes, the classic, age old question. In Rocky 3, prior to the first fight between Rocky and Clubber, Apollo Creed greets the crowd, only to have his show of sportsmanship rebuked by Lang. After Rocky gets dropped in the 2nd round, Apollo returns to train Rocky for the successful rematch.

In the first 3 Rocky films, Rocky goes 1-1 against Apollo (losing a split decision and winning a last second knock out), and goes 1-1 against Clubber (losing a 2nd round KO and winning a 2nd or 3rd round KO).

Apollo, in his prime, was the fastest fighter in the Heavyweight class.

Clubber, in his prime, was far and away the most powerful.

So if Apollo (in his prime) faced Clubber (in his prime) - WHO WOULD WIN?
While I love Clubber Lang, I have to go with Apollo Creed.

If you watch Rocky 3 and the 2nd fight between Rocky and Clubber... the first two minutes or so is how the entire fight would go between Apollo and Clubber. Apollo's just too fast for him, and could counter everything Clubber threw at him. Sure... Apollo is bound to get caught a couple of times here and there, but as shown in Rocky 1 and Rocky 2... the dude has a hell of a chin and it takes a LOT to knock the motherfucker out. I just don't think if Apollo took the fight seriously, Clubber would be able to find a way to get his hands on him.

Apollo takes it with a TKO in the 9th.
jmt, I love your approach here, but I have a conflict for you.

In Rocky 3, during the interview, Clubber says:

"I reject the challenge. Because Balboa is no challenge...Apollo Who?...I don't need no has-been in my corner Balboa is so predictable and stupid, the man comes straight ahead..."

The reason Rocky beat Clubber was similar to why Rocky beat Apollo. Each man planned for a certain strategy, and Rocky switched. Apollo prepared for a southpaw, Rocky fought Right handed. Clubber was prepared for a brawler and street fighter in Balboa, but Rocky was a leaner, faster fighter.

If Clubber faced Apollo, he's be READY for Apollo...

Also, look at Apollo's record vs power fighters. 1-2. A controversial win against Rocky, a loss, and the Drago fight...
The reason Rocky beat Clubber was similar to why Rocky beat Apollo. Each man planned for a certain strategy, and Rocky switched. Apollo prepared for a southpaw, Rocky fought Right handed. Clubber was prepared for a brawler and street fighter in Balboa, but Rocky was a leaner, faster fighter.

This is a very fair point, but you didn't finish Clubber's quote. He continues after that statement specifically saying that brawlers are perfect for his style. That leads me to believe he had trouble in the past with "dancing" boxers, so to speak, and that was obviously against much weaker opponents than Apollo.

I really don't think Clubber would be able to prepare for someone like Apollo. He seems like the type of person too stuck in his ways to change his style. And even if he could... Clubber was slower than Rocky in that third fight, so how could he catch a guy like Apollo? It just doesn't seem likely to me, no matter how hard he trains.

Also, look at Apollo's record vs power fighters. 1-2. A controversial win against Rocky, a loss, and the Drago fight...

That right there, however, is NOT fair point. In Rocky 1, Apollo hardly trained for the fight and wasn't prepared in the least bit for the kind of animal Rocky was. In Rocky 2, Apollo won that entire fight, except for one round, and even as you said... Apollo didn't know beforehand he should have been preparing for a right-handed fighter. However, he would know exactly what he would have to do against someone like Clubber Lang, and showed so in Rocky 3. Moreover, at the end of Rocky 3... how do we know Apollo didn't annihilate Rocky? Rocky was pretty bruised up at the start of Rocky 4. :icon_wink:

And as far as Drago... well, that's a whole different kind of monster than Clubber Lang. Drago is faster than Clubber, more stronger, and has a much longer reach.
I'm going with Clubber Lang, although I'd be cheering for Apollo. He's simply too strong, and too brutal, to think that Apollo's speed would make a difference. Clubber's fights end early because once he lands a heavy right, you're done. You go into shock, you don't move away, and he keeps plowing his fists into your cranium. Apollo would last into the 4th, maybe, but he still loses.
I'm all about Apollo on this one.

This is a classic matchup of the boxer versus the brawler. As much as we can speculate that Clubber Lang studied Rocky's style prior to their initial fight, we all know that Clubber Lang is a brawler by nature. His style of that of pure power boxing, intimidation, and animalistic tactics in the ring. In both fights with Balboa, Clubber did most of the advancing in the ring, coming straight-forward at Rocky, leaving him susceptible for a skilled boxer to counter-attack against him. That skilled boxer is Apollo Creed.

Clubber's biggest downfall in this bout would be that he fights with too much emotion. Both of his fights with Rocky were anger-driven because it's plain to see that Clubber Lang has a short temper. Obviously, any fighter that is fueled on raw emotion makes mistakes in the ring, especially against an experienced fighter. Apollo Creed isn't someone you want to make stupid mistakes against. He can capitalize on those mistakes and break through the other fighter's defense like a hot knife through butter.

Also, considering the fact that Apollo Creed is very flashy and talkative in and out of the ring, he is a psychological fighter that can defeat an opponent before they even step into the ring. (Just look at how much he messed up Rocky's thought process in Rocky 1 and 2, prior to their fights.)

Another point about Clubber Lang that we need to take into consideration is the fact that Rocky did not train properly before his first fight with Clubber. If you recall, Rocky's training regimen was similar to Floyd Mayweather's in his recent fight against Marquez. He trained publicly, in front of cameras, newscasters, and the general public and didn't take the fight very seriously. Combine that with Rocky's stress about the fact that his manager and mentor was on his deathbed and it's plain to see that Clubber defeated a Rocky Balboa that was only about 60% prepared for the fight.

This fight is completely catered to Apollo Creed's experience. I'm sure that during his rise to the top he had to deal with many contenders that were similar to Clubber Lang. But Apollo doesn't make mistakes in the ring. He is a product of the system of boxing.

If Rocky Balboa dropped Clubber Lang in two rounds, Apollo can drop him in one.
And as far as Drago... well, that's a whole different kind of monster than Clubber Lang. Drago is faster than Clubber, more stronger, and has a much longer reach.

Oh, no question. In terms of pure physical and boxing skill, Drago is far and away the best. For me to match Clubber vs Drago, or Tommy Gunn vs Drago would be unfair. Drago would destroy anybody he faced.

In order of overall skill / talent / ability / physicality, here's how I rank Rocky's opponents / antagonists in the history of the films:

1. Ivan Drago
2. Apollo Creed
3. Tommy Gunn
4. Clubber Lang
5. Mason Dixon
6. Union Kane
In order of overall skill / talent / ability / physicality, here's how I rank Rocky's opponents / antagonists in the history of the films:

1. Ivan Drago
2. Apollo Creed
3. Tommy Gunn
4. Clubber Lang
5. Mason Dixon
6. Union Kane

Union Kane was such dogshit. The guy just looked like the paper champion that Stallone was making him out to be when he wrote the movie. However, I think you're forgetting one of Rocky's opponents and he should be included in this list:

1. Ivan Drago
2. Apollo Creed
3. Tommy Gunn
4. Clubber Lang
5. Mason Dixon
6. Spider Rico
7. Union Kane

You can't forget about that guy. He gave Rocky what appeared to be one of his most brutal, hard fought wins. I'm just sayin'... :rolleyes:
Spider Rico? Are you on crack? Rocky beat him in the 2nd round and then smoked a cigarette.

I'd put Joe Czak or the German Champion on the list LONG before Rico. Besides, I was looking for CHARACTERS, not just NAMES.

No, Thunderlips doesn't count.
Why are you guys rating Tommy Gunn over Clubber Lang? Dude, Tommy couldn't knock out Rocky with his bare fists. You think if Clubber got a shot at Rocky with no gloves on, Rock wouldn't fall flat on his face and wake up in the hospital a couple of hours later?

I think you're just letting the fact that since Tommy Morrison was such a great boxer in real life and Mr. T wasn't, cloud your judgment a bit on that one, guys.

Also, Mason Dixon could probably be put ahead of Clubber, if he were portrayed by someone other than Antonio Tarver. Honestly, I really liked Rocky 6, but that was such a terrible casting decision, especially when you could get someone like Michael Jai White for the role.
Also, look at Apollo's record vs power fighters. 1-2. A controversial win against Rocky, a loss, and the Drago fight...

If you google Apollo's record you will find its between 46-49 wins with one loss!! All by way of KO ecxcept the 1st Rocky fight.

I think Apollo wins TKO in the 11th, hes to smart of a fighter he would let Lang do all the work to tire himself out, then start coming on strong with Lang gassed and not being able to defend Apollo's shots. Or I would see Apollo clinching a lot since he would have the reach advantage knowing it would frustrate Lang, which would lead Lang's temper to get the best of him and start throwing rabid punches leaving himself open to catch a hook mean hook from Creed.
I'm going to have to go with Apollo on this one.

Apollo is a very intelligent fighter and he would know what to do against Clubber Lang. You seen how in the second fight between Rocky and Clubber how easily Rocky would avoid or block Clubber's punches. Well Apollo is faster and has a higher level of skill than Rocky. Apollo would knock that chump out in about 4 rounds.

Remember, Clubber fights great but Apollo is a great fighter.

That is all!

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