IC25 pretends to be KB while reviewing his night reading KB's reviews


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
IC25 drinks wine and decides he's buzzed enough to read 13 KB reviews of early 90's WCW. He's drunk 'cause he's Irish. I'm not sure why he's drinking wine, though, I just chalk it up to Bill Watts being a moron.

WCW entrance music in the early 90's was awesome. Ricky Steamboat's entrance in WCW around '92 and '93 was amazing. It's the type of stuff that makes you wanna whip John Parr's ass and then drink Goldschlager while singing "St. Elmo's Fire."

Masked wrestlers were rarely from any actual place. The Awesome Kongs were in the unexplored reaches of South Africa, which is the only place in Africa they could be from, because they're white.

Awesome Kong and King Kong were the Colossal Kongs. Didn't a movie producer sue them over the King Kong crap here?

Michael Buffer was so-so in retrospect. His brother Bruce Buffer is better. But having Buffer list the accomplishments of each wrestler, titles included, added legitimacy to the resume of a professional wrestler.

IC25 is actually watching Clash of the Champions 24 on Youtube. Time for more wine.


Pro wrestling like this may have been fairly brutal by today's standards, but man, the crowd was so electric. SO fired up. WCW build the Kongs for months squashing everyone, only to get squashed by Flair and Sting for no reason other than to promote a Saturday Night title match. Long term building.

IC25 has switched from Chardonnay to a Bordeaux.

Thanks to WCW Saturday Night, whenever one of my interviewees are 5 minutes late to an interview I ask if they're on "Ted Turner Time." They don't get it. Fucking kids.

Flairs promos were gold. I don't care how bad the rest of it was, Sting, Flair, and Vader were a triangle of amazing rivalries.

Rick Rude's entrance music in WCW was just brilliant. Such cheese. They refused to leave the 80's, and I thank them for it. He was also such a solid heel, he was the one guy who could never be a face.

Jesse Ventura says "unbelievable" with so little conviction. He should run for office.

I get to watch Vader matches now? Sweet!

IC25 keeps switching from 1st person to 3rd person and it confuses me. I mean him. I'm confused by him. He confuses me. Fuck.
You missed:

IC 25's night reading KB's reviews
Date: March 9, 2012
Location: NorCal Civic Arena, New Jersey
Attendance: 2
Commentators: Irish Canadian, Mrs. Irish Canadian
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