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I would stop watching WWE if...


Dark Match Winner
They booked The Undertaker in a fatal four way at Wrestlemania,

Taker vs. Kane vs. Big Show vs. Kevin Nash

And Nash got the pin on Kane and The Undertaker "lost"

That would be a cool match but if Taker loses and isnt pinned I would stop watching...

Your turn, what would make you stop watching?
To be perfectly honest I'm almost there now.

The truth is there are very few wrestlers that I actually care about and there is nothing about wrestling that is "must see" for me every week. These days there will be spurts where I binge out on wrestling then I get bored again and watch other stuff that I like better. Most of the wrestlers are bland, almost everyone feels the same with very few standouts, storylines are rushed and often aren't given the time they need, same with pushes of certain wrestlers. For me wrestling is about intriguing storylines, interesting characters and good buildup to matches I want to see and I feel wrestling has lost almost all of these traits. These days when I watch it its more to kill time than because I'm emotionally invested in it.

For example, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Beavis and Buttthead, those are all shows that are must see for me (and South Park when the season is active). NFL is pretty must watch for me and that's about it at the present time.

I used to watch wrestling religiously from the age of 3-20, after around 2005-2006 everything started getting a little more boring for me (actually it was boring around 2003 on but I hung around for a while after that). Its not that I've grown out of wrestling, I still love seeing interesting characters, I love what Mark Henry has done lately, there are times where they show brilliance but that brilliance is usually buried under boringness. Some people say the Attitude era was about a few big storylines but for me I still enjoyed watching The New Age Outlaws and The Godfather among others, I felt more connected with those characters and especially the characters from the 80's. Especially in the WWE sometimes it feels like 90% of the roster has 1 of 2 gimmicks, cocky, arrogant heel or generic babyface.

The truth is I love wrestling way too much to ever stop watching completely (especially WWE). Throughout my life no form of entertainment has come even close to the joy I have when watching a great match with a tremendous build up (like Cena vs. Punk at MITB), or a fantastic storyline like Austin vs. McMahon. its just unfortunate it doesn't really happen much anymore. The only way they could make me stop watching completely is if the WM main event is 2 monkeys throwing fecal matter at each other.
^^ Well said. I too love the Big Bang Theory. BAZINGA!

I have seen Triple H vs The Rock live with Austins return at Backlash.

I have seen Lesnar vs. Taker at a house show!

I have seen Cena vs. Jericho and Michaels vs. Hogan.

There just arent matches that intrigue me like there used to be.

CM Punks shoot was the closest thing to giving me that giddy feeling. But they changed his music and have watered him down.

I start actually liking the Miz as WWE champion and they take it away.

I miss Deadly Game Survivor Series Tournament, Mankind, Beer Trucks, and just the crazy crowds.

Im with you. I cant honestly say Im a WWE fan. I was a WWF fan that checks in on my ex girlfriend once and awhile through the windows like a peeping tom. Then I realize shes knitting and get bored and go do something better. Like watch the NFL or the Walking Dead.
I too have stopped watching the WWE. Ever since the WCW/WWF battle ended....it felt like that the WWE quit caring.... (Vince) throw out a stale product....we are the only one out there! so they have to watch us....
I quit watching smackdown like 5+ years ago because all the great wrestlers either died or left the show. Smackdown has sucked for years.

Smackdown used to be the best show ever with Brock, Rapper Cena, Benoit, Kurt, Rey, Edge, Eddie and more. Then they all left and i have had no reason to tune into that garbage show.

Im sorry, but when your biggest stars are freaking kane, big slow and mark henry....then somethings wrong.

All thats left for me is RAW and honestly, CM Punk is the only thing really holding my attention. This weeks RAW i had to wait 2 hours before he finally came out. That says something when all i wanted to see was punk...and even then it was just a dumb contract signing.

As of now ill never stop watching RAW, but who knows how much longer i can last.
I would stop watching WWE if the backstage politics began to hinder the product, in an even worse way than it is now. It's showing that the politics holds talent back but if it were to get worse which I pray it does not I'd be forced to stop watching.
I would stop watching WWE if hornswoggle or zack ryder ever won the wwe/world heavyweight championship. Of course if either did happened blood would leak from our eyes and ears then the earth would explode.
I been a wrestling fan since the 1980s and have probably seen roughly 100+ live shows between Crockett and WWE, traveled down to Panama City to match WCW air Nitro at Club LaVela in the mid to late 90s, I will always watch it and only way I will stop is if WWE was to close their doors and even then I will find more wrestling to enjoy watching.
I been a wrestling fan since the 1980s and have probably seen roughly 100+ live shows between Crockett and WWE, traveled down to Panama City to match WCW air Nitro at Club LaVela in the mid to late 90s, I will always watch it and only way I will stop is if WWE was to close their doors and even then I will find more wrestling to enjoy watching.

That's exactly how I am. After the WCW vs WWF war ended, my friends stuck around with WWE for a little while, then just quit watching. But I stuck with it and continue to watch even now, no matter how boring the show is, I still continue to watch. Not sure why. I guess it's just a bad habit, Mondays come and I immediately think, ooh, rasslin's on.. I have actually been watching Raw and Smackdown lately thinking, why do I continue to watch this crap? And yes, i watch TNA, I actually enjoy Impact alot more than what's going on in WWE at the moment. But I'm not sure if there will ever come a time when I just up and quit watching. Even if I happen to forget a show is on, or I'm out, I have the DVR set to record it and then I just fast forward through most of it, except promos and divas matches. :)
I'm almost there. This past Monday, I turned it off after the first 10 minutes. It's just paint by numbers booking at this point. There is no creativity, the announcers are annoying, & the roster is not very entertaining. There is a good amount of in-ring ability, but it takes more than that to have a successful pro wrestling show. I've just about stopped watching Smackdown, & I haven't ordered the last 3 PPVs. And judging by ticket sales, TV ratings, & PPV buy rates, I'm not the only fan who is losing interest.
Ive already said I would stop watching if the Undertaker lost at wrestlemania. But honestly, I probably would still watch it because I love it. This is my passion and even though most (with the exception of 1) of my friends hate wrestling. Its my dream so I dont think I would ever give it up
^^ Well said. I too love the Big Bang Theory. BAZINGA!

I have seen Triple H vs The Rock live with Austins return at Backlash.

I have seen Lesnar vs. Taker at a house show!

I have seen Cena vs. Jericho and Michaels vs. Hogan.

There just arent matches that intrigue me like there used to be.

Im with you. I cant honestly say Im a WWE fan. I was a WWF fan that checks in on my ex girlfriend once and awhile through the windows like a peeping tom. Then I realize shes knitting and get bored and go do something better. Like watch the NFL or the Walking Dead.

Lack of intriguing and dream match ups is a product of not as many promotions and territories? In the old days the big stars of wcw, nwa, awa, and ecw would never face wwf guys unless they jumped ship. So great talent would be building up and than a Dusty Rhodes would come to WWF and have a dream feud with Randy Savage. The lack of decent promotions is hurting the development of varied characters.

TNA is the level of a AWA on espn only with ppv. Remember cheesy, beer belly characters were abound in all 80s promotions so don't say TNA guys are more athletic, of course they are. Just like WWE guys more athletic than WWF 80s guys. I was much more drawn to 80s wrestling than todays programs.
I will quit watching WWE when it ceases to exist. I have been watching since 1992 and along the way there have been great, good, bad and awful periods but it always comes good in the end. I really can't think of anything that would make me give up on the WWE alltogether. I have taken brief breaks over recent years but always come back and find something entertaining. The WWE may not have reached the heights of entertainment for me personally over recent years that it has in the past but I know it's a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, hits and misses and that is why I never would just give up on it. When Undertaker retires I will be upset seeing as he has been my favourite and main draw since I started watching but he is pretty much a once a year, special big match wrestler now anyways. Aslong as the WWE recognises it's long time fans and aims to please us aswell as the newer viewers I will always watch. I don't mean by quiting the PG thing because some of my favourite periods have been during past PG eras. I mean having a good balance of characters, storylines and a general vibe that pleases fans of all ages, walks of life. I will have breaks if the WWE is going through a really long period in which nothing at all entertains me and I see no potential change happening anytime soon but that is rare and in the world of the WWE thing's can change in an instant. Hornswoggle winning the WWE Championship, Cena from now until his last match being the good guy...whatever aslong as there is enough going on and things that I can enjoy outside those storylines then I will continue watching.
I actually stopped watching WWE completely from 2004 to 2009. I started following it again in fall 2009. I don't watch every week religiously like I once did, but I do follow what's going on and it's just not gripping me. There are occasional sparks (the Nexus Invasion, CM Punk's promo, ...), but they never last long.
I would stop watching WWE if a SuperStar won the Divas Title.
I would stop watching WWE if a Diva won the WWE / World Title.
I would stop watching WWE if they went out of business.
If Vince mocked Christianity.
If a man had sex with a doll.
If an old women gave birth to a hand.


Thats funny:lmao:

Remember GTV?

I think WWF=E always kinda sucked but all the sucking was fine when you had the mega storyline at the end of the show.

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