I would just like to say Thank You Leo


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Zac Efron Swayed by Leonardo DiCaprio
Monday November 22, 2010

Zac Efron apparently turned down the chance to play Superman after getting advice from his Hollywood pal Leonardo DiCaprio.

The High School Musical star was in line for a new movie version of the Man of Steel until the Titanic actor stepped in.

“Zac feels he’s very much following in the footsteps of Leo and respects his opinion,” a source said. “He didn’t turn Superman down because of him but Leo was unsure whether it would be the best move for him.

“It’s a massive franchise. Zac is now chasing more dramatic roles in independent movies.”

Efron recently revealed he became buddies with his acting idol DiCaprio after he scored with him at a basketball game.

“I met him at a Laker game,” he said. “I’d sat down in seats and I looked down and there was a dude in a baseball hat and I went, ‘Holy s***, that’s Leo!’ I was like, ‘Man, I’m not gonna interrupt you during the game, I know you wanna watch the Lakers. But if there’s any chance that I could just talk to you for a minute, whether we get coffee, anything dude.’

“And he was like, ‘Dude, what are you doing tomorrow? Come over tomorrow — let’s hang out.’

“That’s a little taste of how cool he is. He’s just very down to earth. He’s just an awesome dude. He’s been nice enough to hang out with me a few times.”

The star has previously revealed how the Inception hunk warned him on the dangers of substance abuse.

“It was kind of his way-out-the-door, last-minute advice. He said, ‘Oh, by the way, if you really want to mess this all up, try heroin’,” he said.

“I said, ‘Thanks’, and he said, ‘No, seriously, that’s pretty much the only way you’re going to screw this up, and you shouldn’t go down that road — it will mess you up without fail. Do not do drugs.’

“That was enough for me; that’s all I needed to hear.”

So thank you Leo, thank you for saving us from having to witness a Zac fucking Efron played Superman

Rumor is Matthew Goode, who played Ozymandias in Watchmen, is now the front runner to play Superman
So thank you Leo, thank you for saving us from having to witness a Zac fucking Efron played Superman

Rumor is Matthew Goode, who played Ozymandias in Watchmen, is now the front runner to play Superman

Zac Effron is actually a decent actor and if he bulked up he probably would have played a pretty good Superman.
Unless this next Superman movie is going to feature someone other than Lex Luthor as a villain; I'll pass regardless who wears red & blue spandex.

I like Ryan Reynolds, so I'm excited about the Green Lantern movie. I could give two shits less about Seth Rogen as a comic hero; so Hornet is a no-go.

I'm also wanting the new Capt. America movie to hurry up, for two reasons. 1) I wanna see it. 2.) Jurassic Park 4, bitches. :lmao:
Unless this next Superman movie is going to feature someone other than Lex Luthor as a villain; I'll pass regardless who wears red & blue spandex.

Zac Snyder has said it'll feature a "General Zod like villain"

I like Ryan Reynolds, so I'm excited about the Green Lantern movie. I could give two shits less about Seth Rogen as a comic hero; so Hornet is a no-go.

I plan on seeing both, the Green Hornet looks a lot better than I originally thought, my expectations were very low

I'm also wanting the new Capt. America movie to hurry up, for two reasons. 1) I wanna see it. 2.) Jurassic Park 4, bitches. :lmao:

What i want to know is why did they wait so fucking long before decideing to make a Capt. America movie, it just kinda seems like a no brainer, ever since it's been announced I've been eagerly waiting for this one, I tend to like most movies Chris Evans is in, and think he's a good choice for Steve Rogers/Capt. America, and I love the fact that Hugo Weaving is playing Red Skull, that guy was born to play villains

and I'm not getting the whole Jurassic Park 4 thing, wtf are you talking about?
Zac Snyder has said it'll feature a "General Zod like villain"

I never paid attention to a lot of Superman stuff. (I was always a Batman kinda guy) So I have no clue who Gen. Zod is. (I thought Toy Story-Buzz Lightyear villain, at first. :lmao:)

All I really know is guys like Doomsday & Bizarro.

I plan on seeing both, the Green Hornet looks a lot better than I originally thought, my expectations were very low

I'll watch it, but it has the same look as Alec Baldwin in The Shadow.

What i want to know is why did they wait so fucking long before decideing to make a Capt. America movie, it just kinda seems like a no brainer, ever since it's been announced I've been eagerly waiting for this one, I tend to like most movies Chris Evans is in, and think he's a good choice for Steve Rogers/Capt. America, and I love the fact that Hugo Weaving is playing Red Skull, that guy was born to play villains

If Capt. America and the Fantastic Four ever had any contact - it'd no longer be possible for film, considering the Human Torch is now upgrading himself to a Single's Superhero, instead of a Group member.

Still, I can agree. I didn't know anyone who was gonna be in it; but you just upgraded it even more since I enjoy Evans. (He made Push look good, and what a shit fuck that was.)

Also love that Red Skull has been named the top villain. Honestly didn't know which route they'd take. So, is this gonna be like Capt. America/Avengers movie - or just between Skull & America?

and I'm not getting the whole Jurassic Park 4 thing, wtf are you talking about?

The director of Capt. America is also co-director of Jurassic Park 4. It's been said that once he wraps up Capt. America, he'll continue his work on JP4 and finish that up next.

Of course, this is the same dick that made JP3 - and that movie turned the entire franchise into a laughing stock. They switched from the action/adventure it was in the first two, to a comedy joke.

So does anyone actually care about Thor coming out or

Sure, I'd go watch it. No clue who'll be in it, or what storyline it'd follow, or anything of that sort.. but, yeah, sure.
I never paid attention to a lot of Superman stuff. (I was always a Batman kinda guy) So I have no clue who Gen. Zod is. (I thought Toy Story-Buzz Lightyear villain, at first. :lmao:)

All I really know is guys like Doomsday & Bizarro.

Go to netflix and watch Super-Man II, Zod was the villain in that, I would prefer they use someone like Darkseid though, but I trust Zac Synder

I'll watch it, but it has the same look as Alec Baldwin in The Shadow.

Green Hornet looks far more entertaining than The Shadow

If Capt. America and the Fantastic Four ever had any contact - it'd no longer be possible for film, considering the Human Torch is now upgrading himself to a Single's Superhero, instead of a Group member.

Supposedly they are completely rebooting the FF anyway, so yeah that means a new cast, which means a new Torch

Still, I can agree. I didn't know anyone who was gonna be in it; but you just upgraded it even more since I enjoy Evans. (He made Push look good, and what a shit fuck that was.)

I still have no idea what Push is suppose to be about, but I'm guessing that has more to do with the fact that I was... umm... lets say preoccupied through most of the movie;)

Also love that Red Skull has been named the top villain. Honestly didn't know which route they'd take. So, is this gonna be like Capt. America/Avengers movie - or just between Skull & America?

Red Skull had to be the villain, I can't think of any other route they could have taken, the full title of the movie is Captain America: The First Avenger, so basically it's a origin story for Capt. America, it'll start during WWII, when her first gets the serum to become Capt. America, then fights Red Skull, gets forzen in the glacier and found in modern day, and re-animated (or however you want to put it), so basically it's suppose to follow the comic books fairly closely, and is suppose to set up The Avengers

The cast looks amazing

Chris Evans
Sam Jackson
Stanley Tucci
Hugo Weaving
Tommy Lee Jones

all great actors that have signed on for this movie

The director of Capt. America is also co-director of Jurassic Park 4. It's been said that once he wraps up Capt. America, he'll continue his work on JP4 and finish that up next.

Jurassic Park 1 & 2 were enough, they shoulda stopped there,we didn't need a 3, and don't need a 4, which I'm assuming is likely gong to be in 3 fucking D:disappointed:

Sure, I'd go watch it. No clue who'll be in it, or what storyline it'd follow, or anything of that sort.. but, yeah, sure.

Will you technically work in the movie business, you think you know what's going on, doesn't your store have those little newspapers or magazines that say what's going on in movie land?

The powerful but arrogant warrior Thor is cast out of the fantastic realm of Asgard and sent to live amongst humans on Earth, where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.

that's the storyline it's following^^^

the cast is as follows

Chris Hemsworth- Thor
Natalie Portman- Jane Foster (...and they just sold a ticket to Will:lmao:)
Clark Gregg- Agent Phil Coulson
Anthony Hopkins- Odin
Kat Dennings- Darcy
Idris Elba- Heimdell
Stellen Skarsgard- Prof. Andrews
Rene Russo- Frigga
Tom Hiddleston- Loki
Jamie Alexander- Sif
Tadanobu Asano- Hogun

and like pretty much every comic book movie I will see this one as well
Did DiCaprio ever go out with a moron who took ugly nude photos of her self that somehow got onto the internet... twise?
Go to netflix and watch Super-Man II, Zod was the villain in that, I would prefer they use someone like Darkseid though, but I trust Zac Synder

The name Darkseid sounds familiar as well; but all together I want a Doomsday or Bizzaro.

Supposedly they are completely rebooting the FF anyway, so yeah that means a new cast, which means a new Torch

Meh. I actually enjoyed both of the FF movies. They sorta fucked the Silver Surfer in the 2nd; but overall I thought the cast of the 4 was good. (Even Ms. Alba, which everyone seems to hate)

And Julian McMahon as Dr. Doom was great. (I'm a big JM fan though)

I still have no idea what Push is suppose to be about, but I'm guessing that has more to do with the fact that I was... umm... lets say preoccupied through most of the movie;)

I think it was suppose to be about people who were born to be the next step in evolution. But there was a group of individuals who felt that type of power shouldn't be? (So, like an X-Men spin-off)

I could be way off, too. I only seen the movie once.

Red Skull had to be the villain, I can't think of any other route they could have taken, the full title of the movie is Captain America: The First Avenger, so basically it's a origin story for Capt. America, it'll start during WWII, when her first gets the serum to become Capt. America, then fights Red Skull, gets forzen in the glacier and found in modern day, and re-animated (or however you want to put it), so basically it's suppose to follow the comic books fairly closely, and is suppose to set up The Avengers

The cast looks amazing

Chris Evans
Sam Jackson
Stanley Tucci
Hugo Weaving
Tommy Lee Jones

all great actors that have signed on for this movie

Interesting. I'm loving that cast as well. I'll also expect some type of extra-credit ending where Capt. & Iron Man have a confrontation.

Jurassic Park 1 & 2 were enough, they shoulda stopped there,we didn't need a 3, and don't need a 4, which I'm assuming is likely gong to be in 3 fucking D:disappointed:

Yeah, if it's in 3D and that's the director(s) way of "being new and something not done before" (for that series) I'm gonna be sick.

The original storyline for III was a disease that is killing off the Dinos and apparently the way it involves Humans going back to the Island is because they (once again) become an endangered species. They scraped that idea for what III became.

SO perhaps 4 will be what 3 was meant to be.

Will you technically work in the movie business, you think you know what's going on, doesn't your store have those little newspapers or magazines that say what's going on in movie land?

We do, but believe it or not there is slightly more to my job than standing around watching movies and reading about up-coming films. :lmao:

that's the storyline it's following^^^

the cast is as follows

Chris Hemsworth- Thor
Natalie Portman- Jane Foster (...and they just sold a ticket to Will:lmao:)
Clark Gregg- Agent Phil Coulson
Anthony Hopkins- Odin
Kat Dennings- Darcy
Idris Elba- Heimdell
Stellen Skarsgard- Prof. Andrews
Rene Russo- Frigga
Tom Hiddleston- Loki
Jamie Alexander- Sif
Tadanobu Asano- Hogun

Between Portman & Dennings.. absolutely sold. What an unknown cast though.
Anybody know which accent Idris Elba will be using in Thor? That's gonna make or break it for me.

Costumes are a bit much, but I'm looking forward to most of the new Superhero movies coming out cept Spiderman. But I'm sure I'll love that one to.

Isn't it great they've finally been able to do Comic book movies right?
David beat me to it. Zac Efron's an alright actor. People just have a problem with him because he's associated with Disney. Yeah, maybe High School Musical wasn't popular with some people, but think about the people it was popular with. I'm sure there are millions of people that loved HSM rather than the selected few that didn't.

I thought he was a decent actor in 17 Again, and for the record, he was a good actor in High School Musical 1, 2 and 3.
People seem to be missing the point, the audience that is going to give a flying shit about Zac Efron, is not the audience that will give a shit about a new Super-Man movie, 12-15 yr. old girls (lets face that's what the target audience for movies like HSM & 17 Again) are not the same target audience that go to big budget comic book movies, in fact that audience seeing Efrons name attached will likely turn them away, no matter his performance, besides he's too much of a pretty boy to play Clark Kent

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