I went to Raw tonight.


the Frog
I felt like the show was pretty much all promos with very little action. Did it feel this way for the people who watched at home? I'm almost positive that we got one ten minute match in the first hour.

  • The Nascar promo seemed out of place.
  • They didn't have much fun during the commercials. We got the "best sign" contest and a crappy pep promo from R-Truth, but that was it. The sign contest was pretty much the announcer reading off about 15 random signs. Last time they were here in October, we didn't get anything during commercials.
  • Everything just seemed off to me as someone in the arena. It almost felt like something was planned, but it fell through. I swear that we got a straight 20-30 minute block of video promos.
  • Damien Sandow got introduced by Abraham Washington against Brodus Clay. He was put over as a renaissance man. He wore pink tights and purple boots. He came out in a bathrobe. I'm pretty sure it was dark match.
  • It was hilarious watching a ton of pissed parents exit the arena after the live show ended. Several of them were pissed that John Cena was not on the show. Then he came out for the dark match and there was literally hundreds of people coming back into the arena. The crowd was very much pro-Cena. The crowd went nuts whenever he appeared in any video promo. I think he would of got a 80% positive pop if he came out on the live show.
  • I'm surprised that nothing about the Superbowl was mentioned.
  • It was a letdown to not see Taker or a one-off with JR.
  • The R-Truth spot was interesting. It looked more like The Miz moved out of the way, as apposed to R-Truth botching the move himself.
  • Someone told me that "The Sign Guy" was there at the show. He was wearing a red cap and blue clothes next to the railing on the non-camera side. Some told me he also had won Deal or No Deal. I'm not sure if any of this is true, but the guy next to me told me that.
  • I enjoyed the show, but the promo videos made the show drag horribly.
Seems like a good show just because of the Punk/Jericho segment confrontations.

I think this is a good idea having Cena limit his TV time. Makes you want him more.

'Yay! he's here! NOW LET'S BOO THE FUCK OUTTA HIM!'- I would never say this you know.
I was laughing my ass off when the divas were celebrating in the ring, they showed the crowd and everybody in that area of the crowd was completely dead.
At the Rumble

the crowd got into the video packages, but they were at least 5 minutes long, a piece.

a ton of people left when the diva's entered the ring, that was the best time to go buy anything and piss, no lines anywhere

as the OP stated, Cena is what packs the seats, period.
[*]Damien Sandow got introduced by Abraham Washington against Brodus Clay. He was put over as a renaissance man. He wore pink tights and purple boots. He came out in a bathrobe. I'm pretty sure it was dark match.

I love that gimmick.
Sorry man... It really sucks when you pay good money to go to a live show and they just don't deliver. I don't know why tonight was just a wall of video promos from start to finish, but it sucked from an on-screen perspective as well. It's kind of frustrating that the WWE has love-affairs with certain cities, but treats others like crap. They love us here in Chicago (probably because we give them lots of money and exposure), but it's one of a very few places they go out of their way to make a show truly special.

I'm not an anti-WWE, pro-TNA kind of guy by any means, but I will say it seems TNA is more consistent with putting on a fun live show.
Opening segment was really good, the fans were glued to HHH's every word but in the end seemed to suck the life out of the rest of the show.

They should have followed up the opening segment with Brodus to get some life and fun back.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3702654 said:
Sorry man... It really sucks when you pay good money to go to a live show and they just don't deliver. I don't know why tonight was just a wall of video promos from start to finish, but it sucked from an on-screen perspective as well. It's kind of frustrating that the WWE has love-affairs with certain cities, but treats others like crap. They love us here in Chicago (probably because we give them lots of money and exposure), but it's one of a very few places they go out of their way to make a show truly special.

I'm not an anti-WWE, pro-TNA kind of guy by any means, but I will say it seems TNA is more consistent with putting on a fun live show.

Same thing here in Philly :)
  • Damien Sandow got introduced by Abraham Washington against Brodus Clay. He was put over as a renaissance man. He wore pink tights and purple boots. He came out in a bathrobe. I'm pretty sure it was dark match.

Abraham managing Damien? Flamboyant Damien!? Dear God if this man comes up to the main roster like this then Daniel Bryan can say goodbye to his #1 spot in my fave five.

EDIT: His new picture makes me love him!

When I was watching it I definitely noticed a ton more promos than normal, so I'm with you OP. Okay, maybe not a ton more than usual, but it seemed it though. There wasn't that much in-ring action. The only thing of note was the 6-Man match, which was okay.

I thought it was weird that they cut Cena and Brodus Clay out of the live broadcast in order to keep ALL those promos & that diva match (which didn't even include Kharma or further the diva divsion in any way).

That Eve/Kane promo at the end? Weird & out of place. All I have to say about that.

I thought HHH/Taker and Jericho/Punk was good. I guess the writers figured those promos and the 6-Man match were good enough to carry Raw, but I didn't think so. Last week was a strong broadcast, but this week definitely let me down. It wasn't terrible, but I guess last week spoiled me. Shame on me WWE for thinking you'd deliver twice in row.
PlayTheGame said:
That Eve/Kane promo at the end? Weird & out of place. All I have to say about that.

We didn't even get to see this at the live show. The last thing we got was CM Punk leaving the ring and then we transitioned into Cena vs. Kane.

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