I Watched That's What I Am


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Not a terrible movie actually. Saying Orton stars in it is a joke though. It's roughly an hour and forty minutes and Orton is on screen three times and for less than five minutes combined.
I downloaded it earlier. Plan on attempting to watch it at some point. I'm expecting it to be the most heavy-handed, cliched piece of junk the WWE has come out with yet though. I mean FUCK, just looking at the character's costume design makes me groan, especially the nerdy girl with the ten foot head gear apparatus and glasses, like wow guys, we get it, people are different and should be accepted and all that jazz, you don't have to basically paint a giant sign on half the characters that screams "LOOK HOW DIFFERENT I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It's not that bad actually. The hardest part is figuring out what the plot is, which will make sense when you watch it.
What is the movie about? :shrug:

Randy Orton RKO's everyone who lacks tolerance of peoples differences. Really though I am guessing from I am guessing its about accepting differences. At least thats what I gathered from the 40 commercials per RAW and Smackdown they play.
Those in charge of previews did an absolutely abysmal job. Those trailers were so random, I doubt anyone had any idea what this film was about prior to actually watching it.
Really have zero interest in seeing this, and the 800,000 stupid ads WWE runs fo rit during Raw & SD!, does nothing more than just make me want to see it less
I've seen it and I still don't know what it's really about. Spoilers after this if you haven't watched it yet/want to see it.

There are like 4 plots going on and they're only kind of related. The main guy wants to date this chick that has dated everyone in 8th grade because she likes him but he's really nervous. This bully likes her and wants to kill him for it.

Then there's the big guy from the trailer who is all awkward and hangs out with other geeks. The aforementioned main guy is assigned to work with the big guy (Big G) for a project and starts hanging out with him a bit. They know each others names and it's implied they're friends but it's never really shown. Big G helps him with the bully a bit but the bully swears revenge and isn't seen again.

The Ed Harris plot is where Orton comes in. One of the other geeks allegedly is the "Queen of Cooties" and one of the bullies (Orton's son) bumps into her and has to touch her and say some stupid rhyme to get rid of the Cooties he caught from her (they're 13 years old or so at the time which made me roll my eyes for this part). Instead he whips her with his jacket and injures her, which ticks Harris off. There's a rumor going around that Harris is gay so Orton's dad hears about it and threatens to go to the papers with it if Harris doesn't get either fired or humiliated because Orton believes the rumor and hates the idea of it. Harris doesn't deny it but says it's not worth acknowledging. He's leaving at the end of the year but it's not made clear if that had been decided already or if it's because of Orton's threat. Harris is a widower and never remarried once his wife died so Orton says that Harris was initially married to hide that he was gay. This goes nowhere as Orton threatens to go to the papers and the principal says Harris won't deny it. Then Orton isn't seen anymore and Harris leaves at the end of the year.

The end is a talent show where one guy plays the drums really well and Big G sings a song about dreams. The main guy and the girl kiss (with the girl holding a stopwatch to time it for some reason), the main guy goes to Harris' house to ask him something, Harris explains that he's a widower to imply he's not gay but the main kid wants to know why he got paired up with Big G which is only kind of answered.

In the credits it says what happened to everyone which was kind of funny, and that's it.

Not a terrible movie, but kind of odd/disconnected if that makes sense
The title makes sense when you see the movie. The trailer.....not so much, which defeats the purpose of a trailer.
So, Orton is suppose to be homophobic, the tall kid is still ugly and useless, and there's a bunch of lose ends? I feel like there is a TNA/Impact Wrestling connection going on here..
The tall kid isn't useless. he gets the main guy out of trouble with the bully and helps him get an A. He comes off very well in it.
I just want to know how many takes it took for Randy to say "I'll go to the papers if I have to" to get a usable take.

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