I thought that the Undertaker & Kane were the first unified tag team champions?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the excitement going on with Summerslam just around the corner. I just flashedback to SS '01. Where see saw matches like the Rock vs. Booker T for the first time ever with the Rock winning the WCW championship for the first time (even though WCW it's self was dead). And we saw the B.O.D. (Brothers of Destruction) the Undertaker & Kane as the WCW tag team champions facing the WWF/E tag team champions Diamond Dallas Page & Chris Kanyon (R.I.P.) in a tag team steel cage match in a tag team championship unifucation match.

The B.O.D. won the match-up! So does that mean that the B.O.D. are/were the first ever undisputed tag team champions like Chris Jericho was the first ever undisputed world champion in the WWF/E that same year?

Belt history wise in the WWF/E record books show that the Colon's (Carlito & Primo) were the first ever "unified" tag team champions in the WWE. But by common sence it show's that if the B.O.D. won the tag team straps of diffrent companys. So really, they are the first ever WWF/E "undisputed/unified" tag team champions.
I guess you could say so, but the titles were never officially unified like the current ones or the WWE and WCW Title. Didn't they lose the WWF Tag Belts to the Dudleys not long after? If they were unified in the true sense they wouldn't defend the WWF and WCW Tag Titles separately like they did, they would defend them as one unified Tag Title.
Technically, yes you’re probably correct.

But wrestling is fake, and you can do whatever you want, so it doesn’t matter. Whatever the WWE Record Books says, is what it is, not what one would think it technically “should be”.
If you think of it, they are the first undisputed champs. Then if you think about it, they got split up again when there was the brand split and you had the World tag titles(Raw) and the WWE tag titles(Smackdown). So I guess your right Savion. They were the first unified tag champs.
Any one can say...there must have been dozens on unifications done back in the early pro wrestling days..

The thing is, unification can be done with many belts, it jsut means 2 belts coming together..

B.O.D. were the first unified tag champs (WWF & WCW tag champs)
The Colons were the first unified champs (World & WWE tag champs)

You can say whatever you want reallym, but I don't think there is a real answer!
Undertaker and Kane were the first undisputed tag champions in terms of the WCW and WWF tag titles and the Colons were the first unified champs in terms of the WWE and world tag titles. There is a difference but technically both teams were the first undisputed/unified tag champions. It was just with different belts.
No. They were not the first unified champs. They just held both tag team championships at the same time.

Here's the difference:

D-Lo Brown, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett all held the European Title and the Intercontinental Title at the same time. Kurt Angle went so far as to call himself the Eurocontinental Champion. But since the belts were not unified, they defended each title separately.

When RVD defeated Jeff Hardy in 2002 ... a match to unify the IC and Euro Title ... he was not considered the IC and Euro Champ. He was considered only the IC Champ because the belts were unified into one.

Similar situation here - When the BOD defeated Kanyon and DDP, they held both tag titles ... but the belts weren't unified, and they defended each title separately.

Since the Colon's unified the titles, a tag team can't defend the belts separately. They have to defend the unified belts as opposed to just the WWE Tag Titles or the World Tag Titles...
IDK if you're just talking about WWE on this subject (since technically the WCW tag titles were in WWE at that time), but yes Taker/Kane won both Titles but they wernt techically "Unified" and defended together. But if you're talking about any company then the first real Undisputed Tag Team Champions were Terry Gordy & Steve Williams in WCW in 1992. They were the reigning WCW tag team champions and won a tournament to become the NWA world tag team champions, and both Titles were defended together until September 1993
No. They were not the first unified champs. They just held both tag team championships at the same time.

Here's the difference:

D-Lo Brown, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett all held the European Title and the Intercontinental Title at the same time. Kurt Angle went so far as to call himself the Eurocontinental Champion. But since the belts were not unified, they defended each title separately.

When RVD defeated Jeff Hardy in 2002 ... a match to unify the IC and Euro Title ... he was not considered the IC and Euro Champ. He was considered only the IC Champ because the belts were unified into one.

Similar situation here - When the BOD defeated Kanyon and DDP, they held both tag titles ... but the belts weren't unified, and they defended each title separately.

Since the Colon's unified the titles, a tag team can't defend the belts separately. They have to defend the unified belts as opposed to just the WWE Tag Titles or the World Tag Titles...

Well said BOD held both titles, but defended them separately. Personally I would consider the Dudley Boyz as the real first unified tag champs. They were the WWF tag champs and beat the Hardy Boyz for the WCW tag titles in 2001 to unify the two titles. The WCW titles were then never seen again.
no, since the belts were defended separately they were not unified. Also if you look at the so-called unified tag team titles, their is no unification whatsoever. since their are four belts, you cant have it truly unified like the undisputed championship or the european and ic belts. along the guidelines of unification, there is no unified titles, only belts that are defended as such.
They were the first UNDISPUTED tag team brought on by the unification of the WCW and WWF belts as has been stated. They kept the same single tag team championship for a while until they decided to add a new tag championship to the mix due to the brand split. After they were both contended separately for years they decided it was time to unify them yet again so that this time they would be the first UNIFIED champions for those sets of titles. Aside from different choices in wording you can say that they are the first undisputed tag champions for this set of tag titles since they were different back in the BOD undisputed days. As it has been said nothing in wrestling is really set in stone and they can change history if they want to.
They were the first tag team to hold the WCW and WWF tag titles simultaneously, but not the first unified tag champs as they lost both sets of titles seperately, losing the WCW tag titles to Booker T and Test, and the WWF tag titles to the Dudley Boyz.
If we are to follow WWE title history, the first unified tag champs were the Dudley Boyz, who defeated the Hardy Boyz in a steel cage unification match at Survivor Series '01. At no point were the B.O.D billed as unified champs. Instead they were billed as both WCW and WWF tag champions.
In my opinion, which this seems to be the way to go here, I consider Undertaker and Kane as the first Undisputed Tag Team Champions and I consider the Colons as the first WWE Unified Tag Team Champions. Do you see what I did there??

I use the term Undisputed for the Brothers of Destruction, because there was technically no other company to “dispute” that the Undertaker and Kane were the best Tag Team in the World at that moment in time. It is like when Jericho won the WWF and WCW Titles.

For the Colons, I use the term “WWE Unified Tag Team Champions, because in their case, they were “unifying” WWE World Tag Team Titles to WWE Tag Team Titles. With TNA having their own Tag Team Champions, the term “Undisputed” wouldn’t really fit. I know, I know, Vince doesn’t care about any other company. If that was really the case, why use the word “Unified” instead of “Undisputed”?? It’s a technicality, but that’s my point of view.

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