I seriously can't even...

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
CNN said:
(CNN) – A new book, now number six on the New York Times' Best Sellers list, is putting the so-called "birther" issue back on the national stage.

"Where's the Birth Certificate?" by Jerome Corsi, which debuted on the list out Sunday, argues President Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore cannot be president.

"Corsi demonstrates conclusively that no legal authority has ever verified Obama's legal eligibility to be president," the book reads.

Corsi also wrote "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command," a 2004 book about Sen. John Kerry that focused on the "Swift Boat" television ads.

The "birther" controversy was front-and-center earlier this year, as billionaire businessman and real estate mogul Donald Trump repeatedly discussed the issue while considering a run for the White House. President Obama ultimately released the long-form version of his birth certificate that shows he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. Soon after, Trump announced he would not make a bid for the GOP presidential nomination.

Despite the president's actions, 17 percent of Americans think the president was definitely or probably not born in the U.S., according to a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll taken after the president's announcement.

The survey showed a drop from the March poll numbers when 25 percent of those surveyed said the president was definitely or probably not born in America.

What the fuck, man? Is this a joke? Either it's a big joke, or it's just the craziest motherfuckers in the world desperately trying to rationalize racism they're clearly ashamed of.
yeah, it's gotten way out of hand. Once he gave his released his birth certificate anyone who had doubts should have given up. Some people would logically be super-extreme stupidists and would still believe the rumor after it was squashed.

However, to be fair, books take time to be released, and it likely was written before Obama revealed his birth certificate. Not releasing the book would basically lead to the publisher losing money (they likely gave the author an advance), and they knew there was some money to be made with it, so they went ahead and did it. The whole birth certificate thing is sad, but I can't blame him for the book coming out afterwards. And people are fucking stupid, so they'll believe what they want, even if it was proven wrong.
I'm guessing this guy didn't consider Obama releasing his birth certificate as an option, especially only weeks prior to the release of this book. I doubt it hurt sales, as the idiots out there care nothing about facts, and truth. The author capitalizes on stupid people. Good for him.
Releasing the birth certificate wasn't going to make everyone believe that he wasn't born in the US. Conspiracy theorists are still going to believe what they believe even when presented with all the facts and evidence.
Releasing the birth certificate wasn't going to make everyone believe that he wasn't born in the US. Conspiracy theorists are still going to believe what they believe even when presented with all the facts and evidence.

You think this guy believes what he's writing? I think you're giving him far too much credit.

Ignorance and stupidity, I can forgive. But, this guy, and any other public figure spouting the same bullshit, is lying. I would bet any amount of money on this guy being completely full of shit, not truly believing a single word he writes. He knows Obama is a citizen, but what does that matter? As long as the morons of the world are buying into your bullshit, why stop lying? What's the penalty?

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