I saw


Getting Noticed By Management
The most awesome play the other night. About a dysfunctional couple that adopts a foreign baby (because the wife just adores Brangelina), except when the baby arrives it's actually a 15 year old, gun toting, whiskey drinking Somalian pirate. Which does absolutely nothing to prevent the wife from immediately renaming him Tyler. It devolves into a dark comedy that results in the wife getting impregnated by the youngster and ends with the father committing suicide and the boy running off to go back to his pirate ways.

Then I drank a lot and ate my first ever pot brownie. It was a good night...
It was called "Mum's The Word." It was put on by a local acting troupe in Charlotte. I was so impressed I'm taking my girl to see another play they are doing next weekend at a place called C.A.S.T. (Charlotte Actor's Stage Theatre or something like that). Apparently it is a much more serious piece that focuses on the difference between morality and legality and the importance of communication in relationships...both are themes that are sure to appeal to her.

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