i quit.

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Mein gott. Quit getting sour because you lose. I lose all the time in my feds and I don't go off and quit. Jeebus, you lose a couple matches in which, it was a majority vote by CC that you would lose, and you go off and quit. It's called PRACTICE. You can't expect to be a five star roleplayer at day one compared to people who have been doing E-Feds for a while.
You've got to be kidding! It's only starting to take flight! We're still working out the bugs in the system. It's a new fed and to leave because "it doesn't have it's stuff together" is just dumb. It'll "get it's stuff tigether" after a while, it needs time and patience, and anybody who is impatient, or just thought up of a dumb excuse, isn't welcome here.
Honestly We have worked out everything.. And we are still have a few things in the works.. You should not quit just yet
What if Sabu quit ECW because he felt it "didn't have its stuff together"? I'm thought it was a bit messy but everything improves once you get the kinks out the system. Honestly though, we've only had one show, it's a bit early to quit isn't it?
I was apart of an e-fed at day one, and the guys who ran it had a hard time getting their ducks in a row but once they got off the ground, we went from 12 RPers who were always there to around 50 in about 6 months... I was there at day one, got my arse handed to me for a good three weeks straight, two shows a week, and got my first win at a PPV... then in 6 months I ended up #1 contender to an undefeated champion (the owner oddly enough) and I beat him after one of the best RPs of my life... that was a crowing achievement for my e-fed carrier... I stayed at the top for another 3 months, going back and forth, loosing the title, winning it back, before the owner had to shut it down because of financial problems and I "retired" as champion... but.. what if I had quit before that PPV? they didn't have their stuff straightened out either but I kept with it... so... what to do? stop your bitchin, get to RPin, and get off your horse before someone kicks it out from under you...
I was apart of an e-fed at day one, and the guys who ran it had a hard time getting their ducks in a row but once they got off the ground, we went from 12 RPers who were always there to around 50 in about 6 months... I was there at day one, got my arse handed to me for a good three weeks straight, two shows a week, and got my first win at a PPV... then in 6 months I ended up #1 contender to an undefeated champion (the owner oddly enough) and I beat him after one of the best RPs of my life... that was a crowing achievement for my e-fed carrier... I stayed at the top for another 3 months, going back and forth, loosing the title, winning it back, before the owner had to shut it down because of financial problems and I "retired" as champion... but.. what if I had quit before that PPV? they didn't have their stuff straightened out either but I kept with it... so... what to do? stop your bitchin, get to RPin, and get off your horse before someone kicks it out from under you...

Damn he is good!!
If the dude wants to quit, why not just let him? It lets someone else come in if they want.
I agree... no one is sacred in this game... Hell I could have kicked off that I didn't get my choice of ring music... be morally right...and still lose... but fuck it... it's part of the game... re-think... trust me and you won't be sorry... but if you REALLY are offended already...disappear... it will help WZCW be something without you if you really don't get it...
i say make it a squash match and kill him off and let the other guy run with the gimmick that he has already killed a man so who wants to face him now.....

if he decides to leave of course
I personally don't care whether he leaves or not. I'm just telling him that it's a really stupid decision. I might just squash him at the PPV and say "Nobody crosses the boss", then, I leave and Clyde comes out and fires him because he got his ass handed to him so badly.
I don't know where he gets off saying this place doesn't have it's stuff together. There is a good mix or good rpers, middle of the road, and starters which is a great mix. Do think this fed is up to his potential yet? No but it isn't far off and I want to be here when we reach it because this place is ran will well. Good job everyone.
Truthfully, if you want to quit, no one is stopping you. Are there some problems with the fed? Yes, but we are just getting started. There are always rough patches to any new thing. I think you are using these problems starting off as an excuse to quit because you are losing.

The reason you are losing is because quite frankly your opponents are out promoing your ass. Instead of posting 3 or four short ass promos, post one good one of medium to long length. I am not a fan of someone doing three or four promos. I think if someone can do one promo and get out all the points, counterpoints, and bring it together in an kickass fashion, that person should win. This is not a critism against you solely, but to a few others in this fed. You will not see me do three promos per week because I feel I can get my point across in one.
if u havent saw my latest rp i ve changed my mind and maybe wzcw will let me stay. i admit i was wrong to say this place doesnt have its stuff together as it is too new and for that i apologize.
have any of you heard habbo.ca before well on sports floor there are alot of e-feds to and I know how ypou'de probably feel I lost like 5 matches before I even won a matxhch but look a 10-time champion now
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