I need help


This weekend for school I have a 12 slide science powerpoint to do on transform boundaries, a 6 paragraph essay to due on slavery for history, a spanish restauraunt menu, and 2 math pages.

Any suggestions on how to get all this shit done well?
power point should take about 2 hours

essay should be about 4 hours

hand in the menu later

math will take 45 minutes

I havent done any research yet for the powerpoint. I also still need to read speeches I'm required to quote and discuss in the essay.
It all depends on a couple of variables...difficulty, preparedness, and the quality you want to produce.
I havent done any research yet for the powerpoint. I also still need to read speeches I'm required to quote and discuss in the essay.

Here I will help Gettysburg Address, Emactpotan Proclamation, 2nd Ingural addraes of Lincon
Couldn't give a fuck as I have no sympathy for you. I managed to work my way up the ladder and understand that a day's work is expected and not something to be pissing about over. You likely had a wank until the last minute instead of working when you had the chance and now we're supposed to care?

How's my British talk? :blush:
This weekend for school I have a 12 slide science powerpoint to do on transform boundaries, a 6 paragraph essay to due on slavery for history, a spanish restauraunt menu, and 2 math pages.

Any suggestions on how to get all this shit done well?

1) Don't come on here at all until you are done with your work.
2) Look at the essay and powerpoint as two-day projects. Prepare for your essay by reading the documents and writing an outline for it tomorrow. Then, write it on Sunday. Outline what you have to do for your powerpoint, and try to do at least 4 slides of it tomorrow and finish the rest of the slides on Sunday.
3) Do the restaurant menu one day and the math pages another day.
1) Don't come on here at all until you are done with your work.

Well he may not have to. Just wait.

2) Look at the essay and powerpoint as two-day projects. Prepare for your essay by reading the documents and writing an outline for it tomorrow. Then, write it on Sunday. Outline what you have to do for your powerpoint, and try to do at least 4 slides of it tomorrow and finish the rest of the slides on Sunday.

No he those not have to it took me 45 mins to write a A+ 2 page essays on the effects of Slavery on America its easy.
DC, you also have to understand, I'm not you, we don't have the same ability. Not to sound conceited, but I know I am smart, and able to do work at an above proficient level, I just tend to work at a slow pace.
Pretending everyone shares your unique aptitude for bullshitting quickly and efficiently is stupid. Don't give people too much faith.

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