I miss old TNA

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.

Dog The Bounty Hunter
When I say old I mean from their Spike deal up to 2008/9ish. I don't know much about their product prior to 2005 except for a handful of matches I've watched.

I miss-
The energetic Don West. I always felt like he made Tenay bearable.
The old entrance ways on either side of the arena.
King of the Mountain, those were always entertaining.
The deep X Division roster.
The really bad entrance music (wait it's still there).

I was reading a thread the other day filled with all these old TNA promos and they brought me back. Add to the list if you would like.

You know what just turn this into a TNA Appreciation thread prior to Hulk Hogan.
TNA sucked in 2009 as it has for years upon years now.

I can only imagine that the current TNA programm is so vile and repulsive that it apparently makes the "old" TNA look somewhat good in comparsion.

TNA hasn't been good since 2002 because they fell off the wagon almost immediately.

And no, Don West does not elevate anything but blood pressure and suicide rates.
TNA sucked in 2009 as it has for years upon years now.

I can only imagine that the current TNA programm is so vile and repulsive that it apparently makes the "old" TNA look somewhat good in comparsion.

TNA hasn't been good since 2002 because they fell off the wagon almost immediately.

And no, Don West does not elevate anything but blood pressure and suicide rates.

You think fall 2009 TNA sucked? If so... :lmao:
Are you perhaps referring to the epic clashes of the Main Even Mafia and Matt Morgan or rather Suicide Vs The Pope ? I don't seem to recall anything spectacular from that year that would elevate it above 2010 or any other year that TNA has had.
And no, Don West does not elevate anything but blood pressure and suicide rates.

Are you perhaps referring to the epic clashes of the Main Even Mafia and Matt Morgan or rather Suicide Vs The Pope ? I don't seem to recall anything spectacular from that year that would elevate it above 2010 or any other year that TNA has had.

Totally wrong time period. Main Event Mafia was only a little tip of fall 2009 TNA they were finished by BFG. I am mostly talking about November and December 2009 when they were in "fuck it" mode because Hogan and friends were coming soon so we got stuff like

.Joe/AJ/Daniels for the TNA belt
.Angle/Desmond Wolfe having awesome matches
.AJ was on top of the mountain
.Younger talent was being pushed while older talent was in the midcard
.Tag Team division was pretty solid
.Knockouts actually mattered
Tna 2009 was indeed garbage, only redeeming quality was AJ winning the belt, but they ruined that by turning him heel a few months later.
Tna 2009 was indeed garbage, only redeeming quality was AJ winning the belt, but they ruined that by turning him heel a few months later.

You want to know what was garbage in 2009? RAW. Like I said TNA in the fall of 2009 was awesome and just a bit behind summer 2009 Smackdown.

If you watched TNA during that time period of 2009 I keep mentioning you wouldn't be calling it garbage. Me thinks you was reading Imapct spoilers only.
I miss a TNA where the Powers That Be didn't think it was necessary for a dominant heel faction to be the focal point of the product.

Oh, wait. I don't remember that TNA.
Maybe that's why Robert Roode was so good for TNA. He broke the pattern of heel faction followed by heel faction with a typical but powerful single's heel run that was different for TNA. TNA has had flirts of being really good since I've watched. There was a brief period in 2010 AFTER all the guys like Nash and Hall had left, but before Immortal debuted where TNA was flying high with MCMG, Beer Money and British invasion in the tag team scene, a more fleshed out X division and AJ against a returning RVD as a running story. That didn't last long. More noticeably was most of last year, before Aces And Eights debuted. Aces and Eights are as bad now as Immortal got to being when it was just filled with guys like Gunner and Scott Steiner in 2011 towards it's demise.

I don't want another overriding heel faction after the Aces dissipate for a good couple of years, at least... if TNA can manage that.
I like all TNA. Yeah, they've had their fair share of issues, but they've also done some awesome things. Yeah, I criticize an wish it's better, but it still keeps me entertained. Hard workers and solid wrestling, that's why I enjoy all years of TNA.
You want to know what was garbage in 2009? RAW. Like I said TNA in the fall of 2009 was awesome and just a bit behind summer 2009 Smackdown.

If you watched TNA during that time period of 2009 I keep mentioning you wouldn't be calling it garbage. Me thinks you was reading Imapct spoilers only.

2009 was one of the worst years of wrestling in general, while RAW was horrible too it doesn't change the fact that TNA was also. MEM angle was horrible and while still slightly entertaining the tag and X-divisions weren't nearly what they once were. TNA was actually pretty horrible from 2007-2010, horrible times they were. Not like they're all that much better now but they were much worse then.
I wouldn't mind a show where the first hour was old TNA and the second hour was new TNA. The problem is that each style naturally detracts from the strengths of the other. There is more money in that second hour though so I don't mind them going that route.

The only thing on this list that I think they should be doing is King of the Mountain match.
I know many people loved Russo's TNA in 2009. My biggest complaint was the Main event mafia. Horrible angle, horrible stable...Kurt Angle's in-ring wrestling was the only good part about it.

Once Eric Bischoff took over TNA in 2010 it took him a year to "get started" but I personally would take TNA from spring 2011 to now over any other period of TNA that I've watched.

edit: I remember Christian Cage too! They get this big star from WWE and they can't even get him a decent looking robe for his entrance? Horrible looking robe that was....Christian is one of my favorite wrestlers so I like that part about the old TNA as well.
My favorite years were 2005/2006 with the feud between AJ/Daniels and Joe and then Joe and Angle's feud in late 2006. Personally I think that's when TNA was at its best all around.

It's a little weird since I'm a big Kurt Angle fan but I always felt that things started to slide when he showed up, not so much what Kurt Angle was doing but what everyone else was doing. Things started to focus a little too much on what I will call the "established stars of WWE/WCW" and not enough on everyone else. It wasn't so much I hated seeing Nash, Booker T, Steiner, ect. in big roles it was more that they seemingly forgot about everyone else. Instead of using these guys to help build the rest of the roster it was really all about them. It's only been recently that they are putting younger guys in more prominent roles but I feel a lot of them would be a lot more popular and further along if they didn't make TNA into "WWE Lite" for 2-3 years there.
The company is a measly 10 years old and where calling the 2nd third of that "old". I have t shirts in my closet older than TNA.
Why? Have we tried the first hour with Hogan's face plastered all over the promotional material yet?

More than people will admit.

Hogan is just the most recent in along line of "outsiders" that get blamed for the inevitable changes TNA was going to experience as they transitioned from indy to mainstream. I think people are far too greedy when it comes to the indyesque stuff in TNA. The amount that has survived thus far in the evolution of the company should be celebrated, not condemned for not being enough for the smarkiest of the markiest. To me this is most evident when people talk about what the X division was vs now is. The idea that X division style is dead in TNA is ludicrous.

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