I met Rosa Mendes today.

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I met Rosa Mendes this afternoon.

She happened to come into the store I work at and ended up buying a 3-piece luggage set that I had just put up a sale sign for earlier that morning. Unfortunately we are not allowed to have our phones on the sales floor, plus my wife hates all the divas so I wouldn't have taken a picture even if I was allowed to by management. I mentioned that I've been a WWE fan for years, she was pretty nice.
plus my wife hates all the divas so I wouldn't have taken a picture even if I was allowed to by management.
Ah, come on now, son.
You passed up a perfect chance
To show her your schlong
He probably didn't look anywhere except her eyes, lest he feel like an adulterer when he told his wife about it when he called her on his break.
That could be the case
But fishy smells can cause tears
That can blind a man
Is she hawter in person?


Ah, come on now, son.
You passed up a perfect chance
To show her your schlong

I'm married. Even if it was Trish Stratus I'd still pass up the chance.

He probably didn't look anywhere except her eyes, lest he feel like an adulterer when he told his wife about it when he called her on his break.

I rarely call her on my break, usually too busy deleting spam over in the WWE section. If I did tell her she wouldn't even know who Rosa was, she just hates the divas in general.

I would never marry a woman that I couldn't sexually harass women from tv in front of.

LOL.... Good luck finding that one. Then again, I did find a blonde with the build of FF7's Tifa who likes WWE and video games, so if a woman who you can sexually harass women from tv in front of is what you want then go for it, bro. :)
You could have turned it into a thread which involved speculating about just how thrifty these people must be based on the fact that she went for the luggage that's on sale. Give us something to discuss, ya cunt.

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