I may have found the trifecta.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
May have.

She's not what you'd traditionally consider a looker, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, she's extremely kind but I've heard rumors that she just acts kind to everyone while actually harboring a deep hatred for many people which she'll never express. If that's true, I could see her stepping out with a knife one day.

But she's definately smart. Which is paramount. Not the studio.

I will not be posting pictures.

Being on the offensive is always a good strategy. You'll have to do something to "Wow" her right off the bat though. Tell her you have a huge penis.
I think I might go to a social gathering I know she'll be at, pretend to be polluted, and do the pee-pee dance. Then I'll meet her when I'm soberand in a position of authority. I hope she's as interesting as her academic writings have led me to believe.
I can't believe she's real.

How do you go about asking a woman to shave her head? Also, what kind of restraints should I use if she says no? Will I enjoy her crying during the shaving as much as I did during V For Vendetta?

God, look at me prattle on. I haven't felt like this in ages.
You can't just come outright and suggest it. Either slip some sort of chemical into her shampoo or pretend you have cancer.
And I want her to go through chemo for me. Of course.

You're a sneaky little fucker, you know that?
Not go through chemo. Pretend you have cancer and shave your head. Everyone who cares about you will shave their head to support you. Haven't you seen Scrubs?
"I need you to fill the hole in my heart that my father tried to fill with his love. Also, I wouldn't mind you asking me who my daddy is while we're in the act."

I'm not sure if being smart is important to me anymore. It doesn't change shit when you're in high school.

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