I made a bible thumper angry


Pre-Show Stalwart
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fb481777 said:
You know, I am really sick of the attitude of the likes of you. You wrte a post phrasing the "GD" word, cursing God's name like you did on a public post. I have a right mind to report you but, I am not. I figure I'll just say it directly to you.

I don't understand why you say that and what you are trying to portray. You might say it's only words - well, if it is only words why not say "Devil D---"? Why must you use God's name? Did some religious folks just piss you off and now you feel the need to try and hurt God by abusing his Holy and Loving Name?

You might write me back with harsh words with defense for yourself claiming that I am full of it and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah but, I already expect that from an attitude like yours IF you still have that kind of mentality.

I would encourage you to re-think your words as Jesus really does love you but swearing like that you do will NEVER get or earn you the HONOR & RESPECT that you deserve about yourself.

Take Care

Jesus loves us all!
Goddamn or God damn. I means "God please condemn this". Why would I want the devil to condemn someone or something? That seems more sacrilegious. Who the fuck teaches english to you english speaking folk anyway?
Fact: Nothing on Earth absorbs semen any more efficently than the pages of the Good Book. It's a true pleasure to thump each and every time.

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