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I Love Vladamir Koslov!!


Dark Match Jobber
Hi this is my first post so i hope it goes well,

I think i am the only person on the planet that thinks koslov is totally under used as far as a big guy is concerned. when he got drafter to ecw a while back i thought, "great ecw champ in no time" but since then he has done basically nothing. i think his army uniform gimmick is awesome and could easily be written into major fueds with almost anyone. He could be the monster heel wwe needs right now if he is booked right.

Does anyone else see the mass potential in this guy???
I have said from day 1 when he was on raw/smackdown, that Koslov was one of my fav wrestlers on that show, even though they didn't know what to do with him once he lost his undefeated streak, because then he was more or less a jobber

When he went to ecw, and I heard he had the new outfit and everything , I figured they might be repacking him to be dominate again as well as maybe a shot for the ecw title

As I was watching the lastest episode of ecw on my DVR, and I saw that Koslov was going to be in the main event I was happy, since I figured this could be his push to a championship if they don't blow it

All in all i feel that koslov is signifigently underrated, compared to a lot of the superstars they wind up pushing in all 3 shows
When he was on Smackdown I tried to give Kozlov a chance but the truth is I wasn't buying him as a main eventer. WWE was shoving him down our throats and it just wasn't working for me at all. I don't think he is particularly exciting in the ring (that doesn't mean I think he can't wrestle just that I don't care much for his in ring work). Okay, so Kozlov's wrestling wasn't appealing to me so the next thing I turned to was his character and unfortunately that didn't appeal either, the guy just didn't come across as that charismatic to me and I didn't feel he was deserving of feuds with the Undertaker and HHH at that point in his career...

So Kozlov fades out around Smackdown's Elimination Chamber at No Way Out and eventually resurfaces on ECW with a slightly different persona. First, I think moving him to ECW was a smart decision because this gives him a chance to develop and improve which I think he is doing but even still I can't say that I ever see him as WWE's top monster heel...I just don't think he has what it takes to reach that level. To be honest, I think he will probably end up as a Great Khali type comedy character within a few months and if he doesn't improve it may be "all the best in your future endeavours Kozlov..." but for now without a doubt he is doing better on ECW than he ever did on Smackdown in my opinion.

If you like Kozlov that's fine and good for you but he just doesn't do anything for me to be frank...
Yes, Vladimir Kozlov does have potential! When I saw his debut in April 2008, I was a little confused. I don't think he had any theme music, he came out in the dark, and I don't even think he had an introduction. But I became a fan of him already from 2006.

So, I see that for several weeks, he fights jobber and jobber after jobber. It wasn't for a while until he wrestled an actual superstar. Whether it was a jobber or not, we had the same result. WWE saw potential in him too. Shortly after debuting, he was placed in the WWE Championship scene. He remained there for a little bit, but then he was shortly taken out. He then made it his goal to end Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak. That didn't happen, so then he was drafted to ECW.

During Raw's Draft show, I felt that Kozlov being the only one drafted to ECW was a bit of a demotion after all that building up he had on Smackdown. But, then I thought, he can win the ECW Championship in no time. But since the draft, the title has been held by three different people, while Kozlov hasn't even been in the title scene once. I liked how he pinned the ECW Champion on ECW and I would love to see William Regal and Kozlov form an alliance, which could lead Kozlov to a face turn.

The options are endless for Vladimir Kozlov. He was sent to ECW for a reason. He has a purpose there and I think him, along with Dreamer, Christian, Regal, and Shelton should be the main players there for a while. He has a unique style in the ring and deserves to be ECW Champion sometime in the near future.
The guy has very little athleticism and agility, no promo skills, and no charisma, so I don't know where the potential is. The potential is in the gimmick and character, but the guy who plays Vladimir Kozlov is not very good. His timing is not there on many moves, and he seems to only sell submission maneuvers well.

Look at him bouncing off the ropes, or getting rolled up, his timing is just a few ticks off and unless he can get basic timing down he won't go far. This is why he went from Main Eventing Smackdown to squashing jobbers again and moved to ECW.
Hi this is my first post so i hope it goes well,

I think i am the only person on the planet that thinks koslov is totally under used as far as a big guy is concerned. when he got drafter to ecw a while back i thought, "great ecw champ in no time" but since then he has done basically nothing. i think his army uniform gimmick is awesome and could easily be written into major fueds with almost anyone. He could be the monster heel wwe needs right now if he is booked right.

Does anyone else see the mass potential in this guy???

NO. He has zero charasima. Looks lumbering and slow in the ring. I would give up on thinking he'll get a push. Not too long ago he was fighting Hunter in the main event for the world title on a "big 4" PPV now he's on the C brand. IMO that says alot about what WWE think of his ability. He could improve but it's doubtful.
IMO no potentiol what so ever.
What makes him so great anyways? Sure he's great at straight up demolishing but whats the fun in that? And he looks silly in his uniform. And hello shouldn't he speak English? Koslov is non-entertaining and has no charisma! You can tell his smiles on TV are so damn fake! The man won't go any where which is why he got drafted to ECW!
i have to agree with whoever started this thread. i really really like kozlov. i think one huge mistake they made was giving him entrance music to be honest with you. i thought he was way scarier without it. and as for no mic skills, i think they are perfect. screaming in russian is great and he makes some classic faces. the uniform works for me too. i hope he wins the ecw belt.
i love kozlov, i think he had great potential, but going nearly a year undefeated without a single title shot is just stupid. i loved him when he made them promos a few years back. I LOVE DOUBLE DOUBLE E! was brilliant.
Hi this is my first post so i hope it goes well,

I think i am the only person on the planet that thinks koslov is totally under used as far as a big guy is concerned. when he got drafter to ecw a while back i thought, "great ecw champ in no time" but since then he has done basically nothing. i think his army uniform gimmick is awesome and could easily be written into major fueds with almost anyone. He could be the monster heel wwe needs right now if he is booked right.

Does anyone else see the mass potential in this guy???

Well. A lot of people thought "Hey, he'll do great. At least as a monster heel that is reduced to jobber status, ala Umaga." I did as well. The problem? Too fast.

They built him as massive and unstoppable, then almost immediately had him job to Triple H and the other main-eventers on Smackdown. They had that huge undefeated streak, then he immediately lost it when he faced someone of any distinct value. It was all over in 8 months or so. And it was all in an effort to get Kozlov over.

I like his uniform gimmick, and his not speaking English. He's a big scary Russian. They don't speak English in the WWE. If he were a face, yes. But he's supposed to be intimidating. And what language is more intimidating than Russian?

I find the entire problem to be his build. That, and the fact that he was almost entirely dropped from creative's radar. Give him another push and another finisher, he should do reasonably well.
Well. A lot of people thought "Hey, he'll do great. At least as a monster heel that is reduced to jobber status, ala Umaga." I did as well. The problem? Too fast.

They built him as massive and unstoppable, then almost immediately had him job to Triple H and the other main-eventers on Smackdown. They had that huge undefeated streak, then he immediately lost it when he faced someone of any distinct value. It was all over in 8 months or so. And it was all in an effort to get Kozlov over.

I like his uniform gimmick, and his not speaking English. He's a big scary Russian. They don't speak English in the WWE. If he were a face, yes. But he's supposed to be intimidating. And what language is more intimidating than Russian?
I find the entire problem to be his build. That, and the fact that he was almost entirely dropped from creative's radar. Give him another push and another finisher, he should do reasonably well.


Anyways though. Of course I loves me some Kozlov. I started the initial thread about him, way back when. Some people look at him and dont like him becuase he doesnt say funny, hip, KEWL stuff, and doesnt do flippys. Thats stupid though. He harkens back to my ol childhood, with the monstorous foreign heels. Love his new tights, love his moveset, everything about the guy. Personally, I enjoyed his series with Trips, and Smack Hardy. I just hope they keep him heel, and keep him strong. Id love to see a "animal-master" relationship with he and Willie Regal
first of all the original poster used my avatar, something i was the only one to use, sorta pissed. But anyways Koslov was shoved down our throats to the point that i couldnt even see him as a russian villian as there was in the 80's. His character I awalys hated. Now on ECW he just dosn't fit well with anyone in this gimic. In the 80's a guy like him would of fueded with America (hulk, hacksaw, and a few others). Now a days you cant say anyone represents america like in the old days. When WWE had the opprutunity to exploit the whole hate for the middle east, upn burried hassan and so did this middle east heat end. No one younger then 30 remebers communist russia and the cold war. I think his character is a joke, outdated, and uneeded.
He needs to be fired, and replaced fast with someone like Ortiz. Kozlov is boring because he is russian. No one cares about Russia anymore. He is probably better at hockey anyhow. He has no real mic skills, and if he could actually speak english steadily or fluently he may be interesting. He doesn't belong in the WWE.
I liked him when he first started, no music, spotlight, tho his music is ok.

Was great as just a monster with the hard head, did his job well, but was moved to the main event too early. He had no midcard feuds of note.

Don't like his waving/smiling sctick now tho, it looks like he is trying to pander to the crowd. Y now? Tho I do like his little video of him working out, as it just adds a little to him. I think you can do 1 without the other, so be a monster again
He is an ok wrestler imo. I liked him when he first came in 08, but now he's become slow and boring. His theme song rocks my socks however. He has potential, but he needs to get a manager or something because he bores me too much right now and all he seems to do is squash jobbers and then job to the stars(see his smackdown tenure).
i've honestly liked koslov since his debut, he is a solid wreslter, and he does stuff i've never seen any one do. I love his battering ram headbutt to diving opponents. The problem is they pushed him too hard, too fast, and people rejected him.
He needs to be fired, and replaced fast with someone like Ortiz. Kozlov is boring because he is russian. No one cares about Russia anymore. He is probably better at hockey anyhow. He has no real mic skills, and if he could actually speak english steadily or fluently he may be interesting. He doesn't belong in the WWE.

Really? Ortiz? Ortiz is way worse in the ring, and way more annoying in my opinion. He can speak english, he just doesn't as part of his character. Im just saying.
I for one can't stand Kozlov.He is built as someone who can destroy everyone,but he has beaten jobbers for the majority of his career.Then they try to make him look even more impressive beating two jobbers.Then he pins the ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer,a glorified jobber.Then he is in a match with Christian,not a big or strong man,and loses.Now it appears he is back to beating jobbers,evident after the Big Zeke match.He is quite possibly the most overhyped member of the roster.He was built as undefeated,undefeated in singles competition,unpinned,undefeated on Friday Nights,and then undefeated on ECW.I think that if you lose a match,whether it's tag-team,or a battle royal,or you lose a triple threat without getting pinned,or the Rumble,or the elimination chamber,or just a regular match on Raw,you aren't undefeated and shouldn't be billed as such.If you lose,you are not,I repeat,ARE NOT!,undefeated.Due to him being billed as some crazy indestructable Russian and losing multiple times,and still being billed as undefeated is terrible,and that is why I hate Nikolai Volkof,I mean Vladimir Kozlov.
Yea, koslov does have some potential. He is a pretty good monster heel, heavyweight and was getting some semi-good heel heat. I don't think he was under used however, as he was competeing in the main event frequently. Now, you might have a claim, because I barely see him anyomore. I don't think, anyway, he's made to be the top guy, per se, but to make the top faces look even more legible and that could possibly clear up a few things.
kozlov is great and he is being used pretty well. if him, regal and zeke form a stable that would be great for kozlov so he has someone who can cut promos for him BTW that would be a perfect stable
Kozlov looks great and his whole gimmick would work well as a heel and hopefully he'll capture ECW gold (or silver whatever it is) in the future. He could ram right through the entire ECW roster like 3 times or something and it wouldn't matter I'd love it. This guy should be re built to look dominant over the next year or so then come back to Raw or SmackDown! and just continue there, but lose when it comes to the bigger title matches. The I.C. title I could see him getting, but if he got the U.S title he could get a ton of heat since he's Russian and he could bury the belt and trash it until an American beats him or something.

The guy does have potential and he doesn't need mic skills when he looks that intimidating!

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