I locked my keys in my car.

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Which include my house keys. I was picking up some of the trash from the back seat, and got a big bag all ready, stepped out of the car, went to reach for my keys, noticed they were not in my pocket, looked at the passanger side, and there they were.

Now Robyn has keys, but she is in class for 3 more hours. As is everyone else I know, who isn't deathly ill. So I wonder, what should I do. Roomate isn't home, so I am stuck. Then I remember. the bathroom window was open downstairs. So I squeeze myself through the small window, where it drops off for about 6 feet. on the way down, I drop my phone out of my pockey, but luckily, the phone is fine. Finally get into the place, grab the spare key to the car (which I had forgotten to put back into my wallet when I leant my car away, and open the door.

Get back inside, and (maybe unwisely) lock the window to the bathroom, sit down, and I hear my roomate pullup. If only I had waited 2 more minutes.
Haha and guess what would have happened if you waited, your roommate would not have shown up. At least that's what would have happened to me. That sucks though man sounds like you ain't havin a good day.
I accidentally locked the keys in my car once. $37.45, it cost me to get them out. I literally told the guy "You know what, fuck it. Next time I'll just shatter the window. At most it couldn't be much more than that rip off."
I did this a couple times when I first got my license then I got smart and put a spare key in wallet. Of course after I did that I never locked them in there again. The last few years I have had the keyless entry thing so I don't have to worry about that. But yeah locking your keys in your car does suck big time.
And let me guess, you locked your keys in the car, its starting to rain and you left the top down?
The beast isn't a convertible, that is not practical in Canada.

North Dakota and Canada are second cousins so yeah, no convertible here either. However having a sun roof works wonders in the summer.

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