I like these people and I don't care if you bash them...


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Here are 5 wrestlers who are over with me. I don't care if they over with the IWC. I enjoy them and I am entertained. These are the people who don't get much IWC love, in fact people usually get flamed for liking some of them, but dammit I like them and I enjoy what they are currently doing right now.

This doesn't mean they are my favorite characters but it means that I am entertained everytime they come out (as of late), and look forward to seeing them. (I won't include the obvious choices...Miz, MVP, etc.)

1. Mark Henry - say what you want about his fat ass he has been fun to watch, and I quite frankly don't know why people don't like him. The angle with Evan Bourne is pretty dope is it not? He's helping establish Bourne as a fan favorite, and really getting some heat from the live crowd along with it. Big Mizark all the way.

2. Tommy Dreamer - I am actually liking the way they built him up as the ultimate underdog. I've connected with the character. I am pleased that creative didn't fuck this up like they have so many other angles as of late.

3. R-Truth - Future main eventer? Maybe. But they are adding more layers to his character each week, and I think its time for a mid card title feud. Him and Y2J had a good match a couple weeks back, and he also cut a good promo. I think it would be a good feud. Y2J can work on his criminal past, with his awesome mic skills. This would be a great feud. I like this guy. So what he smiles...he's a happy rapper. Wouldn't you smile if you lived in the hood all your life and led a life of crime, and went to prison, but now get to do good and entertain thousands of people? Fuck that R-Truth...smile away! He gets mad when he needs to.

4. Michelle McCool - Dating Undertaker has paid off as her in ring psychology is improving and her in ring ability makes her a top Diva. I'm glad she isn't on that prissy shit anymore. Nothing like a tough diva. She will be 1st Womens/Diva champion.

5. The Big Show - Why aren't they using this guy correctly? He showed that he can be a great heel in his feud with Cena. He should've went over at Extreme Rules. If built up correctly he can really put a babyface over HUGE. He doesn't even need an extensive title run, it can be from now until SummerSlam. Some may moan and groan but it will be an excellent means to an end, which would be establish a babyface which is what the heel is supposed to do.

Who are 5 people who don't get much IWC fanfare who entertains you week in and week out?
Mr. Kennedy. Yes, I did think it was hilarious when he was released and the reaction of many Kennedy fans (them being one of the less understandable sections of wrestling fans) was priceless. I didn't really think he was a particularly good wrestler, but shit, I liked him. I can't say why, but I like him.

Jeff Hardy is another. People say he's just a spot monkey and I totally agree. I'm totally fine with that. He's a damn fine spot monkey at that. For some reason or other, he's one of the more interesting prospects as world heavyweight champion.

CM Punk is the final one. Punk is the only one where I don't understand the criticisms levelled at him. He's not sloppy, he's not bad on the microphone and he doesn't share Jeff Hardy's gimmick. Shit, he makes Chris Jericho look sloppy these days. Then again, most people do.
Mr. Kennedy. Yes, I did think it was hilarious when he was released and the reaction of many Kennedy fans (them being one of the less understandable sections of wrestling fans) was priceless. I didn't really think he was a particularly good wrestler, but shit, I liked him. I can't say why, but I like him.

Yeah I didn't get that either. Injury prone - yes, but they could've worked around that. I think they pushed him to hard too fast.

Jeff Hardy is another. People say he's just a spot monkey and I totally agree. I'm totally fine with that. He's a damn fine spot monkey at that. For some reason or other, he's one of the more interesting prospects as world heavyweight champion.

Yeah I feel you on that. I wouldn't call him a spot monkey anymore. There's a method to his madness now. He's a risk taker. They are playing on that gimmick. But if people still call him a spot monkey, I don't care. I would love all spot monkeys if they all did it like Jeff.

CM Punk is the final one. Punk is the only one where I don't understand the criticisms levelled at him. He's not sloppy, he's not bad on the microphone and he doesn't share Jeff Hardy's gimmick. Shit, he makes Chris Jericho look sloppy these days. Then again, most people do.

The feud with Umaga sold me on Punk. He kept the crowd's attention and he can sell his ass off.
Vladimir Kozlov. Yeah you heard me. I am real starting to think his time on ECW is startin to benefit him. His abilities really seem to be improving. When they get him in an actual program, I will actually be interested. William Regal. Not the prettiest guy or the best wrestler. But everytime he is in a match, there is a good chance someone will bleed. I like watching stiff workers. Finlay. See William Regal. I'll do more later.
Fantastic topic,

I got to agree with at least some of these especially Jeff Hardy and CM Punk. I love watching these guys in the ring and their promos are improving, plus they get great crowd reaction. Yeah Hardy might be a spot monkey, but as others have said he is a great spot monkey.

I would make a recent addition to this list. Or rather recent events have added him to mine. That would be Matt Hardy. As a face, unless he's paired with Jeff he's useless. But as a heel? If he could recapture a little of that Matt Hardy V.01 magic he'd be a great upper mid-card heel.
Sorry guys, CM Punk is solid right now but in no way do I think or believe that he belongs in the king's chair. He's not World Champion material yet. I don't know what this big Punk push is all about but it really bothers me. You realize Jericho is IC Champ and Punk is World Champ, right? I'm trying to do the math and nothing is really adding up.

To be honest I think Morrison deserved a big push waaaaay before punk, but maybe that's just me.

Kennedy was great on the mic....but it pretty much stopped there. He kept getting time off, then got thrown back into it too quick. He would make a good GM though, I would watch just for that.
I like this topic...and I might get frowned upon for saying this, but someone who entertains me week in and week out is Santino...yeah, his wrestling ability isn't all that great, and the whole SantinA thing is annoying...but Santino is one of those types that never shuts up and you can hear almost everything that comes out of his mouth 100% of the time while he's in a match and it's just entertaining to me. In the JOB Squard v.2 match against Kendrick, Chavo, and whoever else it was, Santino was cracking me up on the apron saying "Heyyy! That's a good move-ah!"

Kelly Kelly is slowly but surely getting better and better in the ring I think, and creative obviously has some faith in her to give her a title match so soon against Maryse.

Cryme Tyme...when they are actually used, I just think those 2 are entertaining to watch, even though JTG gets the shit beat out of him for 10 minutes then Shad cleans up...when those 2 get on a roll, I think they are entertaining...but like I said, they seem to rarely use those two other than small promos.
1. Batista - I have expounded on this many times. He personifies the
talk softly and carry a big stick" philosophy. He is a 300lb man, and he knows his role is to pick people up and throw them down. He does this well.

2. McCool - As much as people like to say she got her spot by blowing Taker, I disagree. She got her spot because she is athletic and a compelling character. As a face, she did a great job of drawing the crowd behind her sensitivity and competitive fire. As a heel, she uses arrogance and a sense of entitlement to draw better heat than most of the heels in the company.

3. Kane - Kane's versatility is a true asset to the company. He believable in any spot on the card. He is one of the most agile big men in the history of the business. His character is one of two (Taker) to transition from cartoon era to Attitude to today's reality based entertainment.

4. Mark Henry - He is fat and slow. But he is billed as the world's strongest man, so being fat and slow is probably a good thing for him. He, like Batista, picks people up and throws them down. This is what his character should do. He is very useful in that a win over him makes any face look better. His character is always ornery and cranky. He plays it well.
The Miz - I find him entertaining every week some weeks he, or Santino are the best , and only good parts of RAW. I think the guys a natural on the mic and can go far in this business
The five I hope to see on TV every week?

Goldust - the blast from the past never gets old with me.

Jamie Noble - why can't a scrappy junkyard dog beat Kane or Henry? Jamie's like the new Crash Holly to me, but with lots more bite.

Gail Kim - former Knockouts champ now has to be a team player. Fine, I can wait until she kicks ass again. I wish Gail could fight Maria or Michelle McCool for the whole 2 damn hours, with Kelly Kelly or Beth Phoenix as ref! Color commentary by Cryme Time, please.

Jimmy Yang - how dare you make him job to Koslov. With Tajiri gone, then Jimmy needs some type of nasty to go along with his humor. Isn't that why Christian is hot?

Chris Jericho - I'll never give up on him. I hate him for trashing the legends, cause I bet my ass he's watched their matches to learn his trade. Miz needs to study Chris very carefully, cause if you're gonna talk trash then you better know how to back it up. I like Miz, but his funny on the mic has not been equal to Morrison's hot in the ring. Jericho shines on his own AND a tag partner. Better study up, Mike!
This is a great topic, and there are a few people that come to mind, but one man...or should I say giant...in particular.

Wellllllll, it's The Big Show! Now, I know a lot of people are down on The Big Show and say he's "too slow" or "too boring" but I DON'T CARE!!!! The man...excuse me, giant...is over 7 feet tall and close to 500 pounds! And now, he's added boxing to his arsenal! Now, I know he's not Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, or Evan Bourne in terms of speed, quickness, or high flying ability, but again...he's over 7 feet tall and close to 500 pounds. He's not supposed to be a high flyer. He's supposed to be a monster. He's supposed to take his time. He's supposed to pound you into the ground. He's supposed to destroy you. And that's what he does...very well. Smaller guys...at least in wrestling standards...such as Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, or John Morrison HAVE TO have that big move ability in order to generate excitement from the crowd. If Rey Mysterio took his good old time in the ring and didn't use his 619s and hurricaranas, the crowd would be dead. If Evan Bourne wasn't bouncing off the ropes and hitting shooting star presses, the crowd would not cheer. If Jeff Hardy wasn't hitting extreme swanton bombs and whispers in the wind, he would be just another wrestler, BUT The Big Show is a completely different animal...I mean giant! He doesn't have to wow the crowd with fancy moves or risky chances. His size and power alone is enough to impress people. Everytime this man steps into the ring, I'm in awe. The sheer size and strength alone does the trick. It's not everyday I see a 300 pound man get gorilla press slammed like it's nothing. I don't normally see a 250 pound athlete get lifted up into the ring from the outside with one hand. It's not common to see big, bad, wrestlers get chokeslammed through the mat with authority. Even The Big Show's chops echo the entire arena. And since he's added boxing to the mix, he's now quicker and more agile than ever before. And to top it off, unlike most past and present giants, The Big Show can actually talk on the mic! Call me crazy, but I actually like his promos. He's mean and nasty. He's clear and concise. He tells you what he's gonna do to you, and you know there's no way to stop it. He even has the versatility to be funny when need be. Overall, I feel The Big Show is a great talent, who has the ability to play both the heel and face role very well. I just wish they would finally build him up the way they "were" building him up before he started his feud with John Cena...a mean, nasty, unstoppable giant who can not be defeated. But if they aren't going to give him a title run...at the very least give him a pay-per-view victory...preferably over John Cena. Lol.
jimmy wang yang- this guy is awsome i love all his matches his fast and got a good move set and he hits a pretty good moonsault

vladimir koslov- his last match on ecw realy showed how much i think this guy has improved.. they are pretty much re donig his whole character and making him out like his just debud but im ok with it

miz- i realy do think he is awsome.. i love the john cena angle
First time poster (yeah, I'm a newbie. Take your pot-shots now).

I agree on a lot of these, but I have to add a couple of my own. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas.

Both I feel have incredible talent. Not the most charismatic wrestlers in the world, but neither was Benoit, but they can put on a hell of a performance. It kind of saddens me that with them back together on Smackdown, the WWE feels obligated to put them on job duty. If given the right gimmick and/or a charismatic manager, these guys could be a force (kinda like how they were with Kurt Angle).

I'm also gonna throw in another one that's going to cause a few grumbles. Mike Adamle.

Now before this whole forum jumps all over me, hear me out. Was he the greatest commentator in the world? Hell no. Did he have a slow start as General Manager? You bet your ass he did. But, he was getting thins together around the time he was fired. I honestly thought he would've floundered hardcore as the GM, but as the weeks progressed he did start to get better. If given more time, he could've been a formidable GM.

My last one is Tiffany, the current ECW GM. She;s actually grown on me since getting the position. She has pretty decent mic skills, holds her own in promos, and isn't bad to look at either. I'm kinda hoping they keep her around for a little while to let her develop.
Some guys who I "mark" for.

Jeff Hardy: I've been a fan of his since his debut and I don't care what anyone says about him. I've always had a soft spot for the guy and while he may have been a "spot monkey" before, he's really upped his in-ring work now. He's seems a bit more technical now, using submissions, and he can chain wrestle. He's been compared to a young Shawn Michaels in the past and while he isn't there yet, he closer to that claim now than he was before.

CM Punk: Like someone said before, I've never understood all the Punk hate, especially concerning his World title reign. It's not his fault that he was booked to look like a loser who got lucky. The guy is great in the ring, isn't sloppy at all, and never has a truly bad match. Also, his mic work is much better than people give him credit for. I'm loving his character right now and I've never been bored watching him.

R-Truth: Am I the only person who actually likes hearing his rap every week? It never gets old with me, and I actually kind of like if I can only understand about 15% of it. Besides, it's a unique entrance that not only gets the crowd fired up but gets them involved, which is always a plus. His ring work has gotten better since his return, probably because they're letting him do more. And fuck what anyone says, the corkscrew elbow (or anything, really) is awesome. It looks cool and it's more for flash than effectiveness (except when he beat Mike Knox with it a few weeks ago, which was odd).
Great thread.

1. Jeff Hardy, always have loved the guy. Yes he may be a spot monkey, but the guy can put on a solid match every time he steps in the ring.

2. CM Punk, I've liked this guy since he was a new comer in ovw. He has been great. Not his fault that he's been booked like crap. I'm really stoked about his title reign.

3. Rey Mysterio, yeah the guy didn't have some of the best matches. But the guy is awesome! I love watching him in the ring.

4. John Cena, The guy always entertains me. He puts on good matches and is amazing on the mic.

5. The Miz, the guy is becoming one of the best talkers there is in the business today. Hopefully this feud with cena will boost him to the next level. I can completely see him in the main event by next year!
I love this thread idea, great job dude.

My first two choices are pretty common throughout this thread, CM Punk and Jeff Hardy. In the case of CM Punk, he got a bum rap after a lousy title reign and never really entering a good feud. However, his matches were always entertaining, and his mic work is also pretty good, and that's why I never really gave up on him. Hardy, while having a troubled past, has always put his body on the line for our entertainment, and I really respect that. How many times have you yelled at your tv in excitement after he hits a swanton off of a 15 foot ladder?

Kane- Say what you will about the Big Red Machine, but he is another guy who has never really taken any time off or retaliated negatively after being relegated to whatever crappy job the WWE has give him, all for our entertainment. He may be getting older, but I will always respect Kane for being a crucial part of The Attitude Era and has been able to stay relevant ever since. I may not be marking out for him very often, but he is still a very good competitor.

Cryme Tyme- Granted, Shad could help teach a class on how to look sloppy in the ring, but I still love Cryme Tyme. They are so over the top on the stereotypes that it is even more hilarious than when they were first introduced. I'm hoping that if nothing else, JTG will be given a nice singles run in his future as a reward for this goofy gimmick. It doesn't have to be anything special, just maybe a mid-card title reign or something would be nice. Until then though, I still enjoy Cryme Tyme's comedy, and I'll never forget their Ho-Sale during Lita's farewell.
I agree with a lot of people's list when I say Miz (who is AWESOME) CM Punk and Jeff Hardy, and Kane (who NEEDS a title run before he retires). But I have a few others to add to the list.

1. Vickie Guerrero. When she was with the company, she became one of the better heel-matchmakers in recent memory. She started off so slow, and I would cringe when she was on. Once she turned and "married" Edge, it just sorta clicked.

2. Triple H. Everybody bashes him because he is married to the bosses daughter. If anybody watched, he was a top main eventer BEFORE he married Stephanie (in real life). did he hold people down? Maybe, but so did EVERY AGING STAR in the early 90's. I can't hold it against someone to make sure that they are the top dog in a company, expecially when he was over like a MoFo.

3. Zack Ryder. I went to school with him, so there is a personal reason he is on here. However, his new gimmick is amazing, and he has some good matches, especially his match with Evan Bourne and Finlay. WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!

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