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I know we're supposed to have a short memory as fans, but......


Occasional Pre-Show
I mean, really, come on. Did anyone else notice that on Raw, the mystery gm stated that there would be new tag team titles and then sent out Bret Hart to give those titles to Hart Dynasty, then, not one hour later, the gm went on a tirade about how he hates Hart, has always hated Hart, and never wants to see Hart, whether it disappoints the fans or not. Shouldn't the gm have found someone else to hand over the titles, then.

Does WWE creative really think that the fans are that freaking stupid? At least wait a week, then maybe (and I emphasize MAYBE) we will have forgotten, but not less than an hour later.
If I remember correctly wasnt this a quote from Shawn Michaels from the faraway year of 1998? or something
Yeah, that was pretty stupid. I think it's supposed to be another "clue" as to who it is though. Kinda like the Steve Austin or DX catchphrases. I'm sure in the end it will just be a moment of nothingness that serves no point, except to explain off Bret from being on Raw.

However, I could be wrong on all of this. ^_^ Just an opinion.
Well, who else would it have made more sense to have do it? I think we can cut creative a break here frankly, just randomly having the Harts come out with new belts sometime would seem a little dumb, and Bret is the obvious choice for someone to present them. In terms of later on RAW, it was probably just the easiest way to keep Bret out of the ring. Yes, it's maybe not consistent but I think I for one can let that slide. It could also have been a hint at who our new GM is, and if it's who it looks like it may be, the strongest hint yet.
Haha. Yes they do. Obviously we are not meant to be very smart otherwise heel/face turns couldn't happen. I mean DX were best friends, tehn beat the bejasus out of each other, and then were best friends again. Now Randy is a face, when Trips comes back they will prob forget how Randy smashed Stephs face in the mat. HHH beat Rick Flair bloody in the middle of the ring at the conclusion of Evolution and yet inducted him into the HOF, we arent meant to care about the logic of it. We are not meant to be smart. The audience gets treated like a wrestler who has taken too many chair shots to the head.
it does get ridiculous sometimes. but fully agree. Bret was the man for the job in giving the new belts to the hart dynasty. and getting him out of the ring needed an excuse, so the GM doesn't want to see him anymore works i guess. I think creative just has a short memory to be honest.
Wwe creative team is writing for kids aged 5-13 who dont think about the logic of it. They dont sit their and go wait he asked bret to come out and give the harts new belts and a hour later he is not to be seen on raw. Im 17 and i didny pick on that as i dont pay extreme attention to things like that.

As for what was posted above, about HHH HBK feud and the best of friends and reformed dx, that happens in real life you best friends with someome then u have a huge blow out and then later things cool down ans your the best of friends
wwe always thinks fans are stupid and forgetfull....i dont care wat he says i think the "mystery" gm is shawn micheals
I think it's shawn as well. Only time will tell though. Regarding the way wwe treats fans, I think they just need to tighten the screws in the heads of the creative team and it should be fine. Well probably not...
actually the biggest insult to our intelligence as fans in that i don't like Bret Hart etc bit was the fact that the GM "emailed" Cole with the "last second change" yet the surprise replacement knew and so did the production guys before it was announced? How? Does the GM have telepathic powers?

Oh n what email service doesnt require Cole to click a mouse button or touchpad on the lap top?
Bet apple r proud of that feature!
The Gm could be Shawn, but yeah the WWE does this all the time. I noticed that too and well it was a way to get Bret out of the match and only Bret would present the new belts to the Hart Dynasty. I am sure the average audience, which is about 80% or lower did not notice this at all, so oh well.
jhauth11, yes in real life friends do fight, but they dont beat the hell out of each other, and try to end their careers. And if they do then thank god I don't have friend like that.....any way there is no way the new GM is HBK, he has retired. I would give my left arm to have him back in any role but he wont be back, certainly not this soon. It will be some lame as GM, this pathetic PG era can't have anything else. I am surprised they can say he hates Bret, hate is a bad word.....
Yes it is very stupid on the part of the WWE but I see no other way they could have gone, they booked themselves into a corner, Bret was the only logical choice to oresent the new tag belts however in the condition he is in he is obviously not able to wrestle so they had to do something about that however it is insulting to the fans intelligance and they could surely have found some other way to replace Bret in the match.

Oh and for those of you saying that Shawn in the GM this is just another Red Herring like the Austin and DX referances, I bet that nothing will come of it and if something does wouldnt Vince make more sence than Shawn. HBK has said himself on twitter and in interviews that there will be no comebacks as he views it as disrespectful to the perfect sendoff that he feels he got so get over it.
Vince McMahon has no respect for any of his fans. And neither does creative writing team. They think we are so damn stupid and have no memory at all. Here is Another example of this:
remember the time on Smackdown when Kane was terrorizing Great Khali and Ranjin Singh, and Kane supposedly injured Khali's knee? Well, Kane had returned to "face" by the time Khali returned, and they were suddenly teammates in a 6-man tag match on SD!
And while Kane and Khali were teaming together that night, creative was sitting bck watching their shitty, lazy-ass writing play out on TV, all while thinking to themselves: "No fan here or anywhere remember why Great Khali was out of action or who took him out."

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