I Just Wrote the Angriest Post I've Ever Written


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
In the General Wrestling Section.

If you think Vince McMahon is a prick who has no respect for the business, join me in the topic titled "Does Vince Hace Too Much Control Of Our Minds".
I'm asking to have it moved to the WWE General section, just to let you know.

Haven't read your whole post (things are crazy here at the moment with the spam all over the place with the website traffic), but I think the topic would be a better fit there. Looks great, though.
We read over it again, and decided it was more appropriate for General Wrestling instead, given the content, Tenta.
I figured it was more appropriate for that. Many thanks anyway, Sidious. I admit it'd get more pub in the WWE section. Sadly, I fear no one's going to reply to it.
Waiting to reply?

I can't see why he'd defend Vince. This is something KB has been saying for a while.
Yeah.... We were both wrong on that one. Though I still argue it was more of a stalemate.
This is basically the pinnacle of smark rage that's gone on here the last few days. You're basically saying that Vince should go out of his way and take time up during WWE programming to go ahead and promote guys who never worked for him.
It is how Vince neglects the greats that didn't come from him. Unless I totally misread what he wrote.
I sorta read it, something about Yoko? I didn't vote for him because Vince told me to, I voted for him because of this.

It is how Vince neglects the greats that didn't come from him. Unless I totally misread what he wrote.

So, on what platform is he supposed to "show respect" to the guys that came before him?

At the most, he can put out a DVD on the greats of Japan, and guys like Harley Race and others. It wouldn't sell well, because it wouldn't interest the casual fan.

HHH respects the hell out of Harley Race, and I think I remember him saying that he idolized him. I'm sure he wants him to get recognition, but again, there's no real way to market it.
Guy he's talking about when people come into his promotion, to acknowledge their history, like when Terry Funk came to the WWF and they renamed him Chainsaw Charlie, threw some pantyhose on his head and pretended he wasn't a legendary NWA champion.

What I don't understand is his complete ignoring of Harley Race, one of the greatest wrestlers to ever live. Fucking Kane can get a 3 disc set, but not Harley Race?
I just think people need to stop taking McMahon seriously, that's all. Why should we get mad at him for failing to recognize the accomplishments of wrestlers that join WWE when what he sells is sports entertainment? Be happy that these wrestlers gave you their greatest stuff in the indies, Japan, Mexico, and TNA and also be happy that they're now getting a fat paycheck to job to HHH, Orton, and Cena.

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