I Just Released My First App!


Warrior Forever
Hey gang, haven't been around lately because my two partners and I have been making our first app game.

The game is called "Juke Football" is out on Itunes and Google Play store. We have a paid version and a free one(try the free one) but I would really love to hear what you guys think of it :) We wanted to give it a retro feel with the 8-bit graphics and keep it very simple, it kind of has a Tetris/Temple Run feel. Hope yall like it, any feedback would be very much appriciated! I'm not looking for anyone to buy anything here and I'm not trying to advertise I would just love some feedback from yall since I know most of you are into this kind of stuff.


Google Play
Got it KB, thank you! And to the rest of yall, appreciate the feed back. I'll rep some love in 24 hours, I hope some of the serious gamers notice this cuz be interested to hear their thoughts especially.

Production took about 3 months but this was our first game, my fiance and my cousin joined up with me to create our new company Battered Bunny Productions. We already have our next game in production that's more of an adventure type game, that one will take more time. We got help coding the game from a local gaming company but I'm learning the code myself for the future. Lots of new stuff and hard work but as long as everyone likes what we put out then I'll be satisfied. :)

My personal high score is 2925 ;)
Tried to beat your score but its 3AM here and i need to sleep so i only got 2615. Really fun, played it for around 20 minutes and thought it was 5. Good job :)
Change your company name. It conjures up too many unnecessarily dark themes.

That was actually kind of the idea, my fiancé and I started it when we started writing movie scripts and now we branched out to this and have made it our main focus.

Here's the logo, we made it very crude to emphasize the battered aspect.

Thanks M ;) Appreciate the try Maru.
Just downloaded it. It's a very fun, simple, and addictive game. But I'll give you a fair review.

I'm a big fan of Subway Surfers. I dominated that game for like two years, had so much stocked up. Then it restarted everything on me and I had to start over. I rage quit, and I've been searching for a new game to play on my phone on a regular basis. Still searching.

Anyway this is like a football version of that. But I'll be honest while the retro look is unique and stands out, I think it comes across as lazy. And I understand your company probably doesn't have the same budget that the companies that make Temple Run and other apps like it do, but this app would be so much cooler with better graphics. It does make it stand out a little though.

Another thing I disliked was the controls. I failed my first four runs because I thought you had to slide your finger to move side to side like most other endless running games. I definitely didn't like the touch to move controls.

This game would probably be my favorite game ever if you were to ever get it to the point where it has the same graphics as a game like Temple Run or Subway Surfers. Like the field is in so much more depth and you have a better view of the runner. In Subway Surfers for example you're running through a city and the city changes (in a loop) and you dodge trains and jump barriers. It'd be so awesome if there was a football game like that where you're on the field, and the parts of the crowd/stadium change, or even like a backyard type of field that goes on and on and the outside changes. And instead of trains you're dodging defenders, and for the barriers to jump over there can be cones and step-overs. It'd be such an awesome game for football fans.

I wouldn't pay for the game you have now though, it just wouldn't be worth it. I have never paid for any app in my life, and I'm sure a lot of people are the same. If I was going to pay for an app it wouldn't be a game, it'd have to be like a very useful tool or something. So I think it would get far more attention if you just put all the attention into a free game that was supported by ads. Then have micro-transactions and an add free version available for purchase. I just think you'd get way more people willing to go for it then and get addicted that way. Like I'm pretty sure you can buy the full GTA San Andreas game for your phone and play it, for like six or seven bucks. If I was going to go through all the trouble of putting in my credit card info and all that for google play/itunes, I would rather give five extra bucks and go for that then get this app for 99 cents. Not to sound harsh.

I don't know the first thing about building and selling an app though, but I know it's not hard to know that it isn't easy. It's a really cool game and I wish you the best of luck. If you guys could somehow ever get it to the game I suggested then I would probably pay $20 bucks for it lol.
Just downloaded it. It's a very fun, simple, and addictive game. But I'll give you a fair review.

I'm a big fan of Subway Surfers. I dominated that game for like two years, had so much stocked up. Then it restarted everything on me and I had to start over. I rage quit, and I've been searching for a new game to play on my phone on a regular basis. Still searching.

Anyway this is like a football version of that. But I'll be honest while the retro look is unique and stands out, I think it comes across as lazy. And I understand your company probably doesn't have the same budget that the companies that make Temple Run and other apps like it do, but this app would be so much cooler with better graphics. It does make it stand out a little though.

Another thing I disliked was the controls. I failed my first four runs because I thought you had to slide your finger to move side to side like most other endless running games. I definitely didn't like the touch to move controls.

This game would probably be my favorite game ever if you were to ever get it to the point where it has the same graphics as a game like Temple Run or Subway Surfers. Like the field is in so much more depth and you have a better view of the runner. In Subway Surfers for example you're running through a city and the city changes (in a loop) and you dodge trains and jump barriers. It'd be so awesome if there was a football game like that where you're on the field, and the parts of the crowd/stadium change, or even like a backyard type of field that goes on and on and the outside changes. And instead of trains you're dodging defenders, and for the barriers to jump over there can be cones and step-overs. It'd be such an awesome game for football fans.

I wouldn't pay for the game you have now though, it just wouldn't be worth it. I have never paid for any app in my life, and I'm sure a lot of people are the same. If I was going to pay for an app it wouldn't be a game, it'd have to be like a very useful tool or something. So I think it would get far more attention if you just put all the attention into a free game that was supported by ads. Then have micro-transactions and an add free version available for purchase. I just think you'd get way more people willing to go for it then and get addicted that way. Like I'm pretty sure you can buy the full GTA San Andreas game for your phone and play it, for like six or seven bucks. If I was going to go through all the trouble of putting in my credit card info and all that for google play/itunes, I would rather give five extra bucks and go for that then get this app for 99 cents. Not to sound harsh.

I don't know the first thing about building and selling an app though, but I know it's not hard to know that it isn't easy. It's a really cool game and I wish you the best of luck. If you guys could somehow ever get it to the game I suggested then I would probably pay $20 bucks for it lol.

Thank you for taking the time to give it such an in depth review and really dissect how you feel about it! I understand the idea that it's lazy and I don't take offense cuz it'd probably be something I'd think at first if it weren't mine but we actually did that on purpose. We had the ability to do different style graphics but the idea I had was specifically to make it look like an older 8-bit arcade game. On top of that like you said we thought that would stand out from other football games and the 8-bit style is having a bit of a resurgence with games like Timberman and Flappy Bird to an extent.

As for the controls I hear ya, there are two things I wish we'd have done before releasing it and one was having a pop up before you play that shows you how to do it. We put how to play in the description on the app stores but it'd be more helpful to have it come up when you play. The other is having a feature that shows where your high score ranks in the world. But we intend to address both with an update. Those are good suggestions for this kind of game too, I appreciate those!
A pause button would be good. I realised there wasn't one after I was about to beat my high score and someone knocked on the door.

So when do you plan on making more apps?
True, that would be a good addition. We'll talk about it and see if we can accommodate :)

Well our next one is already in production but it's kind of on the back burner right now with marketing Juke being our current number one priority. If we get a certain amount of downloads in the first week we could land on the new and noteworthy page of Itunes and you can't buy that kind of exposure.

But we're going to release a soccer version of Juke and market that shit to the rest of the world that doesn't care about American Football. That one shouldn't take long, maybe a month or so depending on our schedules.
Then the one we're really excited about is our upcoming project that's going to be Sasquatch themed. I can't tell you too many details yet but it's going to be done in about 6 months, but that's worst case scenario.
Don't know if this has anything to do with the game or not, but the last 2 times I tried to play it, my phone ended up freezing which forced me to take the battery out of my phone so I could do something with my phone again. Other than that I have no issue with it.
Hmm...considering I haven't heard of any other cases I'd be inclined to believe it isn't the game but I'll see if there's anything I can do. Let me know if it continues or stops.

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