I just got another PM from taker_for_life

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
I got a new one...

Myself to taker_for_life said:
Ok first of all, You are the noob, not me. Second of all, its not just that, your logic was stupid "Vince is gonna get MMA" stop with that crap. Third of all, it is very rare for people to live their life the way they want to at 99 years old. Finally, I could barely read that post with all of the text language. So it is not me who should "fuck off" when indeed all I have to say to you is to get over it. And another thing, The next time you send me a letter like this, I will send it to the mods who will perma-ban you for flaming.

taker_for_life said:
wow ur smart ever heard of new email new log on?? wow perma ban my account u dont know who i am.

piss me off and ur site goes down for EVER.

There should be a way for mods to show up at these people's houses, and slap the stupid out of them.
I know more about taker_for_life than I do the threadstarter. Who are you?
I'm not sure he does. I think he was just warning you not to report him to the mods or admins. I dunno, just how it sounds to me...

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