I just found out I am allergic to...


Tattoo Ink. Maybe. And it took me over $800 to figure it out. But everytime I got tattoo before, my hands would get rashy. I figured it was the cream I was using, so when I got my big peice last week, by advice from the tattoo artist, I switched from Vitamin E ointment to simple non scented handcream. I'm still breaking out in a rash, and was telling someone about it, and they told me it might be the ink.

Either way, I'm still getting tattoos.
Not yet, but I'm thinking of getting my entire cross filled in red. Have the top a ligh red, and get dark, almost black, when it gets to the bottem. Maybe I'll break out then. That'd be sweet.
yea if the regular ink makes you break out, red will probably make your skin go fucking crazy.

and gosh damn 800$??? how long were you there??? if you tell me anything other than at least 7 hours 45 minutes, then you got booty raped
yea if the regular ink makes you break out, red will probably make your skin go fucking crazy.

and gosh damn 800$??? how long were you there??? if you tell me anything other than at least 7 hours 45 minutes, then you got booty raped

Not just on the wings. My first tattoo, which has since been covered, cost me $60. Next was my cross, which cost $160. Then the outline of the wings, which was $157. I didn't realize it at the time, but I got ripped of that time, and never went back to that guy again. My 4th tattoo was the black hole on my arm that covers my first tattoo, it cost $100. And finally, having the wings filled in cost my $350 and a Big Mac Combo. Everyone I've told tells me I was ripped off, but they all have friends that give them discounts, so there opinions are bias. The Black Hole I got from a friend, and he charged me $100, and he even designed the thing right in front of me.
anything more than 100$ an hour is a rip. if they are asking for deposits, or "artist fee's" to draw something up for you, then those are the kinds of people who are going to rip you off. stay away.

Not just on the wings. My first tattoo, which has since been covered, cost me $60. Next was my cross, which cost $160. Then the outline of the wings, which was $157. I didn't realize it at the time, but I got ripped of that time, and never went back to that guy again. My 4th tattoo was the black hole on my arm that covers my first tattoo, it cost $100. And finally, having the wings filled in cost my $350 and a Big Mac Combo. Everyone I've told tells me I was ripped off, but they all have friends that give them discounts, so there opinions are bias. The Black Hole I got from a friend, and he charged me $100, and he even designed the thing right in front of me.

oh. you meant ALL of your tattoos. well, in that case, I have like 2300$ worth LOL
oh. you meant ALL of your tattoos. well, in that case, I have like 2300$ worth LOL

I'm getting there lol... And now that I think about it, most of my tattoos were about $100 an hour, the two that were $160 were about 1.5 hours, so yeah, it works out. But I'm not done yet. I still gotta go in and get re-touched up, and he's even going to do a touch up on the cross, which never even did, all for $20.

The dude scares the shit out of me though.
I wanna ge tmore, but im running out of space.

best deal I ever got was about 7 hours in one day for 300$. homeboy discount.
oh now. why?? yea it sucks. but its worth it. experience a little pain to have something FOEVER. quite the fine investment id say.
When I was getting my wings done, the tattoo artist had a sign on his wall, t'was a quote from a horror movie. "You have to endure the pain to recieve the pleasure." I believe that was Hellraiser. He must have gone hrough alot of pain to put all thoe pins in his head, but he's cool looking because of it.

And since your a girl, get a tattoo on like your ankle or sholder or somthing, it won't hurt nearly as much as on your back. The worst part of the back is getting a hot shivver right after it's done. It feels like the guys still tattooing you

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