I just don't get it


Getting Noticed By Management
My gf breaks up with me a few days before Valentine's Day (which, admittedly, did save me the cost of buying her something). Since then, even though we basically still see each other every day because of a place we both go, she has pretty much ignored me for the last four days or so. Today, she asked me to help her with something, and when I didn't jump at the chance, she got all pissed off.

So tonight I sent her a long, rambling, drunken text message, basically telling her its too hard to be around her all the time and have her just ignore me, so I'm gonna take a break for awhile and she won't have to ignore me cause I won't be there.

She texts me back a little later and just says "Please don't leave. Please."


IDK what the hell to think...
Go to where she is and blow her off.

She will then blow you off, if you know what I mean. Don't sweat it. You'll be back together soon.
My gf breaks up with me a few days before Valentine's Day (which, admittedly, did save me the cost of buying her something). Since then, even though we basically still see each other every day because of a place we both go, she has pretty much ignored me for the last four days or so. Today, she asked me to help her with something, and when I didn't jump at the chance, she got all pissed off.

So tonight I sent her a long, rambling, drunken text message, basically telling her its too hard to be around her all the time and have her just ignore me, so I'm gonna take a break for awhile and she won't have to ignore me cause I won't be there.

She texts me back a little later and just says "Please don't leave. Please."


IDK what the hell to think...

The strip club she dances at?
Sorry, I had to do it.
she just doesn't want to be lonely, she probably cried at every couple she saw at v-day. ignore her for a awhile and go from there.
if she finds someone during that time off then she is a ****e. go kill her
Don't fall for her shit, she just wants to use you. Ignore her.

This ^ is eaxactly what I was thinking.

Problem is, I've never been the type of guy that could just end a relationship and move on. I fucking dwell on shit too much...
Usually it's the guy who breaks up with the girl before Valentines and get back with her the day after....Hmm...
Usually it's the guy who breaks up with the girl before Valentines and get back with her the day after....Hmm...

Heh, I actually left my first wife the day before our one year anniversary...

Course, that really isn't a very funny story when you get into all the details...

Bah, I'm too old for this shit...
Sigh...and it gets better...new text I just got from her...
I don't know. I'm drunk and I just dont know. I miss you and I think I need you.

I'm either very happy or very pissed off right now, and I can't figure out which it is...
You lost me at the text where you let her see that you're hurting.

Either there or when you started feeling the hurt.

Be a man.


Pictured: A man.
I've been told soap also makes for a decent lube. So try that as well. Kay? Thanks.
If the skin on your penis starts to look like your finger tips after a long soak, I'm pretty you've made medical history.
If the skin on your penis starts to look like your finger tips after a long soak, I'm pretty you've made medical history.

I'm scared, and strangely aroused...and I'm also ignoring the bitch for a while...let her fucking cry some more, it'll just make it better later...

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