I hope I didn't start a race war on my campus


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Yesterday, there was a debate in one of my classes about standardized tests like the SAT, the GRE, and so on, and whether they should be used to assess if one should be accepted into a post-secondary education institution. One of the (obvious) points from the con side of the discussion was a point about cultural bias in the tests. Since I didn't feel the pro side dealt with this criticism properly, I spoke up when the floor was opened to questions. I asked if, based on their research, they found that the cultural bias was a true problem with the predictive validity of the tests or if instead it was part of the overall education system that the tests accurately represent.

The fella who answered me on the con side was black. He really didn't seem to understand what I was getting at and seemed almost intent on lecturing me on what cultural bias means and how he and I didn't grow up in the same neighborhood. Bastard.

A white guy on the pro side responded to him by saying we shouldn't have to cater to people who need literature translated into ebonics. Yikes. The argument that spawned from that was quite a sight. Nobody left in a good mood. Except me, who insisted to the woman I was sitting with that the exchange was "awesome." The air was awkward when I passed that black fella in the hall later in the day and made eye contact. If I go missing over the next few days, I've likely been the victim of a hate crime. That is all.
Was someone holding a chicken wing on each side of his face?

K I'm done.


Hold on, what?
Why is that guy wearing a Marvel hat? I'll assume he likes the pictures rather than assuming he can read...
Coco all black men like thick meaty asses. Apparently they don't have to be attatched to women.


Ha it's not one in the same, but my cousin Quinton is a huge fan of that Quinton. I even gave my black cousin (Never do I call him Quinton, I call him Black Cousin even when speaking to him directly) a fighters nickname: Buttermilk

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