I Hereby Apologise For My Despicable Post

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
I was banned for making light of the Holocaust situation in the bar room which I intended to express my hate for Kanye West. I would like to extend my deepest apoligies to everyone on WrestleZone forums for making that comment & I firmly believe that was an inappropriate remark. I did not understand the situation that it was very still touchy for many posters & did not realise that it was in bad taste to post that quote as there have been many other quotes made by other posters in the Bar Room not as bad, yet in similar fashion. I feel really bad that I made that comment & right now in shock & tears to hear how I have made people feel for something so completely & utterly stupid.

I am so sorry & will not do anything of this nature again. Thankyou KB for my unbanning & giving me a second chance. FTS... I am soooooooooo sorry that I have offended you. I did not realise.
Yes I do FTS... I am a complete & utter asshole who needs to apoligise for what I have said. PM apoligies for this aren't the right way in doing so, it must be public to announce that I have shamed myself.
OK, then thank you. It was noble of you. I accept your apology, and I probably over reacted.

No you didn't. I am ashamed of myself due to my Polish backgrounds. I am glad I was given a second chance. I promise this won't happen again. If it does, don't let me back in.
I'm sorry too for the encouragement, it was shameful of me to do so. Sorry for offending you and everyone else.
I'm not sure what happened, because I only read about 6 posts a day on here, but fromthesouth banning you was the greatest thing he's done in his tenure as a moderator thus far. This is, of course, only until he becomes g-mod.

Yes, what I said was in bad taste & his banning was righteous. I apoligise again.
It's all good, everyone makes mistakes.

You're still cool in my books Falkon, cheers for the rep too.

Let's all be friends again :)
Everyone's cool now. I still like Falkon, I'm sure that at some point I'll like Matt Fox too.

So, it's all over. I love everyone.
I'm not sure what happened, because I only read about 6 posts a day on here, but fromthesouth banning you was the greatest thing he's done in his tenure as a moderator thus far. This is, of course, only until he becomes g-mod.

Just fucking wow dude. Hope you are joking when you said that. If not, you're a total asshole.

Anyway, we've all learned to pretty much not mention anything to do with WWII. And to be honest, crying over this is a little much. It's still JUST a forum, and I'm sure you never meant anything by it in the first place.
I still love you Falkon, we all make mistakes and sometimes can say some ignorant things, but the best thing is to realise it and move on which you did, so no harm done :D
Didn't he basically say he wished Kayne was a jew during the holocaust?

Meh, everyone seemed to become light hearted after words. Maybe it was cheery picking of the rules, though I can see why FTS would react in such a way. I think it was a bit much though.
The only black Jewish person I've ever heard of is Whoopi Goldberg. And if she doesn't get to makin' Sister Act 3 I might be saying some Holocaust things I might regret as well.
This is not the first time I have seen FTS pounce on someone for this. Why make that joke anyway, FalK? Why not just say that you wished he was dead?

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