I have high hopes for the Ascension, but....


The hardcore casual fan
I know that pretty much everyone is excited and dying to see the Ascension make their way to the main roster, and I agree that it's about time, however....how do we know that they won't be mismanaged like just about all the other teams out there? How do we know they won't be lost in the shuffle and more or less forgotten about in a few months after their debut? Look at the Wyatt family. Everyone was excited, they started off pretty hot. Look where they are now. They should've won the Tag titles by now. Maybe someone politicked, maybe they p***ed the wrong person off, I don't know. I'm just worried that same fate may befall the Ascension. Am I wrong? I certainly hope I will be. What do you guys think?
Ascension is a through and through team, and I can see where your fear is coming from.

Ascension is a team which should remain a team its entire time. I don't see anything special in them as singles competitor, but as a team they are effective and dominant. What I really hope for is at no point should they consider breaking the team up, at least not in near future. That's my biggest fear about them. If required, give them a manager, and let them run through the tag division, or whatever's left of it.

As far as Wyatt family goes, it was always about getting Bray Wyatt over although I agree that they should've won the tag titles by now, especially after the kind of matches they put on with the Usos.
I think they look goofy and their gimmick would be cool if I were a 14 year old girl who shops at Spencer's Gifts and Hot Topic. There's no way two guys as uncharismatic as the Ascension are going to get that gimmick over with the masses.
I know that pretty much everyone is excited and dying to see the Ascension make their way to the main roster,

Everyone but me.

I have only watched a couple of their matches, so my opinion isn't exactly fair or reliable... But from what I've seen of them, they didn't show me that they could work a match. It's always booked the same way, short, two-minutes, same routines, then a win. It didn't interest me one bit. I've also not seen much of their mic work, which might be an indication they they sucked at that as well.
Why should the Wyatts have won the tag team championship by now? Titles have been switched far too frequently in the past, it's nice to see a bit of stability. Also certain gimmicks don't NEED titles to help them, and the Wyatt Family is one of those gimmicks - at this point.
To continue, what WWE needs to stop doing is breaking up tag teams unless they have a clear direction for both members. The fear with the likes of the Ascension is that 6 months down the line they will be feuding with each other - give them a couple of years together on tv at least
I've never watched them but them being mishandled is always a possibility :P

Also, the Wyatt's don't need the tag titles. Every team shouldn't win the tag titles, if they did the titles would mean less. Dare I say, them not winning the titles at this point could be better. They can argue that they're the best team to never win the titles
I'd expect The Ascension to get the Tag Team Titles pretty quickly after their debut, as we've seen how dominantly they have been booked in NXT. It would make sense for them to debut with a bang, as surprise challengers to The Uso's, (who I think have done a really good job with the Tag belts), to make a statement and to create a buzz.

As for The Wyatt's, I do agree that Harper and Rowen should have been Tag Team Champions by now, as they've certainly improved as performers since their debut and have had numerous good matches. However, the characters of all 3 members of the Wyatt's don't seem that interested in Championship gold, so maybe that's why they haven't been booked to win the belts.

I'd definitely like to see The Wyatt's becoming more dominant again, I think Harper and Rowen would be a good choice as Champions, and Bray himself would benefit from a run as Intercontinental Champion, as it's pretty safe to say he won't be toppling Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Title any time soon.
Why are they not worried about the skinny ponytail guy's balding problem? Seriously. That ponytail looks wack. Not a good look. Time is not on his side.

Their finisher is weak in my opinion.

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