I have a question about the events?


Dark Match Jobber
Everytime I watch a WWE Event on TV or go to see it live, there are two younger aged guys on the front row (tv side) in green baseball caps, orange polo shirts, and usually jeans. They are always at the live events, taped events, and any event in the same seats at every arena. There are camera men that shake their hands, refs that talk to them, and other WWE employees that speak to them but they appear to be "fans". This may have been asked before, but my wife has become quite curious as to who these two guys are and what their purpose is? I told her that they are either family or plants by the WWE. But I don't know for sure. Anyone want to offer up their ideas perhaps? Do you know who I'm talking about? :wtf:

Thanks in advance everyone & this is my first thread I've started on this forum so take it easy with me. Hope everybody had a good weekend!

Michael Davis
well they are probably super fans. because there is a super fan who gets paid by the wwe to travel to watch the shows and he is there every week to watch the shows. and he is known as the sign guy so they are probably super fans or family.
There is a guy who goes to every event known as "Rick the Sign Guy" I believe. He wears a red baseball hat and like some type of janitor button down shirt. He goes to EVERY TV show...not sure about house shows.

I was at RAW the night after Fatal Four Way, and he sat in the front row. He has all his signs in a case and gets them autographed by the cameramen and stuff. There were even other fans taking pictures with him and getting his autograph.

here is a youtube search of him.....http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rick+the+sign+guy&aq=0
I saw that guy last night before the show in Nashville at the will call window except before the show in the lobby he had a "wwe crew" shirt on. Once the show started, he had on the green shirt with Orange cap.

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