I have a Facebook stalker

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
Make it stop.

See, this summer I went on a mission trip for three weeks, with people from all over the country, and we all added each other on Facebook. This was several months ago. I've moved on, pretty sure everyone else has too.

Except her. She writes on my wall like all the time, talking about stupid jokes that stopped being funny the day after they were made. She also writes random shit like "I miss your face" on it from time to time.

Seriously, she spent the whole trip saying how much she hated it and being miserable, and she didn't even like me very much. And now she misses my face and wants to write on my wall every week with stupid "jokes" and things that were said?

What should I DO? I don't want to be a dick and say to her that she needs to get a life. She might have a really shitty one, honestly. I don't know anything about her except for the times spent on the mission trip.

Very simple, remove her from your friends list. You don't talk to her, you barely know her, and from the sound of it you don't really want to get to know her. She's barely an acquaintance so you shouldn't feel guilty cutting off that communication link.
What I'd give to have a girl say she misses my face. Anyway, just block her. If you barely know her, doing so shouldn't give you a guilty conscience.
Just be creepily pervy to her. That's how I get rid of stalkers
Just be creepily pervy to her. That's how I get rid of stalkers

Coincidence that's how I became a stalker, nice couch by the way Lee.

Doc you should put the poll up on this matter.

I'll say though that you should delete - block this chick because she might be an honest to god stalker and if she lives close to you having that constant contact with you could put something in her mind that isn't reality making this a dangerous situation for you. Just cut contact now before she gets out of hand.
Stinger, don't deny that you want Doc's huge penis (Said by Doc himself) in your mouth, all of your face, and all in your booty hole.

No. Never. In fact, I really dont see how I'm "Doc's Clone." Yes, I listened to three albums from a band after he did it, but what does that mean? He had a good idea, so I copied it. No big deal. Its not like everything I do in life is modeled after him. In fact, barely anything I do is modeled after him.

Lets not forget though, I'm married. Which means that I've banged my wife. Fucking a girl is something Doc has yet to accomplish.

I think you should sig that one Stinger.

I'm going to have to pass.

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